FocusZone | R Documentation |
FocusZones abstract arrow key navigation behaviors. Tabbable elements (buttons, anchors, and elements with data-is-focusable='true' attributes) are considered when pressing directional arrow keys and focus is moved appropriately. Tabbing to a zone sets focus only to the current "active" element, making it simple to use the tab key to transition from one zone to the next, rather than through every focusable element.
Using a FocusZone is simple. Just wrap a bunch of content inside of a FocusZone, and arrows and tabbling will be handled for you! See examples below.
For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.
... |
Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section. |
allowFocusRoot boolean
Allows focus to park on root when focus is in the FocusZone
at render time.
allowTabKey boolean
Allows tab key to be handled to tab through a list of items in the focus zone, an unfortunate side effect is that users will not be able to tab out of the focus zone and have to hit escape or some other key.
ariaDescribedBy string
Sets the aria-describedby attribute.
ariaLabelledBy string
Sets the aria-labelledby attribute.
as React.ElementType
A component that should be used as the root element of the FocusZone component.
checkForNoWrap boolean
Determines whether to check for data-no-horizontal-wrap or data-no-vertical-wrap attributes when determining how to move focus
className string
Additional class name to provide on the root element, in addition to the ms-FocusZone class.
componentRef IRefObject<IFocusZone>
Optional callback to access the IFocusZone interface. Use this instead of ref for accessing the public methods and properties of the component.
defaultActiveElement string
Optionally provide a selector for identifying the initial active element.
defaultTabbableElement string | ((root: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement)
Optionally defines the initial tabbable element inside the FocusZone. If a string is passed then it is treated as a selector for identifying the initial tabbable element. If a function is passed then it uses the root element as a parameter to return the initial tabbable element.
direction FocusZoneDirection
Defines which arrows to react to.
disabled boolean
If set, the FocusZone will not be tabbable and keyboard navigation will be disabled. This does not affect disabled attribute of any child.
doNotAllowFocusEventToPropagate boolean
Whether the FocusZone should allow focus events to propagate past the FocusZone.
elementType any
Element type the root element will use. Default is "div".
handleTabKey FocusZoneTabbableElements
Allows tab key to be handled to tab through a list of items in the focus zone, an unfortunate side effect is that users will not be able to tab out of the focus zone and have to hit escape or some other key.
isCircularNavigation boolean
If set, will cycle to the beginning of the targets once the user navigates to the next target while at the end, and to the end when navigate to the previous at the beginning.
isInnerZoneKeystroke (ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => boolean
If provided, this callback will be executed on keypresses to determine if the user intends to navigate into the inner zone. Returning true will ask the first inner zone to set focus.
onActiveElementChanged (element?: HTMLElement, ev?: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>) => void
Callback for when one of immediate children elements gets active by getting focused or by having one of its respective children elements focused.
onBeforeFocus (childElement?: HTMLElement) => boolean
Callback method for determining if focus should indeed be set on the given element.
onFocus (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement | FocusZone>) => void
Callback called when "focus" event triggered in FocusZone.
onFocusNotification () => void
Callback to notify creators that focus has been set on the FocusZone
pagingSupportDisabled boolean
Determines whether to disable the paging support for Page Up and Page Down keyboard scenarios.
preventDefaultWhenHandled boolean
If true, FocusZone prevents the default behavior of Keyboard events when changing focus between elements.
preventFocusRestoration boolean
If true, prevents the FocusZone from attempting to restore the focus to the inner element when the focus is on the root element after componentDidUpdate.
rootProps React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
Deprecated at v1.12.1. DIV props provided to the FocusZone will be mixed into the root element.
shouldEnterInnerZone (ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => boolean
Callback function that will be executed on keypresses to determine if the user intends to navigate into the inner (nested) zone. Returning true will ask the first inner zone to set focus.
shouldFocusInnerElementWhenReceivedFocus boolean
If true and FocusZone's root element (container) receives focus, the focus will land either on the defaultTabbableElement (if set) or on the first tabbable element of this FocusZone. Usually a case for nested focus zones, when the nested focus zone's container is a focusable element.
shouldFocusOnMount boolean
Determines if a default tabbable element should be force focused on FocusZone mount. @default false
shouldInputLoseFocusOnArrowKey (inputElement: HTMLInputElement) => boolean
A callback method to determine if the input element should lose focus on arrow keys
shouldRaiseClicks boolean
Determines whether the FocusZone will walk up the DOM trying to invoke click callbacks on focusable elements on Enter and Space keydowns to ensure accessibility for tags that don't guarantee this behavior.
shouldReceiveFocus (childElement?: HTMLElement) => boolean
Callback method for determining if focus should indeed be set on the given element.
shouldResetActiveElementWhenTabFromZone boolean
If true and TAB key is not handled by FocusZone, resets current active element to null value. For example, when roving index is not desirable and focus should always reset to the default tabbable element.
stopFocusPropagation boolean
Whether the FocusZone should allow focus events to propagate past the FocusZone.
Object with shiny.tag
class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.
tokens <- list(childrenGap = 20)
ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
tokens = tokens,
horizontalAlign = "start",
tokens = tokens,
horizontal = TRUE,
verticalAlign = "center",
tags$span("Enabled FocusZone:"),
DefaultButton(text = "Button 1"),
DefaultButton(text = "Button 2"),
TextField(placeholder = "FocusZone TextField"),
DefaultButton(text = "Button 3")
DefaultButton(text = "Tabbable Element 1"),
disabled = TRUE,
tokens = tokens,
horizontal = TRUE,
verticalAlign = "center",
tags$span("Disabled FocusZone:"),
DefaultButton(text = "Button 1"),
DefaultButton(text = "Button 2")
TextField(placeholder = "Tabbable Element 2")
server <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {})
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.