
rm(list = ls())

# data used for the function

genus <- KarnatakaForest$genus[1:10]
species <- KarnatakaForest$species[1:10]
# species = NULL

score <- 0.5

correctTaxo <- function(genus, species = NULL, score = 0.5) {
  require(data.table, quietly = T)

  ######## sub-function definition

  strsplit_NA <- function(x, patern = " ") {
    split <- tstrsplit(x, patern)
    if (length(split) == 1) {
      return(list(split[[1]], as.character(NA)))

  # if we have just the genus in input and in the query we already treated we have genus and species
  just_genus <- function(out, taxo_already_have) {
    Na_name <- which(is.na(out$nameModified))
    index_genus <- chmatch(out$genus, taxo_already_have$genus)[Na_name]

    out[Na_name, genusCorrected := taxo_already_have[index_genus, genusCorrected]]
    out[Na_name, nameModified := as.character(genus != genusCorrected)]

      which(Na_name & taxo_already_have[index_genus, nameModified] == "TaxaNotFound"),
      nameModified := "TaxaNotFound"

  ########### preparation of log file

  sep <- ifelse(length(grep("win", Sys.info()["sysname"], ignore.case = T)) != 0, "\\", "/")
  path <- paste(rappdirs::user_data_dir("BIOMASS"), "correctTaxo.log", sep = sep)
  file_exist <- T

  if (!dir.exists(rappdirs::user_data_dir("BIOMASS"))) {
    file_exist <- F

  if (!file.exists(path)) {
    file_exist <- F
    write(paste("query", "outName", "nameModified", sep = ","), file = path)
  } else {
    taxo_already_have <- fread(file = path, colClasses = list(character = 1:3))
    if (nrow(taxo_already_have) != 0) {
      taxo_already_have[, c("genus", "species") := strsplit_NA(query)]
      taxo_already_have[, c("genusCorrected", "speciesCorrected") := strsplit_NA(outName)]
      setkey(taxo_already_have, query)
    } else {
      file_exist <- F

  ########### Data preparation

  options(stringsAsFactors = F)

  genus <- as.character(genus)

  if (!is.null(species)) {
    species <- as.character(species)

    # Check the length of the inputs
    if (length(genus) != length(species)) {
      stop("You should provide two vectors of genus and species of the same length")

    # Create a dataframe with the original values
    oriData <- data.table(
      genus = genus, species = species,
      query = paste(genus, species), id = 1:length(genus)
  } else {

    # Create a dataframe with the original values
    oriData <- data.table(
      genus = sapply(strsplit(genus, " "), "[", 1),
      species = sapply(strsplit(genus, " "), "[", 2),
      query = genus, id = 1:length(genus)
  setkey(oriData, query)

  # Regroup unique query and filter the column species and genus if they are NA in the same time
  query <- oriData[!(is.na(genus) & is.na(species)), query, keyby = query][, 2]
  query[, c("genus", "species") := strsplit_NA(query)]

  if (nrow(query) == 0) {
    stop("Please supply at least one name", call. = FALSE)

  # Comparison between the taxo we already have and the taxo we want. We would have the unique taxo between the two.
  if (file_exist) {
    if (exists("taxo_already_have")) {
      query <- query[!taxo_already_have, on = "query"]
      query <- query[!(is.na(species) & genus %in% taxo_already_have$genus) ]

  # End the function if we already have all the data needed
  if (nrow(query) == 0) {
    out <- merge(oriData,
      taxo_already_have[, .(query, nameModified, genusCorrected, speciesCorrected)],
      all.x = T, by = "query"

    just_genus(out, taxo_already_have)
    return(out[order(id), c("genusCorrected", "speciesCorrected", "nameModified")])

  getpost <- "get"
  if (nrow(query) > 50) {
    getpost <- "post"

  # If there is too much data, better submit it in separated queries
  splitby <- 30
  query[, slicedQu := rep(1:ceiling(length(query) / splitby), each = splitby)[1:length(query)] ]

  ########### sending and retrive the data from taxosaurus

  tc <- function(l) Filter(Negate(is.null), l)
  con_utf8 <- function(x) httr::content(x, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

  url <- "http://taxosaurus.org/submit"

  setkey(query, query)
  query[, c("matchedName", "score1") := list(as.character(NA), as.double(0))]

  for (s in query[, unique(slicedQu)])
    x <- query[slicedQu == s, query]

    if (getpost == "get") {
      query2 <- paste(gsub(" ", "+", x, fixed = T), collapse = "%0A")
      args <- tc(list(query = query2))
      out <- httr::GET(url, query = args)
      retrieve <- out$url
    } else {
      loc <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
      write.table(data.frame(x), file = loc, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
      args <- tc(list(file = httr::upload_file(loc), source = "iPlant_TNRS"))
      out <- httr::POST(url, body = args, httr::config(followlocation = 0))
      tt <- con_utf8(out)
      message <- jsonlite::fromJSON(tt, FALSE)[["message"]]
      retrieve <- jsonlite::fromJSON(tt, FALSE)[["uri"]]

    print(paste("Calling", retrieve))

    timeout <- "wait"
    while (timeout == "wait") {
      ss <- httr::GET(retrieve)
      output <- jsonlite::fromJSON(con_utf8(ss), FALSE)
      if (!grepl("is still being processed", output["message"]) == TRUE) {
        timeout <- "done"

    out <- tc(output$names)

    if (length(out) > 0) {
      submittedName <- sapply(out, function(x) x$submittedName)
      receiveData <- t(sapply(out, function(x) c(x[[2]][[1]]$matchedName, x[[2]][[1]]$score)))

      # Remove some parasite characters
      submittedName <- gsub("\"", "", submittedName)
      submittedName <- gsub("\r", "", submittedName)
      receiveData[, 1] <- gsub("\"", "", receiveData[, 1])
      receiveData[, 1] <- gsub("\r", "", receiveData[, 1])

      query[submittedName, ":="(matchedName = receiveData[, 1], score1 = as.double(receiveData[, 2]))]

  ########### data analysis

  query[, c("nameModified", "outName") := list(as.character(TRUE), as.character(NA))]
  query[, slicedQu := NULL]

  # If score ok
  query[score1 >= score, outName := matchedName]

  # If score non ok
  query[score1 < score, c("outName", "nameModified") := list(query, "NoMatch(low_score)")]

  # If no modified name value of nameModified as False
  query[!is.na(outName) & outName == query & nameModified != "NoMatch(low_score)", nameModified := as.character(FALSE)]

  query[, c("genusCorrected", "speciesCorrected") := strsplit_NA(outName)]

  # # If genera or species not found by TNRS
  # Genera
  filt <- query$nameModified == TRUE & is.na(query$genusCorrected) & !is.na(query$genus)
  query[filt, c("genusCorrected", "nameModified") := list(genus, "TaxaNotFound")]

  # Species
  filt <- (query$nameModified == TRUE | query$nameModified == "TaxaNotFound") & is.na(query$speciesCorrected) & !is.na(query$species)
  query[filt, speciesCorrected := species]
  query[filt & nameModified != "TaxaNotFound", nameModified := "SpNotFound"]

  ########## merge the data for the return
  out <- merge(oriData, query, all.x = T)[ order(id), .(id, genus, nameModified, query, genusCorrected, speciesCorrected)]

  if (exists("taxo_already_have")) {
    setkey(out, query)
      ":="(nameModified = i.nameModified, genusCorrected = i.genusCorrected, speciesCorrected = i.speciesCorrected),
      on = "query"
    just_genus(out, taxo_already_have)

  ########### write all the new data on the log file created
  if (exists("taxo_already_have")) {
    out1 <- merge(taxo_already_have[, .(query, outName, nameModified, genus)],
      query[, .(query, genus, outName, nameModified)],
      by = "genus", all = T

    out1[is.na(query.x), query.x := "a"][is.na(query.y), query.y := "a"]
    nchr <- nchar(out1[, query.x]) > nchar(out1[, query.y])
    out1[nchr, ":="("query" = query.x, "outName" = outName.x, "nameModified" = nameModified.x)]
    out1[!nchr, ":="("query" = query.y, "outName" = outName.y, "nameModified" = nameModified.y)]
  } else {
    out1 <- query

  fwrite(out1[, .(outName, nameModified), by = query], file = path)

  return(out[order(id), .(genusCorrected, speciesCorrected, nameModified)])
ArthurPERE/biomass documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:33 a.m.