#' Extract lmFit model results
#' Extract model fit and significance for all individual variables and/or contrasts in a limma model
#' @param design model matrix output by model.matrix( )
#' @param fit MArrayLM model fit output by limma::eBayes( )
#' @param contrast_mat contrast matrix output by limma::makeContrasts( ). NOTE: When using constrasts, the result will not exactly match extract_kmFit due to limma's naming of contrast levels as variableLEVEL
#' @param dat_genes data frame with additional gene annotations. Optional. If not provided, the fit object is also checked for gene annotation information.
#' @param name_genes character for variable name in dat_genes that matches gene names in fit
#' @param contrast.mat Deprecated form of contrast_mat
#' @param dat.genes Deprecated form of dat_genes
#' @param name.genes Deprecated form of name_genes
#' @return List with data frames. One for model fit (sigma) and one for significance for all variable and genes. Variables names as in limma::topTable( )
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Run limma model
#' design <- model.matrix(~ virus, data = example.voom$targets)
#' fit <- limma::eBayes(limma::lmFit(example.voom$E, design))
#' ## Get results
#' fdr <- extract_lmFit(design = design, fit = fit)
#' ## Get results and add gene annotations
#' fdr <- extract_lmFit(design = design, fit = fit,
#' dat_genes = example.voom$genes)
#' # Run limma contrasts model
#' design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + virus, data = example.voom$targets)
#' fit <- limma::lmFit(example.voom$E, design)
#' contrast_mat <- limma::makeContrasts(virusHRV-virusnone, levels = design)
#' fit <- limma::eBayes(limma::contrasts.fit(fit, contrast_mat))
#' ## Get contrast results
#' fdr <- extract_lmFit(design = design, fit = fit, contrast_mat = contrast_mat)
extract_lmFit <- function(design, fit, contrast_mat=NULL,
dat_genes=NULL, name_genes="geneName",
contrast.mat=NULL, dat.genes=NULL, name.genes=NULL){
#Back compatibility
if(!is.null(contrast.mat)){contrast_mat <- contrast.mat}
if(!is.null(dat.genes)){dat_genes <- dat.genes}
if(!is.null(name.genes)){name_genes <- name.genes}
#Empty df to hold results
pval.result <- data.frame()
logFC <- FCgroup <- variable <- geneName <- P.Value <- adj.P.Val <- model <- gene <- contrast_ref <- contrast_lvl <- estimate <- pval <- FDR <- B <- sigma <- NULL
#List variables of interest
vars <- colnames(contrast_mat)
} else{
vars <- colnames(design)
for(var in 1:length(vars)){
pval.temp <- limma::topTable(fit, coef=var,
adjust.method = "BH")
#Move gene names from rownames if exist
if (!is.numeric(rownames(pval.temp)[1])){
if(name_genes %in% colnames(pval.temp)){
pval.temp <- pval.temp %>% dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(name_genes))
pval.temp <- pval.temp %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(name_genes) %>%
dplyr::mutate(variable = vars[var])
} else{
pval.temp <- dplyr::mutate(pval.temp, variable = vars[var])
pval.result <- pval.temp %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(name_genes), logFC:variable) %>%
#Add hgnc symbol
pval.result <- suppressMessages(dplyr::left_join(pval.result, dat_genes))
} else if(!is.null(fit$genes)){
pval.result <- suppressMessages(dplyr::left_join(pval.result, fit$genes))
pval.result.format <- pval.result %>%
#Convert groups to ordered factors
dplyr::mutate(variable = factor(variable, levels=vars)) %>%
#rename to match kmFit
dplyr::rename(gene=name_genes, estimate=logFC, pval=P.Value, FDR=adj.P.Val)
#Split contrast if present
pval.result.format2 <- pval.result.format %>%
tidyr::separate(variable, into=c("contrast_lvl","contrast_ref"), sep=" - ") %>%
dplyr::mutate(variable = paste(Reduce(intersect, strsplit(c(contrast_lvl,
model="limma.contrast") %>%
dplyr::select(model, gene, variable, contrast_ref, contrast_lvl,
estimate, pval, FDR, t, B, dplyr::everything())
paste(Reduce(intersect, strsplit(c(pval.result.format2$contrast_lvl,
} else{
pval.result.format2 <- pval.result.format %>%
dplyr::mutate(model="limma") %>%
dplyr::select(model, gene, variable, estimate, pval, FDR, t, B,
#Goodness of fit metric sigma
lm.fit <- data.frame(
model = "limma.fit",
gene = names(fit$Amean),
sigma = fit$sigma
## add gene annotation if exists
rownames(lm.fit) <- NULL
lm.fit <- dplyr::left_join(lm.fit, dat_genes, by=c("gene"=name_genes))
} else if(!is.null(fit$genes)){
lm.fit <- dplyr::left_join(lm.fit, fit$genes, by=c("gene"=name_genes))
result.ls <- list()
result.ls[["lm"]] <- pval.result.format2
} else {
result.ls[["lm.contrast"]] <- pval.result.format2
result.ls[["lm.fit"]] <- lm.fit
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