
Defines functions c.ScoreMatrixList c.ScoreMatrix

Documented in c.ScoreMatrix c.ScoreMatrixList

# S3 functions

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' c.ScoreMatrixList
#' Combine a scoreMatrix into a scoreMatrixList object - when a ScoreMatrixList is a first argument
#' @param ... contais scoreMatrix and scoreMatrixList objects
#' @param recursive logical
#' @param use.names logical
#' @return returns a \code{scoreMatrixList} object 
c.ScoreMatrixList<-function(..., recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE) {
  y <- list(...)
  n <- length(y)
  y3 <- list()
  Ln <- vector()
  for (i in 1:n){
    #combine the scoreMatrixList object
    if (is(y[[i]], "ScoreMatrixList")){
      y2 <- as(y[[i]], "list")
      y3 <- append(y3, y2)
      #combine its label name
      Ln <- append(Ln, names(y[[i]]))
    #combine the scoreMatrix object
    }else if(is(y[[i]], "ScoreMatrix")){
      y3 <- append(y3, list(y[[i]]))
      #combine its label name
      if (identical(c(""), names(y[i])) || is.null(names(y[i]))) {
        Ln <- append(Ln, c(""))
        Ln <- append(Ln, names(y[i]))
  #create the ScoreMatrixList
  SML <- as(y3, "ScoreMatrixList")
  names(SML) <- Ln

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' c.ScoreMatrix
#' Combine a scoreMatrix into a scoreMatrixList object - when a ScoreMatrix is a first argument
#' @param ... contais scoreMatrix and scoreMatrixList objects
#' @param recursive logical
#' @param use.names logical
#' @return returns a \code{scoreMatrixList} object 

c.ScoreMatrix<-function(..., recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE) {
  y <- list(...)
  n <- length(y)
  y3 <- list()
  Ln <- vector()
  for (i in 1:n){
    #combine the scoreMatrixList object
    if (is(y[[i]], "ScoreMatrixList")){
      y2 <- as(y[[i]], "list")
      y3 <- append(y3, y2)
      #combine its label name
      Ln <- append(Ln, names(y[[i]]))
   #combine the scoreMatrix object
    }else if(is(y[[i]], "ScoreMatrix")){
      y3 <- append(y3, list(y[[i]]))
      #combine its label name
      if (identical(c(""), names(y[i])) || is.null(names(y[i]))) {
        Ln <- append(Ln, c(""))
        Ln <- append(Ln, names(y[i]))
  #create the ScoreMatrixList
  SML <- as(y3, "ScoreMatrixList")
  names(SML) <- Ln
BIMSBbioinfo/genomation documentation built on March 13, 2020, 5:28 a.m.