
#' Function to split up xcms object by batch to perform a within batch analysis and merge the results at the end.
#' @param xcmsObject XCMS object after multi-batch retention time correction and grouping.
#' @param BatchClassLabel The name of the vector containing the Batch identifier (in xcmsObject@phenoData)
#' @param BatchNames (optional) A vector with the names of the individual batches to consider e.g. c("Batch1", "Batch2"). Note that this is only if a subset of all the batches have to be selected. Otherwise supplying BatchClassLabel is sufficient. 
#' @return xcmsObject.split A list with in each list entry an xcms object of a single batch.
#' @author Charlie Beirnaert, \email{charlie.beirnaert@@uantwerpen.be}
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
BatchSplitR <- function(xcmsObject, BatchClassLabel = NULL, BatchNames = NULL ){
    if(!"xcmsSet" %in% class(xcmsObject)){
        stop("xcmsObject is not of class 'xcmsSet'")
        BatchClassLabel <- readline(paste("Which of the following classes describes the batches: ",paste(colnames(xcmsObject@phenoData), collapse=" or ")))
        BatchNames <- as.character(unique(xcmsObject@phenoData[BatchClassLabel])[,1])
    } else if(!all(BatchNames %in% as.character(unique(xcmsObject@phenoData[BatchClassLabel])[,1]))) {
        stop(paste("The supplied BatchNames could not all be matched to items in xcmsObject@phenoData which consists of:", paste(as.character(unique(xcmsObject@phenoData[BatchClassLabel])[,1]), collapse=" and ")))
    xcmsObject_split <- list()
    #mutual.RT.correction = list()
    for(k in 1:length(BatchNames)){
        split_samples <- which(xcmsObject@phenoData[BatchClassLabel] == BatchNames[k])
        splitObject <- xcmsObject
        sampleColumn <- which(colnames(xcmsObject@peaks) == "sample")
        splitObject@peaks <- splitObject@peaks[as.data.frame(xcmsObject@peaks)$sample %in% split_samples, ]
        splitObject@peaks[,sampleColumn] <- splitObject@peaks[,sampleColumn] - split_samples[1] + 1
        splitObject@groups <- matrix(NA,ncol=0,nrow=0)
        splitObject@groupidx <- list()
        phenoDat <- xcmsObject@phenoData[split_samples,]
        for(j in 1:ncol(phenoDat)){
            phenoDat[,j] <- as.factor(as.character(phenoDat[,j]))
        splitObject@phenoData <- phenoDat
        splitObject@rt$raw <- xcmsObject@rt$corrected[split_samples]
        splitObject@rt$corrected <- xcmsObject@rt$corrected[split_samples]
        splitObject@rt$Original_raw <- xcmsObject@rt$raw[split_samples]
        splitObject@filepaths <- xcmsObject@filepaths[split_samples]
        xcmsObject_split[[k]] <- splitObject
        #mutual.RT.correction[[k]] = list(raw = xcmsObject@rt$raw[split.samples], corrected = xcmsObject@rt$corrected[split.samples])
    names(xcmsObject_split) <- paste("xcms_",BatchNames,sep ="")
    #names(mutual.RT.correction) = paste("xcms_",BatchNames,sep ="")
Beirnaert/MetaboMeeseeks documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:09 a.m.