
Defines functions rmDup orderCol vennDiagram2 densPlotMultiLines mapValue plotBar plotBox plotXY plotDens plotHisto ggColorHue convertToFactors mapBindAllColumns rbindAllColumns excludeMatch filterLess filterMatch filterContain rbindDF writeTable noWarnings

Documented in convertToFactors densPlotMultiLines excludeMatch filterContain filterLess filterMatch ggColorHue mapBindAllColumns mapValue noWarnings orderCol plotBar plotBox plotDens plotHisto plotXY rbindAllColumns rbindDF rmDup vennDiagram2 writeTable

# library("ggplot2")
# library("plyr")
# library("dplyr")
# library("VennDiagram")
# library("knitr")
# library("RColorBrewer")

#' noWarnings()
#' @description
#' Turn off the warnings
#' @param x: An script
#' @export
#' @examples
#' noWarnings(dir.create(x))
noWarnings <- function(x){

#' writeTable()
#' @description
#' wrtie table with msg 
#' @param f_out: outdir
#' @param file_append: default F. T to append to existing file
#' @param ... other param in write.table()
#' @export
#' @examples
#' writeTable(df, f_out, msg="", quote = F, sep ='\t', row.names =F,...)
writeTable <- function(df, f_out, msg="", quote = F, sep ='\t',
                       row.names =F, file_append = F, ...){
    if(msg !=""){
        sink(f_out, type="output", append =file_append)
        noWarnings(write.table(df, file = f_out, quote = quote, sep = sep,append = T,
                               row.names = row.names, ...))
    }else if(is.null(df)){
        sink(f_out, type="output")
        write.table(df, file = f_out, quote = quote, sep = sep,
                    row.names = row.names, append =file_append, ...)

#' rbindDF()
#' @description
#' rbind rows of multiple dataframes, if one or more of the input is not class data.frame. these inputs will be ignored.
#' only data.frames will be rbind.
#' @param df1: input data.frame 1
#' @param df2: input data.frame 2
#' @param ... more input data.frames
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rbindDF(df1,df2,df3,...)

rbindDF <- function(df1, df2, ...){
    df_ls <- list(df1, df2, ...)
    ## check the class of the input df
    class_ls <- vector('character')
    for(i in 1:length(df_ls)){
        class_ls[i] <- class(df_ls[[i]])
    # if any of them is a data.frame
    (index <- which(class_ls == "data.frame"))
    if(length(index) == 0){ # no dataframes
        df <- NULL
    }else if(length(index) == 1){ #only 1 data.frames
        df <- df_ls[[index]]
    }else{ # more than 1 data.frames
        df <- Reduce(rbind, df_ls[index])

#' filterContain()
#' Table function: filter a df by column contains a list of specified values
#' @note
#' only to match the full words in the list (if the value contains two or more, it is a match)
#' @param df A data.frame to be filtered
#' @param column (str) column to be filtered
#' @param value (str list) a list of strs to match with the value column. If a match is found, the record is returned
#' @param verbose [optional] (bool) print if a match is found, and how many records returned. default = F
#' @param ... more parameters in the grepl() function, eg. ignore.case = T
#' @return A data.frame with matched records, including empty df if no match is found
#' @export
#' @examples
#' filterContain(df, column, value, verbose = F, ...)
filterContain <- function(df, column, value, verbose = F, ...){
    #'  filter a df by column contains a list of specified values
    #'  only to match the full words in the list (if the value contains two or more, will match)
    #'  ... more parameters in the grepl() function, eg. ignore.case = T
    index <- NULL
    for(i in value){
        new_value <- paste0("\\b", i, "\\b") # match the full word in the string
        if(grepl("(|)", value)){
            value <- gsub("\\(", "\\\\(", value)
            value <- gsub("\\)", "\\\\)", value)
        new_index <- which(grepl(new_value, df[, column], ...) == T)
        if(length(new_index) != 0){
            index <- c(index, new_index)
        }else if(verbose){
            print(paste0("no match found for ", i))
    # rm duplicate index
    index <- unique(index)
    # return final df
    df <- df[index, ]%>% droplevels()
        print(paste0(nrow(df), " returned"))

#' filterMatch()
#' Table function: filter a df by column with exact match of specified values
#' @note
#' only exact match is returned
#' @param df A data.frame to be filtered
#' @param column (str) column to be filtered
#' @param value (str) a str to match with the value column.
#' @return A data.frame with matched records, including empty df if no match is found
#' @export
#' @examples
#' column <- "date"
#' value <- "2014-01-01"
#' filterMatch(df, column, value)
filterMatch <- function(df, column, value){
    #  filter a df by column with exact match of specified values
    index <- which(df[, column] %in% value)
    df <- df[index, ]%>% droplevels()

#' filterLess()
#' Table function: filter a df by a specified date, return df with dates prior or on the date
#' @param df A data.frame to be filtered
#' @param column (str) the date column to be filtered
#' @param value (date) date in format yyyy-dd-mm
#' @return A data.frame with record date before or equal to the specified date, including empty df if no match is found
#' @export
#' @examples
#' column <- "date"
#' value <- "2014-01-01"
#' filterLess(df, column, value)
filterLess <- function(df, column, value){
    ## filter date by given value, get all records <= value (if using date:format is yyyy-dd-mm)
    new_df_index <- which(df[, column] <= value)
    new_df <- df[new_df_index, ]

#' excludeMatch()
#' Table function: remove rows of column with exact match of a specified value
#' @note
#' only exact match is removed
#' @param df A data.frame to be filtered
#' @param column (str) column to be filtered
#' @param value (str) a str to match with the value column, match of the value is removed.
#' @return A data.frame with matched records removed, including empty df if all records matched
#' @export
#' @examples
#' column <- "date"
#' value <- "2014-01-01" # remove records with date 2014-01-01
#' excludeMatch(df, column, value)
excludeMatch <- function(df, column, value){
    #  remove rows of column with exact match of  specified value
    index <- which(df[, column] %in% value)
    if(length(index) != 0){
        df <- df[-index, ] %>% droplevels()
    } else{
        print(paste0("data frame does not contain value ", value, 
                     " in column ", column, ". dataframe not filtered."))

#' rbindAllColumns()
#' Table Functions: rbind two data frames x, y and include all columns from both data frame
#' @param x (df), if NULL, then return the other df.
#' @param y (df), if NULL, then return the other df.
#' @note
#' If one of the input is null, then return the non-NULL df. 
#' No mapping of the same rows. All rows are added. NA to missing values.
#' If mapping is needed, use mapBindAllColumns()
#' @return a combined df with all the columns from x and y.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rbindAllColumns(x, y)

rbindAllColumns <- function(x, y) {
    ## check if there's a null input
    (index <- which(c(is.null(x), is.null(y))))
    if(length(index) ==1){ ## if one is null
        non_null_index <- setdiff(1:2, index)
    }else if(length(index) ==2){ ## both are null
    # rbind two data frames x, y and include all columns from both data frame
    ## no mapping of the same rows
    x.diff <- setdiff(colnames(x), colnames(y))
    y.diff <- setdiff(colnames(y), colnames(x))
    x[, c(as.character(y.diff))] <- NA
    y[, c(as.character(x.diff))] <- NA
    return(rbind(x, y))

#' mapBindAllColumns()
#' Table Functions: rbind two data frames x, y and include all columns from both data frame
#' @param x (df), if NULL, then return the other df.
#' @param y (df), if NULL, then return the other df.
#' @param id_col [optional] (str) a column that are shared between x and y and must have unique values within each df. 
#' If not specified, the row.names of x and y are used for the match
#' @note
#' If row.names are not meaningful (default as numerical index) 
#'        and id_col is not specified, the combined df is not meaningful 
#'        because the rows are combined based on the numerical order
#' If a column name in y is also in x (except for the id_col), the column name in y is suffixed "_2"
#' @return A dataframe that either 1. match the row.names of x and y, and combine the columns from x and y (id_col='')
#' 2. match the content of id_col, and combine the rest of the columns of x and y
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mapBindAllColumns(x, y, id_col = "match_col")

mapBindAllColumns <- function(x, y, id_col='') {
    ## INPUT:
    ##    -x, y are dataframes
    ##    - id_col : a column that are shared between x and y and must be unique value within each df
    ## OUTPUT:
    ##    - a dataframe that either 1. match the row.names of x and y, and combine the columns from x and y (id_col='')
    ##                              2. match the content of id_col, and combine the rest of the columns of x and y
    ## Notes: if row.names are not meaningful (default as numerical index) 
    ##        and id_col is not specified, the combined df is not meaningful
    ## check if there's a null input
    (index <- which(c(is.null(x), is.null(y))))
    if(length(index) ==1){ ## if one is null
        non_null_index <- setdiff(1:2, index)
    }else if(length(index) ==2){ ## both are null
    if(!id_col == ""){
        if(!(id_col %in% colnames(x))){
            stop(paste0('x does not contain column, ', id_col))
        if(!(id_col %in% colnames(y))){
            stop(paste0('y does not contain column, ', id_col))
        rownames(x) <- x[, id_col]
        rownames(y) <- y[, id_col]
    index <- union(rownames(x), rownames(y))
    ## add rows that's not in x, or y
    index_x <- setdiff(index, rownames(x))
    x[index_x, ] <- NA
    index_y <- setdiff(index, rownames(y))
    y[index_y, ] <- NA
    ## add the content back to the id col if specified
    if(!id_col == ""){
        x[index_x, id_col] <- index_x
        y[index_y, id_col] <- index_y
    ## reorder the rows of x, y respectively for cbind
        x2 <- as.data.frame(x[index, ])
        colnames(x2) <- colnames(x)
        rownames(x2) <- index
        x <- x2
    }else {x <- x[index, ]}
        y2 <- as.data.frame(y[index, ])
        colnames(y2) <- colnames(y)
        rownames(y2) <- index
        y <- y2
    }else {y <- y[index, ]}
    ## check if col names in y is duplicated in x. must change to a different (cbind don't work with column names of the same from two dfs)
    (col_overlap <- setdiff(intersect(colnames(x), colnames(y)), id_col))
    # change the col name if there's a overlap with x
    if(length(col_overlap) !=0){
        (index <- grep(paste(col_overlap,collapse="|"), colnames(y)))  # get the index of colnames of all duplicated col names in y
        colnames(y)[index] <- paste0(colnames(y)[index], "_2")
    ## combine the columns
    # get col names
    if(!id_col == ""){ 
        y_diff <- setdiff(colnames(y), id_col)  # if id col specified (rm col in y for cbind)
        y_diff <- colnames(y)  # if use row names (cbind all y cols)
    if(length(y_diff) == 1){  # for df with 1 column or df with 1 col + 1 id_col (rename the y column)
        df <- cbind(x, y)   ## x and y 
        df <- cbind(x, y[, c(as.character(y_diff))])

#' convertToFactors()
#' convert all character columns of a df to factors
#' @param x (df)
#' @return A df with all character columns as factors
#' @export

convertToFactors <- function(x){
    # x is a dataframe, convert all character columns to factors
    df <- as.data.frame(unclass(x))

#' ggColorHue()
#' return a list of colors simulate ggplot default color
#' @param n numeric, number of colors for output
#' @return a list of colors simulate ggplot default color
#' @export
ggColorHue <- function(n) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]

#' plotHisto()
#' plot histogram(ggplot style)
#' @note use palette to define color for the factor levels. The palette list is a named list of colors. The names are corresponding to the factor levels
#'     e.g. palette <- c(red = "#ff0000", blue="#333BFF", pink ="#DD1C77", orange = "#CC6600", purple ="#9633FF",l_blue = "#00ffff", l_green = "#9bbc57", yellow = "#ffe700", salmon = "#ff7856",l_purple = "#e47fff")
#' @param df A data.frame
#' @param column (str) column to plot (column name)
#' @param palette_defined (bool) indicate whether to use as named palette list as defined in palette.
#' default = F: use ggplot default colour scheme
#' @param palette [optional] (named str) define the colour of the factor levels
#' @param plt_alpha [optional] (num) plot alpha (transparency), default = 0.4
#' @param group [optional] (str) fill colour by a column (column name), default is do not group by any column
#' @param title [optional] (str) title of the plot, default none
#' @param facet_gp [optional] (str) the column name for the facet group (as in facet_wrap())
#' @param x_angle [optional] (num) angle of x axis labels, default = 45
#' @param ...  other param in the ggplot2::geom_histogram()
#' @return a ggplot histogram
#' @export

plotHisto <- function(df, column, palette_defined = F, palette = "", plt_alpha = 0.4, 
                      group="", title="", 
                      facet_gp ="",x_angle=45, ...){
    # palette_defined, if levels are defined with a specific color, as defined in default color, 
    # than palette_defined = T to keep all color consistent for factors
    if(group == ""){
        p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = column))
    } else {
        p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = column, fill = group))
        if (palette_defined & palette != ""){
            p <- p+
                scale_colour_manual(values = palette) +  # customize color
                scale_fill_manual(values = palette)
    # histogram of specified column, filled by group
    p <- p + 
        # geom_histogram(alpha = plt_alpha, position="identity", ...) +
        geom_histogram(alpha = plt_alpha,stat = 'bin', position="identity", ...) +
        ggtitle(title) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(title = element_text(size = 8, colour = 'black'),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = x_angle, hjust = 1))
    if(facet_gp !=""){
        p <- p + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", facet_gp)))    # facet by 

#' plotDens()
#' plot density (ggplot style)
#' @note use palette to define color for the factors. The palette list is a named list of colors. The names are corresponding to the factor levels
#'     e.g. palette <- c(red = "#ff0000", blue="#333BFF", pink ="#DD1C77", orange = "#CC6600", purple ="#9633FF",l_blue = "#00ffff", l_green = "#9bbc57", yellow = "#ffe700", salmon = "#ff7856",l_purple = "#e47fff")
#' @param df A data.frame
#' @param column (str) column to plot (column name)
#' @param palette_defined (bool) indicate whether to use as named palette list as defined in palette.
#' default = F: use ggplot default colour scheme
#' @param palette [optional] (named str) define the colour of the factor levels
#' @param plt_alpha [optional] (num) plot alpha (transparency), default = 0.4
#' @param group [optional] (str) fill colour by a column (column name), default is do not group by any column
#' @param title [optional] (str) title of the plot, default none
#' @param facet_gp [optional] (str) the column name for the facet group (as in facet_wrap())
#' @param x_angle [optional] (num) angle of x axis labels, default = 45
#' @param text_size (num) plot title size, default = 8
#' @param log_x (bool) If True, log 10 scale x axis. default = F
#' @param log_y (bool) If True, log 10 scale y axis. default = F
#' @param line_size (num) line size of the density lines. default = 1
#' @param ...  other param in the ggplot2::geom_density()
#' @return A ggplot density
#' @export

plotDens <- function(df, column, palette_defined = F, palette = "", group="", title="",facet_gp="",
                     x_angle=45, text_size=8, log_x=F, log_y=F, 
                     plt_alpha = 0.4, line_size = 1, ...){
    p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = column))
    if(group == ""){
        p <- p + geom_density(...)
    } else {
        p <- p + geom_density(aes_string(group=group, colour=group), 
                              size = line_size, alpha = plt_alpha, ...)
        if (palette_defined & palette != ""){
            p <- p+
                scale_colour_manual(values = palette) +  # customize color
                scale_fill_manual(values = palette)
    p <- p + 
        ggtitle(title) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(title = element_text(size = text_size, colour = 'black'),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = x_angle, hjust = 1))
    if(log_x == T){
        p <- p + scale_x_log10()
    if(log_y == T){
        p <- p + scale_y_log10()
    if(facet_gp !=""){
        p <- p + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", facet_gp)))    # facet by 

#' plotXY()
#' plot XY (ggplot style)
#' @note use palette to define color for the factors. The palette list is a named list of colors. The names are corresponding to the factor levels
#'     e.g. palette <- c(red = "#ff0000", blue="#333BFF", pink ="#DD1C77", orange = "#CC6600", purple ="#9633FF",l_blue = "#00ffff", l_green = "#9bbc57", yellow = "#ffe700", salmon = "#ff7856",l_purple = "#e47fff")
#' @param df A data.frame
#' @param x (str) column to plot x (column name)
#' @param y (str) column to plot y (column name)
#' @param palette_defined (bool) indicate whether to use as named palette list as defined in palette.
#' default = F: use ggplot default colour scheme
#' @param palette [optional] (named str) define the colour of the factor levels
#' @param plt_alpha [optional] (num) plot alpha (transparency), default = 0.4
#' @param group [optional] (str) fill colour by a column (column name), default is do not group by any column
#' @param title [optional] (str) title of the plot, default none
#' @param facet_gp [optional] (str) the column name for the facet group (as in facet_wrap())
#' @param x_angle [optional] (num) angle of x axis labels, default = 45
#' @param text_size (num) plot title size, default = 8
#' @param log_x (bool) If True, log 10 scale x axis. default = F
#' @param log_y (bool) If True, log 10 scale y axis. default = F
#' @param ...  other param in the ggplot2::geom_point()
#' @return A ggplot XY plot
#' @export

plotXY <- function(df, x, y, palette_defined = F, palette = "", group="", 
                   x_angle=45, text_size=8, log_x=F, log_y=F, 
                   plt_alpha = 0.4, ...){
    # scatter plot of x and y
    p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = x, y = y))
    if(group == ""){
        p <- p + geom_point(alpha = plt_alpha, ...)
    } else {
        p <- p + 
            geom_point(aes_string(group=group, colour=group, fill = group), alpha = plt_alpha, ...)
        if (palette_defined & palette != ""){
            p <- p+
                scale_colour_manual(values = palette) +  # customize color
                scale_fill_manual(values = palette)
    p <- p + 
        ggtitle(title) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(title = element_text(size = text_size, colour = 'black'),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = x_angle, hjust = 1))
    if(log_x == T){
        p <- p + scale_x_log10()
    if(log_y == T){
        p <- p + scale_y_log10()
    if(facet_gp !=""){
        p <- p + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste(". ~", facet_gp)))    # facet
    if(facet_grid !=""){
        p <- p + facet_grid(as.formula(paste(facet_grid, "~ .")))    # facet (rows)

#' plotBox()
#' Boxplot (ggplot style)
#' @note use palette to define color for the factors. The palette list is a named list of colors. The names are corresponding to the factor levels
#'     e.g. palette <- c(red = "#ff0000", blue="#333BFF", pink ="#DD1C77", orange = "#CC6600", purple ="#9633FF",l_blue = "#00ffff", l_green = "#9bbc57", yellow = "#ffe700", salmon = "#ff7856",l_purple = "#e47fff")
#' @param df A data.frame
#' @param x (str) column to plot x (column name), fill colour by x
#' @param y (str) column to plot y (column name)
#' @param palette_defined (bool) indicate whether to use as named palette list as defined in palette.
#' default = F: use ggplot default colour scheme
#' @param palette [optional] (named str) define the colour of the factor levels
#' @param title [optional] (str) title of the plot, default none
#' @param x_angle [optional] (num) angle of x axis labels, default = 30
#' @param text_size (num) plot title size, default = 8
#' @param log_scale (bool) If True, log 10 scale y axis. default = F
#' @param ...  other param in the ggplot2::geom_boxplot()
#' @return A ggplot boxplot
#' @export
plotBox <- function(df, x, y, palette_defined = F, palette = "", title="", log_scale = F, 
                    x_angle=30, text_size=8, ...){
    # box of specified column, filled by group
    p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = x, y = y)) + 
        geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill=x), ...)
    if (palette_defined & palette != ""){
        p <- p+
            scale_colour_manual(values = palette) +  # customize color
            scale_fill_manual(values = palette)
    if(log_scale == T){
        p <- p + scale_y_log10() + ylab(paste0(y, '(log10 scale)'))
    p <- p + 
        ggtitle(title) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(title = element_text(size = text_size, colour = 'black'),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = x_angle, hjust = 1))

#' plotBar()
#' bar plots(ggplot style)
#' @note use palette to define color for the factors. The palette list is a named list of colors. The names are corresponding to the factor levels
#'     e.g. palette <- c(red = "#ff0000", blue="#333BFF", pink ="#DD1C77", orange = "#CC6600", purple ="#9633FF",l_blue = "#00ffff", l_green = "#9bbc57", yellow = "#ffe700", salmon = "#ff7856",l_purple = "#e47fff")
#' @param df A data.frame
#' @param x (str) column to plot x (column name), categorial value
#' @param y (str) column to plot y (column name), numerical value
#' @param palette_defined (bool) indicate whether to use as named palette list as defined in palette.
#' default = F: use ggplot default colour scheme
#' @param palette [optional] (named str) define the colour of the factor levels
#' @param title [optional] (str) title of the plot, default none
#' @param x_angle [optional] (num) angle of x axis labels, default = 45
#' @param text_size (num) plot title size, default = 8
#' @param log_y (bool) If True, log 10 scale y axis. default = F
#' @param ...  other param in the ggplot2::geom_bar()
#' @return A ggplot bar plot
#' @export
plotBar <- function(df, x, y, palette_defined = F, palette = "",title="", 
                    x_angle=45, text_size=8, log_y=F, ...){
    # x is categorical, y is numerical
    p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = x, y = y)) +
        geom_bar(aes_string(fill=x), stat="identity", ...) 
    if (palette_defined & palette != ""){
        p <- p+
            scale_colour_manual(values = palette) +  # customize color
            scale_fill_manual(values = palette)
    p <- p + 
        ggtitle(title) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(title = element_text(size = text_size, colour = 'black'),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = x_angle, hjust = 1)) +
        xlab("") +
    if(log_y == T){
        p <- p + scale_y_log10()

#' mapValue()
#' Given a list x, and a named list of y. Map the values of y to x based on the names of y.
#' @note The named list of y must contain all values of x in names(y). The returned list is the same order as x.
#' @param x A list with values to be mapped
#' @param y A named list, where names(y) correponding to the value in x, and values 
#' @export
#' @return
#' A named list of the new mapped values
#' @examples
#' x <- c(rep("WT", 3), rep("Rasgrf1_KO", 3))
#' y <- c(Rasgrf1_KO = "#2", WT = "#1", WT2 = "#3")
#' mapValue(x,y)

mapValue <- function(x, y, verbose = F){
  ## check if all values in x has a match named value in y
  if(!all( unique(x) %in% names(y))){
    msg <- paste0("Not all values of x have a match in y. Number of missing values in y : ", 
                  length(setdiff(unique(x), names(y))), "; values: ",
                  paste0(setdiff(unique(x), names(y)), collapse = ", "))
    }else {
      stop(paste0("Not all values of x have a match in y. Number of missing values in y : ", 
                  length(setdiff(unique(x), names(y)))))
    overlap <- intersect(unique(x), names(y))
    y <- y[overlap]
    tmp <- y[as.factor(x)]
    tmp <- tmp[x]  # reorder based on x

#' densPlotMultiLines()
#' Plot density of a matrix, each line represent a column
#' @param s A matrix
#' @param main main title of the plot
#' @param xlab label for x
#' @export
#' @return
#' A denstiy plot of multiple lines, each line is colored (represent values in a column)

densPlotMultiLines <- function(s, main ="", xlab = ""){
    junk.x = NULL
    junk.y = NULL
    for(i in 1:dim(s)[2]) {
        junk.x = c(junk.x, density(s[, i])$x)
        junk.y = c(junk.y, density(s[, i])$y)
    (xr <- range(junk.x))
    (yr <- range(junk.y))
    plot(density(s[,1]), xlim = xr, ylim = yr, main = main, xlab = xlab)
    for(i in 1:dim(s)[2]) {
        lines(density(s[, i]), xlim = xr, ylim = yr, col = i)

#' vennDiagram2()
#' Wrapper for VennDiagram::venn.diagram() function
#' @note
#' the plot will overlap with the old plot, use graphics.off() to clear old plots
#' not recomended for over 5 lists (very messy with more than 5 lists)
#' @param input_ls A list, e.g. input_ls = list(list1 = c("A", "B", "C"), list2= c("A", "B", "D"))
#' @param title (str) plot title
#' @param palette (list of named colors) default is brewer.pal(8,"Accent")
#' @param ... more arguments in VennDiagram::venn.diagram()
#' @return a venn diagram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' graphics.off()
#' input_ls = list(list1 = c("A", "B", "C"), list2= c("A", "B", "D"))
#' pal <- c(list1 = "red", list2 = "blue")  ## if the colour is named the same as the list name, the colour will correponding to the specific list
#' vennDiagram2(input_ls, col_palette=pal)
#' graphics.off()
#' vennDiagram2(input_ls)
vennDiagram2 <- function(input_ls, title="", col_palette = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,"Set1"), ...){
    # color length needs to be the same as the number of lists
    if (length(input_ls) < length(col_palette)){
        col_palette <- col_palette[1:length(input_ls)]}
    p <- venn.diagram2(input_ls, 
                       filename = NULL,
                       fill = col_palette,
                       force.unique = T,
                       sep.dist = 0.03,
                       lty = "blank",
                       main = title,
                       euler.d =T,
                       scaled =T,
                       main.cex =2,
                       sub.cex = 1.5,

#' orderCol()
#' @description
#' reorder df by specified columns
#' @param df input df
#' @param cols column names in strings (add - if want to sort by descending order()only for numeric ), use decreasing =T for other type
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(col1 = c('a', 'a', 'b','b'),
#'                  col2 = c('orange', 'red', 'red', 'grey'),
#'                  col3 = c(3,6,8,5))
#' cols = c('col1', 'col2')
#' orderCol(df, cols)
#' orderCol(df, '-col3')
orderCol <- function(df, cols, decreasing = F){
        cmd <- paste0("df[with(df, order(", paste0(cols, collapse = ','), ", decreasing = T)), ]")
        cmd <- paste0("df[with(df, order(", paste0(cols, collapse = ','), ")), ]")
    return(eval(parse(text= cmd)))

#' rmDup()
#' @description
#' remove duplicated entries in a dataframe
#' @param df: An dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' noWarnings(dir.create(x))
rmDup <- function(df){
    return(df[!duplicated(df), ] %>% droplevels())
BerylZhuang/helper_functions documentation built on March 15, 2021, 5:19 a.m.