
Defines functions plural singular split_vector A01 get_NSMAP udf_type2R trimuri get_config read_config build_config_path xml_atts xml_value xml_name xml_string xmlString is_xmlNode unames build_query as_ascii

Documented in A01 as_ascii build_config_path build_query get_config get_NSMAP is_xmlNode plural read_config singular split_vector trimuri udf_type2R unames xml_atts xml_name xml_string xmlString xml_value

# misc.R

#' Sanitize a character vector to be UTF-8 ASCII
#' @export
#' @param x character vector
#' @param sub the character used to replace non-ASCII
#' @return character vector
as_ascii <- function(x, sub = ''){
    iconv(enc2utf8(x), from = 'UTF-8', to = 'ASCII', sub = sub)   

#' Prepares a contribution to a query list - see \code{modify_url}
#' @export
#' @param x a named list like \code{list(name=c("boo", "foo"), type = "shoe")}.
#'  NULL is returned if the input is an empty list
#' @return character like "name=boo&name=foo$type=shoe" or NULL
build_query <- function(x){
   if (!is.list(x)) stop("build_query: x must be a list")
   if (length(x) == 0) return(NULL)
   nm <- names(x)
   if (length(nm) == 0) stop("build_query: x must be a named list")
   # create a character vector, iterate along the input transforming each element
   # to the name1=value&name2=value
   # then join the whole shooting match
   s <- vector(mode = 'character', length = length(x))
   for (i in seq_along(x)){
      n <- nm[i]
      s[i] <- paste(paste(curl::curl_escape(gsub("_","-", n)), 
        curl::curl_escape(x[[n]]), sep = "="), 
        collapse = "&")
   paste(s, collapse = "&")
#' Return a vector of unique names from a objeect.  The object must have the
#' methods for \code{names}
#' @export
#' @param x the object
#' @return a vector of unqiue names or NULL
unames <- function(x){

#' Test if an object inherits from XML::XMLAbstractNode
#' @export
#' @param x object to test
#' @param classname character, the class name to test against, by default 'XMLAbstractNode'
#' @return logical
is_xmlNode <- function(x, classname = 'XMLAbstractNode'){
   inherits(x, classname)

#' Convert XML::xmlNode or NodeRefClass to character
#' @export
#' @param x xmlNode or NodeRefClass
#' @param replace_newline logical, if TRUE replace \code{\n} with ""
#' @return character
xmlString <- function(x, replace_newline = TRUE){
   if (inherits(x, 'NodeRefClass')){
      r <- xmlString(x$node)
   } else {
      r <- if(replace_newline) 
          gsub("\n","", XML::toString.XMLNode(x)) else 

#' Convert XML::xmlNode or NodeRefClass to character
#' @export
#' @param x xmlNode or NodeRefClass
#' @return character
xml_string <- function(x){

#' Extract the name from a simple XML::xmlNode object
#' @export
#' @param x XML::xmlNode with a value
#' @param ... further arguments for \code{XML::xmlName()}
#' @return the name of the node
xml_name  <- function(x, ...){
    XML::xmlName(x, ...)

#' Extract the value from a simple XML::xmlNode object
#' @export
#' @param x XML::xmlNode with a value
#' @param ... further arguments for \code{XML::xmlValue()}
#' @return the value of the node
xml_value  <- function(x, ...){
    XML::xmlValue(x, ...)

#' Extract the attributes from a simple XML::xmlNode object
#' @export
#' @param x XML::xmlNode with attributes
#' @param ... further arguments for \code{XML::xmlAttrs()}
#' @return character vector of the attributes
xml_atts  <- function(x, ...){
    XML::xmlAttrs(x, ...)

#' Create a configuration file name in the form of \code{/path/to/.hostname-rc}
#' @export
#' @param hostname character hostname
#' @param path character the directory of the configuration file
#' @return the complete configuration file path
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  build_config_path()
#'  [1] "~/.scgc-clarity-dev-rc"
#'  build_config_path(hostname = 'foo')
#'  [1] "~/.foo-rc"
#'  build_config_path(hostname = 'foo', path = '/stairway/to/heaven')
#'  [1] "/stairway/to/heaven/.foo-rc"
#'  build_config_path(hostname = 'foo.bar.org', path = '/stairway/to/heaven')
#'  [1] "/stairway/to/heaven/.foo-rc"
#'  }
build_config_path <- function(
    hostname = system('hostname', intern = TRUE),
    path = "~"){
    x <- strsplit(hostname, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
    file.path(path, paste0(".", x, "-rc"))

#' Read a configuration file
#' @export
#' @param filename the name of the file
#' @return a name list with one element per section each section, in turn is a named list
read_config = function(filename){
   # Parse lines of text
   # @param x the line(s) of text in the form of tag value pairs
   # @return named character vector of tag1 = value1, tag2 = value2, ...
   parse_config_line <- function(x){
    pat <- '[=:]'
    ix <- regexpr(pat, x)
    r <- vector(mode = "character")
    for (i in seq_along(x)){
      if (ix[i] > 0 ){
        nm <- substring(x[i], 1, ix[i]-1)
        # strip leading spaces
        val <- sub("^ +", "", substring(x[i], ix[i] + 1, nchar(x[i]) ) )
        r[[nm]] <- val
      } # ix[i] > 0
    } # i-loop
   if (!file.exists(filename)) stop(paste("file must exist: ", filename))
   x <- scan(filename, what = character(), quiet = TRUE, sep = "\n", comment.char = "#")
   x <- x[!grepl("^#", x)]
   ix <- grep("^\\[", x)
   if (length(ix) == 0) stop("No [headers] found in config file - please check file")
   len <- nchar(x[ix])
   nm <- substring(x[ix], rep(2, length(len)), len-1)
   iy <- c(ix, length(x)+1)
   L <- list()
   for (i in seq_along(nm)) L[[nm[i]]] <- parse_config_line(x[(iy[i] + 1) : (iy[i+1]-1) ])
} # read_config

#' Retrieve a configuration value
#' @export
#' @param x the configuration list
#' @param section the name of the section
#' @param name the name of the tagged value, if missing then the section is returned
#' @param default the value to return if the tag doesn't exists (defaults to NULL)
#' @return the tagged value or section requested or the 'default' value if not found
get_config <- function(x, section, name, default = NULL){
   if (nargs() < 2) stop("at least x and section are required")
   s <- x[[section[1]]]
   if (is.null(s)) return(default)
   if ( !(missing(name)) ) {
     if (name[1] %in% names(s)) return(s[[name[1]]])
   } else {
} # get_config

#' Split a uri around the "?" or other character.  For example, 
#' \code{trimuri(http://www.uri.org?where=foo)} returns \code{http://www.uri.org}.
#' @export
#' @param uri character, the uri to split
#' @param around character,the character to split around
#' @param fixed see \code{\link{strsplit}}
#' @param index numeric, by default only the leading portion of the input is
#' returned
#' @return character of the input preceding the 'around' character
trimuri <- function(uri, around = "?", fixed = TRUE, index = 1){
   if (!is.character(uri)) {stop("URI must be character")}
   sapply(strsplit(uri, around, fixed = fixed), '[', index)

#' Retrieve a named vector of UDF types to R types
#' @export
#' @family Node
#' @param x character of the UDF type
#' @return named character vector if equivalent R types
udf_type2R <- function(x){
   lut <- c(
      'String' = 'character',
      'Text' = 'character',
      'Boolean' = 'logical',
      'Numeric' = 'numeric',
      'Date' = 'character',
      'URI' = 'character')
   if (!missing(x)){
   } else {
#' Retrieve the Genologics namespace map
#' @export
#' @family Lims
#' @return a named vector of xmlNameSpaces
get_NSMAP <- function(){ 
}   # get_NSMAP

#' Check one or more a well names to make sure they follow the A01 or A:1 format
#' @export 
#' @param well character vector of well names such as A:1 or A01
#' @param form character, the desired output format either "A:1" or "A01"
#' @return a character vector of well names formatted as specified
A01 <- function(well, form = c("A:1", "A01")[1]){
   # A:1 to A01
   ac1_to_a01 <- function(x){
      a <- substring(x,1,1)
      n <- as.numeric(substring(x, 3, nchar(x)))
      sprintf("%s%2.2i", a,n)
   # A01 to A:1
   a01_to_ac1 <- function(x){
      a <- substring(x,1,1)
      n <- as.numeric(substring(x, 2, nchar(x)))
   ix <- grepl(":", well, fixed = TRUE)
   if (tolower(form[1])=="a:1") {
      # "A:1"
      if (any(!ix)) well[!ix] <- a01_to_ac1(well[!ix])
   } else {  
      # "A01"
      if (any(ix)) well[ix] <- ac1_to_a01(well[ix])

#' Split a vector into groups of MAX (or possibly fewer)
#' @export
#' @param v vector or list to split
#' @param MAX numeric the maximum size per group
#' @return a list of the vector split into groups
split_vector <- function(v, MAX = 200){
    nv <- length(v)
    if (nv <= MAX) return(list('1' = v))
    split(v, findInterval(1:nv, seq(from = 1, to = nv, by = MAX)))

#' Convert to singular from plural
#' @export
#' @param x character vector
#' @return character vector
singular <- function(x){

    len <- sapply(x, nchar)

    ix <- tolower(x) %in% c("artifacts", "samples", "containers", "files", "projects",
        "artifactgroups", "containertypes", "fields", "files", "instruments",
        "processtypes", "researchers")
    x[ix] <- substring(x[ix], 1, len-1)
    ix <- tolower(x) %in% c("processes")
    x[ix] <- substring(x[ix], 1, len-2)

#' Convert to plural from singular
#' @export
#' @param x character vector
#' @return character vector
plural <- function(x){

    ix <- tolower(x) %in% c("artifact", "sample", "container", "file", "project",
        "artifactgroup", "containertype", "field", "file", "instrument",
        "processtype", "researcher")
    x[ix] <- paste0(x[ix], "s")
    ix <- tolower(x) %in% c("process")
    x[ix] <- paste0(x[ix], "es")
BigelowLab/genologicsr documentation built on June 7, 2024, 3:15 a.m.