
Defines functions check.wellnames check.wellname to_tecan.plateLayout to_tecan create.plateLayout as.matrix.plateLayout getWellnames.plateLayout getWellnames.numeric getWellnames dimnames.plateLayout rownames.plateLayout colnames.plateLayout countWells.plateLayout countWells dim.plateLayout getWellType.plateLayout getWellType write.plateLayout read.plateLayout is.plateLayout plateLayout

Documented in as.matrix.plateLayout check.wellname check.wellnames colnames.plateLayout countWells create.plateLayout dimnames.plateLayout dim.plateLayout getWellnames getWellType is.plateLayout plateLayout plateLayout read.plateLayout rownames.plateLayout to_tecan write.plateLayout

# plateLayout for plates and arrays

# a pair of test files for use by Ben
#plateLayout.96 <- "/Users/Shared/data/scgc/FACS/layout/plate_layout_96_2.txt"
#plateLayout.384 <- "/Users/Shared/data/scgc/FACS/layout/plate_layout_384_2.txt"

#' Converts a suitable data.frame, matrix or list to class plateLayout
#' A plateLayout is a character vector class.  The value of the vector is
#' the character description of the well type (i.e. a label) and the names
#' of each element are the names of the well placement.  We use a A01 format
#' description instead of A:1.  Wells are stored in A01, A02, A03 order along the 
#' length of the vector.  
#' @family LAYOUT
#' @export
#' @param x a data.frame, list, vector or matrix of plate layout descriptions
#' @return a plateLayout class vector
plateLayout <- function(x){
   if (missing(x)) stop("data frame or matrix must be provided")
   if (is.plateLayout(x)) return(x)
   if (is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)) {
      d = dim(x)
      nm <- getWellnames(d[1]*d[2])
      x <- as.vector(unlist(t(x)))
      names(x) <- nm
   } else if (is.matrix(x)){
      d <- length(x)
      nm <- getWellnames(d[1]*d[2])
      x <- as.vector(unlist(t(x)))
      names(x) <- nm
   } else {
      # list or vector lands us here
      if (is.list(x)) x <- unlist(x)
   class(x) <- c(class(x), "plateLayout")

#' Test is the object is of class plateLayout
#' @family LAYOUT
#' @export
#' @param x the object to test
#' @return logical, TRUE if the object is of class plateLayout
is.plateLayout <- function(x) {
   inherits(x, "plateLayout")

#' Read a tab delimited plateLayout file
#' Layout files define for well plates the "type" for each well.  Generally, these
#' files are created in a spreadsheet and saved in tab-delimited form for subsequent
#' use.
#' @family LAYOUT
#' @export
#' @param file character, the fully qualified filename
#' @return a plateLayout class object
read.plateLayout <- function(file = NULL){
   if (is.null(file)) stop("read.plateLayout: file is required")
   x <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
   colnames(x) <- sprintf("%2.2i", 1:ncol(x))

#' Write a tab-delimited plateLayout file
#' @family LAYOUT
#' @export
#' @param x a plateLayout class object
#' @param file the fully qualified output filename
write.plateLayout <- function(x, file = "plateLayout.txt"){
   if (!is.plateLayout(x)) stop("Input must be of class plateLayout")
   m <- as.matrix(x)
   write.table(m, file = file, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE)

#' Get a welltype for given well(s)
#' @family LAYOUT
#' @export
#' @aliases getWellType
#' @param x a plateLayout object
#' @param well character vector of one or more well names
#' @param check logical, check well name for A01 format?
#' @return returns a named vector, one element for each input well name
getWellType <- function(x, well, check = TRUE) UseMethod("getWellType", x)
getWellType.plateLayout <- function(x, well, check = TRUE){
   if (check) { well <- check.wellnames(well)}
   ix = names(x) %in% well
   y <- unlist(x[ix]) 

#'  Returns the dimensions of a nwell plateLayout
#'  @family LAYOUT 
#'  @export
#'  @method dim plateLayout
#'  @param x either a plateLayout or an integer
#'  @return a two element vector of [nrows, ncols]
dim.plateLayout <- function(x){
   if (inherits(x, "plateLayout")) {
      nwell <- length(x)
   } else {
      nwell <- x
      "12" = c(3,4),
      "96" = c(8,12),
      "384" = c(16,24),

#' Returns the number of wells in a layout
#' @family LAYOUT 
#' @export
#' @aliases countWells
#' @param x a plateLayout
#' @return numeric, number of wells
countWells <- function(x) UseMethod("countWells", x)
countWells.plateLayout <- function(x) {
   d <- dim(x)
   d[1] * d[2]

#' Returns the column names of the plateLayout object as if it were a matrix
#' @family LAYOUT 
#' @export
#' @param x plateLayout class object
#' @return a character vector of the column names
colnames.plateLayout <- function(x){
   dims <- dim(x)
   sprintf("%2.2i", 1:dims[2])

#' Returns the row names of the plateLayout object as if it were a matrix
#' @family LAYOUT 
#' @export
#' @param x plateLayout class object
#' @return a character vector of the row names
rownames.plateLayout <- function(x){
   dims <- dim(x)

#' Returns the dimnames of the plateLayout object as if it were a matrix
#' @family LAYOUT 
#' @export
#' @method dimnames plateLayout
#' @param x plateLayout class object
#' @return a two element list of dimnames
dimnames.plateLayout <- function(x){
   dims <- dim(x)
   list(LETTERS[1:dims[1]] , sprintf("%2.2i", 1:dims[2]) )  

#' Returns a vector of names A01, A02,A03,...
#' @family LAYOUT 
#' @export
#' @param x a plateLayout object or an integer (384, 96,  12 etc)
#' @param to.matrix logical, if TRUE then the returned value is an appropriately sized
#'  matrix rather than a vector
#' @return a vector (or matrix) of the wellnames
getWellnames <- function(x, to.matrix = FALSE) UseMethod("getWellnames",x)
getWellnames.numeric <- function(x, to.matrix = FALSE){
   dims <- dim.plateLayout(x)
   if (is.null(dims)) {return(NULL)}
   a <- LETTERS[1:dims[1]]
   b <- sprintf("%2.2i", 1:dims[2])
   nm <- unlist(lapply(a, paste, b, sep = ""))
   if (to.matrix){
      nm <- matrix(data = nm, ncol = dims[2], nrow = dims[1], byrow = TRUE)
getWellnames.plateLayout<- function(x, to.matrix = FALSE){
   nm <- names(x)
   if (to.matrix){
      dims <- dim(x)
      nm <- matrix(data = nm, ncol = dims[2], nrow = dims[1], byrow = TRUE)

#' Returns a matrix form of the plate layout
#' @family LAYOUT
#' @export
#' @method as.matrix plateLayout
#' @param x a plateLayout class object
#' @param ... further arguments (ignored)
#' @return a matrix of the well types with dimnames
as.matrix.plateLayout <- function(x, ...){
   dims <- dim(x)
   matrix(data = x, ncol = dims[2], nrow = dims[1], byrow = TRUE,
      dimnames = dimnames(x), ...)

#' Creates a plateLayout with the names attached and type represented by 
#' the a random selection of \code{ntype}.
#' @family LAYOUT 
#' @export
#' @param nwell integer, the number of wells on the plate
#' @param ntype integer, the number of unique dummy types to sample from LETTERS
#' @param to.matrix logical, if TRUE return a matrix
create.plateLayout<- function(nwell = 384, ntype = 3, to.matrix = FALSE){
   x <- sample(LETTERS[seq_len(ntype)], nwell, replace = TRUE)
   names(x) <- getWellnames(nwell, to.matrix = FALSE)
   class(x) <- c(class(x), "plateLayout")
   if (to.matrix){
      dims <- dim(x)
      x <- matrix(data = x, ncol = dims[2], nrow = dims[1], byrow = TRUE)


#' Translates A01, A02 names to Tecan position assignments
#' Tecan assigns position number for each in the first column, then by each in 
#' the second column so that A01 -> 1, B01 -> 2, C01 -> 3 and so on
#' @family LAYOUT
#' @export
#' @param x a plateLayout class object
#' @return a numeric vector of Tecan position
to_tecan <- function(x) UseMethod("to_tecan", x) 
to_tecan.plateLayout <- function(x){
   n <- countWells(x)
   dims <- dim(x)
   y <- as.vector(t(matrix(1:n, ncol = dims[2], nrow = dims[1], byrow = FALSE)))
   names(y) <- names(x)

#' Checks a well name to make sure it follows the A01 format
#' @export
#' @param well character vector of well names
#' @param reverse logical, if TRUE convert "A01"... to  "A:1" "B:2" "C:3"
#' @return a character vector of well names
check.wellname <- function(well, reverse = FALSE){
   if (reverse) {
      well <- check.wellname(well)
      L <- substring(well, 1,1)
      N <- as.numeric(substring(well, 2, nchar(well)))
      well <- sprintf("%s:%s", L, N)
   } else {
      well <- gsub(":", "", well, fixed = TRUE)
      ix <- nchar(well) < 3
      x <- strsplit(well[ix], "")
      well[ix] <- paste(sapply(x,'[', 1), sprintf("%2.2i", as.numeric(sapply(x,'[', 2))), sep = "") 

#' A wrapper around \code{\link{check.wellname}}
#' @export
#' @param well character vector of well names
#' @param ... further arguments for \code{\link{check.wellname}}
#' @return a character vector of well names
check.wellnames <- function(well, ...){
BigelowLab/plateLayout documentation built on July 2, 2024, 12:33 p.m.