
Defines functions .makeEpigenomeRoadmap makeEpigenomeRoadmap makeEpigenomeRoadmapPeak .dnaMethylation .expressionAnnotationGtf .expressionTextFiles .chmmModels .EpiMetadataFile .signalEpiFiles .peakEpiFiles .EpiFilesDescription .MiscEpiFiles .EpiFilesTags .EpiFilesMetadata .readEpiFilesFromWebUrl .readHTMLTable

### =========================================================================
### makeEpigenomeRoadmap*() family
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

### This code is specifically for hg19 Homo.sapiens

.EpigenomeRoadMap <- "https://egg2.wustl.edu/roadmap/data/byFileType/"
#.EpigenomeRoadMapMain <- "http://egg2.wustl.edu/roadmap/data/"

# fix for bugs with XML and redirects
.readHTMLTable <- function(url){

    fl <- tempfile()
    download.file(url, fl)

.readEpiFilesFromWebUrl <- function(url, pattern) {
       table <- .readHTMLTable(url)[[1]]
       fnames <- grep(pattern, as.character(table$Name), value=TRUE) 
       paste0(url, fnames)
    }, error=function(err) {
        warning(url, ": ", conditionMessage(err), immediate.=TRUE)
        data.frame(url=character(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

.EpiFilesMetadata <- function(baseUrl) {
    metafname <-"byFileType/metadata/EID_metadata.tab"
    read.delim(paste0(baseUrl, metafname))

.EpiFilesTags <- function(url, baseUrl, pattern="-") {
    ## get columns F,O,D from metadata
    metadata <- .EpiFilesMetadata(baseUrl)
    filename <- basename(url)
     celltype <- gsub(paste0(pattern,".*"),"", filename)
    idx <- match(celltype, metadata[,"EID"])

    ## parse the url to get which kind of  files
    tempurl <- gsub(baseUrl, "", url)
    tempurl <- sub("byDataType/","", tempurl) 
    tempurl <- sub("byFileType/","", tempurl)
    out <- strsplit(tempurl, "/")
    mat <- do.call(rbind, out)
    matTags <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) paste0(x[1:3], collapse=", "))
    tags <- paste("EpigenomeRoadMap", matTags, sep=", ")
    if(any(!is.na(unique(idx)))) {
        metadata <- metadata[,c("EID", "GROUP","MNEMONIC", "STD_NAME")]
        fod <- vapply(idx, function(x) 
            paste0(as.character(unlist(metadata[x,])), collapse=", ")
            , character(1))
        fod <- gsub("[\x01-\x1f\x7f-\xff]", "", fod) # remove \xa0
        tags <- paste(tags, fod, sep=", ")

.MiscEpiFiles <- function(baseUrl, fileurls, pattern="-") {
    ## file size and  the file info 
    df <- .httrFileInfo(fileurls, verbose=TRUE) 
    ## these files are downloaded from the web 
    rdatapath <- sub(baseUrl, "", fileurls)
    ## add tags
    tags <- .EpiFilesTags(fileurls, baseUrl, pattern)
    ## description 
    description <- .EpiFilesDescription(fileurls)
    cbind(df, rdatapath, tags, description, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

.EpiFilesDescription <- function(fileurls) {  
    ## description 
    ## refer : http://egg2.wustl.edu/roadmap/web_portal/processed_data.html    
    map <- c(
        ## broad peaks- DNase-seq
        hotspot.fdr0.01.broad.bed.gz=.expandLine("Broad domains on enrichment for 
             DNase-seq for consolidated epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap 
        hotspot.broad.bed.gz=.expandLine("Broad domains on enrichment for 
            DNase-seq for consolidated epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap 
        broadPeak.gz=.expandLine("Broad ChIP-seq peaks for consolidated 
            epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        gappedPeak.gz=.expandLine("Gapped ChIP-seq peaks for consolidated 
            epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        narrowPeak.gz=.expandLine("Narrow ChIP-seq peaks for consolidated 
            epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        ## narrow peaks
        hotspot.fdr0.01.peaks.bed.gz=.expandLine("Narrow DNasePeaks for 
            consolidated epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        hotspot.all.peaks.bed.gz=.expandLine("Narrow DNasePeaks for 
            consolidated epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        .macs2.narrowPeak.gz=.expandLine("Narrow DNasePeaks for 
            consolidated epigenomes from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"), 
        ## Big Wig Files
         fc.signal.bigwig=.expandLine("Bigwig File containing  fold enrichment 
            signal tracks from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        pval.signal.bigwig=.expandLine("Bigwig File containing -log10(p-value) 
            signal tracks from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        ## chmm Models
        coreMarks_mnemonics.bed.gz=.expandLine("15 state chromatin 
        segmentations from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),

        ## dna methylation files
        fractional methylation calls from EpigenomeRoadMap Project"),
        fractional methylation calls from EpigenomeRoadMap Project "),
        WGBS_FractionalMethylation.bigwig=.expandLine("Whole genome bisulphite
        fractional methylation calls from EpigenomeRoadMap Project") )        

    description <- character(length(fileurls))
    for (i in seq_along(map))
        description[grep(names(map)[i], fileurls)] <- map[[i]]


.peakEpiFiles <- function(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest,
                          fileType = c("narrow", "narrowFDR",
                                       "narrowAllPeaks", "broad", "gapped")) {
    fileType <- match.arg(fileType)
    pattern <- "gz"

    if (fileType == "broad") {
        paths <- c("byFileType/peaks/consolidated/broadPeak/",
        dispatch <- "UCSCBroadPeak"
    } else if (fileType == "gapped") {
        paths <- c("byFileType/peaks/consolidated/gappedPeak/" ,
        dispatch <- "UCSCGappedPeak"  
    } else if (fileType == "narrow") {
        paths <- c("byFileType/peaks/consolidated/narrowPeak/", 
        pattern <- "narrowPeak"
        #dispatch <- "EpigenomeRoadmapFile"
        dispatch <- "UCSCNarrowPeak"
    } else {
       paths <- c("byFileType/peaks/consolidated/narrowPeak/")
       if (fileType == "narrowFDR") {
           pattern <- "fdr0.01.peaks"
           dispatch <- "EpigenomeRoadmapFileNarrowPeakFDR"
       } else {
           pattern <- "all.peaks"
           dispatch <- "EpigenomeRoadmapFileNarrowAllPeaks"
    fileurls <- sapply(paste0(baseUrl, paths), 
            .readEpiFilesFromWebUrl(x, pattern)
        fileurls <- fileurls[1:2]
    dispatchClass <- rep(dispatch , length(fileurls))
    df <- .MiscEpiFiles(baseUrl, fileurls)
    sourcetype <- rep("BED" , length(fileurls))
    rdataclass <- rep("GRanges" , length(fileurls))
    cbind(df, dispatchClass, sourcetype, rdataclass, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

.signalEpiFiles <- function(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest) {   
    ## consolidated & unconsolidated BigWig Files
    paths <- 
    dirurl <- paste0(baseUrl, paths)
    ## consolidated Imputed Files
    conImpUrl <- paste0(baseUrl, "byFileType/signal/consolidatedImputed/")
    table <- .readHTMLTable(conImpUrl)[[1]]
    baseDirs<- levels(table$Name)
    idx <- match(c("Parent Directory", "RNAseq/", "DNase/", "DNAMethylSBS/"),
    baseDirs <- baseDirs[-idx]      
    baseDirs <- paste0(conImpUrl, baseDirs)
    dirurl <- c(dirurl, baseDirs)
    fileurls <- sapply(dirurl, function(x) {
        .readEpiFilesFromWebUrl(x, "bigwig")
        fileurls <- fileurls[1:2]    

    df <- .MiscEpiFiles(fileurls)
    # # add dispatch class, sourcetype and Rdataclass
    dispatchClass <- rep("BigWigFile" , length(fileurls))
    rdataclass <- rep("BigWigFile" , length(fileurls))
    sourcetype <- rep("BigWig" , length(fileurls))
    cbind(df, dispatchClass, sourcetype, rdataclass, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

.EpiMetadataFile <- function(baseUrl) {
    metafname <-"byFileType/metadata/EID_metadata.tab"
    fileurl <- paste0(baseUrl, metafname)
    description <- "Metadata for EpigenomeRoadMap Project"
    df <-.httrFileInfo(fileurl)
    tags <- paste("EpigenomeRoadMap", "Metadata", sep=", ")
    rdataclass <- "data.frame"
    sourcetype <- "tab"
    dispatchClass <- "data.frame"
    rdatapath <- sub(baseUrl, "", fileurl)
    cbind(df, rdatapath, tags, description, dispatchClass, sourcetype, 
        rdataclass, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

.chmmModels <- function(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest) {
    dirurl <- paste0(baseUrl, 
    fileurls <- .readEpiFilesFromWebUrl(dirurl, "mnemonics.bed.gz")
    if (justRunUnitTest)
         fileurls <- fileurls[1:2]
    df <- .MiscEpiFiles(baseUrl, fileurls, pattern="_")
    dispatchClass <- rep("EpichmmModels" , length(fileurls))
    rdataclass <- rep("GRanges" , length(fileurls))
    sourcetype <- rep("BED" , length(fileurls))
    cbind(df, dispatchClass, sourcetype, rdataclass, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

.expressionTextFiles <- function(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest=FALSE) {
   dirurl <- paste0(baseUrl,"byDataType/rna/expression/")

   ## collect file name from page
   fileurls <- .readEpiFilesFromWebUrl(dirurl,"gz")
   if (justRunUnitTest)
       fileurls <- fileurls[1:2]
   ## get the file size and  the file info
   df <- .httrFileInfo(fileurls, verbose=TRUE)

   ## these files are downloaded from the web
   rdatapath <- sub(baseUrl, "", fileurls)

    ## add description.
    map <- c(
       "57epigenomes.RPKM.pc" = 
         "RPKM expression matrix for protein coding genes",
       "57epigenomes.N.pc" = 
         "RNA-seq read counts matrix for protein coding genes",
       "57epigenomes.exon.RPKM.pc" = 
         "RPKM expression matrix for protein coding exons",
       "57epigenomes.RPKM.intronic.pc" =
         "RNA-seq read count matrix for intronic protein-coding RNA elements",
       "57epigenomes.exon.N.pc" =
         "RNA-seq read counts matrix for protein coding exons",
       "57epigenomes.N.intronic.pc" =
         "RNA-seq read count matrix for intronic protein-coding RNA elements",
       "57epigenomes.RPKM.nc" =
         "RPKM expression matrix for non-coding RNAs",
       "57epigenomes.N.nc" =
         "RNA-seq read counts matrix for non-coding RNAs",
       "57epigenomes.N.rb" =
         "RNA-seq read counts matrix for ribosomal genes",
       "57epigenomes.RPKM.rb" =
         "RPKM expression matrix for ribosomal RNAs",
       "57epigenomes.exn.RPKM.rb" =
         "RPKM expression matrix for ribosomal gene exons",
       "57epigenomes.exn.N.rb" =
         "RNA-seq read counts matrix for ribosomal gene exons",
       "57epigenomes.exon.N.nc.gz" =
         "RNA-seq read counts matrix for ribosomal gene exons", 
       "57epigenomes.exon.RPKM.nc.gz" =
         "RPKM expression matrix for ribosomal gene exons")
    description <- character(length(fileurls))
    for (i in seq_along(map))
       description[grep(names(map)[i], basename(fileurls))] <- map[[i]]

    ## add tags
    tags <- rep("EpigenomeRoadMap, expression, quantification, hg19",

    dispatchClass <- rep("EpiExpressionText" , length(fileurls))
    rdataclass <- rep("data.frame", length(fileurls))
    sourcetype <- rep("Zip", length(fileurls))
    cbind(df, rdatapath, description, tags, dispatchClass,
        sourcetype, rdataclass, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


.expressionAnnotationGtf <- function(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest=FALSE) {
    dirurl <- paste0(baseUrl,"byDataType/rna/annotations/")
    ## collect file name from page
    fileurls <- .readEpiFilesFromWebUrl(dirurl,"gtf.gz")
    if (justRunUnitTest)
        fileurls <- fileurls[1:2]
    ## get the file size and  the file info
    df <- .httrFileInfo(fileurls, verbose=TRUE)
    ## these files are downloaded from the web
    rdatapath <- sub(baseUrl, "", fileurls)
    ## add description. 
    description <- rep(.expandLine("GencodeV10 gene/transcript coordinates
    and annotations corresponding to hg19 version of the human genome"),
    ## add tags
    tags <- rep("EpigenomeRoadMap, annotations, genecodeV10, hg19", 
    dispatchClass <- rep("GTFFile" , length(fileurls))
    rdataclass <- rep("GRanges", length(fileurls))
    sourcetype <- rep("GTF", length(fileurls))
    cbind(df, rdatapath, description, tags, dispatchClass, 
        sourcetype, rdataclass, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

.dnaMethylation <- function(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest=FALSE) {
    dirurl <- paste0(baseUrl,"byDataType/dnamethylation/")
    dirurl2 <- paste0(dirurl, c("RRBS/FractionalMethylation_bigwig/", 
    fileurls <- unlist(sapply(dirurl2, function(x) 
       .readEpiFilesFromWebUrl(x,"bigwig"), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
    if (justRunUnitTest)
        fileurls <- fileurls[1:2]
    df <- .MiscEpiFiles(baseUrl, fileurls, pattern="_")
    ## add dispatch class, sourcetype and Rdataclass
    dispatchClass <- rep("BigWigFile" , length(fileurls))
    rdataclass <- rep("BigWigFile" , length(fileurls))
    sourcetype <- rep("BigWig" , length(fileurls))
    cbind(df, dispatchClass, sourcetype, rdataclass, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## FIXME: currentMetadata not used?
makeEpigenomeRoadmapPeak <- 
             fileType = c("narrow", "narrowFDR",
                          "narrowAllPeaks", "broad", "gapped")) 
    rsrc <- .peakEpiFiles(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest, fileType)
    date <- rsrc$date
    .makeEpigenomeRoadmap(rsrc, date, BiocVersion, baseUrl)


makeEpigenomeRoadmap <- function(currentMetadata, 
                                 BiocVersion=BiocManager::version()) {
    ## FIXME: Potentially all of 'signal', 'metadata', 'seg', 'expr_gtf',
    ##        'expr_text' and 'dimethyl' can use the
    ##        EpigenomeRoadmapFile dispatch class but this should be
    ##        confirmed. The 'peak' files have been handled in 
    ##        makeEpigegnomeRoadmapPeak().
    #signal <- .signalEpiFiles(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest)
    #metadata <-  .EpiMetadataFile(baseUrl)
    #seg <- .chmmModels(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest)
    #expr_gtf <- .expressionAnnotationGtf(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest)
    #expr_text <- .expressionTextFiles(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest)
    #dnamethyl <- .dnaMethylation(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest)
    #rsrc <- rbind(peak[, !names(peak)%in% "date"], 
    #              signal[, !names(signal)%in% "date"], 
    #              metadata[, !names(metadata)%in% "date"], 
    #              seg[, !names(seg)%in% "date"], 
    #              expr_gtf[, !names(expr_gtf)%in% "date"],  
    #              expr_text[, !names(expr_text)%in% "date"],
    #              dnamethyl[, !names(dnamethyl)%in% "date"]  )
    #date <- c(peak$date, signal$date, metadata$date, seg$date,
    #         expr_gtf$date, expr_text$date, dnamethyl$date)    
    rsrc <- .dnaMethylation(baseUrl, justRunUnitTest)
    date <- rsrc$date
    .makeEpigenomeRoadmap(rsrc, date, BiocVersion, baseUrl)

.makeEpigenomeRoadmap <- function(rsrc, date, BiocVersion, baseUrl) {
    description <- rsrc$description
    title <- basename(rsrc$fileurl)
    sourceUrls <- rsrc$fileurl
    sourceVersion <- as.character(date) #gsub(" ","_",date) 
        ## should be character
    SourceLastModifiedDate <- date  ## should be "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
    SourceSize <- as.numeric(rsrc$size)
    Tags <- strsplit(rsrc$tag, ", ") 
    rdatapath <- rsrc$rdatapath
    SourceType = rsrc$sourcetype
    DispatchClass = rsrc$dispatchClass
    RDataClass = rsrc$rdataclass    

        SourceLastModifiedDate = SourceLastModifiedDate,
        SourceSize = SourceSize,
        Title=title, Tags=Tags,
        SourceType =SourceType,
        DispatchClass = DispatchClass,
        RDataClass = RDataClass,
            Species="Homo sapiens",
            Coordinate_1_based = FALSE,
            DataProvider = "BroadInstitute",
            Location_Prefix = baseUrl,
            Maintainer = "Bioconductor Maintainer <maintainer@bioconductor.org>",
            RDataDateAdded = Sys.time(),
            Recipe = NA_character_))

makeAnnotationHubResource("EpigenomeRoadMapPreparer", makeEpigenomeRoadmap)
Bioconductor/AnnotationHubData documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 10:10 a.m.