
Defines functions updateSerializedObjects update_rda_file update_rds_file .update_object .is_try_error collect_rda_files collect_rds_files .collect_files

Documented in collect_rda_files collect_rds_files update_rda_file update_rds_file updateSerializedObjects

### =========================================================================
### updateSerializedObjects()
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

.collect_files <- function(dirpath, fileexts, recursive=FALSE)
    if (!(is.character(dirpath) &&
          length(dirpath) == 1L &&
        stop("directory '", dirpath, "' not found")
    pattern <- paste0("\\.(", paste(fileexts, collapse="|"), ")$")
    dir(dirpath, pattern=pattern, ignore.case=TRUE,
        recursive=recursive, full.names=TRUE)

collect_rds_files <- function(dirpath=".", recursive=FALSE)
    .collect_files(dirpath, "rds", recursive=recursive)

collect_rda_files <- function(dirpath=".", recursive=FALSE)
    .collect_files(dirpath, c("rda", "RData"), recursive=recursive)

### If 'x' is an S4 object, doing 'inherits(x, "try-error")' will trigger
### the loading of 'attr(class(x), "package")' and we don't want that.
.is_try_error <- function(x) { !isS4(x) && inherits(x, "try-error") }

.update_object <- function(x, filter=NULL)
    message("updateObject(", class(x)[[1L]], ", check=FALSE).. ",
    if (is.null(filter)) {
            ans <- suppressWarnings(updateObject(x, check=FALSE))
    } else {
        ## Use capture_message() instead of capture.output(..., type="message").
        ## Unlike the latter, nested calls to the former work properly. This
        ## will allow us to capture the messages stream of a call to a
        ## higher-level function like updateSerializedObjects() or
        ## updatePackageObjects().
        msg <- capture_message(
            ans <- suppressWarnings(updateObject(x, check=FALSE, verbose=TRUE))
        match_filter <- any(grepl(filter, msg))
        if (match_filter) {
            message("MATCH, ", appendLF=FALSE)
        } else {
            message("no match, ", appendLF=FALSE)
            ans <- x

.FILE_UPDATED         <-  1L

update_rds_file <- function(filepath, filter=NULL, dry.run=FALSE)
    message("File ", filepath, ": readRDS().. ", appendLF=FALSE)
    x <- try(readRDS(filepath), silent=TRUE)
    if (.is_try_error(x)) {
        message("failed! ==> ", .LOAD_FILE_FAILED)
    message("ok; ", appendLF=FALSE)
    ## Do we still need this? Starting with BiocGenerics >= 0.47.1, the
    ## updateObject() generic takes care of attaching the package where
    ## class(x) is defined. However note that it only **tries**, and it
    ## might silently fail. So only reason to keep the call to
    ## attach_classdef_pkg() here is to get a hard failure if it fails,
    ## which will happen if e.g. the package to attach is not installed.
    y <- try(.update_object(x, filter=filter), silent=TRUE)
    if (.is_try_error(y)) {
        message("returned an error ==> ",
    if (digest(x) == digest(y)) {
        message("no-op ==> ", .NOTHING_TO_UPDATE)
    message("object updated; ", appendLF=FALSE)
    if (dry.run) {
        message("won't save file (dry run) ", appendLF=FALSE)
    } else {
        message("saving file.. ", appendLF=FALSE)
        saveRDS(y, file=filepath, compress=TRUE)
        message("OK ", appendLF=FALSE)
    message("==> ", .FILE_UPDATED)

update_rda_file <- function(filepath, filter=NULL, dry.run=FALSE)
    message("File ", filepath, ": load().. ", appendLF=FALSE)
    envir <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    objnames <- try(
        suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(load(filepath, envir=envir))),
    if (.is_try_error(objnames)) {
        message("failed! ==> ", .LOAD_FILE_FAILED)
    message("ok [", length(objnames)," object(s)]; ", appendLF=FALSE)
    nothing_to_update <- TRUE
    for (objname in objnames) {
        x <- get(objname, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
        ## Some datasets could have been saved with
        ##   save(..., eval.promises=FALSE)
        ## so the first time we'll try to access 'x', the promise will
        ## evaluate and this could raise warnings or print messages.
        ## This is actually the case for the 'studiesTable' dataset in
        ## the cBioPortalData package.
        ## To prevent surprises further down we force evaluation now.
        ## Do we still need this? Starting with BiocGenerics >= 0.47.1, the
        ## updateObject() generic takes care of attaching the package where
        ## class(x) is defined. However note that it only **tries**, and it
        ## might silently fail. So only reason to keep the call to
        ## attach_classdef_pkg() here is to get a hard failure if it fails,
        ## which will happen if e.g. the package to attach is not installed.
        y <- try(.update_object(x, filter=filter), silent=TRUE)
        if (.is_try_error(y)) {
            message("returned an error ==> ",
        if (digest(x) == digest(y)) {
            message("no-op; ", appendLF=FALSE)
        } else {
            message("object updated; ", appendLF=FALSE)
            nothing_to_update <- FALSE
        assign(objname, y, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)
    if (nothing_to_update) {
        message("nothing to update ==> ", .NOTHING_TO_UPDATE)
    if (dry.run) {
        message("won't save file (dry run) ", appendLF=FALSE)
    } else {
        message("saving file.. ", appendLF=FALSE)
        save(list=names(envir), file=filepath, envir=envir, compress="xz")
        message("OK ", appendLF=FALSE)
    message("==> ", .FILE_UPDATED)

### The workhorse behind updatePackageObjects().
updateSerializedObjects <- function(dirpath=".", recursive=FALSE,
                                    filter=NULL, dry.run=FALSE)
    if (!isSingleString(dirpath))
        stop(wmsg("'dirpath' must be a single string containig ",
                  "the path to a directory"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(recursive))
        stop(wmsg("'recursive' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    if (!(is.null(filter) || isSingleString(filter)))
        stop(wmsg("'filter' must be NULL or a single string containing ",
                  "a regular expression"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(dry.run))
        stop(wmsg("'dry.run' must be TRUE or FALSE"))

    codes <- integer(0)
    rds_paths <- collect_rds_files(dirpath, recursive=recursive)
    for (filepath in rds_paths) {
        code <- update_rds_file(filepath, filter=filter, dry.run=dry.run)
        codes <- c(codes, code)
    rda_paths <- collect_rda_files(dirpath, recursive=recursive)
    for (filepath in rda_paths) {
        code <- update_rda_file(filepath, filter=filter, dry.run=dry.run)
        codes <- c(codes, code)
    if (any(codes < 0L))
Bioconductor/updateObject documentation built on May 1, 2024, 9:29 p.m.