Fit_Index <- function(ind_slot='Ind', indcv_slot="CV_Ind", Data_out,
RealData, StockPars, ObsPars, SampCpars, nsim, nyears, proyears, msg=TRUE) {
ind_type <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Total Index',
SpInd = 'Spawning Index',
VInd = 'Vulnerable Index')
text <- paste0("`OM@cpars$Data@", ind_slot, '`')
slot(Data_out, ind_slot) <- matrix(slot(RealData, ind_slot)[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
slot(Data_out, indcv_slot) <- matrix(slot(RealData, indcv_slot)[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
if (msg)
message('Updating Simulated' ,ind_type, 'from', text)
obs_err_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Ierr_y',
SpInd = 'SpIerr_y',
VInd = 'VIerr_y')
if (!is.null(SampCpars[[obs_err_var]])) {
if (msg) message_info(paste0(ind_type, ' Observation Error found (cpars$', obs_err_var, ').'),
'Not updating observation error.')
return(list(Data_out=Data_out, ObsPars=ObsPars))
# calculate observation error
fitbeta <- TRUE
beta_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'I_beta',
SpInd = 'SpI_beta',
VInd = 'VI_beta')
if (!is.null(SampCpars[[beta_var]])) {
if (msg) message(paste0(ind_type, ' beta found (cpars$', beta_var, ').'),
'Not updating observation beta parameter')
ObsPars[[beta_var]] <- SampCpars[[beta_var]]
fitbeta <- FALSE
} else {
ObsPars[[beta_var]] <- rep(NA, nsim)
biomass_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Biomass',
SpInd = 'SSB',
VInd = 'VBiomass')
# Calculate Error
SimBiomass <- apply(StockPars[[biomass_var]], c(1, 3), sum)
# Fit to observed index and generate residuals for projections
# Calculate residuals (with or without estimated beta)
Res_List <- lapply(1:nsim, function(x) Calc_Residuals(sim.index=SimBiomass[x,],
obs.ind=slot(Data_out, ind_slot)[x,],
lResids_Hist <-'rbind', lapply(Res_List, '[[', 1))
if (fitbeta)
ObsPars[[beta_var]] <- as.vector('cbind', lapply(Res_List, '[[', 2)))
if (msg & fitbeta)
message_info(paste0('Updating Obs@', beta_var), 'from real index. Range:',
paste0(range(round(ObsPars[[beta_var]],2)), collapse = "-"),
paste0("Use `cpars$", beta_var, "` to override"))
# Calculate statistics
Stats_List <- lapply(1:nsim, function(x) Calc_Stats(lResids_Hist[x,]))
Stats <-'rbind', Stats_List)
check_Index <-check_Index_Fit(Stats, ind_slot)
if (check_Index) {
# Generate residuals for projections
Resid_Hist <- exp(lResids_Hist) # historical residuals in normal space
Resid_Proj <- Gen_Residuals(Stats, nsim, proyears)
ObsPars[[obs_err_var]][, 1:nyears] <- Resid_Hist # update Obs Error
ObsPars[[obs_err_var]][, (nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)] <- Resid_Proj
stat_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Ind_Stat',
SpInd = 'SpInd_Stat',
VInd = 'VInd_Stat')
ObsPars[[stat_var]] <- Stats[,1:2]
list(Data_out=Data_out, ObsPars=ObsPars)
Calc_Residuals <- function(sim.index, obs.ind, beta=NA) {
if (any(obs.ind<0, na.rm=TRUE))
stop('Observed index cannot have negative values', call.=FALSE)
# standardize index and biomass to mean 1
s.obs.ind <- obs.ind/mean(obs.ind, na.rm=TRUE)
notnas <- !
s.sim.index <- sim.index/mean(sim.index[notnas], na.rm=TRUE)
# convert to log space
l.sim.index <- log(s.sim.index)
l.obs.index <- log(s.obs.ind)
# estimate beta (if not provided)
if ( {
# mean 0
l.sim.index2 <- l.sim.index-mean(l.sim.index[notnas], na.rm = TRUE)
l.obs.index2 <- l.obs.index-mean(l.obs.index[notnas], na.rm = TRUE)
beta <- opt$minimum
# adjust true biomass for beta
l.sim.index2 <- log((exp(l.sim.index2)^beta))
l.sim.index <- l.sim.index2 + mean(l.sim.index)
# calculate residuals (log-space)
res <- l.obs.index - l.sim.index
out <- list()
out$res <- res
out$beta <- beta
Calc_Stats <- function(res) {
non.nas <- which(!
res.groups <- split(non.nas, cumsum(c(1, diff(non.nas) != 1)))
# calculate auto-correlation for each group of contiguous residuals
group.length <- res.groups %>% lapply(length) %>% unlist() %>% as.numeric()
group.ind <- which(group.length>1) <- vector('numeric', length=length(group.ind)) <-
cnt <- 0
for (n in group.ind) {
cnt <- cnt+1[cnt] <- acf(res[res.groups[[n]]], plot=F)$acf[2,1,1][cnt] <- group.length[n]
ac <- weighted.mean(,
ac[ac<0] <- 0 #
# standard deviation & correlation
sd <- sd(res, na.rm=TRUE)
# return statistics <- res[!]
lst.err <-[length(] # most recent obs error
data.frame(AC=ac, SD=sd, lst.err=lst.err) # log-space residuals
Gen_Residuals <- function(df, nsim, proyears) {
sd <- df$SD
ac <- df$AC
ac[!is.finite(ac)] <- 0
lst.err <- df$lst.err
if (all( return(rep(NA, nsim))
mu <- -0.5 * (sd)^2 * (1 - ac)/sqrt(1 - ac^2)
Res <- matrix(rnorm(proyears*nsim, mu, sd), nrow=proyears, ncol=nsim, byrow=TRUE)
# apply a pseudo AR1 autocorrelation
Res <- sapply(1:nsim, applyAC, res=Res, ac=ac, max.years=proyears, lst.err=lst.err) # log-space
applyAC <- function(x, res, ac, max.years, lst.err) {
for (y in 1:max.years) {
if (y == 1) {
res[y,x] <- ac[x] * lst.err[x] + res[y,x] * (1-ac[x] * ac[x])^0.5
} else {
res[y,x] <- ac[x] * res[y-1,x] + res[y,x] * (1-ac[x] * ac[x])^0.5
Fit_Index_MS <- function(ind_slot='Ind', indcv_slot="CV_Ind", Data_out,
RealData, StockPars, ObsPars, SampCpars, nsim, nyears, proyears, map.stocks,
p, f,
msg=TRUE) {
ind_type <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Total Index',
SpInd = 'Spawning Index',
VInd = 'Vulnerable Index')
text <- paste0("`OM@cpars$Data@", ind_slot, '`')
slot(Data_out, ind_slot) <- matrix(slot(RealData, ind_slot)[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
slot(Data_out, indcv_slot) <- matrix(slot(RealData, indcv_slot)[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
if (msg)
message('Updating Simulated' ,ind_type, 'from', text)
obs_err_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Ierr_y',
SpInd = 'SpIerr_y',
VInd = 'VIerr_y')
if (!is.null(SampCpars[[p]][[f]][[obs_err_var]])) {
if (msg) message_info(paste0(ind_type, ' Observation Error found (cpars$', obs_err_var, ').'),
'Not updating observation error.')
return(list(Data_out=Data_out, ObsPars=ObsPars))
# calculate observation error
fitbeta <- TRUE
beta_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'I_beta',
SpInd = 'SpI_beta',
VInd = 'VI_beta')
if (!is.null(SampCpars[[p]][[f]][[beta_var]])) {
if (msg) message(paste0(ind_type, ' beta found (cpars$', beta_var, ').'),
'Not updating observation beta parameter')
ObsPars[[p]][[f]][[beta_var]] <- SampCpars[[p]][[f]][[beta_var]]
fitbeta <- FALSE
} else {
ObsPars[[p]][[f]][[beta_var]] <- rep(NA, nsim)
biomass_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Biomass',
SpInd = 'SSB',
VInd = 'VBiomass')
# Calculate Error
dd <- dim(StockPars[[p]][[biomass_var]])
if (length(dd)==5) {
SimBiomass <- apply(StockPars[[p]][[biomass_var]][,map.stocks,,,,drop=FALSE], c(1, 4), sum)
} else {
SimBiomass <- apply(StockPars[[p]][[biomass_var]], c(1, 3), sum)
# Fit to observed index and generate residuals for projections
# Calculate residuals (with or without estimated beta)
Ind_Yrs <- SampCpars[[p]][[f]]$Ind_Yrs
if (is.null(Ind_Yrs))
Ind_Yrs <- 1:nyears
Res_List <- lapply(1:nsim, function(x) Calc_Residuals(sim.index=SimBiomass[x,Ind_Yrs],
obs.ind=slot(Data_out, ind_slot)[x,Ind_Yrs],
lResids_Hist <-'rbind', lapply(Res_List, '[[', 1))
if (fitbeta)
ObsPars[[p]][[f]][[beta_var]] <- as.vector('cbind', lapply(Res_List, '[[', 2)))
if (msg & fitbeta)
message_info(paste0('Updating Obs@', beta_var), 'from real index. Range:',
paste0(range(round(ObsPars[[p]][[f]][[beta_var]],2)), collapse = "-"),
paste0("Use `cpars$", beta_var, "` to override"))
# Calculate statistics
Stats_List <- lapply(1:nsim, function(x) Calc_Stats(lResids_Hist[x,]))
Stats <-'rbind', Stats_List)
check_Index <-check_Index_Fit(Stats, ind_slot)
if (check_Index) {
# Generate residuals for projections
Resid_Hist <- exp(lResids_Hist) # historical residuals in normal space
Resid_Proj <- Gen_Residuals(Stats, nsim, proyears)
Res_List2 <- lapply(1:nsim, function(x) Calc_Residuals(sim.index=SimBiomass[x,],
obs.ind=slot(Data_out, ind_slot)[x,],
for (i in 1:nsim) {
Res_List2[[i]]$res <- Res_List2[[i]]$res + mean(Res_List[[i]]$res-Res_List2[[i]]$res[Ind_Yrs], na.rm=TRUE)
lResids_Hist <-'rbind', lapply(Res_List2, '[[', 1))
ObsPars[[p]][[f]][[obs_err_var]][, 1:nyears] <- exp(lResids_Hist) # update Obs Error
ObsPars[[p]][[f]][[obs_err_var]][, (nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)] <- Resid_Proj
stat_var <- switch(ind_slot,
Ind = 'Ind_Stat',
SpInd = 'SpInd_Stat',
VInd = 'VInd_Stat')
ObsPars[[p]][[f]][[stat_var]] <- Stats[,1:2]
list(Data_out=Data_out, ObsPars=ObsPars)
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