
Defines functions xts_to_long_df drop_null year_type_label nfd_plot_style plot_annual plot_monthly get_site_name check_plot_nfd_which check_plot_site plot.nfd

Documented in plot.nfd

#' Plot nfd objects
#' Plot [nfd] objects (including [crss_nf] and [crssi] objects) for a single 
#' site. Plotting these
#' objects are meant to give a cursory look at the underlying data. For more 
#' complex statistics see [nfd_stats()]. 
#' @section Annual plots:
#' Annual plots include boxplots, cloud plots, and spaghetti plots; each plot
#' shows the annual values across multiple traces through time. Box and cloud
#' plots use the 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles as box and whiskers (in 
#' the box plot) and as the different shaded regions (in the cloud plot). 
#' The spaghetti plots show every single trace as a line plot. 
#' @section Monthly plots:
#' Monthly plots only include boxplots by month. These boxplots aggregate data
#' for all months and all traces. The months are ordered from January - December
#' if the underlying object has a calendar year (cy) year attribute, and 
#' October - September if it has a water year (wy) year attribute.
#' @param x An object inheriting from [nfd].
#' @param trace The trace(s) to use as a numeric vector. If `-1`, then all 
#'   traces are used, otherwise the traces specified in the vector are used.
#' @param site The site to plot as a scalar numeric or character. Should be a 
#' site number, or a site name.
#' @param flow_space The flow space to plot. "both", "intervening", or "total".
#' @param time_step The time step of data to plot. "both", "annual", or 
#'   "monthly".
#' @param base_units The units of the data. Used for the y-axis label.
#' @param which The type of plot to create. Can be multiple plot types, but 
#'   must be "box", "cloud", "spaghetti", or some combination of these three 
#'   types. Can also specify numerically as 1, 2, and 3, respectively. See the
#'   *Annual plots* and *Monthly plots* sections for details.
#' @param show Boolean. Should the plots be shown if in interactive mode. If 
#'   `TRUE`, the user can enter through all returned plots.
#' @param ... Other parameters not used by this method.
#' @return `nfdplot` object. See [print.nfdplot()], [save_nfdplot()].
#' @export
plot.nfd <- function(x, trace = -1, site = 1, flow_space = "both", 
                     time_step = "both", base_units = NULL, which = "box", 
                     show = TRUE, ...)
  # input ok -------------------------------------------
  assert_that(flow_space %in% c("total", "intervening", "both"))
  assert_that(time_step %in% c("annual", "monthly", "both"))
  assert_that(length(show) == 1 && is.logical(show))
  if (length(trace) == 1 && trace == -1)
    trace <- seq(n_trace(x))

  assert_that(all(trace %in% seq(n_trace(x))))
  # check and convert which to character
  which <- check_plot_nfd_which(which)
  # check and convert site to number
  site <- check_plot_site(x, site)
  site_name <- get_site_name(x, site)
  get_ann <- get_mon <- get_int <- get_tot <- FALSE
  if (flow_space %in% c("intervening", "both"))
    get_int <- TRUE
  if (flow_space %in% c("total", "both"))
    get_tot <- TRUE
  if (time_step %in% c("monthly", "both"))
    get_mon <- TRUE
  if (time_step %in% c("annual", "both"))
    get_ann <- TRUE
  # data exists -----------------------------------------
  # check that necesary data exists for the specified plot types
  if (get_int && get_mon)
    assert_that(has_monthly(x) && has_intervening(x, "monthly"))
  if (get_tot && get_mon)
    assert_that(has_monthly(x) && has_total(x, "monthly"))
  if (get_int && get_ann)
    assert_that(has_annual(x) && has_intervening(x, "annual"))
  if (get_tot && get_ann)
    assert_that(has_annual(x) && has_total(x, "annual"))
  # check for valid plots with monthly data --------------------
  if (get_mon)
    !(any(which %in% c('cloud', 'spaghetti'))),
    msg = "cloud and spaghetti are not valid plots for monthly data."
  # plot by time_step and flow_space ---------------------
  gg_int_mon <- gg_int_ann <- gg_tot_mon <- gg_tot_ann <- NULL
  year_type <- year_type_label(x)
  if (get_int && get_mon)
    gg_int_mon <- plot_monthly(
      nfd_get_site(x, site, "intervening", "monthly"),
      trace, which, "intervening", site_name, year_type, base_units
  if (get_tot && get_mon)
    gg_tot_mon <- plot_monthly(
      nfd_get_site(x, site, "total", "monthly"), 
      trace, which, "total", site_name, year_type, base_units
  if (get_int && get_ann)
    gg_int_ann <- plot_annual(
      nfd_get_site(x, site, "intervening", "annual"), 
      trace, which, "intervening", site_name, year_type, base_units
  if (get_tot && get_ann)
    gg_tot_ann <- plot_annual(
      nfd_get_site(x, site, "total", "annual"), 
      trace, which, "total", site_name, year_type, base_units

  gg <- c(gg_int_mon, gg_int_ann, gg_tot_mon, gg_tot_ann)
  # remove the null lists
  gg <- drop_null(gg)
  class(gg) <- "nfdplot"
  if (show)

check_plot_site <- function(x, site)
    length(site) == 1,
    msg = "`site` should have a length = 1."
    site %in% sites(x) || site %in% seq(n_sites(x)), 
    msg = "`site` does not exist in nfd."
  if (is.character(site))
    site <- which(site == sites(x))

check_plot_nfd_which <- function(which)
  plot_types <- c("box", "cloud", "spaghetti")
  if (is.character(which)) {
      all(which %in% plot_types), 
      msg = paste0("`which` can only be: ", paste(plot_types, collapse = ", "))
  } else if (is.numeric(which)) {
      all(which %in% 1:3), 
      msg = "`which` can only be in the [1-3] range."

    which <- plot_types[which]
  } else {
    stop("`which` is not a character or numeric.")

get_site_name <- function(x, site) 
  if (is.null(sites(x))) 
    site_name <- paste("Site", site)
    site_name <- sites(x)[site]

# return a nfdplot: list(gg)
plot_monthly <- function(x, trace, which, flow_space, site_name, year_type,
  colnames(x) <- 1:ncol(x)
  x <- xts_to_long_df(x, add_month = TRUE)
  if (!all(unique(x$trace) %in% trace))
    x <- dplyr::filter_at(x, "trace", function(i) i %in% trace)
  gg_box <- NULL
  if ("box" %in% which) {
    # set order of months depending on cy vs wy
    if (year_type == "Year") 
      mm <- 1:12
      mm <- c(10:12, 1:9)
    x$month <- factor(x$month, levels = mm)
    gg_box <- ggplot(x, aes(!!sym("month"), !!sym("value"))) +
      stat_boxplot_custom(aes(group = !!sym("month"))) +
      scale_x_discrete(labels = month.abb[mm])
    gg_box <- nfd_plot_style(gg_box, "Monthly", flow_space, site_name, trace,
                             NULL, base_units)
    gg_box <- list(gg_box)
  # remove the null lists
  gg_box <- drop_null(gg_box)
  class(gg_box) <- "nfdplot"

plot_annual <- function(x, trace, which, flow_space, site_name, year_type,
  # convert to df
  colnames(x) <- 1:ncol(x)
  x <- xts_to_long_df(x, add_year = TRUE)
  if (!all(unique(x$trace) %in% trace))
    x <- dplyr::filter_at(x, "trace", function(i) i %in% trace)
  gg_box <- gg_cloud <- gg_spag <- NULL
  # boxblot ------------------------------------
  if ("box" %in% which) {
    gg_box <- ggplot(x, aes(!!sym("year"), !!sym("value"))) +
      stat_boxplot_custom(aes(group = !!sym("year")))
    gg_box <- nfd_plot_style(gg_box, "Annual", flow_space, site_name, trace, 
                             year_type, base_units)
    gg_box <- list(gg_box)
  # spaghetti -----------------------------------
  if ("spaghetti" %in% which) {
    gg_spag <- ggplot(x, aes(!!sym("year"), !!sym("value"))) +
      geom_line(aes(group = !!sym("trace")))
    gg_spag <- nfd_plot_style(gg_spag, "Annual", flow_space, site_name, trace, 
                              year_type, base_units)
    gg_spag <- list(gg_spag)
  # cloud ---------------------------------------
  if ("cloud" %in% which) {
    # compute stats 5, 25, 50, 75, 95 percentiles
    x_stats <- ribbon_stats(x, "year", "value")

    gg_cloud <- gg_ribbon_cloud(ggplot(x_stats, aes(!!sym("year"))))
    gg_cloud <- nfd_plot_style(gg_cloud, "Annual", flow_space, site_name, trace, 
                               year_type, base_units)
    gg_cloud <- list(gg_cloud)
  gg <- c(gg_box, gg_cloud, gg_spag)
  # remove the null lists
  gg <- drop_null(gg)
  class(gg) <- "nfdplot"

nfd_plot_style <- function(gg, time_step, flow_space, site_name, trace, 
                           year_type, base_units) 
  gg + labs(
    title = paste(time_step, flow_space, "flow at", site_name),
    caption = paste(length(trace), "traces."),
    x = year_type,
    y = base_units
  ) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)

year_type_label <- function(x)
  yt_lab <- c("cy" = "Year", "wy" = "Water Year")
  yt <- attr(x, "year")

drop_null <- function(x)
  x[lengths(x) != 0]

xts_to_long_df <- function(x, add_year = FALSE, add_month = FALSE) 
  df <- as.data.frame(x)
  df$ym <- zoo::index(x)
  df <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df, -"ym", names_to = "trace")
  if (add_year)
    df$year <- year(df$ym, TRUE)
  if (add_month)
    df$month <- month(df$ym, TRUE)
BoulderCodeHub/CRSSIO documentation built on July 2, 2023, 5:15 p.m.