
#' xMSwrapper.XCMS.matchedFilter
#' Wrapper function for XCMS based on matched filter alignment algorithm,
#' evaluate.Features,evaluate.Samples,merge.Results, and feat.batch.annotation
#' The wrapper function includes five stages to utilize information from the
#' technical replicates to optimize the data extraction process, enhance data
#' quality, search for targeted features/metabollites, perform QA & QC
#' evaluations including batch-effect evaluation & correction. : 1) features
#' are extracted using different parameters 2) results from each parameter
#' setting are evaluated for sample quality & feature consistency, 3) filtered
#' results from individual settings are merged to obtain a combined feature
#' table; the optimization score that takes into account the number of features
#' and average CV (see Uppal 2013) is used to determine the most optimal set of
#' parameters. 4) A targeted feature table using the list of m/z in the "refMZ"
#' file is generated 5) Quality measures of each featue includes: number of
#' samples including replicates with non-missing values (NumPres.All.Samples),
#' number of biological samples for which more than 60% of technical replicates
#' have a non-missing/non-zero value (NumPres.Biol.Samples), median coefficient
#' of variation (CV) within technical replicates summarized across all samples;
#' Qscore (Quality score which is calculated using NumPres.All.Samples,
#' NumPres.Biol.Samples, median CV, and delta ppm between mz.min and mz.max;
#' Higher is better) Users have the option to filter poor quality samples and
#' features based on correlation between technical replicates and feature
#' reproducibility measures such as PID or CV, respectively.
#' @param cdfloc The folder where all CDF/mzXML files to be processed are
#' located. eg: "C:/CDF/".  Use "cdfloc=NA" if the XCMS results already exist
#' in XCMS.outloc.
#' @param XCMS.outloc The folder where XCMS output will be written. eg:
#' "C:/XCMSoutput/"
#' @param xMSanalyzer.outloc The folder where xMSanalyzer output will be
#' written. eg: "C:/xMSanalyzeroutput/"
#' @param step.list list containing values for the step size
#' @param mz.diff.list list containing values for the minimum difference for
#' features with retention time overlap
#' @param sn.thresh.list list containing values for signal to noise ratio
#' cutoff variable
#' @param max Value for maxnimum number of peaks per EIC variable
#' @param bw bandwidth value list. eg: c(10,30)
#' @param minfrac.val minimum fraction of samples necessary in at least the
#' sample groups for it to be a valid group
#' @param minsamp minimum number of samples necessary in at least one of the
#' sample groups for it to be a valid group
#' @param mzwid width of overlapping m/z slices to use for creating peak
#' density chromatograms and grouping peaks across samples
#' @param sleep seconds to pause between plotting successive steps of the peak
#' grouping algorithm. Peaks are plotted as points showing relative intensity.
#' identified groups are flanked by dotted vertical lines.
#' @param retcor.family Used by matchedFilter alignment method. Use "gaussian"
#' to perform fitting by least squares without outlier removal. Or "symmetric"
#' to use a redescending M estimator with Tukey's biweight function that allows
#' outlier removal.
#' @param retcor.plottype Used by both matchedFilter and centWave alignment
#' methods. eg: "deviation" or "mdevden"
#' @param groupval.method Conflict resolution method while calculating peak
#' values for each group. eg: "medret" or "maxint"
#' @param numnodes Number of computing nodes to use.  eg: 1
#' @param run.order.file Name of a tab-delimited file that includes sample
#' names sorted by the order in which they were run (sample names must match
#' the CDF file names)
#' @param max.mz.diff +/- mz tolerance in ppm for feature matching
#' @param max.rt.diff retention time tolerance for feature matching
#' @param merge.eval.pvalue Threshold for defining signifcance level of the
#' paired t-test or the Pearson correlation during the merge stage in
#' xMSanalyzer. The p-value is used to determine whether two features with same
#' m/z and retention time have identical intensity profiles.
#' @param mergecorthresh Correlation threshold to be used during the merge
#' stage in xMSanalyzer to determine whether two features with same m/z and
#' retention time have identical intensity profiles.
#' @param num_replicates Number of replicates per sample
#' @param subs If not all the CDF files in the folder are to be processed, the
#' user can define a subset using this parameter.
#' @param mz.tolerance.dbmatch m/z threshold for database matching
#' @param adduct.list List of adducts for matching m/zs in KEGG. eg:
#' c("M+H","M+H-H2O")
#' @param samp.filt.thresh Threshold for filtering samples based on Pearson
#' correlation between technical replicates. eg: 0.7
#' @param feat.filt.thresh Threshold for filtering samples based on percent
#' intensity difference or coefficient of variation. eg: 50
#' @param cormethod Method for determing correlation between technical
#' replicates. eg: "pearson" or "spearman
#' @param mult.test.cor Should Bonferroni multiple testing correction method be
#' applied for comparing intensities of overlapping m/z? Default: FALSE
#' @param missingvalue How are missing values represented? eg: 0 or NA
#' @param ignore.missing Should the missing values be ignored while computing
#' pearson correlation. eg: TRUE or FALSE
#' @param deltamzminmax.tol Maximum allowed delta ppm between mz.min and
#' mz.max. Eg: 10
#' @param refMZ Full path of the file with m/z of the targeted chemicals to
#' search for.  If the value is "NA", then the list of metabolites in the
#' data(example_target_list) is used.  The input file should be formatted as
#' data(example_target_list): Column A: m/z of the targeted metabolite
#' (required) Column B: retention time (Optional) Column C: Name of the
#' metabolite (required)
#' @param refMZ.mz.diff The ppm tolerance to search for targeted
#' metabolites/features in xMSanalyzer.  Default: 10
#' @param refMZ.time.diff The time tolerance to search for targeted
#' metabolites/features in xMSanalyzer.  Default: NA
#' @param void.vol.timethresh Time threshold for void volume. The program
#' searches for the void volume cutoff within the defined time limit. Default:
#' 30
#' @param replacezeroswithNA Should 0s be treated as missing values during
#' ComBat (TRUE or FALSE).  Default: TRUE
#' @param scoreweight The w parameter in the scoring function defined in the
#' xMSanalyzer manuscript.  Uppal 2013, BMC Bioinformatiocs. Default: 30
#' @param sample_info_file File listing the order in which the samples were
#' run. The format of the file should be as follows: Column A:File names
#' matching the CDF/mzXML files Column B: Sample ID Column C: Batch number
#' (This column should be labeled "Batch") Column D: Additional covariates to
#' adjust for (Optional)
#' @param filepattern File format of spectral data files.  eg: ".cdf", ".mzXML"
#' @param charge_type Ionization mode. "pos" or "neg" Default: "pos"
#' @param minexp.pct Minimum fraction of samples in which the signal should be
#' present. Default: "0.1"
#' @param syssleep Sleep time in between KEGG REST queries. Default: "0.5"
#' @return A list is returned.  \item{XCMS.merged.res }{Merged feature table,
#' P1 U P2 where P1 and P2 are two sets of parameter settings. The "QRscore" is
#' defined as the ratio of percentage of biological samples for which more than
#' 50 percent of technical replicates have a signal and median PID or CV.
#' QRscore=Percent good samples/median PID or CV} \item{XCMS.ind.res}{List with
#' results from individual parameter settings.}
#' \item{XCMS.ind.res.filtered}{List with results from individual parameter
#' settings after filtering.} \item{annot.res}{List with annotation results
#' after merging results.} \item{feat.eval.ind}{List with feature evaluation
#' results based on CV or PID at each parameter setting.}
#' \item{sample.eval.ind}{List with sample evaluation results at each parameter
#' setting based on correlation between technical replicates.} Outputs XCMS
#' results at each parameter settings to XCMS.outloc and the following to
#' xMSanalyzer.outloc: -feature consistency results -sample evaluation results
#' -feature list after merging results from parameter settings A and B -merge
#' summary
#' @author Karan Uppal <kuppal2@@emory.edu>
#' @keywords ~XCMS ~wrapper ~matched filter
xMSwrapper.XCMS.matchedFilter <- function(cdfloc, 
    XCMS.outloc, xMSanalyzer.outloc, step.list = c(0.001, 
        0.01, 0.1), mz.diff.list = c(0.001, 0.01, 
        0.1), sn.thresh.list = c(10), max = 50, bw = c(10), 
    minfrac.val = 0.5, minsamp = 2, mzwid = 0.25, 
    sleep = 0, retcor.family = "symmetric", retcor.plottype = "mdevden", 
    groupval.method = "medret", numnodes = 2, run.order.file = NA, 
    max.mz.diff = 15, max.rt.diff = 300, merge.eval.pvalue = 0.2, 
    mergecorthresh = 0.7, deltamzminmax.tol = 10, 
    num_replicates = 2, subs = NA, mz.tolerance.dbmatch = 10, 
    adduct.list = c("M+H"), samp.filt.thresh = 0.7, 
    feat.filt.thresh = 50, cormethod = "pearson", 
    mult.test.cor = TRUE, missingvalue = 0, ignore.missing = TRUE, 
    sample_info_file = NA, refMZ = NA, refMZ.mz.diff = 10, 
    refMZ.time.diff = NA, void.vol.timethresh = 30, 
    replacezeroswithNA = TRUE, scoreweight = 30, filepattern = ".cdf", 
    charge_type = "pos", minexp.pct = 0.1, syssleep = 0.5) {
    suppressWarnings(sink(file = NULL))
    x <- date()
    x <- strsplit(x, split = " ")
    targeted_feat_raw <- {
    x1 <- unlist(x)
    # fname<-paste(x1[2:5],collapse='_')
    # fname<-paste(x1[2:3],x1[5],x1[4],collapse='_')
    fname <- paste(x1[2:3], collapse = "")
    fname <- paste(fname, x1[5], sep = "")
    x1[4] <- gsub(x1[4], pattern = ":", replacement = "_")
    fname <- paste(fname, x1[4], sep = "_")
    fname <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Log_", fname, 
        ".txt", sep = "")
    print(paste("Program is running. Please check the logfile for runtime status: ", 
        fname, sep = ""))
    data_rpd_all = new("list")
    data_rpd = new("list")
    union_list = new("list")
    feateval_list <- new("list")
    rsqres_list <- new("list")
    annot.res <- {
    annotres_list <- new("list")
    best_score <- (-1e+06)
    if (is.na(sample_info_file) == FALSE) {
        sampleid_mapping <- read.table(sample_info_file, 
            sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
        if (is.na(cdfloc) == FALSE) {
            l1 <- list.files(cdfloc, filepattern)
            minexp <- minfrac.val * length(l1)
        } else {
            l1 <- rep(1, num_replicates)
        if (length(l1) != dim(sampleid_mapping)[1] & 
            (is.na(cdfloc) == FALSE)) {
            num_mis_files <- dim(sampleid_mapping)[1] - 
            stop(paste("ERROR: Only ", length(l1), 
                " spectral files were found. ", num_mis_files, 
                " files are missing.", sep = ""))
    } else {
        if (is.na(cdfloc) == FALSE) {
            l1 <- list.files(cdfloc, filepattern)
            minexp <- minfrac.val * length(l1)
        } else {
            l1 <- rep(1, num_replicates)
    if (length(l1)%%num_replicates > 0) {
        stop(paste("ERROR: Not all samples have ", 
            num_replicates, " replicates.", sep = ""))
    dir.create(XCMS.outloc, showWarnings = FALSE)
    dir.create(xMSanalyzer.outloc, showWarnings = FALSE)
    # subdir1<-paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc,'/Quality_assessment_files',sep='')
    # subdir2<-paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc,'/XCMS_filtered_data',sep='')
    # subdir3<-paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc,'/XCMS_with_xMSanalyzer_merged_data',sep='')
    if (is.na(refMZ) == FALSE) {
        stddata <- read.table(refMZ, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
    } else {
        if (charge_type == "pos") {
            stddata <- example_target_list_pos
        } else {
            if (charge_type == "neg") {
                stddata <- example_target_list_neg
            } else {
                stop("Invalid option. 'charge_type' should be 'pos' or 'neg'.")
    ############################################ 1) Align profiles using the cdf.to.ftr wrapper
    ############################################ function in apLCMS
    if (is.na(XCMS.outloc) == TRUE) {
        stop("Undefined value for parameter, XCMS.outloc. Please define the XCMS output location.")
    if (is.na(xMSanalyzer.outloc) == TRUE) {
        stop("Undefined value for parameter, xMSanalyzer.outloc. Please define the xMSanalyzer output location.")
    if (is.na(cdfloc) == FALSE) {
        if (is.na(XCMS.outloc) == FALSE) {
            data_rpd_all = XCMS.align.matchedFilter(cdfloc, 
                XCMS.outloc, step.list = step.list, 
                mz.diff.list = mz.diff.list, sn.thresh.list = sn.thresh.list, 
                max = max, bw.val = bw, minfrac.val = minfrac.val, 
                minsamp.val = minsamp, mzwid.val = mzwid, 
                sleep.val = sleep, run.order.file = run.order.file, 
                subs = subs, retcor.family = retcor.family, 
                retcor.plottype = retcor.plottype, 
                groupval.method = groupval.method, 
                target.mz.list = stddata)
            # data_rpd_all=XCMS.align.matchedFilter(cdfloc,
            # XCMS.outloc,step.list, mz.diff.list,
            # sn.thresh.list, max, bw, minfrac.val, minsamp,
            # mzwid, sleep, run.order.file,subs,
            # retcor.family, retcor.plottype,groupval.method)
        } else {
            stop("Undefined value for parameter, XCMS.outloc. Please define the output location.")
    alignmentresults <- list.files(XCMS.outloc, "*.txt")
    print("Files found in XCMS output location:")
    for (i in 1:length(alignmentresults)) {
        data_rpd_all[[i]] <- read.table(paste(XCMS.outloc, 
            "/", alignmentresults[i], sep = ""), header = TRUE)
    subdir1 <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Stage1", 
        sep = "")  #QC individual parameter settings
    subdir2 <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Stage2", 
        sep = "")  #Data filtering
    subdir3 <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Stage3a", 
        sep = "")  #Data merger/parameter optimization
    subdir3b <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Stage3b", 
        sep = "")
    subdir4a <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Stage4a", 
        sep = "")  #Raw QC: batch effect eval, TIC, etc
    dir.create(subdir1, showWarnings = FALSE)
    dir.create(subdir2, showWarnings = FALSE)
    dir.create(subdir3, showWarnings = FALSE)
    dir.create(subdir3b, showWarnings = FALSE)
    dir.create(subdir4a, showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (is.na(sample_info_file) == FALSE) {
        subdir4b <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Stage4b", 
            sep = "")  #Batch-effect corrected QC: batch effect eval, TIC, etc
        dir.create(subdir4b, showWarnings = FALSE)
    if (is.na(adduct.list) == FALSE) {
        subdir5 <- paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, "/Stage5", 
            sep = "")  #Putative unprocessed annotations;
        dir.create(subdir5, showWarnings = FALSE)
    bestscore <- (-1e+06)
        # stop('Undefined value for parameter, cdfloc.
        # Please enter path of the folder where the CDF
        # files to be processed are located.') change
        # location to the output folder
        alignmentresults <- list.files(XCMS.outloc, 
        if (length(data_rpd_all) > 0) {
            curdata_dim = {
            if (num_replicates == 2) {
                fileroot = "_PID"
            } else {
                if (num_replicates > 2) {
                  fileroot = "_CV"
                } else {
                  fileroot = ""
                  stop("Need at least 2 technical replicates per sample.")
            # for(i in 1:length(alignmentresults))
            print("*******xMSanalyzer Stage 1: QC evaluation of invidual parameters*******")
            for (i in 1:length(data_rpd_all)) {
                print("dim of data is ")
                print(paste("**Evaluating XCMS results from parameter setting ", 
                  i, "**", sep = ""))
                ############################################ 2)Calculate pairwise correlation coefficients
                file_name = sapply(strsplit(alignmentresults[i], 
                  ".txt"), head)
                # curdata=read.table(paste(XCMS.outloc,'/',alignmentresults[i],sep=''),header=TRUE)
                # curdata=check.mz.in.replicates(curdata)
                curdata = data_rpd_all[[i]]
                ############################################# 3) Calculate Percent Intensity Difference
                if (num_replicates > 1) {
                  feat.eval.result = evaluate.Features(curdata, 
                    numreplicates = num_replicates, 
                    min.samp.percent = 0.6, alignment.tool = "XCMS", 
                    impute.bool = TRUE)
                  cnames = colnames(feat.eval.result)
                  feat.eval.result <- apply(feat.eval.result, 
                    2, as.numeric)
                  feat.eval.result <- as.data.frame(feat.eval.result)
                  feat.eval.result.mat = cbind(curdata[, 
                    c(1:8)], feat.eval.result)
                  feat.eval.outfile = paste(subdir1, 
                    "/", file_name, fileroot, "featureassessment.txt", 
                    sep = "")
                  # write results
                    feat.eval.outfile, sep = "\t", 
                    row.names = FALSE)
                  curdata <- curdata[which(as.numeric(feat.eval.result$median) <= 
                    feat.filt.thresh), ]
                  feat.eval.result.mat <- feat.eval.result.mat[which(as.numeric(feat.eval.result$median) <= 
                    feat.filt.thresh), ]
                  # curdata<-cbind(curdata,feat.eval.result[which(as.numeric(feat.eval.result$median)<=feat.filt.thresh),])
                  curdata <- as.data.frame(curdata)
                  curdata <- replace(as.matrix(curdata), 
                    which(is.na(curdata) == TRUE), 
                  if (is.na(deltamzminmax.tol) == 
                    FALSE) {
                    print("filtering by delta m/z")
                    mz_min_max <- cbind(curdata[, 
                      2], curdata[, 3])
                    mz_min_max <- as.data.frame(mz_min_max)
                    deltappm_res <- apply(mz_min_max, 
                      1, get_deltappm)
                    curdata <- curdata[which(as.numeric(deltappm_res) <= 
                      deltamzminmax.tol), ]
                    feat.eval.result.mat <- feat.eval.result.mat[which(as.numeric(deltappm_res) <= 
                      deltamzminmax.tol), ]
                  feateval_list[[i]] <- feat.eval.result.mat
                  data_rpd[[i]] <- curdata
                  if (num_replicates > 1) {
                    print(paste("**calculating pairwise ", 
                      cormethod, " correlation**", 
                      sep = ""))
                    rsqres_list <- evaluate.Samples(curdata, 
                      num_replicates, alignment.tool = "XCMS", 
                      cormethod, missingvalue, ignore.missing)
                    rsqres <- as.data.frame(rsqres_list$cor.matrix)
                    curdata <- as.data.frame(rsqres_list$feature.table)
                    rsqres <- as.data.frame(rsqres)
                    snames <- colnames(curdata[, -c(1:8)])
                    snames_1 <- snames[seq(1, length(snames), 
                    rownames(rsqres) <- snames_1
                    pcor_outfile = paste(subdir1, 
                      "/", file_name, "_sampleassessment_usinggoodfeatures.txt", 
                      sep = "")
                    write.table(rsqres, pcor_outfile, 
                      sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE)
                    rsqres_list[[i]] <- rsqres
                  } else {
                    print("**skipping sample evaluataion as only one replicate is present**")
                  if (num_replicates > 2) {
                    bad_samples <- which(rsqres$meanCorrelation < 
                  } else {
                    bad_samples <- which(rsqres$Correlation < 
                  if (length(bad_samples) > 0) {
                    bad_sample_names <- snames_1[bad_samples]
                    feat.eval.outfile = paste(subdir1, 
                      "/", file_name, "_badsamples_at_cor", 
                      samp.filt.thresh, ".txt", sep = "")
                    bad_sample_names <- as.data.frame(bad_sample_names)
                    colnames(bad_sample_names) <- paste("Samples with correlation between technical replicates <", 
                      samp.filt.thresh, sep = "")
                      file = feat.eval.outfile, sep = "\t", 
                      row.names = FALSE)
                  bad_list = {
                  if (length(bad_samples) > 0) {
                    for (n1 in 1:length(bad_samples)) {
                      if (bad_samples[n1] > 1) {
                        bad_samples[n1] = bad_samples[n1] + 
                          (bad_samples[n1] - 1) * 
                            (num_replicates - 1)
                    for (n1 in 1:num_replicates) {
                      bad_list <- c(bad_list, (bad_samples + 
                        n1 - 1))
                    bad_list <- bad_list[order(bad_list)]
                  if (i > 1) {
                    parent_bad_list <- intersect(parent_bad_list, 
                  } else {
                    parent_bad_list <- bad_list
                } else {
                  print("**skipping feature evaluataion as only one replicate is present**")
            print("********Stage 2: Filtering results from each parameter setting based on sample and feature quality checks*******")
            for (i in 1:length(alignmentresults)) {
                file_name = sapply(strsplit(alignmentresults[i], 
                  ".txt"), head)
                feat.eval.file = paste(subdir2, "/", 
                  file_name, "cor", samp.filt.thresh, 
                  fileroot, feat.filt.thresh, "filtereddata.txt", 
                  sep = "")
                # data_rpd[[i]]=read.table(feat.eval.file,header=TRUE)
                curdata <- data_rpd[[i]]
                feat.eval.result.mat <- feateval_list[[i]]
                if (length(parent_bad_list) > 0) {
                  curdata <- curdata[, -c(parent_bad_list + 
                  # maxint<-apply(curdata[,-c(1:4,((dim(curdata)[2]-6):dim(curdata)[2]))],1,max)
                  maxint <- apply(curdata[, -c(1:8)], 
                    1, max)
                  badfeats <- which(maxint == 0)
                  if (length(badfeats) > 0) {
                    curdata <- curdata[-c(badfeats), 
                    feat.eval.result.mat <- feat.eval.result.mat[-c(badfeats), 
                    feateval_list[[i]] <- feat.eval.result.mat
                data_rpd[[i]] <- curdata[which(as.numeric(feat.eval.result.mat$median) <= 
                  feat.filt.thresh), ]
                feat.eval.outfile = paste(subdir2, 
                  "/", file_name, "cor", samp.filt.thresh, 
                  fileroot, feat.filt.thresh, "filtereddata.txt", 
                  sep = "")
                # write results
                write.table(data_rpd[[i]], feat.eval.outfile, 
                  sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
                feat.eval.outfile = paste(subdir1, 
                  "/", file_name, fileroot, "featureassessment.txt", 
                  sep = "")
                # write results
                write.table(feateval_list[[i]], feat.eval.outfile, 
                  sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
            ########################################### 4) Merge two or more parameter settings
            print("*************Stage 3a: Merging features detected at different parameter settings********************")
            num_pairs = 1
            finalres = {
            rnames = {
            for (i in 1:length(alignmentresults)) {
                file_name = sapply(strsplit(alignmentresults[i], 
                  ".txt"), head)
                # feat.eval.file=paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc,'/',file_name,'cor',samp.filt.thresh,fileroot,feat.filt.thresh,'filtereddata.txt',sep='')
                # data_rpd[[i]]=read.table(feat.eval.file,header=TRUE)
                a1 = sapply(strsplit(as.character(alignmentresults[i]), 
                  "\\_thresh"), head, n = 2)[2]
                a2 = sapply(strsplit(as.character(a1), 
                  "\\_"), head, n = 2)
                threshval = as.numeric(a2[1])
                stepval = sapply(strsplit(as.character(a2[2]), 
                  "\\."), head, n = 2)[2]
                stepval = paste(".", stepval, sep = "")
                stepval = as.numeric(stepval)
                a1 = sapply(strsplit(as.character(alignmentresults[i]), 
                  "\\_mzdiff"), head, n = 2)[2]
                a2 = sapply(strsplit(as.character(a1[1]), 
                  "\\_max"), head, n = 2)
                mzdiff = as.numeric(a2[1])
                a2 = sapply(strsplit(as.character(a2[2]), 
                  "\\.txt"), head, n = 2)
                max = as.numeric(a2[1])
                p1 = paste(threshval, "_", stepval, 
                  "_", mzdiff, "_", max, sep = "")
                bool_num <- 1
                for (j in i:length(alignmentresults)) {
                  bool_num <- 1
                  if (i == j) {
                    if (length(alignmentresults) > 
                      1) {
                      bool_num <- 0
                    } else {
                      bool_num <- 1
                  # if(i!=j)
                  if (bool_num == 1) {
                    file_name = sapply(strsplit(alignmentresults[j], 
                      ".txt"), head)
                    # if(i!=j)
                      p1_p2 = paste("p", i, "_U_", 
                        "p", j, sep = "")
                    # else { p1_p2='p1' }
                    feat.eval.A <- feateval_list[[i]]
                    feat.eval.B <- feateval_list[[j]]
                    feat.eval.A <- feat.eval.A[which(as.numeric(feat.eval.A$median) <= 
                      feat.filt.thresh), ]
                    feat.eval.B <- feat.eval.B[which(as.numeric(feat.eval.B$median) <= 
                      feat.filt.thresh), ]
                    # data_m=merge.Results(data_rpd[[i]],data_rpd[[j]],feateval[[i]],feateval[[j]],max.mz.diff,max.rt.diff,merge.eval.method,merge.eval.pvalue,alignment.tool='XCMS',
                    print(paste("Number of good quality features from setting ", 
                      i, ":", dim(data_rpd[[i]])[1], 
                      sep = ": "))
                    if (i != j) {
                      print(paste("Number of good quality features from setting ", 
                        j, ":", dim(data_rpd[[j]])[1], 
                        sep = ": "))
                    data_m = merge.Results(data_rpd[[i]], 
                      data_rpd[[j]], feat.eval.A, 
                      feat.eval.B, max.mz.diff, max.rt.diff, 
                      merge.eval.pvalue, alignment.tool = "XCMS", 
                      numnodes = numnodes, mult.test.cor, 
                      mergecorthresh, missingvalue)
                    data_m <- unique(data_m)
                    numcols <- dim(data_m)[2]
                    data_m_int <- data_m[, -c(1:8, 
                      (numcols - 7):numcols)]
                    numsamps <- dim(data_m_int)[2]/num_replicates
                    numcols <- dim(data_m)[2]
                    if (is.na(minexp.pct) == FALSE) {
                      minexp <- minexp.pct * dim(data_m_int)[2]
                      if (length(which(data_m[, 8] >= 
                        minexp)) > 0) {
                        data_m <- data_m[which(data_m[, 
                          8] >= minexp), ]
                      } else {
                        stop(paste("No features have non-missing value in ", 
                          minexp, " samples", sep = ""))
                    data_m_int <- data_m[, -c(1:8, 
                      (numcols - 7):numcols)]
                    numsamps <- dim(data_m_int)[2]/num_replicates
                    maxint <- apply(data_m_int, 1, 
                      function(x) {
                        max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                    numpeaks <- lapply(1:dim(data_m_int)[1], 
                      function(j) {
                          ]) == FALSE))
                    union_list[[num_pairs]] <- data_m[, 
                    # union_list[[num_pairs]]<-cbind(union_list[[num_pairs]],numpeaks)
                    union_list[[num_pairs]] <- cbind(union_list[[num_pairs]], 
                    union_list[[num_pairs]] <- cbind(union_list[[num_pairs]], 
                    # Qscore<-(as.numeric(data_m$numgoodsamples)/as.numeric(data_m$median+0.1))
                    # Qscore<-100*(Qscore/numsamps)
                    union_list[[num_pairs]] <- cbind(union_list[[num_pairs]], 
                    union_list[[num_pairs]] <- cbind(union_list[[num_pairs]], 
                    union_list[[num_pairs]] <- cbind(union_list[[num_pairs]], 
                    featinfo <- colnames(data_m[, 
                    cnames <- colnames(data_m_int)
                    merge.res.colnames <- c(featinfo, 
                      "NumPres.All.Samples", "NumPres.Biological.Samples", 
                      paste("median", fileroot, sep = ""), 
                      "Qscore", "Max.Intensity", cnames)
                    colnames(union_list[[num_pairs]]) <- as.character(merge.res.colnames)
                    curres = {
                    curres = cbind(curres, p1_p2)
                    curres = cbind(curres, dim(union_list[[num_pairs]])[1])
                    curres = cbind(curres, mean(as.numeric(data_m$median)))
                    curres = cbind(curres, mean(as.numeric(data_m$Qscore)))
                    # curscore<-(dim(union_list[[num_pairs]])[1]-(scoreweight*mean(as.numeric(data_m$Qscore))))
                    curscore <- (dim(union_list[[num_pairs]])[1] - 
                      (scoreweight * mean(as.numeric(data_m$median))))
                    if (curscore > bestscore) {
                      bestscore <- curscore
                      best_i <- num_pairs
                      best_pair <- p1_p2
                    curres = cbind(curres, curscore)
                    curres <- as.data.frame(curres)
                    finalres = rbind(finalres, curres)
                    finalname = paste("XCMS_feature_list_at_", 
                      p1_p2, "cor", samp.filt.thresh, 
                      fileroot, feat.filt.thresh, 
                      ".txt", sep = "")
                    # Output merge results
                      file = paste(subdir3, "/", finalname, 
                        sep = ""), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
                    num_pairs = num_pairs + 1
            finalres <- as.data.frame(finalres)
            colnames(finalres) <- c("Parameter Combination", 
                "Number of Features", "median PID/CV between sample replicates", 
                "mean Qscore (Quality score)", "Parameter score")
            write.table(finalres, file = paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc, 
                sep = ""), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
            print("Most optimal feature setting:")
            print(paste("********Stage 3b: Generating final (pre-batcheffect correction) untargeted and targeted feature tables using ", 
                best_pair, " results******", sep = ""))
            # rawQCeval/
            # pdf('Stage4a_QC_plots.pdf')
            # pdf(file=paste('subdir4a/Stage4a_QC_plots.pdf',sep=''))
            pdf(file = paste(subdir4a, "/Stage4a_QC_plots.pdf", 
                sep = ""))
            d1 <- union_list[[best_i]]
            if (is.na(refMZ) == FALSE) {
                stddata <- read.table(refMZ, sep = "\t", 
                  header = TRUE)
            } else {
                if (charge_type == "pos") {
                  stddata <- example_target_list_pos
                } else {
                  if (charge_type == "neg") {
                    stddata <- example_target_list_neg
                  } else {
                    stop("Invalid option. 'charge_type' should be 'pos' or 'neg'.")
            hist(d1$NumPres.All.Samples, main = "Histogram NumPres.All.Samples", 
                col = "orange", xlab = "Number of samples (including replicates) \n with non-zero intensity values", 
                ylab = "Number of features", cex.main = 0.7)
            hist(d1$NumPres.Biological.Samples, main = "Histogram NumPres.Biological.Samples \n (using all data)", 
                col = "orange", xlab = "Number of biological samples \n with non-zero intensity values", 
                ylab = "Number of features", cex.main = 0.7)
            # h1<-hist(d1$median_CV,main='Histogram median CV
            # \n (using all data)',col='orange',xlab='median
            # CV%', ylab='Number of features',cex.main=0.7)
            # h1<-hist(d1$median_CV,breaks=seq(0,max(d1$median_CV,na.rm=TRUE)+10,10),main='Histogram
            # median CV \n (using all
            # data)',col='orange',xlab='median CV%',
            # ylab='Number of features',cex.main=0.7)
            if (num_replicates > 2) {
                h1 <- hist(d1$median_CV, breaks = seq(0, 
                  max(d1$median_CV, na.rm = TRUE) + 
                    10, 10), main = "Histogram median CV \n (using all data)", 
                  col = "orange", xlab = "median CV%", 
                  ylab = "Number of features", cex.main = 0.7)
            } else {
                h1 <- hist(d1$median_PID, breaks = seq(0, 
                  max(d1$median_PID, na.rm = TRUE) + 
                    10, 10), main = "Histogram median CV \n (using all data)", 
                  col = "orange", xlab = "median CV%", 
                  ylab = "Number of features", cex.main = 0.7)
            hist(d1$Qscore, main = "Histogram Qscore \n (using all data)", 
                col = "orange", xlab = "Quality score", 
                ylab = "Number of features", cex.main = 0.7)
            # pie(h1$counts,col=rainbow(length(h1$counts)),labels=h1$breaks,main='Pie
            # chart of median CVs (%) \n using all
            # features',cex.main=0.7)
            # pie(h1$counts,col=rainbow(length(h1$counts)),labels=h1$breaks,main='Pie
            # chart of median CVs (%) \n using all
            # features',cex.main=0.7)
            lab_text <- paste(h1$breaks, "-", h1$breaks + 
                10, sep = "")
            if (num_replicates > 2) {
                pie(h1$counts, col = rainbow(length(h1$counts)), 
                  labels = lab_text, main = paste("Pie chart of median CVs (%) \n using all features\n; average=", 
                    mean(d1$median_CV), sep = ""), 
                  cex.main = 0.7)
            } else {
                pie(h1$counts, col = rainbow(length(h1$counts)), 
                  labels = lab_text, main = paste("Pie chart of median PIDs (%) \n using all features\n; average=", 
                    mean(d1$median_PID), sep = ""), 
                  cex.main = 0.7)
            d2 <- d1[order(d1$time), ]
            plot(d2$time, d2$Max.Intensity, main = "TIC \n (using all data)", 
                col = "orange", xlab = "Time (s)", 
                ylab = "Max intensity across all samples/profiles", 
                cex.main = 0.7)
            plot(d2$time, d2$mz, main = "m/z vs Time \n (using all data)", 
                col = "orange", xlab = "Time (s)", 
                ylab = "m/z", cex.main = 0.7)
            plot(d2$time, d2$Qscore, main = "Qscore vs Time \n (using all data)", 
                col = "orange", xlab = "Time (s)", 
                ylab = "Qscore", cex.main = 0.7)
            plot(d2$mz, d2$Qscore, main = "Qscore vs m/z \n (using all data)", 
                col = "orange", xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Qscore", 
                cex.main = 0.7)
            max_numzeros <- dim(d1)[2] * 1
            if (is.na(void.vol.timethresh) == FALSE) {
                dfirst15 <- d1[which(d1[, 2] < void.vol.timethresh), 
                if (nrow(dfirst15) > 1) {
                  ind1 <- which(dfirst15[, 12] == 
                    max(dfirst15[, 12]))
                  time_thresh <- dfirst15[ind1, 2]
                  time_thresh <- time_thresh - (0.3 * 
                  # qplot(dfirst15[,2],dfirst15[,9],xlab='Time (s)',
                  # ylab='Max intensity across all samples')
                  plot(dfirst15[, 2], dfirst15[, 9], 
                    xlab = "Time (s)", ylab = "Max intensity across all samples", 
                    main = paste("Estimated void volume time: ", 
                      time_thresh, " s", sep = ""))
                  abline(v = time_thresh, col = 4, 
                    lty = 3)
                  d1 <- d1[which(d1$time >= time_thresh), 
                  print("Estimated void volume time cutoff")
                d1_int <- round(d1[, -c(1:12)], 0)
                d1 <- cbind(d1[, c(1:12)], d1_int)
                # sfname<-paste(xMSanalyzer.outloc,'/stage5/feature_table_',best_pair,'_cor',samp.filt.thresh,fileroot,feat.filt.thresh,'filtered.txt',sep='')
                finalname <- paste("featuretable_", 
                  best_pair, "_cor", samp.filt.thresh, 
                  fileroot, feat.filt.thresh, "_voidtimefilt.txt", 
                  sep = "")
                write.table(d1, file = paste(subdir3b, 
                  "/", finalname, sep = ""), sep = "\t", 
                  row.names = FALSE)
            } else {
                finalname <- paste("feature_table_", 
                  best_pair, "_cor", samp.filt.thresh, 
                  fileroot, feat.filt.thresh, ".txt", 
                  sep = "")
                write.table(d1, file = paste(subdir3b, 
                  "/", finalname, sep = ""), sep = "\t", 
                  row.names = FALSE)
            print(paste("*********Stage 4a: Search for target features, performing QC evaluation using ", 
                best_pair, " results********", sep = ""))
            print("Dim data after void time filtering")
            data_m <- d1[, -c(1:12)]
            if (replacezeroswithNA == TRUE) {
                data_m <- replace(as.matrix(data_m), 
                  which(data_m == 0), NA)
            counna <- apply(data_m, 1, function(x) {
                length(which(is.na(x) == TRUE))
            maxzeros <- 1 * dim(data_m)[2]
            if (length(which(counna < maxzeros))) {
                data_m <- data_m[which(counna < maxzeros), 
            maxint <- apply(data_m, 1, function(x) {
                max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
            maxint_ord <- order(maxint, decreasing = TRUE)
            # [maxint_ord[1:5000]
            X <- t(data_m)  #[maxint_ord[1:2000],])
            X <- replace(as.matrix(X), which(is.na(X) == 
                TRUE), 0)
            tic.eval(d1[, -c(1:12)], outloc = subdir4a)
            feat.eval.result = evaluate.Features(d1[, 
                -c(9:12)], numreplicates = num_replicates, 
                min.samp.percent = 0.6, alignment.tool = "XCMS", 
                impute.bool = TRUE)
            s1 <- "Stage 1 results: QC evaluation of invidual parameters from apLCMS"
            s2 <- "Stage 2 results: filtered results from each paramter setting based on sample and feature quality (CV within replicates) checks"
            s3 <- "Stage 3a results: merged results using stage 2 filtered files"
            s3b <- "Stage 3b results: Final untargeted and targeted feature tables"
            s4a <- "Stage 4a results: QC evaluation of targeted and untargeted data before batch-effect correction"
            sm <- rbind(s1, s2, s3, s3b, s4a)
            targeted_feat_raw <- eval.target.mz(dataA = d1[, 
                -c(3:12)], refMZ = stddata, feature.eval.result = feat.eval.result, 
                mzthresh = refMZ.mz.diff, timethresh = refMZ.time.diff, 
                outloc = subdir4a, folderheader = "raw")
            if (is.na(sample_info_file) == FALSE) {
                sampleid_mapping <- read.table(sample_info_file, 
                  sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
                sampleid_mapping[, 1] <- gsub(sampleid_mapping[, 
                  1], pattern = filepattern, replacement = "")
                cnames <- colnames(data_m)
                cnames <- gsub(cnames, pattern = filepattern, 
                  replacement = "")
                colnames(data_m) <- cnames
                batch_inf <- sampleid_mapping[, 3]
                batch_labels <- as.factor(sampleid_mapping[, 
                l1 <- levels(batch_labels)
                pca.eval(X = X, samplelabels = batch_labels, 
                  filename = "raw", ncomp = 5, center = TRUE, 
                  scale = TRUE, legendlocation = "topright", 
                  legendcex = 0.5, outloc = subdir4a)
                cnames = colnames(feat.eval.result)
                if (dim(sampleid_mapping)[2] < 4) {
                  mod <- rep(1, dim(data_m)[2])
                } else {
                  mod <- sampleid_mapping[, -c(1:3)]
                print(paste("**********Stage 4b: Processing data using ComBat and post-correction QC evaluation using ", 
                  best_pair, " results*******", sep = ""))
                # pdf('Stage4b_QC_plots.pdf')
                # pdf(file=paste('subdir4b/Stage4b_QC_plots.pdf',sep=''))
                pdf(file = paste(subdir4b, "/Stage4b_QC_plots.pdf", 
                  sep = ""))
                adjdata <- try(sva::ComBat(dat = data_m, 
                  batch = batch_inf, mod = mod, par.prior = TRUE), 
                  silent = TRUE)
                if (is(adjdata, "try-error")) {
                  data_m1 <- cbind(d1[, c(1:4)], data_m)
                  # print(adjdata)
                  print("sva::ComBat caused an error.")
                  print("Too many missing values can cause this error. Trying MetabComBat...")
                  # adjdata<-MetabComBat(dat=data_m1,saminfo=sampleid_mapping,par.prior=T,filter=F,write=F)
                  adjdata <- MetabComBat(dat = data_m1, 
                    saminfo = sampleid_mapping, par.prior = T, 
                    filter = F, write = F, prior.plots = F)
                  adjdata <- adjdata[, -c(1:4)]
                maxint <- apply(adjdata, 1, function(x) {
                  max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                adjdata2 <- replace(as.matrix(adjdata), 
                  which(is.na(adjdata) == TRUE), 0)
                adjdata2 <- replace(as.matrix(adjdata2), 
                  which(adjdata2 < 0), 0)
                adjdata2 <- cbind(d1[, c(1:8)], adjdata2)
                expression_xls <- paste(subdir4b, 
                  "/ComBat_corrected_", best_pair, 
                  "_feature_table.txt", sep = "")
                feat.eval.result = evaluate.Features(adjdata2, 
                  numreplicates = num_replicates, 
                  min.samp.percent = 0.6, alignment.tool = "XCMS", 
                  impute.bool = TRUE)
                cnames = colnames(feat.eval.result)
                feat.eval.result <- apply(feat.eval.result, 
                  2, as.numeric)
                feat.eval.result <- as.data.frame(feat.eval.result)
                feat.eval.result.mat = cbind(adjdata2[, 
                  c(1:4)], feat.eval.result)
                numpeaks <- apply(adjdata2[, -c(1:8)], 
                  1, countpeaks)
                maxint <- apply(adjdata2[, -c(1:8)], 
                  1, function(x) {
                    max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                adjdata2 <- cbind(adjdata2[, c(1:7)], 
                  numpeaks, feat.eval.result.mat$numgoodsamples, 
                  feat.eval.result.mat$median, feat.eval.result.mat$Qscore, 
                  maxint, adjdata2[, -c(1:8)])
                colnames(adjdata2) <- colnames(d1)
                write.table(adjdata2, file = paste(subdir4b, 
                  "/", expression_xls, sep = ""), 
                  sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
                # X<-t(adjdata2[maxint_ord[1:2000],-c(1:9)])
                tic.eval(adjdata2[, -c(1:12)], outloc = subdir4b)
                X <- t(adjdata2[, -c(1:12)])
                X <- as.matrix(X)
                X <- replace(as.matrix(X), which(is.na(X) == 
                  TRUE), 0)
                pca.eval(X, samplelabels = batch_labels, 
                  filename = "ComBat", ncomp = 5, 
                  center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, legendlocation = "topright", 
                  legendcex = 0.5, outloc = subdir4b)
                # eval.reference.metabs(dataA=adjdata2,stdData=stddata,mzthresh=10,outloc=getwd(),folderheader='ComBat')
                targeted_feat_combat <- eval.target.mz(dataA = adjdata2[, 
                  -c(3:12)], refMZ = stddata, feature.eval.result = feat.eval.result, 
                  mzthresh = refMZ.mz.diff, timethresh = refMZ.time.diff, 
                  outloc = subdir4b, folderheader = "ComBat")
                s4b <- "Stage 4b results: Batch-effect evaluation post ComBat and QC evaluation of targeted data post batch-effect correction"
                sm <- rbind(sm, s4b)
            } else {
                adjdata2 = NULL
                targeted_feat_combat <- NULL
            metlin.res = {
            kegg.res = {
            # length(union_list[[num_pairs]]$mz
            if (is.na(adduct.list) == FALSE) {
                print("*********Stage 5: Mapping m/z values to known metabolites using KEGG*********")
                annot.res <- feat.batch.annotation.KEGG(adjdata2, 
                  mz.tolerance.dbmatch, adduct.list, 
                  subdir5, numnodes = numnodes, syssleep = syssleep)
                annotres_list <- annot.res
                s5 <- "Stage 5 results: Annotation of features"
                sm <- rbind(sm, s5)
            print("*************Processing complete**********")
            # print('*********Characterizing
            # metabolites*********')
        } else {
            stop(paste("No files exist in", XCMS.outloc, 
                "Please check the input value for cdfloc", 
                sep = ""))
    suppressWarnings(sink(file = NULL))
    sm <- as.data.frame(sm)
    colnames(sm) <- "Output_description"
    write.table(sm, file = "Readme.txt", sep = "\t", 
        row.names = FALSE)
    print(paste("Processing is complete. Program results can be found at: ", 
        xMSanalyzer.outloc, sep = ""))
    return(list(XCMS.merged.res = union_list, XCMS.ind.res = data_rpd_all, 
        XCMS.ind.res.filtered = data_rpd, final.feat.table.annot = annotres_list, 
        feat.eval.ind = feateval_list, sample.eval.ind = rsqres_list, 
        final.feat.table.raw = d1, final.feat.table.combat = adjdata2, 
        final.targeted.feat.table.raw = targeted_feat_raw, 
        final.targeted.feat.table.combat = targeted_feat_combat))
BowenNCSU/xMSanalyzer documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:36 a.m.