
# Inputs
utils::data("weatherData", package = "rSOILWAT2")
clim <- calc_SiteClimate(
  weatherList = weatherData,
  year.start = 1949,
  year.end = 2010,
  do_C4vars = TRUE,
  simTime2 = NULL

utils::data("sw_exampleData", package = "rSOILWAT2")

# Tests
test_that("Vegetation: estimate land cover composition", {

  # Each of the returned vectors sums to 1
  # (unless there are no grasses, then the sum of grass components is 0) and
  # each element is finite and >= 0
  expect_pnv <- function(pnv) {
    for (k in seq_along(pnv)) {
      sumval <- if (
        grepl("Rel_Abundance", names(pnv)[k], fixed = TRUE) ||
        pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L1"]][["SW_GRASS"]] > 0
      ) {
      } else {
      expect_equal(sum(pnv[[k]]), sumval)

      expect_true(all(pnv[[k]] >= 0))

  # Indices copied from function `estimate_PotNatVeg_composition`
  isuc <- 1 # succulents
  ifor <- 2 # forbs
  igc3 <- 3 # grasses-C3
  igc4 <- 4 # grasses-C4
  igan <- 5 # grasses-annuals
  ishr <- 6 # shrubs
  itre <- 7 # trees
  ibar <- 8 # bare-ground
  iset <- c(igan, itre, ibar)
  iestim <- c(igc4, igc3, ishr, ifor, isuc)
  igrasses <- c(igc3, igc4, igan)

  #--- All estimable vegetation types are estimated:
  pnv0_expected <- list(
    Rel_Abundance_L0 =
        Succulents = 0,
        Forbs = 0.130129368278067,
        Grasses_C3 = 0.315462487535754,
        Grasses_C4 = 0,
        Grasses_Annuals = 0,
        Shrubs = 0.554408144186179,
        Trees = 0,
        BareGround = 0
    Rel_Abundance_L1 = c(
      SW_TREES = 0,
      SW_SHRUB = 0.554408144186179,
      SW_FORBS = 0.130129368278067,
      SW_GRASS = 0.315462487535754,
    Grasses = c(
      Grasses_C3 = 1,
      Grasses_C4 = 0,
      Grasses_Annuals = 0

    pnv <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
      MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
      MAT_C = clim[["MAT_C"]],
      mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
      mean_monthly_Temp_C = clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]]

  expect_equal(pnv, pnv0_expected, tolerance = 1e-6)

  # The set land cover types are 0
  for (k in iset) {
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[k]]), 0)

  #--- SOILWAT2 uses the same algorithm internally if requested to do so ------
  # Obtain cover values from SOILWAT2 output
  swin <- rSOILWAT2::sw_exampleData
  swin@prod@veg_method <- 1L
  swout <- sw_exec(swin)
  tmp <- slot(slot(swout, "BIOMASS"), "Year")
  pnvsim <- tmp[1, grep("fCover", colnames(tmp), fixed = TRUE), drop = TRUE]

  # Directly calculate cover values
  climex <- calc_SiteClimate(weatherList = get_WeatherHistory(swin))
  pnvex <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
    MAP_mm = 10 * climex[["MAP_cm"]],
    MAT_C = climex[["MAT_C"]],
    mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * climex[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
    mean_monthly_Temp_C = climex[["meanMonthlyTempC"]]

  # Expect them to be identical
  tol <- sqrt(.Machine[["double.eps"]])
  expect_equal(pnvsim[["fCover_shrub"]], pnvex[["SW_SHRUB"]], tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(pnvsim[["fCover_grass"]], pnvex[["SW_GRASS"]], tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(pnvsim[["fCover_forbs"]], pnvex[["SW_FORBS"]], tolerance = tol)
  expect_equal(pnvsim[["fCover_tree"]], pnvex[["SW_TREES"]], tolerance = tol)
    tolerance = tol

  #--- Some land cover types are fixed and others are estimated:
  Shrubs_Fraction <- 0.5
  BareGround_Fraction <- 0.25

    pnv <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
      MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
      MAT_C = clim[["MAT_C"]],
      mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
      mean_monthly_Temp_C = clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
      fix_shrubs = TRUE, Shrubs_Fraction = Shrubs_Fraction,
      fix_BareGround = TRUE, BareGround_Fraction = BareGround_Fraction


  # The fixed types retained their input values
  expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[ishr]]), Shrubs_Fraction)
  expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[ibar]]), BareGround_Fraction)

  #--- Fix total grass cover and annual grass cover,
  # but estimate relative proportions of C3 and C4 grasses (in addition to
  # other components)
  for (k in 1:2) {
    if (k == 1) {
      SumGrasses_Fraction <- 0.8
      Annuals_Fraction <- 0.3

    } else if (k == 2) {
      SumGrasses_Fraction <- NA # treat as if `fix_sumgrasses` is FALSE
      Annuals_Fraction <- 0.3

      pnv <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
        MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
        MAT_C = clim[["MAT_C"]],
        mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
        mean_monthly_Temp_C = clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
        dailyC4vars = clim[["dailyC4vars"]],
        fix_sumgrasses = TRUE, SumGrasses_Fraction = SumGrasses_Fraction,
        fix_annuals = TRUE, Annuals_Fraction = Annuals_Fraction


    # The fixed types retained their input values
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[igan]]), Annuals_Fraction)

    # Grass types sum up to the fixed total grass value
    if (is.finite(SumGrasses_Fraction)) {

  #--- Fix total cover including total grass cover,
  # and only estimate relative proportions of C3 and C4 grasses:
  BareGround_Fraction <- 0
  Forbs_Fraction <- 0
  Trees_Fraction <- 0
  Succulents_Fraction <- 0

  for (k in 1:2) {
    if (k == 1) {
      SumGrasses_Fraction <- 0.8
      Annuals_Fraction <- 0.3
      Shrubs_Fraction <- 0.2

    } else if (k == 2) {
      SumGrasses_Fraction <- 0
      Annuals_Fraction <- 0
      Shrubs_Fraction <- 1

      SumGrasses_Fraction + Shrubs_Fraction +
        BareGround_Fraction + Forbs_Fraction + Trees_Fraction +

      pnv <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
        MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
        MAT_C = clim[["MAT_C"]],
        mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
        mean_monthly_Temp_C = clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
        dailyC4vars = clim[["dailyC4vars"]],
        fix_succulents = TRUE, Succulents_Fraction = Succulents_Fraction,
        fix_sumgrasses = TRUE, SumGrasses_Fraction = SumGrasses_Fraction,
        fix_annuals = TRUE, Annuals_Fraction = Annuals_Fraction,
        fix_C4grasses = FALSE, C4_Fraction = NA,
        fix_C3grasses = FALSE, C3_Fraction = NA,
        fix_shrubs = TRUE, Shrubs_Fraction = Shrubs_Fraction,
        fix_forbs = TRUE, Forbs_Fraction = Forbs_Fraction,
        fix_trees = TRUE, Trees_Fraction = Trees_Fraction,
        fix_BareGround = TRUE, BareGround_Fraction = BareGround_Fraction,
        fill_empty_with_BareGround = TRUE


    # The fixed types retained their input values
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[isuc]]), Succulents_Fraction)
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[ishr]]), Shrubs_Fraction)
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[ibar]]), BareGround_Fraction)
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[ifor]]), Forbs_Fraction)
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[itre]]), Trees_Fraction)
    expect_equal(sum(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][[igan]]), Annuals_Fraction)

    # Grass types sum up to the fixed total grass value

  # issue 218: correction to C4 grass cover was not carried out as documented
  # without C4 correction, C4 grass cover was 0.1166967
  res_wo218 <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
    MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
    MAT_C = 15,
    mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
    mean_monthly_Temp_C = 5 + clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
    dailyC4vars = NULL
  expect_gt(res_wo218[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Grasses_C4"]], 0)

  res_w218 <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
    MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
    MAT_C = 15,
    mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
    mean_monthly_Temp_C = 5 + clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
    dailyC4vars = c(
      Month7th_NSadj_MinTemp_C = 5,
      LengthFreezeFreeGrowingPeriod_NSadj_Days = 150,
      DegreeDaysAbove65F_NSadj_DaysC = 110
  expect_equal(res_w218[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][["Grasses_C4"]], 0)

  #--- The function `estimate_PotNatVeg_composition` can fail under a few
  # situations:
  # (i) fixed sum is more than 1
      MAP_mm = 0,
      MAT_C = 0,
      mean_monthly_ppt_mm = rep(0, 12),
      mean_monthly_Temp_C = rep(0, 12),
      fix_succulents = TRUE, Succulents_Fraction = 10
    regexp = "relative abundance values sum to more than 1 = full land cover"

  # issue 219: output incorrectly contained negative cover
  # if fixed `SumGrasses_Fraction` caused that other fixed cover summed > 1
  # correct behavior is error
      MAP_mm = 10 * clim[["MAP_cm"]],
      MAT_C = clim[["MAT_C"]],
      mean_monthly_ppt_mm = 10 * clim[["meanMonthlyPPTcm"]],
      mean_monthly_Temp_C = clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]],
      dailyC4vars = clim[["dailyC4vars"]],
      fix_shrubs = TRUE,
      Shrubs_Fraction = 0.5,
      fix_sumgrasses = TRUE,
      SumGrasses_Fraction = 0.7
    regexp = "relative abundance values sum to more than 1 = full land cover"

  # (ii) all fixed but sum is less than 1 and !fill_empty_with_BareGround
      MAP_mm = 0,
      MAT_C = 0,
      mean_monthly_ppt_mm = rep(0, 12),
      mean_monthly_Temp_C = rep(0, 12),
      fix_succulents = TRUE, Succulents_Fraction = 0,
      fix_annuals = TRUE, Annuals_Fraction = 0,
      fix_C4grasses = TRUE, C4_Fraction = 0,
      fix_C3grasses = TRUE, C3_Fraction = 0,
      fix_shrubs = TRUE, Shrubs_Fraction = 0,
      fix_forbs = TRUE, Forbs_Fraction = 0,
      fix_trees = TRUE, Trees_Fraction = 0,
      fix_BareGround = TRUE, BareGround_Fraction = 0,
      fill_empty_with_BareGround = FALSE
    regexp = "all fixed, but their sum is smaller than 1"

  # The last errors are avoided if `fill_empty_with_BareGround = TRUE`
  # and bare-ground is not fixed; we get 100% bare-ground cover
    pnv <- estimate_PotNatVeg_composition(
      MAP_mm = 0,
      MAT_C = 0,
      mean_monthly_ppt_mm = rep(0, 12),
      mean_monthly_Temp_C = rep(0, 12),
      fix_succulents = TRUE, Succulents_Fraction = 0,
      fix_annuals = TRUE, Annuals_Fraction = 0,
      fix_C4grasses = TRUE, C4_Fraction = 0,
      fix_C3grasses = TRUE, C3_Fraction = 0,
      fix_shrubs = TRUE, Shrubs_Fraction = 0,
      fix_forbs = TRUE, Forbs_Fraction = 0,
      fix_trees = TRUE, Trees_Fraction = 0,
      fix_BareGround = FALSE, fill_empty_with_BareGround = TRUE

  expect_equal(pnv[["Rel_Abundance_L0"]][ibar], 1, ignore_attr = "names")

  # Make sure `SOILWAT2` throws a warning
  prev_verbosity <- sw_verbosity(TRUE)

  # Expecting warning because MAT_C is outside of formulas domain
      MAP_mm = 900,
      MAT_C = -10,
      mean_monthly_ppt_mm = c(0, 0, rep(100, 9), 0),
      mean_monthly_Temp_C = rep(-10, 12),
      fill_empty_with_BareGround = FALSE
    regexp = "Equations used outside supported range"

  # Undo what the previous call to `sw_verbosity()` did

test_that("Vegetation: adjust phenology", {
  phen_in <- list()
  phen_in[["x1n"]] <- swProd_MonProd_grass(sw_exampleData)
  phen_in[["x11"]] <- phen_in[["x1n"]][, 2]
  phen_in[["xnn"]] <- list(

  phen_in <- lapply(phen_in, as.data.frame)

  clim <- calc_SiteClimate(weatherList = rSOILWAT2::weatherData)
  ref_temp <- clim[["meanMonthlyTempC"]]
  target_temps <- list(
    randomwarmer3C = pmax(ref_temp + 0.1, ref_temp + stats::rnorm(12, 3, 1)),
    randomcoolerr3C = pmin(ref_temp - 0.1, ref_temp - stats::rnorm(12, 3, 1))

  for (k in seq_along(phen_in)) {
    #--- Check phenology adjustments to temperature scenarios
    for (k2 in seq_along(target_temps)) {
      res <- lapply(
        X = list(NULL, phen_in[["x1n"]][, "Live_pct"]),
        FUN = function(x_asif) {
            X = phen_in[[k]],
            FUN = adj_phenology_by_temp,
            ref_temp = ref_temp,
            target_temp = target_temps[[k2]],
            x_asif = x_asif

      # Check that number of rows/columns are correct
      for (i in seq_along(res)) {
        expect_equal(NROW(res[[i]]), NROW(phen_in[[k]]))
        expect_equal(NCOL(res[[i]]), NCOL(phen_in[[k]]))

    #--- Check that inputs are reproduced if target = reference
    tol <- 1e-1
    res <- sapply(
      X = phen_in[[k]],
      FUN = adj_phenology_by_temp,
      ref_temp = ref_temp,
      target_temp = ref_temp,
      x_asif = NULL

    for (i in seq_len(NCOL(res))) {
      diffs <- abs(res[, i] - phen_in[[k]][, i])
      ids_rel <- diffs > tol & abs(res[, i]) > tol
      diffs[ids_rel] <- diffs[ids_rel] / res[ids_rel, i]
      expect_true(all(diffs < tol))
Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on Dec. 9, 2023, 1:46 a.m.