Man pages for CCprofiler/CCprofiler
Complex feature detection using SEC protein chromatograms.

annotateComplexFeaturesA helper function to extend a list of complex features with...
annotateMolecularWeightAnnotate traces with molecular weight calibration.
annotateTracesAnnotate traces object
appendSecondaryComplexFeaturesAppend secondary features to scored filtered primary feature...
calculateCoelutionScoreCalculate coelution score for all detected features.
calculateFeatureCorrelationA helper function to calculate correlation within peak...
calculatePathlengthCalculate pathlength from binary interactions
calculateQvalueCalculate q-values from coelution score for all detected...
calibrateMWcalibrate Molecular Weight
callapseByUniqueFeatureGroupsCollapse features by unique feature groups
collapseComplexFeaturesCollapse detected complex fetures by common apex and...
collapseHypothesisCollapse redundant hypotheses
convertIDsConvert any input ids to uniprotkb accession ids.
corumComplexHypothesesComplex hypotheses from CORUM DB
corumComplexHypothesesRedundantComplex hypotheses from CORUM DB (redundant)
createGGplotColMapCreate a reproducible color map for a set of ids by ordering...
dot-collapseWideHypothesisCollapse redundant hypotheses
dot-tracesTestTest if an object is of class traces.
estimateComplexFeatureStoichiometryA helper function to extend a list of complex features with...
estimateDecoyFDREstimate decoy based featureFinding FDR.
estimateGridSearchDecoyFDREstimate feature grid search FDR
exampleCalibrationTableExamplary calibration table that maps molecular weights to...
exampleComplexFeaturesExamplary output of the 'findComplexFeatures' function
exampleComplexHypothesesExample complex hypotheses
exampleFractionAnnotationExamplary annotation table that maps filenames to...
exampleOpenSWATHinputA sample data.table representing the output format of the...
examplePCPdataLongExamplary peptide level quantitative PCP-MS dataset in long...
examplePCPdataWideExamplary peptide level quantitative PCP-MS dataset in wide...
examplePeptideTracesExamplary peptide level traces object before any filtering #'...
examplePeptideTracesFilteredExamplary peptide level traces object after filtering
examplePeptideTracesUnannotatedExamplary raw peptide level traces object before any...
exampleProteinFeaturesExamplary output of the 'findProteinFeatures' function
exampleProteinTracesExamplary protein level traces object
exampleTraceAnnotationExamplary trace annotation table mapping ids in the proteomic...
filterByMaxCorrFilter peptides for having at least one high correlating...
filterBySibPepCorrFilter by sibling peptide correlation
filterByStepwiseCompletenessFilter co-elution feature table by stepwise completeness...
filterConsecutiveIdStretchesFilter Consecutive Id Stretches in Chromaograms
filterFeaturesFilter co-elution feature table
filterGridSearchResultsPerform complex feature grid search filter
findComplexFeaturesComplex feature detection
findComplexFeaturesPPA helper function to perform peak picking on the complex...
findComplexFeaturesSWDetect subgroups of proteins within a matrix of protein...
findComplexFeaturesWithinWindowDetect subgroups within a window. This is a helper function...
findFeatureBoundariesHelper function to find boundaries of complex features.
findMissingValuesFind the position of missing values in a traces object
findProteinFeaturesProtein feature detection
generateBinaryNetworkGenerate a binary network from complexes.
generateComplexDecoysGenerate comlpex decoy-hypotheses
generateComplexTargetsGenerate complex target-hypotheses
generateDecoysGenerate one comlpex decoy-hypothesis
getBestFeaturesSelect best feature for each complex or protein id.
getBestParameterDataGet the best performing parameter data
getBestParameterStatsGet the best performing ParameterStats
getGenePepListFilter peptides for having at least one high correlating...
getIntensityMatrixGet intensity matrix from traces object
getUniqueFeatureGroupsDetermine unique feature groups
importFromOpenSWATHImport peptide profiles from an OpenSWATH experiment.
importPCPdataImport peptide- or protein-level quantitative PCP matrix.
imputeMissingValsImpute NA values in a traces object
imputeTracesPlot a summary of the trace imputation
performComplexGridSearchPerform complex feature grid search
performProteinGridSearchPerform Protein feature grid search
plotComplexCompletenessScatterScatter plot of complex completeness
plotFeatures#' #' Plot the result of the sliding window algorithm.
plotIdFDRspacePlot FDR gridsearch
plotImputationSummaryPlot a summary of the trace imputation
plotSibPepCorrDensitiesplot SibPepCorrDensities
plotSummarizedComplexesPlot pie chart with complex hypothesis completeness
plotSummarizedMScoveragePlot MS coverage of the hypotheses in the PCP data
plot.tracesPlot traces
proteinQuantificationProtein Quantification
runSECexplorerRun CCprofiler from SECexplorer y providing ids and their...
runSlidingWindowrunSlidingWindow function
scoreFeaturesScore protein or complex features and filter by q-value/FDR
SECexplorer_processingSECexplorer processing.
subset.tracesSubset traces or fractions in traces object
summarizeFeaturesSummarize co-elution features
summary.tracesSummarize a traces object
toLongFormatConvert traces from wide format to long format
CCprofiler/CCprofiler documentation built on May 19, 2021, 7:40 p.m.