
Defines functions mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network mlvsbm_create_generalized_network

Documented in mlvsbm_create_generalized_network mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network

#' Create a GenMLVSBM object from observed data
#' @param X A list of \eqn{L} square matrices with binary or count data,
#' ordered from upper to lower level
#' @param A A list of \eqn{L-1} matrices the affiliation matrix, linking X[[l]]
#' and X[[l+1]] with \code{nrow(A[[l]]) == nrow(X[[l+1]])} and
#' \code{ncol(A[[l]]) == nrow(X[[l]])}. Rows may have any number of affiliations
#' but will be rescaled so that each rows sum either to 1 or 0.
#' @param directed A vector of L booleans are the levels
#' directed or not. Default will check if the matrix are symmetric or not.
#' @param distribution A vector of length L, the distribution of X,
#' only "bernoulli" and "poisson" are implemented.
#' @return An unfitted MLVSBM object corresponding to the multilevel network
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A standard binary 2 levels multilevel network
#' ind_adj <- matrix(stats::rbinom(n = 20**2, size = 1, prob = .2),
#'                   nrow = 20, ncol = 20)
#' diag(ind_adj) <- 0
#' org_adj <- matrix(stats::rbinom(n = 10**2, size = 1, prob = .3),
#'                   nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
#' diag(org_adj) <- 0
#' affiliation <- matrix(0, 20, 10)
#' affiliation[cbind(seq(20),  sample(seq(10), 20, replace = TRUE))] <- 1
#' my_mlvsbm <- mlvsbm_create_generalized_network(X = list(org_adj, ind_adj),
#'                                    directed = c(TRUE, TRUE),
#'                                    A = list(affiliation),
#'                                    distribution = rep("bernoulli", 2))
#' # A 4 levels temporal network with the same nodes and with count data.
#' #All the affiliation matrices are diagonal.
#' X <- replicate(4,
#'        matrix(stats::rpois(n = 20*20, lambda = .7), 20, 20),
#'        simplify = FALSE)
#' for (m in seq(4)) {diag(X[[m]]) <- 0}
#' A <- replicate(3, diag(1, 20), simplify = FALSE)
#' my_mlvsbm <- mlvsbm_create_generalized_network(X = X,
#'                                    directed = rep(4, TRUE),
#'                                    A = A,
#'                                    distribution = rep("poisson", 4))
mlvsbm_create_generalized_network <-
  function(X, A, directed = NULL,
           distribution = NULL) {
    for (l in seq_along(A)) {
      if ( any(! rowSums(A[[l]]) %in% c(0,1))) {
        #        warning(paste0("All rows of A must have exactly one 1!!!"))
        message(paste0("Affiliation has been normalized so that any rows sum to zero or one!"))
        A[[l]][rowSums(A[[l]]) != 0,] <- A[[l]][rowSums(A[[l]]) != 0,]/
          rowSums(A[[l]][rowSums(A[[l]]) != 0,])
      if ( any(rowSums(A[[l]]) == 0)) {
        message(paste0("Some rows of A have no non 0 entry!!!"))
    for (l in seq_along(X)) {
      if (! is.matrix(X[[l]]) |
          ncol(X[[l]]) != nrow(X[[l]])) {
        stop(paste0("X[[l]] must be a square matrix!!!"))
    for (l in seq_along(A)) {
      if (ncol(X[[l+1]]) != nrow(A[[l]]) |
          ncol(X[[l]]) != ncol(A[[l]])) {
        stop(paste0("A[[l]], X[[l]] and X[[l+1]]'s dimensions are not compatible!!!"))

    if (is.null(directed)) {
      directed  <-  vapply(
        X, function(x) ! isSymmetric.matrix(x), FUN.VALUE = TRUE
    new_genmlvsbm <-
        n = vapply(X, ncol, FUN.VALUE = 1),
        X = X,
        A = A,
        L = length(X),
        directed = directed,
        distribution = distribution
    new_genmlvsbm$min_clusters <- rep(1, length(X))
    new_genmlvsbm$max_clusters <- vapply(X, function(x) floor(sqrt(nrow(x))),
                                         FUN.VALUE = 1)
    return (new_genmlvsbm)

#' Create a simulate a generalized multilevel network (GenMLVSBM object)
#' @param n A vector of L positive integers where L is the number of levels from
#' the upper level to the lower level.
#' @param Q A vector of L positive integers,
#' the number of clusters for each level.
#' @param pi A list of length L, with vectors of probabilities of length Q[l],
#' the mixture parameters. pi[[1]] must be a probability, pi[[l]] can be set to
#' \code{NULL} for a given level if all nodes of this level have an affiliation.
#' @param alpha A list of L matrices, of size \eqn{Q[l] \times Q[l]} matrix
#' giving the connectivity probabilities.
#' @param directed A vector of L logical. Is level l a directed
#' network ?
#' @param gamma A list of size \eqn{L-1} of \eqn{Q[l+1] \times Q[l]} matrix with
#' each column summing to one, the mixture parameters given the affiliation
#' @param affiliation The distribution under which the affiliation matrix is
#' simulated in c("uniform", "preferential", "diagonal").
#' "diagonal" is a special case where all affiliation matrix are diagonal
#' (individuals are the same on each levels, for temporal networks e.g.).
#' It requires \code{n} to be
#' constant.
#' @param no_empty_org A logical with FALSE as default, should
#' every nodes  have at least one affiliated node on the level below?
#' Needs to have \eqn{n[l] \geq n[l+1]}.
#' @param distribution  A list for the distribution of X,
#' only "bernoulli" is implemented.
#' @param no_isolated_node A logical, if TRUE then the network is simulated
#' again until all nodes are connected.
#' @return An GenMLVSBM object, a simulated multilevel network with levels,
#' affiliations and memberships.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' my_genmlvsbm <- MLVSBM::mlvsbm_simulate_generalized_network(
#'   n = c(10, 20), # Number of nodes for each level
#'   Q = c(2, 2), # Number of blocks for each level
#'   pi = list(c(.3, .7), NULL), # Block proportion for the upper level, must sum to one
#'   gamma = list(matrix(c(.9, .2,   # Block proportion for the lower level,
#'                    .1, .8),      # each column must sum to one
#'                  nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)),
#'   alpha = list(matrix(c(.8, .2,
#'                             .2, .1),
#'                           nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), # Connection matrix
#'                matrix(c(.99, .3,
#'                             .3, .1),
#'                           nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)),# between blocks
#'   directed = c(FALSE, FALSE),
#'   distribution = rep("bernoulli", 2)) # Are the upper and lower level directed
mlvsbm_simulate_generalized_network <-
  function (n, Q, pi, gamma, alpha,
            directed, affiliation = "uniform",
            no_empty_org = FALSE,
            no_isolated_node = FALSE) {
    # browser()
    if (any(n <= 0)) {
      stop(paste0("n must be positive integers!!!"))
    if(any(! vapply(alpha, is.matrix, TRUE)) |
       any(! vapply(gamma, is.matrix, TRUE))) {
      stop(paste0("element of gamma and alpha must be matrices!!!"))
    if (any(pi[[1]] > 1) | any(pi[[1]] < 0) | sum(pi[[1]]) != 1) {
      warning(paste0("pi[[1]] is a probability vector,
                 its coefficients must sum to one!!!"))
    L <- length(n)
    if ( Q[1] != length(pi[[1]]) |
         any(vapply(gamma, ncol, 1) != Q[1:(L-1)]) |
         any(vapply(gamma, nrow, 1) != Q[2:L]) |
         any(vapply(alpha, ncol, 1) != Q) |
         any(vapply(alpha, nrow, 1) != Q)) {
      stop(paste0("Number of clusters and parameters dimension are
                 not compatible!!!"))
    for (l in seq(L-1)) {
      if (any(gamma[[l]] > 1) | any(gamma[[l]] < 0) |
          any(colSums(gamma[[l]]) != 1)) {
        stop(paste0("Any column of gamma must be a probability vector!!!"))
           function(l) {
             if (distribution[l] == "bernoulli") {
               if (any(alpha[[l]] > 1) | any(alpha[[l]] < 0)) {
                 stop(paste0("Any coefficient of alpha[[l]] must be
                             between 0 and 1!!!"))
    # if (! directed[[1]] & !isSymmetric(alpha[[1]])) {
    #   stop(paste0("alpha[[1]] is not symmetric but level is undirected!!!"))
    # }
    # if (! directed[[2]] & ! isSymmetric(alpha[[2]])) {
    #   stop(paste0("alpha[[2]] is not symmetric but level is undirected!!!"))
    # }
    new_mlvsbm <-
      GenMLVSBM$new(n = n,
                    L = L,
                    directed = directed,
                    sim_param = list(alpha = alpha,
                                     gamma = gamma,
                                     pi = pi,
                                     Q = Q,
                                     affiliation = affiliation,
                                     no_empty_org = no_empty_org,
                                     no_isolated_node = no_isolated_node),
                    distribution = rep("bernoulli", L))

#' Infer a generalized multilevel network (GenMLVSBM object),
#' the original object is modified
#' @description The inference use a greedy algorithm to navigate between model
#' size. For a given model size, the inference is done via a variational EM
#' algorithm. The returned model is the one with the highest ICL criterion among
#' all visited models.
#' By default the algorithm fits a single level SBM for each level, before
#' inferring the generalized multilevel network. This step can be skipped by
#' specifying an initial clustering with the \code{init_clustering}. Also,
#' a given model size can be force by setting the parameters \code{nb_clusters}
#' to a given value.
#' @param gmlv A GenMLVSBM object, the network to be inferred.
#' @param nb_clusters A vector of L integer, the model sizes.
#' If left to \code{NULL}, the algorithm
#' will navigate freely. Otherwise it will navigate between the specified model
#' size and its neighbors.
#' @param init_clustering A list of L vectors of integers of the same length as
#' the number of node of each level. If specified, the algorithm will start from
#' this clustering, then navigate freely.
#' @param nb_cores An integer, the number of cores to use. Default to \code{1}
#' for Windows and \code{detectCores()/2} for Linux and MacOS
#' @param init_method One of "hierarchical" (the default) or "spectral",
#' "spectral" might be more efficient but can lead to some numeric errors.
#' Not used when int_clustering is given.
#' @param fit_options A named list to be passed to the VE-M inference algorithm.
#' @return A FitGenMLVSBM object, the best inference of the network
#' @details
#' ## fit_options
#' ### ve: Using the default \code{ve = "joint"} will update all the block
#' memberships of all levels at each VE step before performing a M step.
#' Using \code{ve = "sequential"} will update the block memberships of one level
#' at a time before performing a M step only on the concerned parameters. Use
#' this option if the running time of the algorithm is too long and the number
#' of levels is large.
#' ### init_points: Only used when giving no initial clustering and no number of clusters.
#' If "all" will use an initial clustering obtained from doing a spectral
#' clustering with fit_options$Qmax clusters for each level (default to
#' \code{Q = Qmax = celing(log(n))}) in addition to the initial clustering
#' obtained from fitting independent sbm on each level.
#' @importFrom blockmodels BM_bernoulli
#' @export

#' @examples
#' my_genmlvsbm <- MLVSBM::mlvsbm_simulate_generalized_network(
#'   n = c(20,20), # Number of nodes for the lower level and the upper level
#'   Q = c(2,2), # Number of blocks for the lower level and the upper level
#'   pi = list(c(.3, .7),NULL), # Block proportion for the upper level, must sum to one
#'   gamma = list(matrix(c(.9, .2,   # Block proportion for the lower level,
#'                    .1, .8), # each column must sum to one
#'                  nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)),
#'   alpha = list(matrix(c(.8, .2,
#'                             .2, .1),
#'                           nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), # Connection matrix
#'                matrix(c(.99, .3,
#'                             .3, .1),
#'                           nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)),# between blocks
#'   directed = c(FALSE, FALSE), # Are the upper and lower level directed or not ?
#'   affiliation = "preferential",
#'   distribution = rep("bernoulli", 2)) # How the affiliation matrix is generated
#' \donttest{fit <- MLVSBM::mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network(
#' gmlv = my_genmlvsbm, nb_cores = 1)}
#' # A more complex example. A 4 levels network with different structures and
#' # level direction.
#' n <- 100
#' L <- 4
#' alpha <- list(
#'   diag(.4, 3, 3) + .1, # Undirected assortative community
#'   -diag(.2, 3, 3) + .3, # Undirected disassortative
#'   matrix(c(.8, .2, .1, # Undirected core-periphery
#'            .4, .4, .1,
#'            .2, .1, .1), 3, 3),
#'   matrix(c(.3, .5, .5, # Directed mixte structure
#'            .1, .4, .5,
#'            .1, .3, .1), 3, 3)
#' )
#' gamma <- lapply(seq(3),
#'                 function(m) matrix(c(.8, .1, .1,
#'                                      .1, .8, .1,
#'                                      .1, .1, .8), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE))
#' pi <- list(rep(1, 3)/3, NULL, c(.1, .3, .6), NULL)

#'  directed = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)

#' gmlv <- mlvsbm_simulate_generalized_network(n = rep(n, 4),
#'                                             Q = rep(3, 4),
#'                                             pi = pi,
#'                                             gamma = gamma,
#'                                             alpha = alpha,
#'                                             directed = directed,
#'                                             distribution = rep("bernoulli", 4))

#' \dontrun{
#' fit <- mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network(gmlv,
#'               fit_options = list(ve = "joint"))
#' plot(fit)
#' fit2 <- mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network(gmlv,
#'                fit_options = list(ve = "sequential"))
#' fitone <- mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network(gmlv2, nb_clusters = rep(3, 4),
#'                  fit_options = list(ve = "sequential"))
#' fit_from_scratch <-  mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network(
#'              gmlv,
#'              init_clustering = lapply(seq(4), function(x)rep(1, n)),
#'              init_method = "merge_split",
#'              fit_options = list(ve = "joint"))
#' }
mlvsbm_estimate_generalized_network <-
  function(gmlv, nb_clusters = NULL, init_clustering = NULL, nb_cores = NULL,
           init_method = "hierarchical",
           fit_options = list(ve = "joint", init_points = "all", Qmax = NA)) {
    if (! "GenMLVSBM" %in% class(gmlv)) {
      stop("Object gmlv must be of class GenMLVSBM,
            please use the function mlvsbm_create_network to create one")
    os <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
    if (is.null(nb_cores)) {
      if (os != 'Windows') {
        nb_cores <-
          max(parallel::detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE) %/% 2, 1)
        if (is.na(nb_cores)) nb_cores <- 1
      } else {
        nb_cores <-  1
    fitopts <- list(ve = "joint", init_points = "all", Qmax = NA)
    fit_options <- utils::modifyList(fitopts, fit_options)
    gmlv$fit_options <- fit_options
    if (is.null(nb_clusters)) {
      if (is.null(init_clustering)) {
        fit_sbm <-
            X = seq_along(gmlv$adjacency_matrix),
            FUN = function(l) {
                model = gmlv$distribution[l],
                netMat = gmlv$adjacency_matrix[[l]],
                estimOptions = list(verbosity = 0,
                                    plot = FALSE, nbCores = 1L,
                                    exploreMin = gmlv$max_clusters[l]))
            }, mc.cores = nb_cores
        sbm_fit  <- lapply(X = seq(length(gmlv$nb_nodes)),
                           FUN = function(l) {
                             gmlv$estimate_level(level = l,
                                                 Z = fit_sbm[[l]]$memberships,
                                                 nb_cores = nb_cores,
                                                 init = "merged_split")
        # sbm_fit <- lapply(X = seq(length(gmlv$nb_nodes)),
        #                   FUN = function(l) {
        #                     gmlv$estimate_level(level = l,
        #                                         nb_cores = nb_cores,
        #                                        init = init_method)
        #                   })
        nb_clusters <- vapply(sbm_fit, function(bm) which.max(bm$ICL),
                              FUN.VALUE = 1)
        init_clustering <-
                 function(m) sbm_fit[[m]]$models[[nb_clusters[m]]]$Z)
        fit <- gmlv$estimate_all_bm(Q = nb_clusters,
                                    Z = init_clustering,
                                    nb_cores = nb_cores)
        if (gmlv$fit_options$init_points == "all") {
          if (is.na(gmlv$fit_options$Qmax))
            gmlv$fit_options$Qmax <-
              pmax(ceiling(log(gmlv$nb_nodes)), fit$nb_clusters + 2)
          Zmax <- lapply(seq_along(gmlv$adjacency_matrix),
                         function(l) spcClust(gmlv$adjacency_matrix[[l]],
          fit2 <-  gmlv$estimate_all_bm(Q = gmlv$fit_options$Qmax,
                                        Z = Zmax,
                                        nb_cores = nb_cores)
          if (fit$ICL < fit2$ICL) fit <- fit2
        ICL_sbm <- sum(vapply(sbm_fit,
                              function(bm) max(bm$ICL), FUN.VALUE = .1))
        print(paste0("ICL for independent levels : ", ICL_sbm))
        print(paste0("ICL for interdependent levels : ",

        if (ICL_sbm <= fit$ICL) {
          print("=====Interdependence is detected between levels!=====")
        } else {
          print("=====The levels of this network are independent!=====")
        fit$reorder(order = "affiliation")
      } else {
        nb_clusters <- vapply(init_clustering, max, FUN.VALUE = 1)
        fit <- gmlv$estimate_all_bm(Q = nb_clusters,
                                    Z = init_clustering,
                                    nb_cores = nb_cores)
        print(paste0("ICL for interdependent levels : ",
        fit$reorder(order = "affiliation")
    } else {
      if (is.null(init_clustering)) {
        fit_sbm <-
            X = seq_along(gmlv$adjacency_matrix),
            FUN = function(l) {
                model = gmlv$distribution[l],
                netMat = gmlv$adjacency_matrix[[l]],
                estimOptions = list(verbosity = 0,
                                    plot = FALSE, nbCores = 1L,
                                    exploreMin = nb_clusters[l]))
            }, mc.cores = nb_cores
        init_clustering <- lapply(fit_sbm, function(fit) fit$memberships)
      fit <- gmlv$estimate_one(Q = nb_clusters,
                               Z = init_clustering,
                               nb_cores = nb_cores)
      print(paste0("ICL for interdependent levels : ",
      fit$reorder(order = "affiliation")
Chabert-Liddell/MLVSBM documentation built on March 25, 2023, 11:45 a.m.