
Defines functions calculate_metastat load_frequency_matrix detect_differentially_abundant_features permute_and_calc_ts permuted_pvalues calc_qvalues calc_twosample_ts aes_meco .corlm_test stat_corlm summarySE_inter tidy_taxonomy_column tidy_taxonomy trycharnum dropallfactors clone expand_colors filter_lowabund_feature ggplot_xtext_anglesize check_tax_level check_microtable check_taxa_abund generate_p_siglabel check_table_variable convert_diff2transenv

Documented in clone dropallfactors tidy_taxonomy

convert_diff2transenv <- function(diff_table, heatmap_x, heatmap_y, heatmap_cell, heatmap_sig, heatmap_lab_fill){
	# heatmap for multi-factor
	check_table_variable(diff_table, heatmap_x, "heatmap_x", "object$res_diff")
	check_table_variable(diff_table, heatmap_y, "heatmap_y", "object$res_diff")
	check_table_variable(diff_table, heatmap_cell, "heatmap_cell", "object$res_diff")
	check_table_variable(diff_table, heatmap_sig, "heatmap_sig", "object$res_diff")
	diff_table <- diff_table[!is.na(diff_table[, heatmap_cell]), ]
	if("ns" %in% diff_table[, heatmap_sig]){
		diff_table[, heatmap_sig] <- gsub("ns", "", diff_table[, heatmap_sig])
	if(! "by_group" %in% colnames(diff_table)){
		diff_table$by_group <- "All"
	# avoid duplicate column name
	diff_table <- diff_table[, unique(c("by_group", heatmap_x, heatmap_y, heatmap_cell, heatmap_sig))]
	colnames(diff_table)[colnames(diff_table) == heatmap_x] <- "Env"
	colnames(diff_table)[colnames(diff_table) == heatmap_y] <- "Taxa"
	colnames(diff_table)[colnames(diff_table) == heatmap_cell] <- "Correlation"
	colnames(diff_table)[colnames(diff_table) == heatmap_sig] <- "Significance"
	suppressMessages(tmp_trans_env <- trans_env$new(dataset = NULL))
	tmp_trans_env$cor_method <- heatmap_lab_fill
	tmp_trans_env$res_cor <- diff_table

check_table_variable <- function(input_table, variable, var_char, table_char){
		if(! variable %in% colnames(input_table)){
			stop("Provided ", var_char, ": ", variable, " is not found in ", table_char, "!")

generate_p_siglabel <- function(x, nonsig = ""){
	cut(x, breaks = c(-Inf, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, Inf), label = c("***", "**", "*", nonsig))

check_taxa_abund <- function(obj, ...){
		message("No taxa_abund list found. Calculate relative abundance with cal_abund function ...")

check_microtable <- function(obj){
		stop("The dataset must be provided!")
	if(! inherits(obj, "microtable")){
		stop("The input dataset must be microtable object! Please check it!")

# check taxonomic level: obj either microtable object or taxonomic table
check_tax_level <- function(tax_level, obj){
	if(inherits(obj, "microtable")){
			stop("No tax_table found in the microtable object!")
		check_table <- obj$tax_table
		check_table <- obj
	if(! tax_level %in% colnames(check_table)){
		stop("Provided taxonomic level is not found in the tax_table of microtable object!")

ggplot_xtext_anglesize <- function(xtext_angle, xtext_size, text_color = "black"){
	if(xtext_angle == 0){
		theme(axis.text.x = element_text(colour = text_color, size = xtext_size))
		theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = xtext_angle, colour = text_color, vjust = 1, hjust = 1, size = xtext_size))

filter_lowabund_feature <- function(abund_table, filter_thres){
	output <- list()
	if(filter_thres > 0){
		mean_abund <- apply(abund_table, 1, mean)
		if(filter_thres > max(mean_abund)){
			stop("Parameter filter_thres is larger than the maximum of mean abundances of features!")
		abund_table <- abund_table[mean_abund >= filter_thres, ]
		filter_features <- mean_abund[mean_abund < filter_thres]
		message("Filter out ", length(filter_features), " features with low abundance ...")
		output[["filter_features"]] <- filter_features
	output[["abund_table"]] <- abund_table

expand_colors <- function(color_values, output_length){
	if(output_length <= length(color_values)){
		total_colors <- color_values[1:output_length]
		message("Input colors are not enough to use. Add more colors automatically via color interpolation ...")
		ceiling_cycle_times <- ceiling(output_length/length(color_values))
		total_cycle_times <- lapply(seq_along(color_values), function(x){
			if((ceiling_cycle_times - 1) * length(color_values) + x <= output_length){
				ceiling_cycle_times - 1
		}) %>% unlist
		total_color_list <- lapply(seq_along(color_values), function(x){
			colorRampPalette(c(color_values[x], "white"))(total_cycle_times[x] + 1)
		total_colors <- lapply(seq_len(ceiling_cycle_times), function(x){
			unlist(lapply(total_color_list, function(y){
				if((x + 1) <= length(y)){
		}) %>% unlist

#' Copy an R6 class object
#' @param x R6 class object
#' @param deep default TRUE; TRUE means deep copy, i.e. copied object is unlinked with the original one.
#' @return identical but unlinked R6 object
#' @examples
#' data("dataset")
#' clone(dataset)
#' @export
clone <- function(x, deep = TRUE){
	y <- x$clone(deep = deep)

#' Remove all factors in a data frame
#' @param x data frame
#' @param unfac2num default FALSE; whether try to convert all character columns to numeric; if FALSE, only try to convert column with factor attribute.
#'   Note that this can only transform the columns that may be transformed to numeric without using factor.
#' @param char2num default FALSE; whether force all the character to be numeric class by using factor as an intermediate.
#' @return data frame without factor
#' @examples
#' data("taxonomy_table_16S")
#' taxonomy_table_16S[, 1] <- as.factor(taxonomy_table_16S[, 1])
#' str(dropallfactors(taxonomy_table_16S))
#' @export
dropallfactors <- function(x, unfac2num = FALSE, char2num = FALSE){
	# check x class
		stop("input data must be data.frame class")
	if(unfac2num == T){
		x[] <- lapply(x, function(x) trycharnum(x))
		x[] <- lapply(x, function(x) if(is.factor(x)) trycharnum(x) else x)
	if(char2num == T){
		x[] <- lapply(x, function(x) if(is.character(x)) as.factor(x) else x)
		x[] <- lapply(x, function(x) as.numeric(x))

trycharnum <- function(x){
	if(suppressWarnings(sum(is.na(as.numeric(as.character(x)))) != sum(is.na(x)))) {
		x <- as.character(x)
	} else {
		x <- as.numeric(as.character(x))

#' Clean up the taxonomic table to make taxonomic assignments consistent.
#' @param taxonomy_table a data.frame with taxonomic information.
#' @param column default "all"; "all" or a number; 'all' represents cleaning up all the columns; a number represents cleaning up this column.
#' @param pattern default c(".*unassigned.*", ".*uncultur.*", ".*unknown.*", ".*unidentif.*", ".*unclassified.*", ".*No blast hit.*", ".*Incertae.sedis.*"); 
#'   the characters (regular expressions) to be removed or replaced; removed when parameter \code{replacement = ""}, 
#'   replaced when parameter replacement has something; Note that the capital and small letters are not distinguished when \code{ignore.case = TRUE}.
#' @param replacement default ""; the characters used to replace the character in \code{pattern} parameter.
#' @param ignore.case default TRUE; if FALSE, the pattern matching is case sensitive and if TRUE, case is ignored during matching.
#' @param na_fill default ""; used to replace \code{NA}.
#' @return data.frame
#' @format \code{\link{data.frame}} object.
#' @examples
#' data("taxonomy_table_16S")
#' tidy_taxonomy(taxonomy_table_16S)
#' @export
tidy_taxonomy <- function(taxonomy_table, 
	column = "all",
	pattern = c(".*unassigned.*", ".*uncultur.*", ".*unknown.*", ".*unidentif.*", ".*unclassified.*", ".*No blast hit.*", ".*Incertae.sedis.*"),
	replacement = "",
	ignore.case = TRUE,
	na_fill = ""
	if(column == "all"){
		taxonomy_table[] <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(taxonomy_table)), 
			function(x) tidy_taxonomy_column(taxonomy_table, i = x, pattern = pattern, replacement = replacement, ignore.case = ignore.case, na_fill = na_fill))
		if(!inherits(column, "numeric")){
			stop("The input column is not numeric class !")
		taxonomy_table[, column] <- tidy_taxonomy_column(taxonomy_table, i = column, pattern = pattern, 
			replacement = replacement, ignore.case = ignore.case, na_fill = na_fill)

tidy_taxonomy_column <- function(taxonomy_table, i, pattern, replacement, ignore.case, na_fill){
	taxonomy_table[, i] <- gsub(paste0(pattern, collapse = "|"), replacement, taxonomy_table[, i], ignore.case = ignore.case)
	taxonomy_table[, i] <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", taxonomy_table[, i])
	taxonomy_table[, i] <- gsub('"', "", taxonomy_table[, i], fixed = TRUE)
	# first double, then single
	taxonomy_table[, i] <- gsub("^.*?__", "", taxonomy_table[, i])
	taxonomy_table[, i] <- gsub("^._", "", taxonomy_table[, i])
	taxonomy_table[, i][is.na(taxonomy_table[, i])] <- na_fill
	taxonomy_table[, i] <- paste0(tolower(substr(colnames(taxonomy_table)[i], 1, 1)), "__", taxonomy_table[, i])
	taxonomy_table[, i]

summarySE_inter <- function(usedata = NULL, measurevar, groupvars = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, more = FALSE) {
	length2 <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) ifelse(na.rm, sum(!is.na(x)), length(x))
	datac <- usedata %>% dplyr::grouped_df(groupvars)
	datac %<>% dplyr::summarise(N = length2(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm), Mean = mean(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm), SD = stats::sd(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm), 
				Median = stats::median(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm), Min = min(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm), Max = max(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm),
				quantile25 = unname(stats::quantile(!!sym(measurevar), probs = 0.25)),
				quantile75 = unname(stats::quantile(!!sym(measurevar), probs = 0.75))
		datac %<>% dplyr::summarise(N = length2(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm), Mean = mean(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm), 
			SD = stats::sd(!!sym(measurevar), na.rm = na.rm))
	datac %<>% as.data.frame
	datac$SE <- datac$SD / sqrt(datac$N)

# based on the stat_cor of ggpubr package
stat_corlm <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, 
	type = c("cor", "lm")[1], cor_method = "pearson", label_sep = ";",
	pvalue_trim = 4, lm_equation = TRUE, cor_coef_trim = 3, lm_fir_trim = 2, lm_sec_trim = 2, lm_squ_trim = 2,
	label.x.npc = "left", label.y.npc = "top", label.x = NULL, label.y = NULL,
	geom = "text", position = "identity", na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA,
	inherit.aes = TRUE, ...
		stat = StatCorLm, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
		position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
		params = list(label.x.npc  = label.x.npc , label.y.npc  = label.y.npc, label.x = label.x, label.y = label.y,
			type = type, cor_method = cor_method, label_sep = label_sep,
			pvalue_trim = pvalue_trim, lm_equation = lm_equation, cor_coef_trim = cor_coef_trim, lm_fir_trim = lm_fir_trim, lm_sec_trim = lm_sec_trim, lm_squ_trim = lm_squ_trim,
			parse = TRUE, na.rm = na.rm, ...)

StatCorLm <- ggproto("StatCorLm", Stat,
	required_aes = c("x", "y"),
	default_aes = aes(hjust = ..hjust.., vjust = ..vjust..),
	compute_group = function(data, scales, type, cor_method, label_sep,
		pvalue_trim, lm_equation, cor_coef_trim, lm_fir_trim, lm_sec_trim, lm_squ_trim,
		label.x.npc, label.y.npc, label.x, label.y
		if(length(unique(data$x)) < 2){
		.test <- .corlm_test(
			data$x, data$y, type = type, cor_method = cor_method, label_sep = label_sep,
			pvalue_trim = pvalue_trim,
			lm_equation = lm_equation,
			cor_coef_trim = cor_coef_trim, 
			lm_fir_trim = lm_fir_trim, 
			lm_sec_trim = lm_sec_trim, 
			lm_squ_trim = lm_squ_trim
		.label.pms <- ggpubr:::.label_params(data = data, scales = scales,
			label.x.npc = label.x.npc, label.y.npc = label.y.npc,
			label.x = label.x, label.y = label.y ) %>%
			dplyr::mutate(hjust = 0)
		cbind(.test, .label.pms)

.corlm_test <- function(
	x, y, 
	type, cor_method = "pearson", label_sep = ";",
	pvalue_trim = 4, lm_equation = TRUE, cor_coef_trim = 3, lm_fir_trim = 2, lm_sec_trim = 2, lm_squ_trim = 2
	label_sep_use <- paste0("*`", label_sep, "`~")
	if(type == "cor"){
		fit <- suppressWarnings(stats::cor.test(x, y, method = cor_method, alternative = "two.sided"))
		pvalue <- fit$p.value
		estimate <- fit$estimate
		cor_var <- list(
			cor_coef = unname(round(estimate, digits = cor_coef_trim)), 
			cor_p = ifelse(pvalue < 0.0001, " < 0.0001", paste0(" = ", round(pvalue, digits = pvalue_trim)))
		cor_coef_exp <- substitute(italic(R)~"="~cor_coef, cor_var)
		cor_p_exp <- substitute(~italic(P)*cor_p, cor_var)
		res <- paste0(c(cor_coef_exp, label_sep_use, cor_p_exp), collapse = "")
		fit <- stats::lm(y ~ x)
		pvalue <- stats::anova(fit)$`Pr(>F)`[1]
		inte <- round(unname(stats::coef(fit))[1], digits = lm_sec_trim)
		lm_var <- list(
			lm_a = ifelse(inte < 0, paste0(" - ", abs(inte)), paste0(" + ", as.character(inte))),
			lm_b = round(unname(stats::coef(fit))[2], digits = lm_fir_trim),
			lm_r2 = round(summary(fit)$r.squared, digits = lm_squ_trim),
			lm_p = ifelse(pvalue < 0.0001, " < 0.0001", paste0(" = ", round(pvalue, digits = pvalue_trim)))
		lm_ab_exp <- substitute(italic(y) == lm_b %.% italic(x)*lm_a, lm_var)
		lm_r2_exp <- substitute(~italic(R)^2~"="~lm_r2, lm_var)
		lm_p_exp <- substitute(~italic(P)*lm_p, lm_var)
			res <- paste0(c(lm_ab_exp, label_sep_use, lm_r2_exp, label_sep_use, lm_p_exp), collapse = "")
			res <- paste0(c(lm_r2_exp, label_sep_use, lm_p_exp), collapse = "")
	data.frame(label = as.character(as.expression(res)))

aes_meco <- function(x, y, ...){
    mapping <- list(...)
    if (!missing(x)) 
        mapping["x"] <- list(x)
    if (!missing(y)) 
        mapping["y"] <- list(y)
    caller_env <- parent.frame()
    mapping <- lapply(mapping, function(x) {
        if (is.character(x)) {
            x <- rlang::parse_expr(x)
        new_aesthetic(x, env = caller_env)
    structure(mapping, class = "uneval")

new_aesthetic <- function (x, env = globalenv()){
    if (rlang::is_quosure(x)) {
        if (!rlang::quo_is_symbolic(x)) {
            x <- rlang::quo_get_expr(x)
    if (rlang::is_symbolic(x)) {
        x <- rlang::new_quosure(x, env = env)

# metastat code from White et al. (2009) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000352>.
# ************************** SUBROUTINES ********************************

#  calc two sample two statistics
#  g is the first column in the matrix representing the second condition
calc_twosample_ts <- function(Pmatrix, g, nrows, ncols)
	C1 <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,3));  # statistic profiles
	C2 <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,3)); 
	Ts <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,1));

	if (nrows == 1){
		C1[1,1] = mean(Pmatrix[1:g-1]);
		C1[1,2] = stats::var(Pmatrix[1:g-1]); # variance
		C1[1,3] = C1[1,2]/(g-1);    # std err^2

		C2[1,1] = mean(Pmatrix[g:ncols]);
		C2[1,2] = stats::var(Pmatrix[g:ncols]);  # variance
		C2[1,3] = C2[1,2]/(ncols-g+1); # std err^2
		# generate statistic profiles for both groups
		# mean, var, stderr
		for (i in 1:nrows){ # for each taxa
			# find the mean of each group
			C1[i,1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, 1:g-1]);  
			C1[i,2] = stats::var(Pmatrix[i, 1:g-1]); # variance
			C1[i,3] = C1[i,2]/(g-1);    # std err^2

			C2[i,1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols]);  
			C2[i,2] = stats::var(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols]);  # variance
			C2[i,3] = C2[i,2]/(ncols-g+1); # std err^2

	# permutation based t-statistics
	for (i in 1:nrows){ # for each taxa
		xbar_diff = C1[i,1] - C2[i,1]; 
		denom = sqrt(C1[i,3] + C2[i,3]);
		Ts[i] = xbar_diff/denom;  # calculate two sample t-statistic 

	return (Ts);


#  function to calculate qvalues.
#  takes an unordered set of pvalues corresponding the rows of the matrix
calc_qvalues <- function(pvalues)
	nrows = length(pvalues);

	# create lambda vector
	lambdas <- seq(0,0.95,0.01);
	pi0_hat <- array(0, dim=c(length(lambdas)));

	# calculate pi0_hat
	for (l in 1:length(lambdas)){ # for each lambda value
		count = 0;
		for (i in 1:nrows){ # for each p-value in order
			if (pvalues[i] > lambdas[l]){
				count = count + 1; 	
			pi0_hat[l] = count/(nrows*(1-lambdas[l]));

	f <- unclass(stats::smooth.spline(lambdas,pi0_hat,df=3));
	f_spline <- f$y;
	pi0 = f_spline[length(lambdas)];   # this is the essential pi0_hat value

	# order p-values
	ordered_ps <- order(pvalues);
	pvalues <- pvalues;
	qvalues <- array(0, dim=c(nrows));
	ordered_qs <- array(0, dim=c(nrows));

	ordered_qs[nrows] <- min(pvalues[ordered_ps[nrows]]*pi0, 1);
	for(i in (nrows-1):1) {
		p = pvalues[ordered_ps[i]];
		new = p*nrows*pi0/i;

		ordered_qs[i] <- min(new,ordered_qs[i+1],1);

	# re-distribute calculated qvalues to appropriate rows
	for (i in 1:nrows){
		qvalues[ordered_ps[i]] = ordered_qs[i];

	return (qvalues);

#  function to calculate permuted pvalues from Storey and Tibshirani(2003)
#  B is the number of permutation cycles
#  g is the first column in the matrix of the second condition 
permuted_pvalues <- function(Imatrix, tstats, B, g, Fmatrix)
	# B is the number of permutations were going to use!
	# g is the first column of the second sample
	# matrix stores tstats for each taxa(row) for each permuted trial(column)

	M = nrow(Imatrix);
	ps <- array(0, dim=c(M)); # to store the pvalues
	if (is.null(M) || M == 0){
		return (ps);
	permuted_ttests <- array(0, dim=c(M, B));
	ncols = ncol(Fmatrix);
	# calculate null version of tstats using B permutations.
	for (j in 1:B){
		trial_ts <- permute_and_calc_ts(Imatrix, sample(1:ncol(Imatrix)), g);
		permuted_ttests[,j] <- abs(trial_ts); 

	# calculate each pvalue using the null ts
	if ((g-1) < 8 || (ncols-g+1) < 8){
		# then pool the t's together!
		# count how many high freq taxa there are
		hfc = 0;
		for (i in 1:M){                   # for each taxa
			if (sum(Fmatrix[i,1:(g-1)]) >= (g-1) || sum(Fmatrix[i,g:ncols]) >= (ncols-g+1)){
				hfc = hfc + 1;
		# the array pooling just the frequently observed ts  
		cleanedpermuted_ttests <- array(0, dim=c(hfc,B));
		hfc = 1;
		for (i in 1:M){
			if (sum(Fmatrix[i,1:(g-1)]) >= (g-1) || sum(Fmatrix[i,g:ncols]) >= (ncols-g+1)){
				cleanedpermuted_ttests[hfc,] = permuted_ttests[i,];
				hfc = hfc + 1;
		#now for each taxa
		for (i in 1:M){  
			ps[i] = (1/(B*hfc))*sum(cleanedpermuted_ttests > abs(tstats[i]));
		for (i in 1:M){
			ps[i] = (1/(B+1))*(sum(permuted_ttests[i,] > abs(tstats[i]))+1);
	return (ps);

# takes a matrix, a permutation vector, and a group division g.
# returns a set of ts based on the permutation.
permute_and_calc_ts <- function(Imatrix, y, g)
	nr = nrow(Imatrix);
	nc = ncol(Imatrix);
	# first permute the rows in the matrix
	Pmatrix <- Imatrix[,y[1:length(y)]];
	Ts <- calc_twosample_ts(Pmatrix, g, nr, nc);

	return (Ts);

# http://metastats.cbcb.umd.edu/detect_DA_features.r
#  Last modified: 4/14/2009 
#  Author: james robert white, whitej@umd.edu, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
#  University of Maryland - College Park, MD 20740
#  This software is designed to identify differentially abundant features between two groups
#  Input is a matrix of frequency data. Several thresholding options are available.
#  See documentation for details.

#  detect_differentially_abundant_features:
#  the major function - inputs an R object "jobj" containing a list of feature names and the 
#  corresponding frequency matrix, the argument g is the first column of the second group. 
#  -> set the pflag to be TRUE or FALSE to threshold by p or q values, respectively
#  -> threshold is the significance level to reject hypotheses by.
#  -> B is the number of bootstrapping permutations to use in estimating the null t-stat distribution.

detect_differentially_abundant_features <- function(jobj, g, pflag = NULL, threshold = NULL, B = NULL){
	# ************************ INITIALIZE COMMAND-LINE ********************************
	# ************************        PARAMETERS       ********************************
	qflag = FALSE;
	if (is.null(B)){
		B = 1000;
	if (is.null(threshold)){
		threshold = 0.05;
	if (is.null(pflag)){
		pflag = TRUE;
		qflag = FALSE;
	if (pflag == TRUE){
		qflag = FALSE;
	if (pflag == FALSE){
		qflag = TRUE;

	# ************************ INITIALIZE PARAMETERS ********************************

	Fmatrix <- jobj$matrix;                   # the feature abundance matrix
	taxa <- jobj$taxa;                        # the taxa/(feature) labels of the TAM
	nrows = nrow(Fmatrix);                   
	ncols = ncol(Fmatrix);
	Pmatrix <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,ncols));  # the relative proportion matrix
	C1 <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,3));           # statistic profiles for class1 and class 2
	C2 <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,3));           # mean[1], variance[2], standard error[3]   
	T_statistics <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,1)); # a place to store the true t-statistics 
	pvalues <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,1));      # place to store pvalues
	qvalues <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,1));      # stores qvalues

	#  convert to proportions
	#  generate Pmatrix
	totals <- array(0, dim=c(ncol(Fmatrix)));
	for (i in 1:ncol(Fmatrix)) {
		# sum the ith column 
		totals[i] = sum(Fmatrix[,i]);

	for (i in 1:ncols) {   # for each subject
		for (j in 1:nrows) { # for each row
			Pmatrix[j,i] = Fmatrix[j,i]/totals[i];

	# ************************** STATISTICAL TESTING ********************************

	if (ncols == 2){  # then we have a two sample comparison
		#  generate p values using chisquared or fisher's exact test
		for (i in 1:nrows){           # for each feature
			f11 = sum(Fmatrix[i,1]);
			f12 = sum(Fmatrix[i,2]);
			f21 = totals[1] - f11;
			f22 = totals[2] - f12;
			C1[i,1] = f11/totals[1];                       # proportion estimate
			C1[i,2] = (C1[i,1]*(1-C1[i,1]))/(totals[1]-1); # sample variance
			C1[i,3] = sqrt(C1[i,2]);                       # sample standard error
			C2[i,1] = f12/totals[2];
			C2[i,2] = (C2[i,1]*(1-C2[i,1]))/(totals[2]-1);
			C2[i,3] = sqrt(C2[i,2]); 

			#  f11  f12
			#  f21  f22  <- contigency table format
			contingencytable <- array(0, dim=c(2,2));
			contingencytable[1,1] = f11;
			contingencytable[1,2] = f12;
			contingencytable[2,1] = f21;
			contingencytable[2,2] = f22;

			if (f11 > 20 && f22 > 20){
				csqt <- stats::chisq.test(contingencytable);
				pvalues[i] = csqt$p.value;
				ft <- stats::fisher.test(contingencytable, workspace = 8e6, alternative = "two.sided", conf.int = FALSE);
				pvalues[i] = ft$p.value;


		#  calculate q values from p values
		qvalues <- calc_qvalues(pvalues);

	}else{ # we have multiple subjects per population

		#  generate statistics mean, var, stderr    
		for (i in 1:nrows){ # for each taxa
			# find the mean of each group
			C1[i,1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, 1:g-1]);  
			C1[i,2] = stats::var(Pmatrix[i, 1:g-1]); # variance
			C1[i,3] = C1[i,2]/(g-1);    # std err^2 (will change to std err at end)

			C2[i,1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols]);  
			C2[i,2] = stats::var(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols]);  # variance
			C2[i,3] = C2[i,2]/(ncols-g+1); # std err^2 (will change to std err at end)

		#  two sample t-statistics
		for (i in 1:nrows){                   # for each taxa
			xbar_diff = C1[i,1] - C2[i,1]; 
			denom = sqrt(C1[i,3] + C2[i,3]);
			T_statistics[i] = xbar_diff/denom;  # calculate two sample t-statistic

		# generate initial permuted p-values
		pvalues <- permuted_pvalues(Pmatrix, T_statistics, B, g, Fmatrix);

		#  generate p values for sparse data 
		#  using fisher's exact test
		for (i in 1:nrows){                   # for each taxa
			if (sum(Fmatrix[i,1:(g-1)]) < (g-1) && sum(Fmatrix[i,g:ncols]) < (ncols-g+1)){
				# then this is a candidate for fisher's exact test
				f11 = sum(Fmatrix[i,1:(g-1)]);
				f12 = sum(Fmatrix[i,g:ncols]);
				f21 = sum(totals[1:(g-1)]) - f11;
				f22 = sum(totals[g:ncols]) - f12;
				#  f11  f12
				#  f21  f22  <- contigency table format
				contingencytable <- array(0, dim=c(2,2));
				contingencytable[1,1] = f11;
				contingencytable[1,2] = f12;
				contingencytable[2,1] = f21;
				contingencytable[2,2] = f22;
				ft <- fisher.test(contingencytable, workspace = 8e6, alternative = "two.sided", conf.int = FALSE);
				pvalues[i] = ft$p.value; 

		#  calculate q values from p values
		qvalues <- calc_qvalues(pvalues);

		#  convert stderr^2 to std error
		for (i in 1:nrows){
			C1[i,3] = sqrt(C1[i,3]);
			C2[i,3] = sqrt(C2[i,3]);

	#  threshold sigvalues and print
	sigvalues <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,1));
	if (pflag == TRUE){  # which are you thresholding by?
		sigvalues <- pvalues;
		sigvalues <- qvalues;
	s = sum(sigvalues <= threshold);
	Differential_matrix <- array(0, dim=c(s,9));

	dex = 1;
	for (i in 1:nrows){
		if (sigvalues[i] <= threshold){
			Differential_matrix[dex,1]   = jobj$taxa[i];
			Differential_matrix[dex,2:4] = C1[i,];
			Differential_matrix[dex,5:7] = C2[i,];
			Differential_matrix[dex,8]   = pvalues[i];  
			Differential_matrix[dex,9]   = qvalues[i];
			dex = dex+1;  

	# show(Differential_matrix);

	Total_matrix <- array(0, dim=c(nrows,9));
	for (i in 1:nrows){
		Total_matrix[i,1]   = jobj$taxa[i];
		Total_matrix[i,2:4] = C1[i,];
		Total_matrix[i,5:7] = C2[i,];
		Total_matrix[i,8]   = pvalues[i];
		Total_matrix[i,9]   = qvalues[i];

	colnames(Total_matrix) <- c("taxa", "mean(group1)", "variance(group1)", "std.err(group1)", "mean(group2)", "variance(group2)", "std.err(group2)", "pvalue", "qvalue")
	Total_matrix <- Total_matrix[order(Total_matrix[, "pvalue"], decreasing = FALSE), ]

#  load up the frequency matrix from a file
load_frequency_matrix <- function(input){
	# load names 
	subjects <- array(0,dim=c(ncol(input)));
	for(i in 1:length(subjects)) {
		subjects[i] <- as.character(colnames(input)[i]);
	# load taxa
	taxa <- array(0,dim=c(nrow(input)));
	for(i in 1:length(taxa)) {
		taxa[i] <- as.character(rownames(input)[i]);

	# load remaining counts
	matrix <- array(0, dim=c(length(taxa),length(subjects)));
	for(i in 1:length(taxa)){
		for(j in 1:length(subjects)){ 
			matrix[i,j] <- as.numeric(input[i,j]);
	jobj <- list(matrix=matrix, taxa=taxa)

calculate_metastat <- function(inputdata, g, pflag = FALSE, threshold = NULL, B = NULL){
	trans_data <- load_frequency_matrix(input = inputdata)
	res <- detect_differentially_abundant_features(jobj = trans_data, g = g, pflag = pflag, threshold = threshold, B = B)
ChiLiubio/microeco documentation built on July 12, 2024, 9:35 a.m.