
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# sysdata.R, Copyright 2016,2017 Florian G. Pflug
# This file is part of gwpcR
# gwpcR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gwpcR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with gwpcR.  If not, see <>.

CORES <- 48

# GWPCR precomputed data
GWPCR <- new.env()
GWPCR$samples <- 1e9
GWPCR$until.molecules <- 1e7
GWPCR$cycles.max <- 2000
GWPCR$density.threshold <- 1e-6
GWPCR$bandwidth.min <- 0.0025
GWPCR$bandwidth.max <- 0.01
GWPCR$lambda.def <- list(list(to=0.025,by=0.0025),
                         list(to=0.05, by=0.005),
                         list(to=0.95, by=0.01),
                         list(to=1.0,  by=0.005),
                         list(to=1.05, by=0.0025),
                         list(to=1.2,  by=0.005),
                         list(to=1.5,  by=0.01),
                         list(to=2,    by=0.02),
                         list(to=10,   by=0.1),
                         list(to=15,   by=0.5),
                         list(to=50,   by=5))
GWPCR$efficiency.def <- list(list(to=0.90, by=0.01),
                             list(to=0.94, by=0.005),
                             list(to=0.99, by=0.002))

make.grid <- function(def) {
  c(0, unlist(local({
    p <- list(to=0);
    lapply(def, function(e) {
      r <- tail(seq(from=p$to, to=e$to, by=e$by), -1)
      p <<- e

# Generate efficiency grid from grid definition
GWPCR$efficiency <- tail(make.grid(GWPCR$efficiency.def), -1)
message('Evaluating density for ', length(GWPCR$efficiency), ' efficiencies')

GWPCR$lambda <- make.grid(GWPCR$lambda.def)
message('Evaluating density for ', length(GWPCR$lambda), ' values of lambda')

# Generate lambda integration weights. We use the length an interval around
# each knot, places such that the break points between intervals lie exactly
# half-way between knots. Things look like this:
#     Knot i-1     Knot i         Knot i+1
#          .    |     .        |      .
#               |<- Weight i ->|
GWPCR$lambda.weights <- c((GWPCR$lambda[2] - GWPCR$lambda[1])/2,
                          (tail(GWPCR$lambda, -2) - head(GWPCR$lambda, -2))/2,
                          (GWPCR$lambda[length(GWPCR$lambda)] - GWPCR$lambda[length(GWPCR$lambda)-1])/2)

# Generate lambda knot midpoints.
GWPCR$lambda.midpoints <- (head(GWPCR$lambda, -1) + tail(GWPCR$lambda, -1))/2

# Density matrix
GWPCR$data <- list(matrix(nrow=length(GWPCR$efficiency),

# Density estimation bandwidth
GWPCR$bandwidth <- rep(as.numeric(NA), length(GWPCR$efficiency))

# Actual number of cycles
GWPCR$cycles <- rep(as.numeric(NA), length(GWPCR$efficiency))

# Density estimation on non-uniform grid with non-uniform bandwidths
density.noniform <- function(r, efficiency) {
  # Since stats::density can only do bandwith estimation with a uniform
  # bandwidth, we use transform t before bandwidth estimation to decrease
  # the effective bandwidth within [0, 0.2] at low efficiencies (coincidentally,
  # also <= 0.2). This accounts for the large derivative of the density close
  # to zero for such low efficiencies (the density is approximately gamma!).
  # Transform t was chosen to have derivative 4 at 0, and approximately 1
  # on [0.2, inf].

  # Determine transformation parameters. Alpha determines where the
  # derivative of t reaches (almost) 1. beta is the derivative at zero
  # minus 1. If beta is zero, the transform is the identity.
  alpha <- 3/0.2
  beta <- 3 * min(1, max(1 - (efficiency - 0.1)/0.2, 0))
  t  <- function(x) { x - beta * exp(-x*alpha) / alpha }
  tp <- function(x) { 1 + beta * exp(-x*alpha) }

  # Transform samples r, and transform points x at which density is to be estimated.
  message('Efficiency=', efficiency, ': Transforming data with alpha=', alpha, ', beta=', beta)
  rp <- t(r)
  lp <- t(GWPCR$lambda)

  # Estimate density of transformed data. Bandwidth is estimates using
  # the original data, and clipped to [bandwidth.min, bandwith.max].
  # 10 estimates per bandwidth (i.e. kernel are produced. <- range(lp)
  message('Efficiency=', efficiency, ': Estimating bandwidth')
  bw.raw <- bw.nrd0(r)
  bw <- min(max(GWPCR$bandwidth.min, bw.raw), GWPCR$bandwidth.max)

  message('Efficiency=', efficiency, ': Estimating density using bandwidth ', bw, ' (bw.nrd0 estimate was ', bw.raw, ')')
  d <- stats::density(rp, bw=bw,[1],[2],
                      n=ceiling(([2][1]) / (0.1*bw)))

  message('Efficiency=', efficiency, ': Computing density estimates on lambda grid')
  # Use monotone interpolation to find density estimates at requested points
  f <- splinefun(d$x, c(0, tail(d$y, -1)), method="monoH.FC")
  return(list(d=f(lp) * tp(GWPCR$lambda), bw=bw))

simulate.intern <- cfunction(signature(nsamples="integer", samples="numeric", efficiency="numeric", ncycles="integer", log="logical"), body='
  static const int BATCH_MASK = (1 << 18) - 1;
  const int log_ = *log;

  const int nsamples_ = *nsamples;
  for(int j=0; j < nsamples_; ++j)
    samples[j] = 1.0;

  const double efficiency_ = *efficiency;
  const int ncycles_ = *ncycles;
  for(int i=0; i < ncycles_; ++i) {
    if (log_)
      fprintf(stderr, "Efficiency=%f: Cycle %d/%d\\n", efficiency_, (i+1), ncycles_);

    for(int j=0; j < nsamples_; ++j) {
      if (!(j & BATCH_MASK))

        samples[j] += Rf_rbinom(samples[j], efficiency_);

  if (log_)
    fprintf(stderr, "Efficiency=%f: Re-scaling samples\\n", efficiency_);
  const double scale = 1.0 / pow(1+efficiency_, ncycles_);
  for(int j=0; j < nsamples_; ++j)
    samples[j] *= scale;

', convention='.C', includes='#include<Rmath.h>', language='C')

simulate <- function(efficiency, ncycles, nsamples=1) {
  # Produce one CORE-th of the total number of required samples
  nsamples.percore <- ceiling(nsamples / CORES)

  r <- mclapply(1:CORES, FUN=function(c) {
    u <- simulate.intern(nsamples=nsamples.percore,
  }, mc.preschedule=TRUE, mc.cores=CORES, mc.silent=FALSE)

  # Combine results from all cores, throw away unnecessary samples
  s <- rep(as.numeric(NA), nsamples)
  for(i in 1:length(r)) {
    l <- nsamples.percore * (i - 1) + 1
    u <- min(l + nsamples.percore, nsamples)
    if (l <= u)
      s[l:u] <- r[[i]][1:(u-l+1)]


# Setup

# Compute PCR distribution
for(e in 1:length(GWPCR$efficiency)) {
  efficiency <- GWPCR$efficiency[e]
  cycles <- min(ceiling(log(GWPCR$until.molecules)/log(1+efficiency)), GWPCR$cycles.max)
  GWPCR$cycles[e] <- cycles

  # Generate samples
  message('Efficiency=', efficiency, ': Generating ', GWPCR$samples, ' samples using ', cycles, ' cycles on ', CORES, ' cores')
  s <- simulate(efficiency, cycles, GWPCR$samples)

  # Estimate density. density() only supported outputting the esitmated density on a uniform grid!
  L.MAX <- max(GWPCR$lambda)
  L.INC <- min(diff(GWPCR$lambda))
  if (any(s < 0) || any(s > L.MAX) || any( {
    cat('Indices containing negative samples:\n')
    print(which(s < 0))
    print(s[s < 0])
    cat('Indices containing samples beyond ', L.MAX, ':\n')
    print(which(s > L.MAX))
    print(s[! & (s > L.MAX)])
    cat('Indices containing infinite samples:\n')
    print(which(s == Inf))
    print(s[! & (s == Inf)])
    cat('Indices containing NA samples:\n')
    stop('invalid samples generated')

  # Estimate density
  res <- density.noniform(s, efficiency=efficiency)
  GWPCR$bandwidth[e] <- res$bw
  d <- res$d

  # Pick a set of intervals (start with the ones where the density is smallest),
  # which all combined have probability less than one in a million, and set
  # the probability to zero there.
  p <- d * GWPCR$lambda.weights
  pc <- c(0, cumsum(sort(p)))
  z <- (p <= pc[which.max(pc >= GWPCR$density.threshold)-1])
  p[z] <- 0
  d[z] <- 0

  # Normalize so that riemann sum is exactly one
  d <- d / sum(p)

  # Store density
  GWPCR$data[[1]][e,] <- d

  # Save file
  message('Efficiency=', efficiency, ': Saving')
  save(GWPCR, file="R/", compress='bzip2', compression_level=9)
Cibiv/gwpcR documentation built on Aug. 31, 2021, 1:20 p.m.