
Defines functions GSEA_fgsea getLeadingEdge calcGSEA calcHGTScore analyzeGeneSetCollections

## summarize & default show
if (!isGeneric("analyze")) {
  setGeneric("analyze", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("analyze"), package = "HTSanalyzeR2")

#' Gene Set Collection Analysis or NetWork Analysis
#' This is a generic function.
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @describeIn analyze The function will perform gene set collection analysis
#' on a GSCA object and update information about these results to slot
#' \emph{summary} of class GSCA.
#' @aliases analyze
#' @param object A 'GSCA' or 'NWA'object.
#' @param para A list of parameters for GSEA and hypergeometric tests.
#' This argument is only for class GSCA.
#' @param pValueCutoff
#' A single numeric value specifying the cutoff for adjusted p-values considered
#' significant.
#' @param pAdjustMethod
#' A single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used
#' (see 'p.adjust' for details), default is "BH".
#' @param nPermutations
#' A single integer or numeric value specifying the number of permutations for
#' deriving p-values in GSEA.
#' @param minGeneSetSize
#' A single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements
#' shared by a gene set and the input total genes. Gene sets with
#' fewer than this number are removed from both hypergeometric analysis and GSEA.
#' @param exponent A single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA.
#' @param verbose A single logical value specifying to display detailed messages
#'  (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE).
#' @param doGSOA A single logical value specifying to perform gene set
#' overrepresentation analysis(hypergeometric test) (when doGSOA=TRUE) or not (when doGSOA=FALSE).
#' @param doGSEA A single logical value specifying to perform gene set
#' enrichment analysis (when doGSEA=TRUE) or not (when doGSEA=FALSE).
#' @param GSEA.by A single character value to choose which algorithm to do GSEA. Valid value
#' could either be "HTSanalyzeR2"(default) or "fgsea". If performed by "fgsea", the result explanation
#' please refer to \code{\link[fgsea:fgsea]{fgsea}}.
#' @return In the end, this function will return an updated object of
#' class GSCA or NWA. All the analyzed results could be found in slot \emph{result}.
#' ------------------------------------------------------------
#' For GSOA result of class GSCA:
#' Universe Size: total number of genes as background in GSOA analysis;
#' Gene Set Size: number of genes in the gene set;
#' Total Hits: number of genes in hits (interested genes);
#' Expected Hits: expected number of hits genes in the gene set;
#' Observed Hits: observed/actual number of hits genes in the gene set;
#' Pvalue: pvalue of the gene set in GSOA analysis;
#' Adjusted.Pvalue: adjusted pvalue of the gene set in GSOA analysis
#'                  using user-defined p-value adjustment method;
#' Overlap.Gene: overlapped genes between hits and the gene set.
#' ------------------------------------------------------------
#' For GSEA result of class GSCA:
#' Observed.score: Enrichment score of the gene set in GSEA analysis;
#' Pvalue: pvalue of the gene set in GSEA analysis;
#' Adjusted.Pvalue: adjusted pvalue of the gene set in GSEA analysis
#'                  using user-defined p-value adjustment method;
#' Leading.Edge: the subset of the gene set that contribute most to the enrichment
#'              score.
#' ------------------------------------------------------------
#' For NWA result of class NWA:
#' subnw: an igraph object of the enriched subnetwork;
#' labels: gene labels of the nodes in the enriched subnetwork.
#' @include gsca_class.R
#' @export
#' @references
#' Aravind Subramanian, Pablo Tamayo, Vamsi K. Mootha, Sayan Mukherjee, Benjamin L. Ebert,
#' Michael A. Gillette, Amanda Paulovich, Scott L. Pomeroy, Todd R. Golub, Eric S. Lander, and Jill P. Mesirov
#' Gene set enrichment analysis: A knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles
#' PNAS 2005 102 (43) 15545-15550; published ahead of print September 30, 2005, doi:10.1073/pnas.0506580102
#' @examples
#' # ====================================================
#' # Gene Set Collection Analysis Part
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' library(GO.db)
#' library(KEGGREST)
#' ## load data for enrichment analyse
#' data(d7)
#' phenotype <- as.vector(d7$neg.lfc)
#' names(phenotype) <- d7$id
#' ## select hits if you also want to do GSOA, otherwise ignore it
#' hits <-  names(phenotype[which(abs(phenotype) > 2)])
#' ## set up a list of gene set collections
#' GO_MF <- GOGeneSets(species="Hs", ontologies=c("MF"))
#' PW_KEGG <- KeggGeneSets(species="Hs")
#' ListGSC <- list(GO_MF=GO_MF, PW_KEGG=PW_KEGG)
#' ## create an object of class 'GSCA'
#' gsca <- GSCA(listOfGeneSetCollections = ListGSC, geneList = phenotype, hits = hits)
#' ## do preprocessing
#' gsca1 <- preprocess(gsca, species="Hs", initialIDs="SYMBOL", keepMultipleMappings=TRUE,
#'                     duplicateRemoverMethod="max", orderAbsValue=FALSE)
#' ## support parallel calculation using doParallel package
#' if (requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly=TRUE)) {
#' doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores=2)
#' } else {
#' }
#' ## do hypergeometric tests and GSEA
#' gsca2 <- analyze(gsca1, para=list(pValueCutoff=0.01, pAdjustMethod ="BH",
#'                                   nPermutations=100, minGeneSetSize=10, exponent=1),
#'                                   doGSOA = TRUE, doGSEA = TRUE)
#' ## summarize gsca2 and get results
#' summarize(gsca2)
#' head(getResult(gsca2)$GSEA.results$GO_MF)
#' head(getResult(gsca2)$HyperGeo.results$PW_KEGG)

setMethod("analyze", signature = "GSCA",
                   para = list(
                     pValueCutoff = 0.05,
                     pAdjustMethod = "BH",
                     nPermutations = 1000,
                     minGeneSetSize = 15,
                     exponent = 1),
                   verbose = TRUE,
                   doGSOA = FALSE,
                   doGSEA = TRUE,
                   GSEA.by="HTSanalyzeR2") {

            ## parameters check
            paraCheck("General", "verbose", verbose)
            paraCheck("Analyze", "doGSOA", doGSOA)
            paraCheck("Analyze", "doGSEA", doGSEA)
            paraCheck("Analyze", "GSCAPara", para)
            if ((!doGSOA) && (!doGSEA))
              stop("Please set doGSOA (hypergeometric tests) and/or doGSEA (GSEA) to TURE!\n")

            object@para <- para
            ## update summary information
            object@summary$para$hypergeo[1, ] <- c(
            object@summary$para$gsea[1, ] <- c(

            ## do analysis
            object@result <-
                listOfGeneSetCollections = object@listOfGeneSetCollections,
                geneList = object@geneList,
                hits = object@hits,
                pAdjustMethod = object@para$pAdjustMethod,
                pValueCutoff = object@para$pValueCutoff,
                nPermutations = object@para$nPermutations,
                minGeneSetSize = object@para$minGeneSetSize,
                exponent = object@para$exponent,
                verbose = verbose,
                doGSOA = doGSOA,
                doGSEA = doGSEA,
                GSEA.by = GSEA.by

            ## update summary information(first analyze and then update summary)
            cols <- colnames(object@summary$results)
            object@summary$results[1:3, ] <- NA
            if (doGSOA) {
              object@summary$gsc[, 2] <-
                unlist(lapply(object@result$HyperGeo.results, nrow))[cols]
              object@summary$results["HyperGeo", ] <-
                unlist(lapply(object@result$HyperGeo.results, function(df) {
                  sum(df[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"] < object@para$pValueCutoff)
            if (doGSEA) {
              object@summary$gsc[, 2] <-
                unlist(lapply(object@result$GSEA.results, nrow))[cols]
              object@summary$results["GSEA", ] <-
                unlist(lapply(object@result$GSEA.results, function(df) {
                  sum(df[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"] < object@para$pValueCutoff)
            if (doGSOA && doGSEA) {
              object@summary$results["Both", ] <-
                unlist(lapply(object@result$Sig.adj.pvals.in.both, nrow))[cols]

##This function takes a list of gene set collections, a named phenotype
##vector (with names(phenotype vector)=GeneUniverse), a vector of hits
##(names only) and returns the results of hypergeometric and gene set
##enrichment analysis for all of the gene set collections (with multiple
##hypothesis testing correction).
analyzeGeneSetCollections <-
           pAdjustMethod = "BH",
           pValueCutoff = 0.05,
           nPermutations = 1000,
           minGeneSetSize = 15,
           exponent = 1,
           verbose = TRUE,
           doGSOA = TRUE,
           doGSEA = TRUE,
           GSEA.by = "HTSanalyzeR2") {
    ## check arguments
    if ((!doGSOA) && (!doGSEA))
        "Please choose to perform hypergeometric tests and/or GSEA by specifying 'doGSOA' and 'doGSEA'!\n"
    if (doGSOA || doGSEA) {
      paraCheck("GSCAClass", "gscs", listOfGeneSetCollections)
      paraCheck("GSCAClass", "genelist", geneList)
    if (doGSOA) {
      paraCheck("Analyze", "hits", hits)

    numGeneSetCollections <- length(listOfGeneSetCollections)
    GSEA.by <- match.arg(GSEA.by, c("HTSanalyzeR2", "fgsea"))

    ## filter 'listOfGeneSetCollections' by 'minGeneSetSize'
    maxOverlap <- 0
    for (i in seq_along(listOfGeneSetCollections)) {
      gs.size <- vapply(listOfGeneSetCollections[[i]],
                        function(x) length(intersect(x, names(geneList))), integer(1))
      maxOverlap <- max(max(gs.size), maxOverlap)
      discarded <- sum(gs.size < minGeneSetSize)
      listOfGeneSetCollections[[i]] <-
        listOfGeneSetCollections[[i]][gs.size >= minGeneSetSize]

      ## output information about filtering of gene set collections
      if (verbose && discarded > 0)
            " gene sets don't have >= ",
            " overlapped genes with universe in gene",
            " set collection named ",
            sep = ""

    ## stop when no gene set passes the size requirement
    if (sum(sapply(listOfGeneSetCollections, length)) == 0) {
          "No gene set has >= ",
          " overlapped ",
          "genes with universe!\n The largest number of overlapped ",
          "genes between gene sets and universe is: ",
          sep = ""

    ## Hypergeometric test
    if (doGSOA) {
      HGTresults <- calcHyperGeo(
      cat("-Hypergeometric analysis complete\n\n")
    } else {
      HGTresults = NULL

    ## GSEA
    if (doGSEA) {
      if(GSEA.by == "HTSanalyzeR2"){
      GSEA.results.list <-
      cat("-Gene set enrichment analysis using HTSanalyzeR2 complete \n")
      } else {
        ## using fgsea to do GSEA
        geneList <- sort(geneList)
        GSEA.results.list <- GSEA_fgsea(
        cat("-Gene set enrichment analysis using fgsea complete \n")
    }} else {
      GSEA.results.list = NULL

    if (doGSOA && doGSEA) {
      ## identify gene set collections with hypergeometric test
      ## pvalues < pValueCutoff
      sign.hgt <- lapply(HGTresults, function(x) {
        if (nrow(x) > 0) {
          a <- which(x[, "Pvalue"] < pValueCutoff)
          x <- x[a, , drop = FALSE]
          if (length(a) > 1) {
            x <- x[order(x[, "Pvalue"]), , drop = FALSE]
      ## identify gene set collections with hypergeometric test adjusted
      ## pvalues < pValueCutoff
      sign.hgt.adj <- lapply(HGTresults, function(x) {
        if (nrow(x) > 0) {
          a <- which(x[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"] < pValueCutoff)
          x <- x[a, , drop = FALSE]
          if (length(a) > 1) {
            x <- x[order(x[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"]), , drop = FALSE]

      ## identify gene set collections with GSEA pvalues < pValueCutoff
      sign.gsea <- lapply(GSEA.results.list, function(x) {
        if (nrow(x) > 0) {
          a <- which(x[, "Pvalue"] < pValueCutoff)
          x <- x[a, , drop = FALSE]
          if (length(a) > 1) {
            x <- x[order(x[, "Pvalue"]), , drop = FALSE]
      ## identify gene set collections with adjusted GSEA pvalues < pValueCutoff
      sign.gsea.adj <- lapply(GSEA.results.list, function(x) {
        if (nrow(x) > 0) {
          a <- which(x[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"] <= pValueCutoff)
          x <- x[a, , drop = FALSE]
          if (length(a) > 1) {
            x <- x[order(x[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"]), , drop = FALSE]

      overlap <- list()
      overlap.adj <- list()
      ## identify gene set collections with significant pvalues and/or
      # adjusted pvalues from both GSEA and hypergeometric testing
      sapply(1:numGeneSetCollections, function(i) {
        a1 <- intersect(rownames(sign.gsea[[i]]),
        a2 <- intersect(rownames(sign.gsea.adj[[i]]),
        Hypergeometric.Pvalue <-
          HGTresults[[i]][a1, "Pvalue", drop = FALSE]
        Hypergeometric.Adj.Pvalue <-
          HGTresults[[i]][a2, "Adjusted.Pvalue", drop = FALSE]
        GSEA.Pvalue <-
          GSEA.results.list[[i]][a1, "Pvalue", drop = FALSE]
        GSEA.Adj.Pvalue <-
          GSEA.results.list[[i]][a2, "Adjusted.Pvalue", drop = FALSE]

        overlap[[i]] <<- cbind(Hypergeometric.Pvalue, GSEA.Pvalue)
        colnames(overlap[[i]]) <<-
          c("HyperGeo.Pvalue", "GSEA.Pvalue")
        overlap.adj[[i]] <<-
          cbind(Hypergeometric.Adj.Pvalue, GSEA.Adj.Pvalue)
        colnames(overlap.adj[[i]]) <<-
          c("HyperGeo.Adj.Pvalue", "GSEA.Adj.Pvalue")
      names(overlap) <- names(listOfGeneSetCollections)
      names(overlap.adj) <- names(listOfGeneSetCollections)
    } else {
      overlap = NULL
      overlap.adj = NULL

    final.results <- list(
      "HyperGeo.results" = HGTresults,
      "GSEA.results" = GSEA.results.list,
      "Sig.pvals.in.both" = overlap,
      "Sig.adj.pvals.in.both" = overlap.adj

#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
calcHyperGeo <- function (listOfGeneSetCollections,
                          minGeneSetSize = 15,
                          pAdjustMethod = "BH",
                          verbose = TRUE) {
  if (verbose) {
    cat("-Performing hypergeometric analysis ...\n")

  combinedGeneSets <-
           recursive = FALSE,
           use.names = FALSE)
  names(combinedGeneSets) <-
    unlist(lapply(listOfGeneSetCollections, names), use.names = FALSE)

  universe = names(geneList)

  # overlappedSize <-
  #   sapply(combinedGeneSets, function(geneSet)
  #     sum(geneSet %in% universe))
  # if (all(overlappedSize < minGeneSetSize)) {
  #   stop(
  #     paste(
  #       "The largest number of overlapped genes of gene sets with universe is: ",
  #       max(overlappedSize),
  #       ", which is < ",
  #       minGeneSetSize,
  #       "!\n",
  #       sep = ""
  #     )
  #   )
  # }
#   res <-
#     sapply(combinedGeneSets[overlappedSize >= minGeneSetSize], calcHGTScore, universe, hits)

  res <-
    sapply(combinedGeneSets, calcHGTScore, universe, hits)
  res <- t(res)
  res <- as.data.frame(res)
  for(i in 1:(ncol(res)-1)){
    res[, i] <- as.numeric(as.character(res[, i]))
  res$Overlap.Gene <- as.character(res$Overlap.Gene)
  res$Adjusted.Pvalue <-
    p.adjust(res$Pvalue, method = pAdjustMethod)

  results <- list()
  ## Extract results dataframe for each gene set collection and orders them
  # by adjusted p-value
  sapply(seq_along(listOfGeneSetCollections), function(i) {
    extracted <-
      res[rownames(res) %in% names(listOfGeneSetCollections[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
    extracted <-
      extracted[order(extracted[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"]), , drop = FALSE]
    results[[i]] <<- extracted

  names(results) <- names(listOfGeneSetCollections)

##This function takes in a single gene set (GeneSet), a vector
##(GeneList) of gene symbols for all tested genes, a vector of "hits"
##(hits), and a p-value adjustment method. It outputs a vector
##containing the size of the gene universe, the size of the gene set
##within this universe (i.e. how many genes from the universe map to
##this gene set), the total number of hits, the number of hits expected
##to occur in the gene set, the actual hits observed in the gene set,
##and the pvalue from a hypergeometric test.
## calculate the hypergeometric Test Score for one set
calcHGTScore <- function(geneSet, universe, hits) {
  geneSet <- intersect(geneSet, universe)
  overlap <- intersect(geneSet, hits)

  N <- length(universe)
  m <- length(geneSet)
  k <- length(overlap)
  n <- length(hits)
  ex <- (n / N) * m
  HGTresult <-
    ifelse(m == 0, NA, stats::phyper(k - 1, m, N - m, n, lower.tail = FALSE))

  ## add overlapped genes
  Overlap.Gene <- ifelse(length(overlap) > 0, paste0(overlap, collapse = ";"), NA)

  hyp.vec <- c(N, m, n, ex, k, HGTresult, NA, Overlap.Gene)
  names(hyp.vec) <-
      "Universe Size",
      "Gene Set Size",
      "Total Hits",
      "Expected Hits",
      "Observed Hits",

#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom  stats p.adjust
calcGSEA <-
           exponent = 1,
           nPermutations = 1000,
           minGeneSetSize = 15,
           pAdjustMethod = "BH",
           verbose = TRUE) {

    listNames <- names(geneList)

    combinedGeneSets <-
             recursive = FALSE,
             use.names = FALSE)
    names(combinedGeneSets) <-
      unlist(lapply(listOfGeneSetCollections, names), use.names = FALSE)

    ## do not allow duplicated gene sets names (not compatible in getLeadingEdge function...)
    if(sum(duplicated(names(combinedGeneSets))) > 0){
      stop("Gene sets with the same names are not allowed for analysis!\n")

    if (verbose) {
      cat("-Performing gene set enrichment analysis using HTSanalyzeR2...", "\n")
      cat("--Calculating the permutations ...", "\n")

    ## filter gene sets
    combinedGeneSets <- lapply(combinedGeneSets, intersect, listNames)
    overlaps <- sapply(combinedGeneSets, length)

    # ind <- overlaps >= minGeneSetSize
    # combinedGeneSets <- combinedGeneSets[ind]
    # overlaps <- overlaps[ind]

    ## get scores
    n_sep <- 1000
    gScores <-
      foreach(idx = 1:(ceiling(length(combinedGeneSets)/n_sep)), .combine = c, .packages="HTSanalyzeR2") %dopar% {
        sapply(combinedGeneSets[((idx-1)*n_sep + 1):min(idx*n_sep, length(combinedGeneSets))],
               function(geneSet) calcGScoreCPP(listNames %in% geneSet, geneList, exponent))
    groups <- split(gScores, overlaps)
    overlaps2 <- as.integer(names(groups))

    res <-
      foreach(idx = seq_along(overlaps2), .combine = cbind, .packages="HTSanalyzeR2") %dopar% {
        overlap <- overlaps2[idx]
        hits <-
          rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(overlap, length(geneList) - overlap))
        perm <- sapply(1:nPermutations, function(x) {
          calcGScoreCPP(sample(hits), geneList, exponent)

        values <- sapply(groups[[idx]], function(gScore) {
          p <- mean(gScore > perm)
          pVal <- 2 * (ifelse(p > 0.5, 1 - p, p))

          c(gScore, pVal, NA)

    res <- t(res)
    colnames(res) <-

    res[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"] <-
      p.adjust(res[, "Pvalue"], method = pAdjustMethod)
    ## add LeadingEdge genelist]
    res <- as.data.frame(res)
    LeadingEdge <- sapply(1:nrow(res), function(i){
    res[, "Leading.Edge"] <- LeadingEdge

    results <- list()
    ## Extract results dataframe for each gene set collection and orders them
    # by adjusted p-value
    sapply(seq_along(listOfGeneSetCollections), function(i) {
      GSEA.res.mat <-
        res[rownames(res) %in% names(listOfGeneSetCollections[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
      GSEA.res.mat <-
        GSEA.res.mat[order(GSEA.res.mat[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"]), , drop = FALSE]
      results[[i]] <<- GSEA.res.mat

    names(results) <- names(listOfGeneSetCollections)

## This function computes enrichment scores for running score and get leading edge genes
getLeadingEdge <- function(geneList, geneSet, exponent=1) {
  ## parameters check
  paraCheck("GSCAClass", "genelist", geneList)
  paraCheck("Analyze", "exponent", exponent)
  paraCheck("Report", "gs", geneSet)

  geneSet <- intersect(names(geneList), geneSet)

  nh <- length(geneSet)
  N <- length(geneList)
  Phit <- rep(0, N)
  Pmiss <- rep(0, N)
  ES <- 0
  runningES <- rep(0, N)

  ## calculate the enrichment score
  if(nh > N) {
    stop("Gene Set is larger than Gene List")
  } else {
    hits <- rep(FALSE, N)
    hits[which(!is.na(match(names(geneList), geneSet)))] <- TRUE
    if(sum(hits)!=0) {
      ES<-ifelse(abs(ESmin)>abs(ESmax), ESmin, ESmax)
  names(runningES) <- names(geneList)

  ## The leading edge subset of a gene set is the subset of members that
  ## contribute most to the ES. For a positive ES, the leading edge subset
  ## is the set of members that appear in the ranked list prior to the peak
  ## score. For a negative ES, it is the set of members that appear
  ## subsequent to the peak score.
  ## (https://software.broadinstitute.org/gsea/doc/GSEAUserGuideFrame.html)
  ES.pos <- which(runningES == ES)
  if(ES == ESmax){
    leadingEdge <- names(runningES)[1:ES.pos]
    leadingEdge <- intersect(leadingEdge, geneSet)
  } else{
    leadingEdge <- names(runningES)[(ES.pos+1):length(runningES)]
    leadingEdge <- intersect(leadingEdge, geneSet)

  leadingEdge <- paste0(leadingEdge, collapse = ";")

## Did comparison with the result got by fgsea method,
## the leading edge list is tottally the same!

##' @importFrom fgsea fgsea
GSEA_fgsea <- function(listOfGeneSetCollections,
  combinedGeneSets <-
           recursive = FALSE,
           use.names = FALSE)
  names(combinedGeneSets) <-
    unlist(lapply(listOfGeneSetCollections, names), use.names = FALSE)
  if (verbose) {
    cat("-Performing gene set enrichment analysis using fgsea...", "\n")
    cat("--Calculating the permutations ...", "\n")
  ## use fgsea to do gsea
  tmp_res <- fgsea(pathways=combinedGeneSets,
                   nproc = 0)
  tmp_res <- as.data.frame(tmp_res)
  tmp_res$padj <- p.adjust(tmp_res$pval, method=pAdjustMethod)
  rownames(tmp_res) <- tmp_res$pathway
  tmp_res <- tmp_res[, c("ES", "pval", "padj", "NES", "nMoreExtreme",
                         "size", "leadingEdge")]
  colnames(tmp_res) <- c("Observed.score","Pvalue","Adjusted.Pvalue",
                         "NES", "nMoreExtreme",
                         "size", "leading.Edge")
  tmp_res$leading.Edge <- lapply(tmp_res$leading.Edge, function(i){
    paste0(i, collapse = ";")

  ## Extract results dataframe for each gene set collection and orders them
  # by adjusted p-value
  results <- list()
  sapply(seq_along(listOfGeneSetCollections), function(i) {
    GSEA.res.mat <-
      tmp_res[rownames(tmp_res) %in% names(listOfGeneSetCollections[[i]]), , drop = FALSE]
    GSEA.res.mat <-
      GSEA.res.mat[order(GSEA.res.mat[, "Adjusted.Pvalue"]), , drop = FALSE]
    results[[i]] <<- GSEA.res.mat

  names(results) <- names(listOfGeneSetCollections)
CityUHK-CompBio/HTSanalyzeR2 documentation built on Dec. 3, 2020, 2:35 a.m.