
Defines functions testInteract

Documented in testInteract

#Functions to help with longitudinal analysis

#' This function runs the main code for fitting a model that compares more
#' than one curve through time.
#' @export
#' @param tempDat The data to be analyzed
#' @param timeDegree either 1, 2 or 3 for linear, quadratic or cubic models
#' @param fullTimes A vector specifying all of the times found in the study
#' @param fullCats A vector specifying all of the categories found in the study
#' @param useW A boolean that determines whether or not the posterior variance of
#'   each protein estimate should be used to weight the observations
#' @param refCat A string that specifies the reference category.  Must be a string, not a factor!
#' @param groupByGene A boolean that specifies whether timepoints are grouped
#'   by genes or proteins
#' @param randEffect takes 0 for no random effects. 1 for a random intercept
#'   and 2 for a random slope and intercepts model
#' @param sinusoid Boolean variable that supercedes timeDegree forcing a sinusoidal time structure
testInteract <- function(tempDat, timeDegree = 2, fullTimes, fullCats, useW = TRUE,
                  refCat = NULL, groupByGene = FALSE, randEffect = 0, testBaseline = TRUE,
                  sinusoid = FALSE, period = 2 * pi){

  #If sinusoid == TRUE then create the necessary data columns
    tempDat$Sin <- sin((2*pi / period) * tempDat$Time)
    tempDat$Cos <- cos((2*pi / period) * tempDat$Time)

  #Establish relevant grouping and make sure data is ordered
    #Model always uses Protein column
    tempDat <- tempDat[order(tempDat$Gene), ]
    #Save the protein names for later, and replace column
    savedProts <- tempDat$Protein
    tempDat$Protein <- tempDat$Gene
    uProt <- unique(tempDat$Gene)

    tempDat <- tempDat[order(tempDat$Protein), ]
    savedProts <- tempDat$Protein
    uProt <- unique(tempDat$Protein)

  #extract dimensions of the data
  nProt <- length(uProt)
  obsTimes <- unique(tempDat$Time)

  #Determine model details and adjust entries based on the column names
  randIndex <- grep("Random_Effect", colnames(tempDat))
  if(length(randIndex > 0)){
    if(length(randIndex) > 1){stop("Only one random intercept is allowed")}
    mixedMod <- TRUE
    #concatenate protein and random ID
    tempDat$Random <- paste0(tempDat$Protein, tempDat[ , randIndex])
    mixedMod <- FALSE

  contIndex <- grep("Continuous_Covariate", colnames(tempDat))
  if(length(contIndex > 0)){
    contCovar <- TRUE
    #center the continuous variables
    #for(i in 1:length(contIndex)){
    #  varMean <- mean(tempDat[ , contIndex[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
    #  tempDat[ , contIndex[i]] <- tempDat[ , contIndex[i]] - varMean
    contCovar <- FALSE

  catCovarIndex <- grep("Categorical_Covariate", colnames(tempDat))
  if(length(catCovarIndex > 0)){
    catCovar <- TRUE
    #make vector of references
    refList <- list()
    levelList <- list()
    #make sure these variables are treated as factors
    for(i in 1:length(catCovarIndex)){
      tempDat[ , catCovarIndex[i]] <- factor(tempDat[ , catCovarIndex[i]])
      refList[[i]] <- levels(tempDat[ , catCovarIndex[i]])[1]
      levelList[[i]] <- levels(tempDat[ , catCovarIndex[i]])
      #totalLevels <- sum(sapply(levelList, FUN = length))
    catRefs <- unlist(refList)
    catCovar <- FALSE
    catRefs <- NULL
    #totalLevels <- 0

  #Create model formula
  #First consider the baseline covariates
  if(catCovar + contCovar > 0){
    baseString <- paste(paste0(" + ", colnames(tempDat)[c(contIndex, catCovarIndex)]), collapse = "")
    baseString <- ""

  #First use of "timeDegree" parameter.  Creates a vector of character numbers
  #that will be used to define the model formula.
  #sinusoid == TRUE must overwrite this
  degVec <- as.character(1:timeDegree)
  degVec[1] <- ""

  if(randEffect == 0){

    #Create a variable specifying the parameters that involve time
    #this is where the program incorporates sinusoidal functions
    #the "timePars variablew will be used in the hpothesis testing code
    #as well
    if(sinusoid == TRUE){
      timePars <- c(paste0("Time", degVec), "Sin", "Cos")

      timePars <- paste0("Time", degVec)

    if(length(unique(tempDat$Category)) > 1){
      fmla <- as.formula(paste("FC ~ Category", baseString, "+",
                               paste0(timePars, collapse = " + "),
                               "+", paste0("Category:", timePars, collapse = " + ")))
      fmla <- as.formula(paste("FC ~ 1 ", baseString, "+",
                               paste0(timePars, collapse = " + ")))


  ######the below code is deprecated.  Stop functions added########
  if(randEffect == 1){
    stop("Random Effects not supported")
    fmla <- as.formula(paste("FC ~ Protein + Protein:Category", baseString, "+",
                             paste0("Protein:", paste0("Time", degVec), collapse = " + "),
                             "+", paste0("Protein:Category:", paste0("Time", degVec), collapse = " + ")))
    fmla <- paste(fmla, " + (1 | ", colnames(tempDat)[randIndex], ")")
  if(randEffect == 2){
    stop("Random Effects not supported")
    degVec <- degVec[1] #force only linear slopes if random slopes are being fit to each ID
    fmla <- as.formula(paste("FC ~ Protein + Protein:Category", baseString, "+",
                             paste0("Protein:", paste0("Time", degVec), collapse = " + "),
                             "+", paste0("Protein:Category:", paste0("Time", degVec), collapse = " + ")))
    fmla <- paste(fmla, " + (1 + Time | ", colnames(tempDat)[randIndex], ")")
############End deprecated chunk##########

  #Set reference category
    if(!refCat %in% levels(factor(tempDat$Category))){stop("Reference category not found in this protein")}
    tempDat$Category <- factor(tempDat$Category)
    tempDat$Category <- relevel(tempDat$Category, ref = refCat)
    tempDat$Category <- factor(tempDat$Category)
    #refCat <- tempDat$Category[1]

  uCats <- levels(tempDat$Category)

  #create results matrix
  #rows = nProt.  cols = fulltimes*fullCats + 2*fullCats + levels(catCovar) + length(contIndex)
  #nPreds <- length(fullTimes) * length(fullCats)
  #nTests <- 2 * length(fullCats)
  #nCovars <- 2 * (length(contIndex) + totalLevels - length(catCovarIndex)) #estimate and pVal for each

  #Create names for results data frame.  Predicited value names do not specify which
  #model was fit.
  tempNames <- paste0(rep(paste0("category:", fullCats), each = length(fullTimes) + 2),
                            c(paste0(":Time", fullTimes),"Pval-Time", "Pval-Category"))

    baseCatNames <- unlist(lapply(levelList, function(x) x[-1]))
    catColNames <- paste0(c("Est_", "Pval_", "LL_", "UL_"), rep(baseCatNames, each = 4))
    catColNames <- NULL

    baseContNames <- substring(colnames(tempDat)[contIndex], 22)
    contColNames <- paste0(c("Est_", "Pval_", "LL_", "UL_"), rep(baseContNames, each = 4))
    contColNames <- NULL

  tempNames <- c(tempNames, catColNames, contColNames)

  #Fit the model
  if(randEffect == 0){
      fullMod <- lm(fmla, weights = w_, data = tempDat)
      fullMod <- lm(fmla, data = tempDat)
      fullMod <- lmer(fmla, weights = w_, data = tempDat)
      fullMod <- lmer(fmla, data = tempDat)
  modSumm <- summary(fullMod)

  #The model fit may contain aliased variables
  #Prior to hypothesis testing, we need to know what Categories
  #are present for each protein
  obsCats <- by(tempDat, tempDat$Protein, FUN = function(x) which(fullCats %in% unique(x$Category)))
    refPos <- which(fullCats == tempDat$Category[1])
    refPos <- which(fullCats == refCat)

  ###############Now get predictions and p-values for each protein##############
  resMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nProt, ncol = length(tempNames))
  # replace dashes and colons with underscores for column names so resulting data is right away compatible with SQL upload
  colnames(resMat) <- gsub("-", "_", gsub("\\:", "_", tempNames))

  for(index in 1:nProt){
    #First make sure the reference was observed in this protein
    if(!(refPos %in% obsCats[[index]])){
      refI <- which(obsCats[[index]] == refPos)
      dropRef <- obsCats[[index]][-refI]

    #Implement F test for time effect
    #Create strings that define the hypothesis tests

    timeTests <- list()
    catTests <- list()

    #Test for an overall time effect in the baseline condition
    #timePars was specified above

    #If we have a sinusoid, test only those parameters
    if(sinusoid == TRUE){
      timePars <- c("Sin", "Cos")

    #timeStr <-  paste0("Protein", uProt[index], paste0(":", timePars), " = 0")  Remake for single protein model
    timeStr <- paste0(timePars, " = 0")
    timeTests[[1]] <-  lht(fullMod, timeStr, singular.ok= T)$`Pr(>F)`[2]

    if(length(dropRef) > 0){

      for(t_ in 1:length(dropRef)){
        #Test for any difference between refCat and category t_
        #catStr <-  paste0("Protein", uProt[index], ":Category", fullCats[dropRef[t_]],
                          #c("", paste0(":", timePars)), " = 0")
        catStr <-  paste0("Category", fullCats[dropRef[t_]],
                          c("", paste0(":", timePars)), " = 0")

        if(testBaseline == FALSE){
          catStr <- catStr[-1] #allow baseline differences to remain in both models
        catTests[[t_]] <- try(lht(fullMod, catStr, singular.ok = T)$`Pr(>F)`[2], silent=TRUE)

        #Test for an overall time effect in condition t_
        #timeStr <- paste0("Protein", uProt[index], paste0(":", timePars), " + ",
                        #  "Protein", uProt[index], ":Category", fullCats[dropRef[t_]], paste0(":", timePars)," = 0")
        timeStr <- paste0(timePars, " + Category", fullCats[dropRef[t_]], paste0(":", timePars)," = 0")

        timeTests[[t_ + 1]] <- try(lht(fullMod, timeStr, singular.ok = T)$`Pr(>F)`[2], silent=TRUE)
      }#end condition loop

    }#end "if" more than one condition

    #if any tests failed something weird happened with aliasing
    catError <- unlist(lapply(catTests, function(x) attr(x, "class") == "try-error"))
    timeError <- unlist(lapply(timeTests, function(x) attr(x, "class") == "try-error"))
    if(length(catError) + length(timeError) > 0){next}

    #Figure out which times to predict
    #create list of times within observed ranges
    times <- list()
    protDat <- tempDat[which(tempDat$Protein == uProt[index]), ]
    for(c_ in 1:length(obsCats[[index]])){
      catDat <- protDat[which(as.character(protDat$Category) == fullCats[obsCats[[index]][c_]]), ]
      #Check for missing values
      if(sum(is.na(catDat$FC)) > 0){
        catDat <- catDat[-which(is.na(catDat$FC)), ] #Remove missing values

      catTime <- unique(catDat[ , "Time"])
      #catTime is the actual times observed for this protein within this category
      maxT <- max(catTime)
      minT <- min(catTime)
      boolT <- (fullTimes >= minT) & (fullTimes <= maxT)
      smalltime <- fullTimes[boolT]
      times[[c_]] <- smalltime

    #Now extract and store the predicted values
    newDfs <- list()

    newDfs <- lapply(1:length(obsCats[[index]]), function(x)
        makePredDat(prot = uProt[index], timeVec = times[[x]], category = fullCats[obsCats[[index]][x]],
                    header = colnames(tempDat), timeDegree = timeDegree, catRefs = catRefs, sinusoid,
                    sinVec = sin((2*pi / period) * times[[x]]), cosVec = cos((2*pi / period) * times[[x]])))

    catPreds <- lapply(newDfs, function(x) suppressWarnings(predict(fullMod, x)))

    tempPred <- matrix(c(catPreds[[refI]][match(fullTimes, times[[refI]])], timeTests[[1]]), nrow = 1)
    startPoint <- (refPos - 1) * (length(fullTimes) + 2) + 1
    resMat[index, startPoint:(startPoint + ncol(tempPred) - 1)] <- tempPred

    if(length(dropRef) > 0){
      for(t_ in 1:length(dropRef)){
        #need to map from dropRef to obsRef
        obsPos <- which(obsCats[[index]] == dropRef[t_])
        tempPred <- matrix(c(catPreds[[obsPos]][match(fullTimes, times[[obsPos]])],
                             timeTests[[t_ + 1]], catTests[[t_]]), nrow = 1)
        startPoint <- (dropRef[t_] - 1) * (length(fullTimes) + 2) + 1
        resMat[index, startPoint:(startPoint + ncol(tempPred) - 1)] <- tempPred


    #Now add point estimates, standard errors and pVals for each baseline covariate
    if(contCovar + catCovar > 0){
      #categorical comes before continuous in results table
        startPoint <- (length(fullTimes) + 2) * length(fullCats) + 1
        for(k in 1:length(catCovarIndex)){ #loop through categorical variables
          catLevel <- levels(tempDat[ , catCovarIndex[k]])
          for(l in 1:(length(catLevel) - 1)){ #loop through levels of each variable
            levelName <- catLevel[l + 1]
            paramStr <- paste0("Protein", uProt[index], ":", colnames(tempDat)[catCovarIndex[k]],
            #Make sure this level exists in the model
            coefIndex <- which(rownames(modSumm$coefficients) == paramStr)
            if(length(coefIndex) == 0){

              startPoint <- startPoint + 4
            tempRes <- matrix(c(modSumm$coefficients[coefIndex, c(1,4)],
                                confint(fullMod, paramStr)), nrow = 1)
            resMat[index, startPoint:(startPoint + 3)] <- tempRes
            startPoint <- startPoint + 4

        startPoint <- (length(fullTimes) + 2) * length(fullCats) + 1 #pass start point to continuous covariate

        for(k in 1:length(contIndex)){
          paramStr <- paste0("Protein", uProt[index], ":", colnames(tempDat)[contIndex[k]])
          tempRes <- matrix(c(modSumm$coefficients[paramStr, c(1,4)],
                              confint(fullMod, paramStr)), nrow = 1)
          resMat[index, startPoint:(startPoint + 3)] <- tempRes
          startPoint <- startPoint + 4

      #baseDf <- do.call(cbind, baseRes)
      #pRes[[index]] <- cbind(pRes[[index]], baseDf)

    }#End addition of baseline covariate results

  }#end Gene loop

  #add identifiers
    resDf <- data.frame(Gene = tempDat$Gene[match(unique(tempDat$Protein), tempDat$Protein)],
                        Protein = savedProts[match(unique(tempDat$Protein), tempDat$Protein)], resMat)
    resDf <- data.frame(Gene = tempDat$Gene[match(unique(tempDat$Protein), tempDat$Protein)],
                        Protein = unique(savedProts), resMat)

  #Now add columns for random effects - ill conceived.  Return to this later
#  if(randEffect > 0){
 #   resDf <- cbind(resDf, ranef(fullMod))

  #Now add columns with q values
  #first find the p-values
  #pIndex <- grep("Pval", colnames(resDf))
  #Qvals <- as.data.frame(lapply(resDf[ , pIndex], function(x) p.adjust(x, method = "fdr")))
  #colnames(Qvals) <- gsub("Pval", "Qval", colnames(resDf)[pIndex])
  #finalDf <- data.frame(resDf, Qvals)

  #newIndex <- c(seq_along(resDf), pIndex + 0.5)
  #finalDf <- finalDf[ ,order(newIndex)]



#' This function runs the main code for fitting a model that looks at the
#' overall (single curve) effect through time.
#' @export
#' @param tempDat The data to be analyzed
#' @param timeDegree either 1, 2 or 3 for linear, quadratic or cubic models
#' @param fullTimes A vector specifying all of the times found in the study
#' @param useW A boolean that determines whether or not the posterior variance of
#'   each protein estimate should be used to weight the observations
test_overall_effect <- function(tempDat, timeDegree = 2, fullTimes, useW = TRUE){

  uProt <- unique(tempDat$Protein)
  nProt <- length(uProt)
  times <- unique(tempDat$Time)

  degVec <- as.character(1:timeDegree)
  degVec[1] <- ""

  fmla <- as.formula(paste("FC ~ Protein * (",
                     paste0("Time", degVec, collapse = " + "), ")",
                         " - ", paste0("Time", degVec, collapse = " - ")))

    fullMod <- lm(fmla, weights = w_, data = tempDat)
    fullMod <- lm(fmla, data = tempDat)

  # Now do a test for time effects on each protein
  pList <- list()

  for(index in 1:nProt){
    # Implement F test for time effect
    testl <- lht(fullMod, paste(paste0("Protein", uProt[index], "_", paste0("Time", degVec), " = 0")))
    pVal <- testl$'Pr(>F)'[2]
    # Now extract and store the predicted values
    if(timeDegree == 1){
      newDf <- data.frame(Protein = uProt[index], Time = times)
    if(timeDegree == 2){
      newDf <- data.frame(Protein = uProt[index], Time = times, Time2 = times^2)
    if(timeDegree == 3){
      newDf <- data.frame(Protein = uProt[index], Time = times, Time2 = times^2, Time3 = times^3)

    mFit <- predict(fullMod, newDf)
    protList <- list(as.character(uProt[index]), c(mFit[match(fullTimes, times)], pVal))
    names(protList[[2]]) <- c(paste0("Time", fullTimes), "Pval")
    pList[[index]] <- protList
  } # end protein loop

  resNames <- unlist(lapply(pList, function(x) x[[1]]))
  resVals <- do.call(rbind, lapply(pList, function(x) x[[2]]))
  resDf <- data.frame(Protein = resNames, resVals)

  pIndex <- grep("Pval", colnames(resDf))
  Qvals <- p.adjust(resDf[ , pIndex], method = "fdr")

  resDf$Qval <- Qvals
  gRes <- data.frame(Gene = tempDat$Gene[match(resDf$Protein, tempDat$Protein)], resDf)

ColtoCaro/compMS documentation built on March 13, 2020, 10:11 a.m.