
Defines functions sample_function downloadCSV changeColumnName changeDateFormat DeleteColumns separateDate SumColumnsMalwareTotal SumColumnsMalware Plot_pie_Max SemesterColumnsMalwareTotal Bar_plot_semester_Locky Bar_plot_semester_Cerber Bar_plot_semester_Tesla Bar_plot_year Bar_plot_year_scale DeleteColumnsCountry CountryMalwareTotal Plot_bar_horizontal MapMalwareYear

Documented in Bar_plot_semester_Cerber Bar_plot_semester_Locky Bar_plot_semester_Tesla Bar_plot_year Bar_plot_year_scale changeColumnName changeDateFormat CountryMalwareTotal DeleteColumns DeleteColumnsCountry downloadCSV Plot_bar_horizontal Plot_pie_Max sample_function SemesterColumnsMalwareTotal separateDate SumColumnsMalware SumColumnsMalwareTotal

#' Title
#' @details This are the details
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
sample_function <- function() {
  print("Hello world")

if (!require(readr)) (install.packages("readr"))
if (!require(reshape2)) (install.packages("reshape2"))
if (!require(grid)) (install.packages("grid"))
if (!require(ggplot2)) (install.packages("ggplot2"))
if (!require(tidyr)) (install.packages("tidyr"))
if (!require(dplyr)) (install.packages("dplyr"))
if (!require(plotly)) (install.packages("plotly"))
if (!require(plyr)) (install.packages("plyr"))
if (!require(lubridate)) (install.packages("lubridate"))
if (!require(grid)) (install.packages("grid"))
if (!require(gridExtra)) (install.packages("gridExtra"))
if (!require(rworldmap)) (install.packages("rworldmap"))
if (!require(data.table)) (install.packages("data.table"))

#' Read CSV
#' This function reads a CSV file
#' @param
#' @return Data frame containing a representation of the data file without the last row
#' @export

downloadCSV <- function()
  ransomwareCSV <- read.csv2("https://ransomwaretracker.abuse.ch/feeds/csv", header = TRUE,skip = 8, check.names = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE,sep = ",", quote = '"')
  ransomwareCSV <- head(ransomwareCSV,-1)

  return (ransomwareCSV)

#' Change column name
#' This function replaces in the dataframe (df) the name of the column (previous) with a new column name (new)
#' @param df previous new
#' @return Dataframe with the new column name
#' @export

changeColumnName <- function(df,previous,new)
  colnames(df)[which(names(df) == previous)] <- new
  return (df)

#' Change date format
#' This function changes the date format for the column "DateHour" of the "df" dataframe. The previous date format is "previous"; the new one is "new".
#' For exemple:
#' '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' to '%Y-%m-%d'
#' @param df previous new
#' @return Data frame with the new date format in column DateHour
#' @export

changeDateFormat <- function(df,previous,new)
  df$date  <- format(as.POSIXct(df$DateHour,format=previous),format=new)

#' Delete columns
#' This function deletes some columns of df dataframe:
#' (Host, URL,Registrar, IPaddress.es, ASN.s)
#' @param df
#' @return Data frame without the deleted columns
#' @export
DeleteColumns <- function(df)
  df[4:5] <- list(NULL)
  df[5:7] <- list(NULL)

#' Separate date columns
#' This function separates the "DateHour" column of the df dataframe into new
#' columns "Date" and "Hour. The separator must be " "
#' @param df
#' @return Dataframe with the two new columns: "Date" and "Hour"
#' @export
  newColNames <- c("Date", "Hour")
  newCols <- colsplit(df$DateHour, " ", newColNames)
  rw <- cbind(df, newCols)

#' Sum the ocurrences of each Ransomware in 2015-2018
#' This function sums the total occurrences during the period between 2015 and 2018, ordering
#' the result in descending order (by Frequency)
#' @param df
#' @return Dataframe that relates the Malware with their total occurrences
#' @export
SumColumnsMalwareTotal <- function(x)
  colnames(df) <- c("Malware","Freq")
  df <- subset(df, Freq!=0)
  df <- df[order(-df$Freq),]

#' Percentage of occurrences
#' This function selects the first three malware (according to the number of occurrences)
#' and sums all the occurrences of the other nine malwares in a new row called "Other".
#' It also calculates the percentage of occurrences.
#' @param df
#' @return Dataframe showing the highest percentage of occurrences
#' @export
SumColumnsMalware <- function(x)
  dfMax <- x[1:3,]

  #pct <- round(df$Freq/sum(df$Freq)*100,1)
  #pct <- sort.int(pct, decreasing = TRUE)
  #pctMax <- pct[1:3]

  #dfMax <- cbind(dfMax,pctMax=as.numeric(pctMax))

  column1 <- "Other"
  column2_total <- sum(x$Freq)
  column2_parcial <- sum(dfMax$Freq)
  column2_Other <- column2_total-column2_parcial

  #column3_parcial <- sum(dfMax$pctMax)
  #column3_Other <- 100-column3_parcial

  v <- list("Other",column2_Other)
  dfMax$Malware <- as.character(dfMax$Malware)
  dfMax <- rbind(dfMax,v)

  pct <- round(dfMax$Freq/sum(dfMax$Freq)*100,1)
  dfMax <- cbind(dfMax,pctMax=as.numeric(pct))

  return (dfMax)

#' Percentage of occurrences (Pie Chart)
#' This function shows in a graphical way (Pie Chart) the dataframe calculated
#' by the function SumColumnsMalware (percentage of malware occurrences)
#' @param df
#' @return Pie Chart showing the highest percentage of occurrences
#' @export

  # Dibuja los tres Malware con más ocurrencias; los otros están integrados en "Other"
  dfMax <- x
  Malware <- dfMax$Malware

  plot_ly(dfMax, labels = ~Malware, values = ~pctMax, type = 'pie',
               textposition = 'inside',
               textinfo = 'label+percent',
               insidetextfont = list(color = '#FFFFFF'),
               hoverinfo = 'text',
               text = ~Freq,
               marker = list(colors = colors,
                             line = list(color = '#FFFFFF', width = 1)),
               #The 'pull' attribute can also be used to create space between the sectors
               showlegend = FALSE) %>%
    layout(title = 'Ocurrencias Malware 2015-2018',
           xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
           yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE))

#' Malware occurrences per semester (2015-2018)
#' This function lists the occurrences of each one of the principal malware (TeslaCrypt,
#' Cerber and Locky) for each semester during the years between 2015 and 2018
#' @param df
#' @return Dataframe showing the occurrences of each malware (per semester)
#' @export
SemesterColumnsMalwareTotal <- function(x)
  newColNames <- c("Year", "Month", "Day")
  newCols <- colsplit(x$Date, "-", newColNames)
  a <- semester(x$Date, with_year = FALSE)
  xaux <- cbind(x, newCols)
  xaux <- cbind(xaux, Semester=a)

  temp1 <- filter(xaux, xaux$Malware %in% c("Locky","Cerber","TeslaCrypt"))

  temp_Locky <- filter(temp1, temp1$Malware =="Locky")
  temp_Cerber <- filter(temp1, temp1$Malware =="Cerber")
  temp_TeslaCrypt <- filter(temp1, temp1$Malware =="TeslaCrypt")

  temp_TeslaCrypt_1 <-temp_TeslaCrypt[order(-temp_TeslaCrypt$Year, -temp_TeslaCrypt$Semester),]

  temp_Cerber_1 <-temp_Cerber[order(-temp_Cerber$Year, -temp_Cerber$Semester),]

  temp_Locky_1 <-temp_Locky[order(-temp_Locky$Year, -temp_Locky$Semester),]

  #Montamos un único dataframe con los tres parciales
  temp <- rbind(df_Tesla,df_Cerber)
  temp <- rbind(temp,df_Locky)

  temp <-temp[order(-temp$Year, -temp$Semester),]

  #Unimos las columnas Semester y Year para dibujar

  temp_plot<-unite(temp, Date,c(2:3),  sep = "-", remove = FALSE)


#' Plot Locky occurrences (per semester)
#' This function plots, from the dataframe calculated by the SemesterColumnsMalwareTotal function, the occurrences of Locky per semester (years [2015..2108])
#' @param df
#' @return Bar plot showing the Locky occurrences (per semester)
#' @export
Bar_plot_semester_Locky <- function(x)
  temp_plot <- x
  temp_plot_Locky <- temp_plot
  temp_plot_Locky$Freq[temp_plot_Locky$Malware != "Locky"] <- 0
  Malware <- temp_plot_Locky$Malware
  Semestre <- as.character(temp_plot_Locky$Date)
  Semestre <- factor(Semestre, levels=unique(Semestre))
  Ocurrencias <-temp_plot_Locky$Freq

  plot_ly(temp_plot_Locky, x = ~Semestre, y = ~Ocurrencias, type = 'bar', name = 'Locky', marker = list(color = 'rgb(49,130,189)')) %>%
    layout(xaxis = list(title = "Semestre", tickangle = -45),
           yaxis = list(title = ""),
           margin = list(b = 100),
           barmode = 'group',


#' Plot Ceber occurrences (per semester)
#' This function plots, from the dataframe calculated by the SemesterColumnsMalwareTotal function, the occurrences of Ceber per semester (years [2015..2108])
#' @param df
#' @return Bar plot showing the Ceber occurrences (per semester)
#' @export
Bar_plot_semester_Cerber <- function(x)

  temp_plot_Cerber <- x
  temp_plot_Cerber$Freq[temp_plot_Cerber$Malware != "Cerber"] <- 0
  Malware <- temp_plot_Cerber$Malware
  Semestre <- as.character(temp_plot_Cerber$Date)
  Semestre <- factor(Semestre, levels=unique(Semestre))
  Ocurrencias <-temp_plot_Cerber$Freq

  plot_ly(temp_plot_Cerber, x = ~Semestre, y = ~Ocurrencias, type = 'bar', name = 'Cerber', marker = list(color = 'rgb(49,130,0)')) %>%
    layout(xaxis = list(title = "Semestre", tickangle = -45),
           yaxis = list(title = ""),
           margin = list(b = 100),
           barmode = 'group',

#' Plot TeslaCrypt occurrences (per semester)
#' This function plots, from the dataframe calculated by the SemesterColumnsMalwareTotal function, the occurrences of TeslaCrypt per semester (years [2015..2108])
#' @param df
#' @return Bar plot showing the TeslaCrypt occurrences (per semester)
#' @export
Bar_plot_semester_Tesla <- function(x)

  temp_plot_Tesla <- x
  temp_plot_Tesla$Freq[temp_plot_Tesla$Malware != "TeslaCrypt"] <- 0
  Malware <- temp_plot_Tesla$Malware
  Semestre <- as.character(temp_plot_Tesla$Date)
  Semestre <- factor(Semestre, levels=unique(Semestre))
  Ocurrencias <-temp_plot_Tesla$Freq

  plot_ly(temp_plot_Tesla, x = ~Semestre, y = ~Ocurrencias, type = 'bar', name = 'Tesla', marker = list(color = 'rgb(130,30,0)')) %>%
    layout(xaxis = list(title = "Semestre", tickangle = -45),
           yaxis = list(title = ""),
           margin = list(b = 100),
           barmode = 'group',

#' Plot all the malware occurrences per year
#' This function plots the occurrences of all the malware listed in the csv file during
#'  one year (shown by semester)
#' @param df year
#' @return Bar plot showing the TeslaCrypt occurrences (per semester)
#' @export
Bar_plot_year <- function(x,year)

  newColNames <- c("Year", "Month", "Day")
  newCols <- colsplit(x$Date, "-", newColNames)
  a <- semester(x$Date, with_year = FALSE)
  xaux <- cbind(x, newCols)
  xaux <- cbind(xaux, Semester=a)

  xaux <-xaux[order(-xaux$Year, -xaux$Semester),]

  #Montamos un único dataframe con los tres parciales
  xaux <-xaux[order(-xaux$Year, -xaux$Semester),]

  #Nos quedamos solo con las del último año (primer y segundo semestre 2018)
  xaux <- filter(xaux, xaux$Year==year)

  #Unimos las columnas Semester y Year para dibujar

  temp_plot<-unite(xaux, Date,c(2:3),  sep = "-", remove = FALSE)
  temp_plot <- subset(temp_plot, temp_plot$Freq>0)

  Malware <- temp_plot$Malware
  Semestre <- as.character(temp_plot$Date)
  Semestre <- factor(Semestre, levels=unique(Semestre))
  Ocurrencias <-temp_plot$Freq
  titulo <- paste("Year", year," ")

  plot_ly(temp_plot, x = ~Semestre, y = ~Ocurrencias, type = 'bar',split=~Malware) %>%
    layout(title = titulo)

#' Plot all the malware occurrences per year (scaled)
#' This function plots the occurrences of the malware listed in the csv file during one year
#' (shown by semester) whose number of occurrences are under the yMax value
#' @param df year yMax
#' @return Bar plot showing the TeslaCrypt occurrences (per semester)
#' @export
Bar_plot_year_scale <- function(x,year,yMax)

  newColNames <- c("Year", "Month", "Day")
  newCols <- colsplit(x$Date, "-", newColNames)
  a <- semester(x$Date, with_year = FALSE)
  xaux <- cbind(x, newCols)
  xaux <- cbind(xaux, Semester=a)

  xaux <-xaux[order(-xaux$Year, -xaux$Semester),]

  #Montamos un único dataframe con los tres parciales
  xaux <-xaux[order(-xaux$Year, -xaux$Semester),]

  #Nos quedamos solo con las del último año (primer y segundo semestre 2018)
  xaux <- filter(xaux, xaux$Year==year)

  #Unimos las columnas Semester y Year para dibujar

  temp_plot<-unite(xaux, Date,c(2:3),  sep = "-", remove = FALSE)
  temp_plot <- subset(temp_plot, temp_plot$Freq>0)
  temp_plot <- subset(temp_plot, temp_plot$Freq<yMax)

  Malware <- temp_plot$Malware
  Semestre <- as.character(temp_plot$Date)
  Semestre <- factor(Semestre, levels=unique(Semestre))
  Ocurrencias <-temp_plot$Freq
  titulo <- paste("Year", year," ")

  plot_ly(temp_plot, x = ~Semestre, y = ~Ocurrencias, type = 'bar',split=~Malware) %>%
    layout(title = titulo) %>%
    layout(yaxis = list(range = c(0,yMax)))


#' Delete columns country
#' This function deletes some columns of df dataframe:
#' (Host, URL,Registrar, IPaddress.es)
#' @param df
#' @return Data frame without the deleted columns
#' @export
DeleteColumnsCountry <- function(df)
  df[4:9] <- list(NULL)

#' Dataframe by country
#' This function arranges a dataframe (malware by country)
#' @param df year
#' @return Dataframe
#' @export
CountryMalwareTotal <- function(x,yearg)
  newColNames <- c("Year", "Month", "Day")
  newCols <- colsplit(x$Date, "-", newColNames)
  xaux <- cbind(x, newCols)

  xaux <- filter(xaux, xaux$Year==yearg)

  a <- xaux$Country
  a <- strsplit(as.character(a),split='|', fixed=TRUE)

  max.length <- max(sapply(a, length))
  ## Add NA values to list elements
  l <- lapply(a, function(v) { c(v, rep(NA, max.length-length(v)))})
  ## Rbind
  Country2 <- do.call(rbind, l)
  Country2 <- Country2[,1]
  xaux <-cbind(xaux, Country2)

  xaux[1:2] <- list(NULL)
  xaux[3:4] <- list(NULL)
  xaux[2] <- list(NULL)
  xaux[3:4] <- list(NULL)

  xaux <- subset(xaux, Country2!="")

  xaux2<-data.frame(table(Malware=as.character(xaux$Malware), Country=xaux$Country2),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  x <- aggregate(xaux2$Freq, by=list(xaux2$Country), sum)
  colnames(x) <- c("Country","SumMalware")

  pct <- round(x$SumMalware/sum(x$SumMalware)*100,1)
  dfMax <- cbind(x,pctMax=as.numeric(pct))

  dfMax <- dfMax[order(-dfMax$SumMalware),]
  dfMax <- dfMax[1:20,]
  row.has.na <- apply(dfMax, 1, function(x){any(is.na(x))})
  dfMax.filtered <- dfMax[!row.has.na,]
  dfMax.filtered <- dfMax.filtered[order(dfMax.filtered$pctMax),]


  #plot_ly(x =dfMax$pctMax, y = as.character(dfMax$Country), type = 'bar', orientation = 'h')


#' Plot all the malware occurrences per country
#' This function plots the occurrences of all the malware listed in the csv file per
#' country
#' @param df year
#' @return Bar plot showing the ranswomware by country
#' @export

Plot_bar_horizontal <- function(x,yg)
  f1 <- list(
    family = "Arial, sans-serif",
    size = 18,
    color = "orange"
  b <- list(
    title = "PAIS",
    titlefont = f1
  a <- list(
    title = "PORCENTAJE",
    titlefont = f1

  xform <- list(categoryorder = "array",
                categoryarray = as.character(x$Country))

  temp.Grade <- as.vector(x$Country) #get rid of factors
  temp.Grade = factor(temp.Grade,temp.Grade) #add ordered factors back

  plot_ly(x =x$pctMax, y = temp.Grade, type = 'bar', orientation = 'h') %>%
    layout(xaxis = a, yaxis = b, showlegend = FALSE, xaxis = xform)%>%
    layout(title = paste('MALWARE ', yg ,sep = " "))


#' Plot all the malware occurrences in a map
#' This function plots the occurrences of all the malware listed in the csv file in a
#' world map
#' @param df year
#' @return Map showing the ranswomware by year
#' @export
MapMalwareYear <- function(x,ygcountry)
  newColNames <- c("Year", "Month", "Day")
  newCols <- colsplit(x$Date, "-", newColNames)
  xaux <- cbind(x, newCols)

  a <- xaux$Country
  a <- strsplit(as.character(a),split='|', fixed=TRUE)
  max.length <- max(sapply(a, length))
  ## Add NA values to list elements
  l <- lapply(a, function(v) { c(v, rep(NA, max.length-length(v)))})
  ## Rbind
  Country2 <- do.call(rbind, l)
  Country2 <- Country2[,1]
  xaux <-cbind(xaux, Country2)

  xaux[1:2] <- list(NULL)
  xaux[3:4] <- list(NULL)
  xaux[2] <- list(NULL)
  xaux[3:4] <- list(NULL)

  colnames(xaux) <- c("Malware","Year","Country")
  xaux1<-data.frame(table(Malware=as.character(xaux$Malware), Country=xaux$Country,Year=xaux$Year), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  p1 <- xaux1
  p2 <- subset(xaux1,Freq>0)
  y <- "2015"
  #p3 <- subset(p2, Year=="2015")
  p3 <- subset(p2,Year==ygcountry)

  p4 <- as.data.table(p3)[, sum(Freq), by = .(Country)]
  columnName <- paste("Malware", ygcountry, sep=" ")
  colnames(p4) <- c("Country",columnName)
  countries <- as.character(p4$Country)
  p5 <- cbind(p4,countries)

  library( ggmap)
  r <- countrycode(p5$countries, 'iso2c', 'country.name')
  p6 <- cbind(p5,r)
  names(p5)[2] <- "suma"

  l <- list(color = toRGB("white"), width = 2)
  # specify some map projection/options
  g <- list(
    scope = 'world'


  p <- plot_geo(p6, locationmode = 'world') %>%
      z = ~suma, text = ~suma, locations = ~countries,
      color = ~suma, colors = 'Purples'
    ) %>%
    colorbar(title = "Millions USD") %>%
      title = '2011 US Agriculture Exports by State<br>(Hover for breakdown)',
      geo = g

  #wMap <- joinCountryData2Map(p5,nameJoinColumn="countries",joinCode="ISO2")


#mapCountryData(wMap, nameColumnToPlot = columnName,catMethod = 'fixedWidth', colourPalette = colourPalettee, numCats = 10,addLegend = FALSE)
  map.world <- map_data("world", add = TRUE)
  names(p6)[4] <- "region"

  p6$region <- recode(p6$region,'United States' = 'USA','United Kingdom' = 'UK')
  stateData <- merge(p6,map.world,by="region")
  names(stateData)[3] <- "suma"

  ggplot()+geom_polygon(data=stateData,aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group, fill=suma),color="black")+coord_map()


ds <- read.csv(file='https://ransomwaretracker.abuse.ch/feeds/csv/' , skip = 8)
#change date column name from "X..Firstseen..UTC." to "date"
colnames(ds)[which(names(ds) == "X..Firstseen..UTC.")] <- "date"
#change date format from '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' to '%Y' just by year
ds$date  <- format(as.POSIXct(ds$date,format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),format='%Y')
#clean country column
ds$Country <- str_split_fixed(ds$Country, "|", 1)
# crate dataframe value for the map
value <- as.data.frame(table(ds[ds$date == "2015",10]))
#create map function, the map will use the dataframe called value

GetMapYear <- function(value) {
  if (!require("xml2")) install.packages("rworldmap") ; library(rworldmap)
  matched <- joinCountryData2Map(value, joinCode="ISO2", nameJoinColumn="Var1")
  mapCountryData(matched, nameColumnToPlot="Freq", mapTitle="Ransomware Tracker", catMethod=c(1,5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,90,150,200,300,400,500,600,3000,3500) , colourPalette = "heat")



#df <- downloadCSV()
#df <- DeleteColumnsCountry(df)
#df <- changeColumnName(df,"X..Firstseen..UTC.","DateHour")
#df <- separateDate(df)
#df1 <- CountryMalwareTotal(df,"2015")
#df2 <- CountryMalwareTotal(df,"2016")
#dfsum <- SumColumnsMalwareTotal(df)
#dfMax <- SumColumnsMalware(dfsum)
#dfSem <- SemesterColumnsMalwareTotal(df)
DDS-MCSM/group-assignment-team-02 documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:50 p.m.