#' Create an Index for an ONS NSPL postcode database
#' Creates an index of a postcode database file using the first letters and first number from within the postcode. This has been designed for use with the NSPL database of UK postcodes and will not work for postcodes which do not start with letters followed by numbers.
#' @param postcode_path path to folder containing multiple postcode csv files or a single csv file. Eg for ONS NSPL this could be either file.path("NSPL_FEB_2019_UK", "Data", "multi_csv") from where the ONS data was extracted if using the multi_csv files or file.path("NSPL_FEB_2019_UK", "Data", "NSPL_FEB_2019_UK.csv") if using the full database file. Using multi_csv files can overcome insufficient memory barriers.
#' @param colname column name within database csv file(s) with postcode for postcode matching (optional). Default is the first column name within the database.
#' @param name name to call the index (optional). Default is "Index".
#' @param exclude string pattern within files to exclude when using a folder as postcode_path (optional).
#' @return Returns a postcode database Index using the first letters from the file names and the first digits of the numbers within the postcodes as a data.frame object. Saves the Index file to the location of the postcode database.
#' @import data.table
#' @author Diane Hatziioanou
#' @keywords postcode, Index
#' @examples
#' # Index <- index_postcodes(postcode_path)
#' # Index_ONS <- index_postcodes("C:/.../NSPL_FEB_2019_UK/Data/multi_csv/)
#' # Index_ONS <- index_postcodes(
#' # file.path(path, "NSPL_FEB_2019_UK, "Data ,"multi_csv"),
#' # exclude = "Readme.csv")
#' # Index_file <- index_postcodes(file.path(path, "2020 database, "Reference.csv"),
#' # colname = "pcd", name = "Reference_index")
#' # Create an index if necessary or read in if already there
#' # if (!file.exists(file.path(NSPL_csvs,"Index.csv"))) {
#' # Index <- index_postcodes(NSPL_csvs)
#' # } else {
#' # Index <- fread(file.path(NSPL_csvs,"Index.csv"))
#' # }
#' @export
index_postcodes <- function(postcode_path, colname, name, exclude){
start_time <- Sys.time()
if (missing(name)) {
name <- "Index"
# Database file path and file name(s)
if (dir.exists(postcode_path)) { # Directory
# List files
Db_files <- list.files(path = file.path(postcode_path),
include.dirs = F,
recursive = F,
pattern = ".csv")
Db_files <- as.data.frame(Db_files[!grepl("\\$", Db_files)], responseName = "file", row.names = NULL, optional = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
data.table::setnames(Db_files, "file")
data.table::setDT(Db_files)[, full_path := file.path(postcode_path,Db_files$file)]
Db_files <- Db_files[!file.info(Db_files$full_path)$isdir]
Db_files <- Db_files[stringr::str_detect(Db_files$file, "^NSPL_") & stringr::str_detect(Db_files$file, ".csv"),]
# QC csv files to index
if (missing(exclude)) {
message(paste("Indexing all csv files within", postcode_path, "as ONE database"))
} else {
Db_files <- Db_files[!grepl(paste(exclude, collapse = "|") , Db_files$file),]
message(paste("Indexing", NROW(Db_files$file), "csv files within", postcode_path, "as ONE database"))
if (dim(Db_files)[1] == 0) { stop("No csv files found.") }
# Check database files
for(i in 1:nrow(Db_files)) {
db_file <- data.table::fread(file.path(Db_files[i,"full_path"]), header = F, nrows = 1)
if(exists("db_files")) {
t <- try(db_files <- data.table::rbindlist(list(data.table::setDT(db_files), data.table::setDT(db_file)),use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE), silent = TRUE)
ifelse(inherits(t, "try-error"), stop("Column name mismatch; csv files don't all belong to the same database."),t)
} else {
db_files <- db_file
# Postcode column
if (missing(colname)) { colname <- as.character(db_files[1,1]) }
remove(db_files, db_file)
path <- postcode_path
} else if (file.exists(postcode_path) && !dir.exists(postcode_path)) { # Single file
Db_files <- postcode_path
Db_files <- as.data.frame(Db_files[!grepl("\\$", Db_files)], responseName = "file", row.names = NULL, optional = F, stringsAsFactors =F)
data.table::setnames(Db_files, "full_path")
data.table::setDT(Db_files)[, file := basename(postcode_path)]
message(paste("Indexing csv file", Db_files$file, "within", postcode_path, "as ONE database"))
path <- dirname(postcode_path)
# Postcode column
if (missing(colname)) {
colname <- data.table::fread(file.path(Db_files[1,"full_path"]), header = F, select = 1, nrows = 1) %>% as.character()
} else { stop("Could not find any .csv files at ", postcode_path) }
# Get file row index positions
for(i in 1:nrow(Db_files)) {
# Get postcode letters and first number
Pc <- data.table::fread(file.path(Db_files[i,"full_path"]), header = T)
data.table::setDT(Pc)[,block := toupper(gsub(" ", "", Pc[,get(colname)]))]
Pc[, block := (gsub('([a-zA-Z])([0-9])', '\\1_\\2', block))]
Pc[, block := paste0(gsub( "_.*$", "", block), substr(gsub('\\D+','', block), 1,1))]
Pc[, block := factor(Pc$block)]
Pc[, row := 1:nrow(Pc)]
# Get file index rows
rows <- base::split(1:nrow(Pc), Pc$block)
index <- sapply(rows, function(rowi) {rowi[which.min(Pc$row[rowi])]})
index <- data.table::setDT(list(index))[]
index <- data.table::setnames(index,"start")
index$stop <- sapply(rows, function(rowi) {rowi[which.max(Pc$row[rowi])]})
index[, block := names(rows)]
index[,start := index$start + 1] # count for header row
index[,stop := index$stop + 1] # count for header row
index[,full_path := Db_files[i,"full_path"]]
index[,file := Db_files[i,"file"]]
if (exists("Index") & dim(index)[1] != 0 ) {
Index <- data.table::rbindlist(list(data.table::setDT(Index), data.table::setDT(index)), use.names= TRUE, fill=TRUE)
if (!exists("Index")) {
Index <- index
Index <- Index[!is.na(Index$block),]
# Save index
data.table::setcolorder(Index,c("block", "start", "stop", "file", "full_path"))
data.table::fwrite(x = Index, file.path(path, paste0(name,".csv")), row.names = F, nThread = data.table::getDTthreads())
# Report
end_time <- Sys.time()
message(paste("Run time:",end_time - start_time))
if(file.exists(file.path(path, paste0(name,".csv")))) message(paste("Index saved at:",file.path(path, paste0(name,".csv"))))
Index <- as.data.frame(Index)
#' Retrieve ONS postcode data and append to object
#' Retrieves Office for National Statistics (ONS) data by postcode and appends it as added columns to an input file. For information on ONS databases see https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/national-statistics-postcode-lookup-february-2020
#' @param data data with postcodes for ONS information retrieval
#' @param query_column name of column within dt containing postcodes to retrieve as a string
#' @param Index index object created using index_postcodes()
#' @param desired_columns name of ONS columns to retrieve. Default is "all"; note this excludes 2019 utla and ltla "stp19", "ccg19" geographies which are retrieved from a different database.
#' For UTLA and LTLA "utla", "ltla" can be listed and the 2019 geographies (names and codes) will be retrieved based on the database "laua" from https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/lower-tier-local-authority-to-upper-tier-local-authority-april-2019-lookup-in-england-and-wales (2019 version).
#' For the 2020 STP and CCGs lsoa11, "stp20", "ccg20" can be listed and the 2020 geographies (names and codes) will be retrieved based on the database "lsoa11" from https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/lsoa-2011-to-clinical-commissioning-groups-to-sustainability-and-transformation-partnerships-april-2020-lookup-in-england/data . Herefordshire CCG name is updated as per https://digital.nhs.uk/services/organisation-data-service/change-summary---stp-reconfiguration
#' For PHEC or PHER assign c("laua", "PHEC19CD", "PHEREG19CD") to desired_columns or c("all", "PHEC19CD", "PHEREG19CD").
#' @return Returns the original dt object as a data.frame with added columns of ONS data
#' @import data.table
#' @author Diane Hatziioanou
#' @keywords postcode, ONS, NSPL, Office for National Statistics
#' @examples
#' # Index <- fread(file.path("C:/.../NSPL_FEB_2019_UK/Data/Index.csv"))
#' # data_with_ONS <- match_postcode(data, "Postcode", Index, "all")
#' @export
match_postcode <- function(data, query_column, Index, desired_columns){
start_time <- Sys.time()
options(datatable.fread.dec.experiment = FALSE)
Index <- as.data.frame(Index)
# Cater for previous verison of Index
if ("Pc_s" %in% names(Index)) {
Index <- dplyr::rename(Index, block = "Pc_s")
dt <- as.data.frame(data)
col_order <- names(dt)
# Check dabatase has desired columns
db_columns <- as.character(data.table::fread(Index$full_path[1], header = F, nrows = 1, stringsAsFactors = F, fill = T))
if (missing(desired_columns)) {
desired_columns <- "all"
if ("all" %in% desired_columns) {
desired_columns <- unique(c(db_columns, desired_columns[desired_columns != "all"]))
} else {
problem_columns <- desired_columns[!(desired_columns %in% c(db_columns, "utla", "ltla", "stp20", "ccg20", "PHEC19CD", "PHEREG19CD"))]
if (length(problem_columns) != 0) {
stop(paste("The database doesn't have the desired columns above. Try with ones it has!"))
# sort by first letters and first number
data.table::setDT(dt)[,Postcode_match := toupper(gsub(" ", "", dt[,get(query_column)]))]
dt[, Pc := (gsub('([a-zA-Z])([0-9])', '\\1_\\2', dt$Postcode_match))]
dt[, Pc := (gsub( "_.*$", "", dt$Pc))]
dt[, Pc_N := (substr(gsub('\\D+','', dt[,get(query_column)]), 1,1))]
dt[, block := paste0(dt$Pc,dt$Pc_N)]
dt[, block := toupper(dt$block)]
dt[, block := factor(dt$block)]
dt[, c("Pc","Pc_N") := NULL]
data.table::setorder(dt, cols = block, na.last = T)
# Change any problematic Date columns to character format
Date_columns <- (colnames(dt)[grepl("Date", sapply(dt,class))])
if (isTRUE(length(Date_columns) > 0)){
dt[, (Date_columns) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = Date_columns]
# Retrieve goegraphies from postcodes
for (i in seq_along(levels(dt$block))) {
# Subset data by postcode
temp_dt <- data.table::setDF(dt)[dt$block == levels(dt$block)[i],]
# Give ONS data to postcodes in database
if (levels(dt$block)[i] %in% Index$block) {
# Retrieve ONS postcode geographies
Pc_ONS <- data.table::fread(input = file.path(Index[Index$block == levels(dt$block)[i],"full_path"]),
header = F,
sep = "auto",
skip = as.numeric(Index[Index$block == levels(dt$block)[i],"start"] - 1),
nrows = as.numeric(Index[Index$block == levels(dt$block)[i],"stop"] - Index[Index$block == levels(dt$block)[i],"start"] + 1))
# Make postcodes matchable
Pc_ONS[,Postcode_match := toupper(gsub(" ", "", Pc_ONS$V1))]
# Add ONS geographies to matched data
temp_dt <- merge(temp_dt,Pc_ONS, by = "Postcode_match", all.x = T, all.y = F)
} else {
# Give NA to postcodes not in database
setDT(temp_dt)[, colnames(data.table::fread(Index$full_path[1], header = F, nrows = 1, stringsAsFactors = F, fill = T)) := character(.N) ]
if (exists("dt_geocoded", where = -1) & dim(temp_dt)[1] != 0 ) {
dt_geocoded <- rbindlist(list(dt_geocoded, temp_dt), use.names = T, fill = T)
if (!exists("dt_geocoded", where = -1)) {
dt_geocoded <- copy(temp_dt)
if (!exists("Pc_ONS")) {
} else{
data.table::setcolorder(data.table::setDT(dt_geocoded), c(col_order, paste0("V", 1:41)))
# Add column names
col_names <- as.character(data.table::fread(Index$full_path[1], header = F, nrows = 1, stringsAsFactors = F, fill = T))
colnames(dt_geocoded)[((ncol(dt_geocoded) - (NROW(col_names)) - 1)):(ncol(dt_geocoded) - 2)] <- col_names
# Remove undesired column
data.table::setDT(dt_geocoded)[, c(db_columns[!(db_columns %in% c(desired_columns, "laua","lsoa11")) &
db_columns %in% names(dt_geocoded)],
"block", "Postcode_match") := NULL]
# Convert previous Date columns back to Date format
if (isTRUE(length(Date_columns) > 0)) {
dt_geocoded[, (Date_columns) := lapply(.SD, function(x) as.Date(lubridate::parse_date_time(x, orders = c("dmy", "mdy", "ymd")))), .SDcols = Date_columns]
# Add UTLA - LTLA 2020 data if "utla", "ltla in desired_columns
if (isTRUE(sum(c("utla", "ltla") %in% desired_columns) > 0)) {
UTLA_LTLA <- data.table::fread(file.path("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/3e4f4af826d343349c13fb7f0aa2a307_0.csv"))
if (sum(c("utla", "ltla") %in% desired_columns) == 2) {
get_columns <- c( "LTLA19CD", "LTLA19NM", "UTLA19CD", "UTLA19NM")
} else if ("ltla" %in% desired_columns) {
get_columns <- c("LTLA19CD", "LTLA19NM")
} else{
get_columns <- c("LTLA19CD","UTLA19CD", "UTLA19NM")
dt_geocoded <- merge(dt_geocoded, data.table::setDF(UTLA_LTLA)[, get_columns], by.x = "laua", by.y = "LTLA19CD", all.x = T, all.y = F)
# Add CCG - STP 2020 data if "stp20", "ccg20" in desired_columns
if (isTRUE(sum(c("stp20", "ccg20") %in% desired_columns) > 0)) {
if (sum(c("stp20", "ccg20") %in% desired_columns) == 2) {
get_columns <- c("LSOA11CD","CCG20CD", "CCG20NM", "STP20CD", "STP20NM")
} else if ("stp20" %in% desired_columns) {
get_columns <- c("LSOA11CD","STP20CD", "STP20NM")
} else{
get_columns <- c("LSOA11CD","CCG20CD", "CCG20NM")
UTLA2011_CCG_STP2020 <- data.table::fread(file.path("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/1631beea57ff4e9fb90d75f9c764ce26_0.csv"))
UTLA2011_CCG_STP2020$CCG20NM[grepl("Herefordshire ", UTLA2011_CCG_STP2020$CCG20NM, ignore.case = T)] <- "NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire CCG"
dt_geocoded <- merge(dt_geocoded, setDF(UTLA2011_CCG_STP2020)[, get_columns], by.x = c("lsoa11"), by.y = c("LSOA11CD"), all.x = T, all.y = F)
# PHE Centre data if "PHEC19CD", "PHEREG19CD" in desired_columns
if (isTRUE(sum(c("PHEC19CD", "PHEREG19CD") %in% desired_columns) > 0)) {
if (sum(c("PHEC19CD", "PHEREG19CD") %in% desired_columns) == 2) {
get_columns <- c("LAD19CD","PHEC19CD", "PHEC19CDH", "PHEC19NM", "PHEREG19CD", "PHEREG19CDH", "PHEREG19NM")
} else if ("PHEC19CD" %in% desired_columns) {
get_columns <- c("LAD19CD","PHEC19CD", "PHEC19CDH", "PHEC19NM")
} else{
get_columns <- c("LAD19CD", "PHEREG19CD", "PHEREG19CDH", "PHEREG19NM")
LAD19_to_PHE19 <- data.table::fread(file.path("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/4da177ab2ab34edaba9d2696c3a6da64_0.csv"))
dt_geocoded <- merge(dt_geocoded, setDF(LAD19_to_PHE19)[, get_columns], by.x = c("laua"), by.y = c("LAD19CD"), all.x = T, all.y = F)
data.table::setcolorder(data.table::setDT(dt_geocoded), c(col_order, names(dt_geocoded)[!(names(dt_geocoded) %in% col_order)]))
end_time <- Sys.time()
message("Run time:")
message(end_time - start_time)
message(paste("Postcodes searched:",sum(!is.na((dt_geocoded[,get(query_column)])))))
new_col <- copy(dt_geocoded[, (ncol(dt) - 1 ):ncol(dt_geocoded)])
new_col[new_col == ""] <- NA
not_retrieved <- sum(rowSums(is.na(new_col)) == ncol(new_col))
found_rows <- sum(rowSums(is.na(new_col)) != ncol(new_col))
no_postcode <- NROW(dt[is.na(dt[,(query_column)]),])
message(paste("Rows matched:", found_rows))
message(paste("Rows with no postcode:", no_postcode))
message(paste("Rows with postcode not in NSPL:",not_retrieved - no_postcode))
message(paste("Total rows not matched:",not_retrieved))
if (isTRUE(length(Date_columns) > 0)) {
warning("Columns changed to character format and back to Date again: ", list(Date_columns))
rm(list = ls())
gc(verbose = F, full = T)
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