
Defines functions normalizeToReference

Documented in normalizeToReference

#' normalizeToReference
#' function that fits a curve over reference odors and normalizes to it
#' @param data.object gloDatamix data.frame
#' @param rec.frames number of recorded frames
#' @param reference.odor your positive reference
#' @param ctv.type the type of ctv used for normalization
#' @param bg.firstframe first frame of background (passed to ctvs())
#' @param bg.lastframe last frame of background (passed to ctvs())
#' @param sig.firstframe first frame of the signal (passed to ctvs())
#' @param sig.lastframe last frame of the signal (passed to ctvs())
#' @param pdf produce a PDF of the fits?
#' @param mode one of 'mean', 'linFit', 'linFitEachGlom'
#' @param rescale.data if FALSE: reference set to 1, if set to TRUE: values are multiplied with first reference value afterwards
#' @param ctvreport create a ctv report PDF?
#' @param glom if specified the data will be normalized on this single glomerulus
#' @param suffix suffix for the filename
#' @param plot plot the fits?
#' @details Scheme: 1. subset of reference
#' 2. ctv of reference \cr
#' 3. fit curve over ctv/time \cr
#' A-4. divide every timepoint of every measurement through corresponding point on fitted curve -> normalized curves \cr
#' A-5. do ctv for measurements -> normalized ctvs \cr
#'  \cr
#' B-4. do ctv for measurements \cr
#' B-5. divide every ctv through corresponding point on fitted curve \cr
#' @export
#' @author Daniel Münch <daniel@@muench.bio>

normalizeToReference <- function(data.object, rec.frames=NA, reference.odor,ctv.type,  bg.firstframe=NA, bg.lastframe=NA, sig.firstframe, sig.lastframe, pdf=T, mode="mean", rescale.data = F, ctvreport=F, glom=NA, suffix="", plot = T) {

  #get data.object name
  data.object.name <- deparse(substitute(data.object))
  data.object.name <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9 :._-]", "", data.object.name)
  if (suffix == "")
    suffix <- data.object.name    #use data.object.name if suffix is empty

# if rec.frame is not defined get it from first row of dataset
if (is.na(rec.frames)) {
  rec.frames <- data.object$NNoFrames[1]
    "\nnumber of frames was automatically set to",rec.frames,"\n\r"
# print normalization to pdf
if ((pdf==T & mode=="linFit") | (pdf==T & mode=="linFitEachGlom")) {
pdf(file=paste("fitsForNormalization_",suffix,".pdf",sep=""), paper="a4", height=11.69 , width=8.27)

  # Codesammlung:
  animals <- levels(factor(data.object$Tanimal))
  normed.data <- data.frame()
  for (i in 1:length(animals)) {
    animalx <- subset(data.object, Tanimal == animals[i])
    if (is.na(glom) == F) {
      animalx.ref <- subset(animalx, TOdour == reference.odor & NGloTag == glom)
    } else {
      animalx.ref <- subset(animalx, TOdour == reference.odor)

    # calculate ctv
    # ctv auf eigene function ausgelagert
    ctv <- ctvs(animalx.ref,ctv.type,rec.frames,bg.firstframe,bg.lastframe,sig.firstframe,sig.lastframe,report = ctvreport)  # give data to "ctvs" function, leave timepoints out

    # ctv <- ctvs(animalx.ref.ctvdata[,-1],ctv.number,bg.firstframe,bg.lastframe,sig.firstframe,sig.lastframe)  # give data to "ctvs" function, leave timepoints out
    # ctv <- cbind(animalx.ref.ctvdata[,1],ctv)

    ## MODE: linFit
    if (mode == "linFit") {
      if (dim(ctv)[1] != 1) {
        fit <- lm(ctv$ctv ~ ctv$NRealTime)
        if (plot == T) {
          plot(ctv$NRealTime,ctv$ctv, main = levels(data.object$Tanimal)[i], xlab = "time [min]", ylab = expression(Delta * F / F))

        #to get corresponding points on line

        animalx.normed <- data.frame()
        for (j in 1:dim(animalx)[1]) {
          normto <- fit$coef[2] * animalx[j,]$NRealTime + fit$coef[1]
          normed <- subset(animalx[j,], select = (data0:get(paste("data",rec.frames - 1,sep = "")))) / normto
          if (rescale.data == T)
            normed <- normed * arrange(ctv, NRealTime)$ctv[1] #rescale to first reference, sort dataframe by NRealTime first to make sure that the first measurement is selected
          animalx.normed <- rbind(animalx.normed,normed)
        cat("normalized using linFit\n\r")
      } else {
        if (plot == T)
          plot(ctv$NRealTime,ctv$ctv, main = levels(data.object$Tanimal)[i], xlab = "time [min]", ylab = expression(Delta * F / F))

        normto <- ctv$ctv
        normed <- subset(animalx, select = (data0:get(paste("data",rec.frames - 1,sep = "")))) / normto
        if (rescale.data == T)
          normed <- normed * arrange(ctv, NRealTime)$ctv[1] #rescale to first reference, sort dataframe by NRealTime first to make sure that the first measurement is selected
        animalx.normed <- normed

        cat(paste("animal: ",animals[i]," contained only one reference, normalized to this value (",normto,")\n\r",sep = ""))

    ## MODE: mean
    if (mode == "mean") {
      animalx.normed <- data.frame()
      for (j in 1:dim(animalx)[1]) {
        normto <- mean(ctv$ctv)
        normed <- subset(animalx[j,], select = (data0:get(paste("data",rec.frames - 1,sep = "")))) / normto
        animalx.normed <- rbind(animalx.normed,normed)
      cat("normalized using mean of",normto,"\n\r")

    if (mode == "linFitEachGlom") {
      cat("Normalizing using a linear fit over references within each glomerulus\n")
      glomeruli <- levels(as.factor(animalx$NGloTag))
      animalx.normed <- data.frame()
      for (k in 1:length(glomeruli)) {
        glomx <- subset(animalx, NGloTag == glomeruli[k])
        glomx.ref <- subset(glomx, TOdour == reference.odor)
        ctv <- ctvs(glomx.ref,ctv.type,rec.frames,bg.firstframe,bg.lastframe,sig.firstframe,sig.lastframe,report = ctvreport, suffix = paste(animals[i],glomeruli[k],sep = "_"))  # give data to "ctvs" function, leave timepoints out

        fit <- lm(ctv$ctv ~ ctv$NRealTime)
        if (plot == T) {
          plot(ctv$NRealTime,ctv$ctv, main = paste(animals[i],glomeruli[k]), xlab = "time [min]", ylab = expression(Delta * F / F))
        #to get corresponding points on line

        glomx.normed <- data.frame()
        for (j in 1:dim(glomx)[1]) {
          normto <- fit$coef[2] * glomx[j,]$NRealTime + fit$coef[1]
          normeddata <- subset(glomx[j,], select = (data0:get(paste("data",rec.frames - 1,sep = "")))) / normto
          if (rescale.data == T)
            normeddata <- normeddata * arrange(ctv, NRealTime)$ctv[1] #rescale to first reference, sort dataframe by NRealTime first to make sure that the first measurement is selected
          normed <- cbind(glomx[j,1:(length(glomx) - rec.frames)],normeddata)
          glomx.normed <- rbind(glomx.normed,normed)
        animalx.normed <- rbind(animalx.normed, glomx.normed)
      cat("normalized using linFit\n\r")

    if (mode != "linFitEachGlom") {
      animalx.normed <- cbind(animalx[,1:(length(animalx) - rec.frames)],animalx.normed) ### ACHTUNG FEHLER BEI LINFITEACHGLOM! Daten sind umsortiert, also werden die falschen header angebunden!!!

    normed.data <- rbind(normed.data, animalx.normed)
    cat(paste(dim(animalx)[1], " measurements in ", levels(data.object$Tanimal)[i],"...normalized to ", reference.odor, "\n\r", sep =""))

    if (is.na(glom) == F)
      cat(paste("normalized to glomerulus", glom, "\n\r", sep = ""))


  if ((pdf == T & mode == "linFit") | (pdf == T & mode == "linFitEachGlom")){
  if (rescale.data)
    cat("rescaled data to first reference value\n\r")
Dahaniel/glodatamix documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:21 p.m.