
Defines functions cwt.ts wsp wco wcs rawWSP criticalvaluesWSP criticalvaluesWCO slide arealtest plotat plotcv plotcoi plotmarks plot.wt plotwt createwavesurrogates surrwave surrwave.wt surrwave.matrix surrwave.character surrwave.ts invmorlet readmatrix readts writematrix smooth.matrix smooth.time adjust.noctave adjust.s0 adjust.timeseries checkarealsiglevel as.wt wtcolors createwgn createar rk addvalues scalematrix foldKernel kernelBitmap kernelRoot kernelArea tobin scaleKernel slope

Documented in createar createwgn criticalvaluesWCO criticalvaluesWSP cwt.ts plotwt plot.wt readmatrix readts rk wco wcs writematrix wsp


#'Continuous Wavelet transformation of time series object
#'This function calculates the continuous Wavelet transformation of a time
#'series object using the Morlet Wavelet.
#'This function calls the function cwt of the Rwave package by Rene Carmona et
#'al. and normalizes the resulting voices by sqrt(scale).
#'@param ts time series object to be transformed
#'@param s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#'@param noctave number of octaves
#'@param nvoice number of voices per octave
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#'@return A matrix containing the (in general complex) Wavelet coefficients of
#'dimension [length(intersection of ts1 and ts2)]x[nvoice*noctave+1]
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{wsp}}, \code{\link{wcsp}}, \code{\link{wcoh}}
#'@references D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004
#'@keywords continuous wavelet transformation
cwt.ts <- function(ts,s0,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi){

  if (class(ts)!="ts"){

    cat("# This function needs a time series object as input. You may construct this by using the function ts(data,start,deltat). Try '?ts' for help.\n")

    if (s0log<1){
      cat(paste("# s0unit = ",s0unit,"\n",sep=""))
      cat(paste("# s0log  = ",s0log,"\n",sep=""))
      cat("# s0 too small for w0! \n")
    sqs <- sqrt(2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0)
    smat <- matrix(rep(sqs,length(t)),nrow=length(t),byrow=TRUE)




#'Wavelet Sample Spectrum
#'This funtion estimates the wavelet spectrum of a time series object with the
#'Morlet wavelet.
#'A pointwise significance test is performed either by providing critical
#'values (e.g. from critical.valuesWSP) or by Monte Carlo simulations. If
#'critval and either nreal or siglevel is zero, no significance test is
#'performed.  If arealsiglevel=0.9, an areawise significance test is performed,
#'that sorts out 90 percent of the area of false positive patches.  The cone of
#'influence is marked by black lines. Values outside the cone of influence
#'should be interpreted very carefully, as they result from a significant
#'contribution of zero padding at the beginning and the end of the time series.
#'For a better visualization, additional dotted lines marking distinct times or
#'scales might be plotted by providing the vectors markt and marks.  In the
#'linear plot, values are normalized such that the highest spetral power equals
#'one. In the logarithmic plot, values are normalized, that the lowest value
#'equals 10^0=1.  The function returns an object of type "wt", that might be
#'directly plotted by the plot function.
#'@param ts time series object to be transformed
#'@param s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#'@param noctave number of octaves
#'@param nvoice number of voices per octave
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#'@param sw length of smoothing window in scale direction is 2*sw*nvoice+1
#'@param tw length of smoothing window in time direction is 2*s*tw+1
#'@param swabs length of smoothing window in scale direction at scale s is
#'@param siglevel vector of significance levels for pointwise test, e.g.
#'c(0.9,0.95), default 0.95.
#'@param critval matrix of critical values calculated e.g. by
#'critical.valuesWSP; each row contains critical values for the corresponding
#'chosen significance level.
#'@param nreal number of realizations to estimate critical values for the
#'corresponding significance values, default 1000
#'@param arealsiglevel significance level of the areawise test; currently only
#'for siglevel=0.9 and for arealsiglevel=0.9 possible, i.e. 90 percent of the
#'area of false positive patches is sorted out
#'@param kernel bitmap of the reproducing kernel; if not provided, it will be
#'calculated during the areawise test
#'@param markt vector of times to be marked by vertical dotted lines; when set
#'to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param marks vector of scales to be marked by horizontal dotted lines; when
#'set to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param logscale when TRUE, the contours are plotted in logarithmic scale
#'@param plot TRUE when graphical output desired
#'@param units character string giving units of the data sets. Default: ""
#'@param device "screen" or "ps"
#'@param file character string giving filename of graphical output without
#'@param color TRUE (default): color plot, FALSE: gray scale
#'@param pwidth width of plot in cm
#'@param pheight height of plot in cm
#'@param labsc scale of labels, default: 1, for two-column manuscripts: 1.5,
#'for presentations: >2
#'@param labtext puts a label in upper left corner of the plot
#'@param sigplot 0: no significance test plotted, 1: results from pointwise
#'test, 2: results from areawise test, 3: results from both tests
#'@return modulus here: wavelet sample spectrum of dimension
#' phase not used
#' s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#' noctave number of octaves
#' nvoice number of voices per octave
#' w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#' time vector of times of length(intersection of ts1 and ts2)
#' scales vector of scales of length nvoice*noctave+1
#' critval matrix of critical values
#' at time/scale matrix of areawise significant patches
#' kernel bitmap of reproducing kernel
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{cwt.ts}}, \code{\link{wcs}}, \code{\link{wco}}
#'@references D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004
#'@keywords wavelet power spectrum
#'wspnino3 <- wsp(nino3,s0=0.5,noctave=5,nvoice=10,nreal=100,units="years",arealsiglevel=0)
wsp <- function(ts,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi,sw=0,tw=0,swabs=0,siglevel=0.95,critval=NULL,nreal=1000,arealsiglevel=0.9,kernel=0,markt=-999,marks=-999,logscale=FALSE,plot=TRUE,units="",device="screen",file="wsp",color=TRUE,pwidth=10,pheight=7,labsc=1,labtext="",sigplot=3){

  if (class(ts)!="ts"){

    cat("# This function needs a time series object as input. You may construct this by using the function ts(data,start,deltat). Try '?ts' for help.\n")

    if (sw!=0 & swabs==0)
      swabs <- as.integer(sw*nvoice)
    if (swabs!=0 & sw==0)
      sw <- swabs/nvoice
    sllist <- checkarealsiglevel(sw,tw,w0,arealsiglevel,siglevel,0)
    arealsiglevel <- sllist$arealsiglevel
    siglevel <- sllist$siglevel
    at <- NULL
    t <- time(ts)
    dt <- deltat(ts)
    s0rem <- s0
    s0 <- adjust.s0(s0,dt)
    dnoctave <- as.integer(log(s0/s0rem-0.000000000001)/log(2))+1
    noctave <- adjust.noctave(length(ts),dt,s0,tw,noctave)
    scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0
    tsanom <- ts-mean(ts)
    ts.cwt <- cwt.ts(tsanom,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)

    wsp <- smooth.matrix(Mod(ts.cwt)^2,swabs)
    smwsp <- smooth.time(wsp,tw,dt,scalevector)

    if (is.null(critval)==FALSE){ # is critval empty?
      if (dim(critval)[2]!=dim(smwsp)[2]){ # is critval of the wrong dimension?
        if (siglevel[1]!=0 & nreal!=0) critval <-
    #critval is of wrong dimension and siglevel and nreal are given
        else {
          critval <- NULL # no test possible
          arealsiglevel <- 0
          cat("# dimension of critval is wrong \n")
          cat("# areawise test only possible with pointwise test \n")
    else{ # critval is empty, but nreal or siglevel is given
      if (siglevel[1]!=0 & nreal!=0) critval <-
      else {
        critval <- NULL
        arealsiglevel <- 0
        cat("# areawise test only possible with pointwise test \n")
    if (arealsiglevel!=0){
      v <- critval[1,]
      v[v==0] <- 9999
      cvmat <- matrix(rep(v,length(t)),nrow=length(t),byrow=TRUE)
      atest <- arealtest(smwsp/cvmat,dt,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0,swabs,tw,siglevel,arealsiglevel,kernel,0)
      at <- atest$at
      kernel <- atest$kernel
    if (s0rem<s0){
      smwsp <- addvalues(nvoice,dnoctave,smwsp,NA)
      critval <- addvalues(nvoice,dnoctave,critval,1)
    #at <- addvalues(nvoice,dnoctave,at,NA)
      noctave <- noctave+dnoctave
      s0 <- s0/2^dnoctave
      scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0

    wclist <-

    class(wclist) <- "wt"

    if (plot)
      plot(wclist,markt,marks,NULL,NULL,logscale,FALSE,units,"Wavelet Power Spectrum",device,file,FALSE,color,pwidth,pheight,labsc,labtext,sigplot)



#'Wavelet Sample Coherency
#'This funtion estimates the wavelet coherency of two time series objects with
#'the Morlet wavelet.
#'The default of sw and tw is set to zero to avoid uncritical use of the
#'function (the sample coherency makes sense only for sw or tw >0).  A
#'pointwise significance test is performed agaist an almost process independent
#'background spectrum.  If arealsiglevel=0.9, an areawise significance test is
#'performed, that sorts out 90 percent of the area of false positive patches.
#'The cone of influence is marked by black lines. Values outside the cone of
#'influence should be interpreted very carefully, as they result from a
#'significant contribution of zero padding at the beginning and the end of the
#'time series. For a better visualization, additional dotted lines marking
#'distinct times or scales might be plotted by providing the vectors markt and
#'marks.  The function returns an object of type "wt", that might be directly
#'plotted by the plot function.
#'@param ts1 first time series object to be transformed
#'@param ts2 second time series object to be transformed
#'@param s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#'@param noctave number of octaves
#'@param nvoice number of voices per octave
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#'@param sw length of smoothing window in scale direction is 2*sw*nvoice+1
#'@param tw length of smoothing window in time direction is 2*s*tw+1
#'@param swabs length of smoothing window in scale direction at scale s is
#'@param siglevel significance level. Eg. 0.9, 0.95 or 0.99. When set to zero,
#'no significance test is performed. At the moment, only 0.90, 0.95 and 0.99
#'are possible.
#'@param arealsiglevel significance level of the areawise test; currently only
#'for siglevel=0.9 and for arealsiglevel=0.9 possible, i.e. 90 percent of the
#'area of false positive patches is sorted out
#'@param kernel bitmap of the reproducing kernel; if not provided, it will be
#'calculated during the areawise test
#'@param markt vector of times to be marked by vertical dotted lines; when set
#'to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param marks vector of scales to be marked by horizontal dotted lines; when
#'set to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param sqr If TRUE, the squared coherency is given. Default: FALSE
#'@param phase TRUE when phase calculation desired
#'@param plot TRUE when graphical output desired
#'@param units character string giving units of the data sets. Default: ""
#'@param device "screen" or "ps"
#'@param file character string giving filename of graphical output without
#'@param split when TRUE, modulus and phase are splitted into two files;
#'default: FALSE
#'@param color TRUE (default): color plot, FALSE: gray scale
#'@param pwidth width of plot in cm
#'@param pheight height of plot in cm
#'@param labsc scale of labels, default: 1, for two-column manuscripts: 1.5,
#'for presentations: >2
#'@param labtext puts a label in upper left corner of the plot
#'@param sigplot 0: no significance test plotted, 1: results from pointwise
#'test, 2: results from areawise test, 3: results from both tests
#'@return  modulus here: wavelet sample coherency of dimension
#' [length(intersection of ts1 and ts2)]x[nvoice*noctave+1]
#' phase Matrix of phase of wavelet sample cross spectrum, same
#' dimension as modulus
#' s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#' noctave number of octaves
#' nvoice number of voices per octave
#' w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#' time vector of times of length(intersection of ts1 and ts2)
#' scales vector of scales of length nvoice*noctave+1
#' critval scale independent critical value
#' at time/scale matrix of areawise significant patches
#' kernel bitmap of reproducing kernel
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{cwt.ts}}, \code{\link{wsp}}, \code{\link{wcs}}
#'@references D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004
#'@keywords wavelet coherency
#'# Coherency without smoothing makes no sense:
#'wcoairnino3 <- wco(air,nino3,s0=0.5,noctave=5,nvoice=10,sw=0,units="years")
#'# This looks already better:
#'wcoairnino3 <- wco(air,nino3,s0=0.5,noctave=5,nvoice=10,sw=0.5,units="years",arealsiglevel=0)
wco <-

    if (class(ts1)!="ts"){
      cat("# This function needs two time series objects as input. You may construct them by using the function ts(data,start,deltat). Try '?ts' for help.\n")
      if (sw!=0 & swabs==0)
        swabs <- as.integer(sw*nvoice)
      if (swabs!=0 & sw==0)
        sw <- swabs/nvoice
      sllist <- checkarealsiglevel(sw,tw,w0,arealsiglevel,siglevel,1)
      arealsiglevel <- sllist$arealsiglevel
      siglevel <- sllist$siglevel
      if (sw==0 & tw==0 & swabs==0) {
        cat("# coherence without averaging makes no sense! \n")
        siglevel <- 0
        arealsiglevel <- 0
      if (phase==FALSE) phs <- NULL
      at <- NULL
      tsadjust <- adjust.timeseries(ts1,ts2)
      ts1 <- tsadjust$ts1
      ts2 <- tsadjust$ts2
      t <- time(ts1)
      dt <- deltat(ts1)
      s0rem <- s0
      s0 <- adjust.s0(s0,dt)
      dnoctave <- as.integer(log(s0/s0rem-0.000000000001)/log(2))+1
      noctave <- adjust.noctave(length(ts1),dt,s0,tw,noctave)
      scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0
      ts1anom <- ts1-mean(ts1)
      ts2anom <- ts2-mean(ts2)
      ts1.cwt <- cwt.ts(ts1anom,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
      ts2.cwt <- cwt.ts(ts2anom,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
      cosp <- Re(ts1.cwt)*Re(ts2.cwt) + Im(ts1.cwt)*Im(ts2.cwt)
      quad <- Im(ts1.cwt)*Re(ts2.cwt) - Re(ts1.cwt)*Im(ts2.cwt)
      wsp1 <- Mod(ts1.cwt)^2
      wsp2 <- Mod(ts2.cwt)^2
      smcosp <- smooth.matrix(cosp,swabs)
      smquad <- smooth.matrix(quad,swabs)
      smwsp1 <- smooth.matrix(wsp1,swabs)
      smwsp2 <- smooth.matrix(wsp2,swabs)
      smsmcosp <- smooth.time(smcosp,tw,dt,scalevector)
      smsmquad <- smooth.time(smquad,tw,dt,scalevector)
      smsmwsp1 <- smooth.time(smwsp1,tw,dt,scalevector)
      smsmwsp2 <- smooth.time(smwsp2,tw,dt,scalevector)
      if (sqr==FALSE)
        wcoh <- sqrt((smsmcosp^2+smsmquad^2)/(smsmwsp1*smsmwsp2))
        wcoh <- (smsmcosp^2+smsmquad^2)/(smsmwsp1*smsmwsp2)
      if (phase)
        phs <- atan2(smsmquad,smsmcosp)
      else phs <- NULL
                                        #POINTWISE SIGNIFICANCE TEST
      if (siglevel[1]!=0) critval <- criticalvaluesWCO(s0,noctave,nvoice,w0,swabs,tw,siglevel)
      else critval <- NULL
      if (sqr==TRUE & is.null(critval)==FALSE)
        critval <- critval^2
                                        #AREAWISE SIGNIFICANCE TEST
      if (arealsiglevel!=0){
        atest <- arealtest(wcoh/critval,dt,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0,swabs,tw,siglevel,arealsiglevel,kernel,1)
        at <- atest$at
        kernel <- atest$kernel
      wcoh[1,1] <- 0
      wcoh[1,2] <- 1
      if (phase){
        phs[1,1] <- -pi
        phs[1,2] <- pi 
      if (s0rem<s0){
        wcoh <- addvalues(nvoice,dnoctave,wcoh,NA)
        phs <- addvalues(nvoice,dnoctave,phs,NA)
        noctave <- noctave+dnoctave
        s0 <- s0/2^dnoctave
        scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0
      wclist <- list(modulus=wcoh,phase=phs,s0=s0,noctave=noctave,nvoice=nvoice,w0=w0,time=t,scales=scalevector,critval=critval,at=at,kernel=kernel)
      class(wclist) <- "wt"
      if (plot) plot(wclist,markt,marks,NULL,NULL,FALSE,phase,units,"Wavelet Coherence",device,file,split,color,pwidth,pheight,labsc,labtext,sigplot)



#'Wavelet Sample Cross Spectrum
#'This funtion estimates the wavelet cross spectrum of two time series objects
#'with the Morlet wavelet.
#'\strong{WARNING!} Better do not use this function because it is in general
#'easily misinterpreted! A peak in the wavelet cross sample spectrum appears in
#'the three cases, that either the first processes exhibits a peak, or the
#'second process or both. But it does not tell, what case is observed.
#'\strong{So in general, a peak in the wavelet cross sample spectrum does not
#'imply that the two underlying processes are related in any way.} The function
#'returns an object of type "wt", that might be directly plotted by the plot
#'@param ts1 first time series object to be transformed
#'@param ts2 second time series object to be transformed
#'@param s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#'@param noctave number of octaves
#'@param nvoice number of voices per octave
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#'@param sw length of smoothing window in scale direction is 2*sw*nvoice+1
#'@param tw length of smoothing window in time direction is 2*s*tw+1
#'@param swabs length of smoothing window in scale direction at scale s is
#'@param markt vector of times to be marked by vertical dotted lines; when set
#'to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param marks vector of scales to be marked by horizontal dotted lines; when
#'set to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param logscale when TRUE, the contours are plotted in logarithmic scale
#'@param phase TRUE when phase calculation desired
#'@param plot TRUE when graphical output desired
#'@param units character string giving units of the data sets. Default: ""
#'@param device "screen" or "ps"
#'@param file character string giving filename of graphical output without
#'@param split when TRUE, modulus and phase are splitted into two files;
#'default: FALSE
#'@param color TRUE (default): color plot, FALSE: gray scale
#'@param pwidth width of plot in cm
#'@param pheight height of plot in cm
#'@param labsc scale of labels, default: 1, for two-column manuscripts: 1.5,
#'for presentations: >2
#'@param labtext puts a label in upper left corner of the plot
#'@return modulus matrix of modulus of wavelet sample cross spectrum of
#' dimension [length(intersection of ts1 and ts2)]x[nvoice*noctave+1]
#' phase matrix of phase of wavelet sample cross spectrum, same
#'dimension as modulus
#' s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#' noctave number of octaves
#' nvoice number of voices per octave
#' w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#' time vector of times of length(intersection of ts1 and ts2)
#' scales vector of scales of length nvoice*noctave+1
#' critval not used
#' at not used
#' kernel not used
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{cwt.ts}}, \code{\link{wsp}}, \code{\link{wco}}
#'@references D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004
#'@keywords wavelet cross spectrum
#'# wcs mimics peaks of coherent power, where in reality are non to be
#'# found, as wco shows (see FAQs on my homepage)
#'# Thus, never use wcs! :-)
#'wcsp.nao.nino3 <- wcs(nao,nino3,s0=0.5,noctave=5,nvoice=10)
#'wcoh.nao.nino3 <- wco(nao,nino3,s0=0.5,noctave=5,nvoice=10,sw=0.5,arealsiglevel=0)
wcs <- function(ts1,ts2,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi,sw=0,tw=0,swabs=0,markt=-999,marks=-999,logscale=FALSE,phase=TRUE,plot=TRUE,units="",device="screen",file="wcsp",split=FALSE,color=TRUE,pwidth=10,pheight=7,labsc=1,labtext=""){

  if (class(ts1)!="ts"){

    cat("# This function needs two time series objects as input. You may construct them by using the function ts(data,start,deltat). Try '?ts' for help. \n")

    if (sw!=0 & swabs==0)
      swabs <- as.integer(sw*nvoice)
    if (swabs!=0 & sw==0)
      sw <- swabs/nvoice
    tsadjust <- adjust.timeseries(ts1,ts2)
    ts1 <- tsadjust$ts1
    ts2 <- tsadjust$ts2
    t <- time(ts1)
    dt <- deltat(ts1)
    s0rem <- s0
    s0 <- adjust.s0(s0,dt)
    dnoctave <- as.integer(log(s0/s0rem-0.000000000001)/log(2))+1
    noctave <- adjust.noctave(length(ts1),dt,s0,tw,noctave)
    scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0
    ts1anom <- ts1-mean(ts1)
    ts2anom <- ts2-mean(ts2)
    ts1.cwt <- cwt.ts(ts1anom,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
    ts2.cwt <- cwt.ts(ts2anom,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
    cosp <- Re(ts1.cwt)*Re(ts2.cwt) + Im(ts1.cwt)*Im(ts2.cwt)
    quad <- Im(ts1.cwt)*Re(ts2.cwt) - Re(ts1.cwt)*Im(ts2.cwt)
    smcosp <- smooth.matrix(cosp,swabs)
    smquad <- smooth.matrix(quad,swabs)
    smsmcosp <- smooth.time(smcosp,tw,dt,scalevector)
    smsmquad <- smooth.time(smquad,tw,dt,scalevector)
    wcsp <- smsmcosp^2+smsmquad^2
    if (phase)
      phs <- atan2(smsmquad,smsmcosp)
    else phs <- NULL
    if (phase){
      phs[1,1] <- -pi
      phs[1,2] <- pi 
    if (s0rem<s0){
      wcsp <- addvalues(nvoice,dnoctave,wcoh,NA)
      phs <- addvalues(nvoice,dnoctave,phs,NA)
      noctave <- noctave+dnoctave
      s0 <- s0/2^dnoctave
      scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0
    wclist <- list(modulus=wcsp,phase=phs,s0=s0,noctave=noctave,nvoice=nvoice,w0=w0,time=t,scales=scalevector,critval=NULL,at=NULL,kernel=NULL)
    class(wclist) <- "wt"
    if (plot) plot(wclist,markt,marks,NULL,NULL,logscale,phase,units,"Wavelet Cross Spectrum",device,file,split,color,pwidth,pheight,labsc,labtext)


rawWSP <- function(ts,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=20,w0=2*pi,swabs=0,tw=0,scalevector){
  tsanom <- ts-mean(ts)

  ts.cwt <- cwt.ts(tsanom,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)

  wsp <- Mod(ts.cwt)^2

  smwsp <- smooth.matrix(wsp,swabs)
  smsmwsp <- smooth.time(smwsp,tw,deltat(ts),scalevector)



#'Estimates critical values for Wavelet spectra
#'This function estimates critical values for the Wavelet spectra by means of
#'Monte Carlo simulations. Null Hypothesis is an AR1 (red noise) process fitted
#'to the given time series.
#'nreal might be chosen as 100 for a rough estimate of significance. However,
#'it is for sure not suitable to reliably distinguish between 95 and 99 percent
#'significance values. In this case, at least nreal=1000 should be chosen.
#'@param ts time series object
#'@param s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#'@param noctave number of octaves
#'@param nvoice number of voices per octave
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution \omega_0
#'@param swabs length of smoothing window is 2swabs+1
#'@param tw length of smoothing window in time direction is 2*s*tw+1
#'@param siglevel significance level, e.g. 0.9, 0.95 or 0.99.  siglevel might
#'also be a vector, e.g. c(0.9,0.95) to plot more contourlines.
#'@param nreal number of realizations to estimate critical values for the
#'corresponding significance values, default 1000
#'@return Returns a matrix of scale DEPENDENT critical values. The number of
#'rows of the matrix corresponds to the number of chosen significance values.
#'The number of columns equals the number of scales.
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{wcoh}}
#'@references D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004
#'@keywords critival values significance wavelet coherency
criticalvaluesWSP <- function(ts,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi,swabs=0,tw=0,siglevel=0.95,nreal=1000){


  s0 <- adjust.s0(s0,dt)
  noctave <- adjust.noctave(length(ts),dt,s0,tw,noctave)

  scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0

  cat("# calculating critical values by means of MC-simulations \n")


  wsp0 <- rawWSP(ts,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0,swabs,tw,scalevector)

  S <- dim(wsp0)[2]

  n1 <- 1 + 2*as.integer( sqrt(2) * 2^((S-swabs+s0log-1)/nvoice+1) )
  n2 <- max(scalevector)*tw*2/dt*1.1
  n3 <- 2*tw*s0*2^noctave/dt+100
  n <- max(n1,n2,n3)
  center <- (n-1)/2+1
  cv <- matrix(rep(0,S*length(siglevel)),ncol=S)
  rmatrix <- matrix(0,nrow=nreal,ncol=S)
  # Fitting AR1-process (red noise) to data
  arts0 <- ar(ts,order.max=1)
  sdts0 <- sd(ts[1:length(ts)]) 

  if (arts0$order==0){
    se <- sqrt(arts0$var)
    arts0$ar <- 0.000001
    se <- sqrt(sdts0*sdts0*(1-arts0$ar*arts0$ar))
  tsMC <- ts(data=rep(0,n),start=t[1],frequency=1/dt)

  # MC Simulations
  for (i in 1:nreal){

    tsMC[1:n] <- arima.sim(list(ar = arts0$ar), n+1, sd = se)[2:(n+1)]
    rmatrix[i,] <- rawWSP(tsMC,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0,swabs,tw,scalevector)[center,]
  for (s in (1+swabs):(S-swabs)) rmatrix[,s] <- sort(rmatrix[,s])

  for (i in 1:length(siglevel)){ 
    sigindex <- as.integer(nreal*siglevel[i])
    cvv <- rmatrix[sigindex,]
    cvv[is.na(cvv)] <- 0
    cv[i,] <- cvv


#'Estimates critical values for wavelet coherency
#'This function estimates critical values for the wavelet coherency between two
#'processes using the Morlet wavelet based on a formula derived from Monte
#'Carlo simulations.
#'The process dependency appeared to be rather marginal. Thus we performed MC
#'simulations with two Gaussian White Noise processes for the listed
#'significance levels for different smoothing windows and time/frequency
#'@param s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#'@param noctave number of octaves
#'@param nvoice number of voices per octave
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#'@param swabs length of smoothing window in scale direction at scale s is
#'@param tw length of smoothing window in time direction is 2*s*tw+1
#'@param siglevel significance level, e.g. 0.9, 0.95 or 0.99.  At the moment,
#'only these values are possible. siglevel might also be a vector, e.g.
#'c(0.9,0.95) to plot more contourlines.
#'@return Returns a scale independent critical value. If siglevel is a vector
#'of multiple significance values, also the return value is a vector of the
#'same length.
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{wcoh}}
#'@references D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004
#'@keywords critical values significance wavelet coherency
criticalvaluesWCO <- function(s0,noctave,nvoice,w0,swabs,tw,siglevel=0.95){

  for (i in 1:length(siglevel)){

    if (siglevel[i]!=0.9 && siglevel[i]!=0.95 && siglevel[i]!=0.99) siglevel[i] <- 0.95

    if (siglevel[i]==0.9){
      cat("# significance level set to 0.90 \n")
      sw <- 1.0*swabs/nvoice
      cv[i] <- 0.00246872*w0^2*sw + 0.0302419*w0*sw^2 + 0.342056*sw^3 -
        0.000425853*w0^2 - 0.101749*w0*sw - 0.703537*sw^2 +
          0.00816219*w0 + 0.442342*sw + 0.970315
    if (siglevel[i]==0.95){
      cat("# significance level set to 0.95 \n")
      sw <- swabs*100.0/3.0/nvoice
      cv[i] <- 0.0000823*w0^3 + 0.0000424*w0^2*sw + 0.0000113*w0*sw^2 +
               0.0000154*sw^3 - 0.0023*w0^2 - 0.00219*w0*sw - 0.000751*sw^2 +
               0.0205*w0 + 0.0127*sw + 0.95
    if (siglevel[i]==0.99){
      cat("# significance level set to 0.99 \n")
      sw <- 1.0*swabs/nvoice
      cv[i] <- 0.00102304*w0^2*sw +  0.00745772*w0*sw^2 + 0.230035*sw^3 -
               0.000361565*w0^2 - 0.0502861*w0*sw - 0.440777*sw^2 +
               0.00694998*w0 + 0.29643*sw + 0.972964

    if (cv[i]>1) cv[i] <- 1
    cat(paste("# significance testing, cv=",cv[i]," \n",sep=""))





slide <- function(data,kernellist,s0,noctave,nvoice,cv){

  # slides kernel over data set
  # data:       matrix containing data
  # kernellist: matrix containing kernel
  # s0:         lowest scale
  # noctave:    number of octaves
  # nvoice:     number of voices per octave
  # cv:         critical value, all values higher are set to one

  #Time:  (rows) n,i the kernel is to be scaled in this direction 
  #Scale: (cols) m,j

  data[data<cv] <- 0

  kernel <- kernellist$bitmap
  js <- kernellist$is

  sm <- s0*2^noctave
  dbin <- tobin(data)
  kbin <- tobin(kernel)

  dn <- nrow(dbin)
  dm <- ncol(dbin)

  kn <- nrow(kbin)
  km <- ncol(kbin)

  mark <- matrix(rep(0,dn*dm),nrow=dn)

  for (j in 1:(dm-km+1)){
    s <- s0*2^((j+js-1)/nvoice)
    kscn <- as.integer(kn*s/sm);
    if (kscn==0) kscn <- 1

    ksc <- scaleKernel(kbin,kscn)
    kscm <- km
    for (i in 1:(dn-kscn+1)){
      subbin <- dbin[i:(i+kscn-1),j:(j+kscm-1)]

      if (sum(ksc*subbin)==sum(ksc))
        mark[i:(i+kscn-1),j:(j+kscm-1)] <- mark[i:(i+kscn-1),j:(j+kscm-1)]+ksc


  mark <- tobin(mark)

arealtest <- function(wt,dt=1,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=20,w0=2*pi,swabs=0,tw=0,siglevel,arealsiglevel=0.9,kernel=0,type=0){
  slp <- slope(w0,swabs,tw,nvoice,siglevel,arealsiglevel,type)
  if (length(kernel)<2){ 
    maxarea <- s0*2^noctave*slp/10*nvoice/dt
    cat(paste("# calculating kernel (maxarea=",maxarea,")\n",sep=""))
    cvkernel <-

    cat("# building kernel bitmap \n")
    kernel <-

  cat("# performing arealtest \n")
  sl <- slide(wt,kernel,s0,noctave,nvoice,1)  



plotat <- function(t,wt,at,sigplot){

  if (length(at)>1){
    linewidth <- 1
    if (sigplot==3) 
      linewidth <- 5

plotcv <- function(t,wt,cv){

  if (length(dim(cv))==0)



    for(i in 1:nrow(cv)){

      v <- cv[i,]
      v[v==0] <- 9999
      m <- matrix(rep(v,length(t)),nrow=length(t),byrow=TRUE)

plotcoi <- function(t,s0,noctave,w0){

  tv <- as.vector(t)
  tvl <- tv[tv-tv[1]<(tv[length(tv)]-tv[1])/2]
  tvr <- tv[tv-tv[1]>=(tv[length(tv)]-tv[1])/2]


plotmarks <- function(t,s0,noctave,markt,marks){

  if (markt[1]!=-999){

    for (i in 1:length(markt)){

  if (marks[1]!=-999){

    for (i in 1:length(marks)){


#'Plots wavelet transform
#'This function plots objects of type "wt" (wavelet transform objects) from the
#'functions wsp,wcs,wco. Modulus and (if possible) phase are plotted.
#'This function has to be called with an object of type "wt" (wavelet
#'transformation object, output from wsp,wcs,wco). It calls plotwt().  When
#'cv=0 or -1 is chosen, no critical values are plotted. The cone of influence
#'is marked by black lines. If cv is a vector, the routine assumes that every
#'value represents a critical value, which is constant in scale. If cv is a
#'matrix, it assumes every row to contain scale dependent critical values, each
#'row stands for one significance level.  Values outside the cone of influence
#'should be interpreted very carefully, as they result from a significant
#'contribution of zero padding at the beginning and the end of the time series.
#'For a better visualization, additional dotted lines marking distinct times or
#'scales might be plotted by providing the vectors markt and marks.
#'@param wt Wavelet transformation object
#'@param markt Vector of times to be marked by vertical dotted lines. When set
#'to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param marks Vector of scales to be marked by horizontal dotted lines. When
#'set to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param t1 Starting time of the plot. If NULL (default), then the plot covers
#'the entire range available
#'@param t2 Ending time of the plot. If NULL (default), then the plot covers
#'the entire range available
#'@param logscale When TRUE, the contours are plotted in logarithmic scale
#'@param phase TRUE if phase is to be plotted
#'@param units character string giving units of the data sets. Default: ""
#'@param plottitle character string giving plot title
#'@param device "screen" or "ps"
#'@param file character string giving filename of graphical output without
#'@param split when TRUE, modulus and phase are splitted into two files.
#'Default: FALSE
#'@param color TRUE (default): color plot, FALSE: gray scale
#'@param pwidth width of plot in cm
#'@param pheight height of plot in cm
#'@param labsc scale of labels, default: 1, for two-column manuscripts: 1.5,
#'for presentations: >2
#'@param labtext puts a label in upper left corner of the plot
#'@param sigplot 0: no significance test plotted, 1: results from pointwise
#'test, 2: results from areawise test, 3: results from both tests
#'@return No value returned
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{plotwt}}, \code{\link{wsp}}, \code{\link{wcs}},
#'@keywords plot wavelet transform
#'nino3wsp <- wsp(nino3,nreal=0)
plot.wt <- function(wt,markt=-999,marks=-999,t1=NULL,t2=NULL,logscale=FALSE,phase=FALSE,units="",plottitle="",device="screen",file="wt",split=FALSE,color=TRUE,pwidth=10,pheight=5,labsc=1.5,labtext="",sigplot=3,xax=NULL,xlab=NULL,yax=NULL,ylab=NULL){

#'Plots wavelet transform
#'If plotting results from wsp,wcs or wco, better use plot.wt(), which is a
#'wrapper function that calls this function.  This function plots results from
#'the functions cwt.ts,wsp,wcs,wco.  Modulus and (if possible) phase are
#'When cv=0 or -1 is chosen, no critical values are plotted. The cone of
#'influence is marked by black lines. If cv is a vector, the routine assumes
#'that every value represents a critical value, which is constant in scale. If
#'cv is a matrix, it assumes every row to contain scale dependent critical
#'values, each row stands for one significance level.  Values outside the cone
#'of influence should be interpreted very carefully, as they result from a
#'significant contribution of zero padding at the beginning and the end of the
#'time series. For a better visualization, additional dotted lines marking
#'distinct times or scales might be plotted by providing the vectors markt and
#'@param wt matrix of real values (e.g. modulus, power, coherency) of dimension
#'[length(time vector)]x[nvoice*noctave]
#'@param phs matrix of phase values (i.e. [-pi,pi]) of dimension [length(time
#'@param t time vector
#'@param s0 lowest calculated scale in units of the time series
#'@param noctave numbers of octaves
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#'@param cv vector of critical values for each scale of length
#'nvoice*noctave+1. If cv=0 is chosen, no critical values are plotted.
#'@param at matrix with results from areawise test
#'@param markt vector of times to be marked by vertical dotted lines; when set
#'to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param marks vector of scales to be marked by horizontal dotted lines; when
#'set to -999 (default), no lines are plotted.
#'@param t1 Starting time of the plot. If NULL (default), then the plot covers
#'the entire range available
#'@param t2 Ending time of the plot. If NULL (default), then the plot covers
#'the entire range available
#'@param logscale when TRUE, the contours are plotted in logarithmic scale
#'@param phase TRUE if phase is to be plotted
#'@param units character string giving units of the data sets; default: ""
#'@param plottitle character string giving plot title
#'@param device "screen" or "ps"
#'@param file character string giving filename of graphical output without
#'@param split when TRUE, modulus and phase are splitted into two files.
#'Default: FALSE
#'@param color TRUE (default): color plot, FALSE: gray scale
#'@param pwidth width of plot in cm
#'@param pheight height of plot in cm
#'@param labsc scale of labels, default: 1, for two-column manuscripts: 1.5,
#'for presentations: >2
#'@param labtext puts a label in upper left corner of the plot
#'@param sigplot 0: no significance test plotted, 1: results from pointwise
#'test, 2: results from areawise test, 3: results from both tests
#'@return No value returned
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{cwt.ts}}, \code{\link{wsp}}, \code{\link{wcs}},
#'@keywords plot wavelet transform
plotwt <-
  function(wt,phs,t,s0,noctave,w0,cv=NULL,at=NULL,markt=-999,marks=-999,t1=NULL,t2=NULL,logscale=FALSE,phase=FALSE,units="",plottitle="Wavelet Plot",device="screen",file="wavelet",split=FALSE,color=TRUE,pwidth=10,pheight=7,labsc=1,labtext="",sigplot=1,xax=NULL,xlab=NULL,yax=NULL,ylab=NULL){

  if (is.null(phs)) phase <- FALSE
  mgpv <- c(3,1,0)
  if (labsc>1) mgpv[1] <- 3-(labsc-1.5) 
  ncolors <- 64
  colors <- wtcolors(ncolors)
  if (color==FALSE) colors <- gray((0:ncolors)/ncolors*0.7+0.3)
  rangev <- (0:(ncolors-1))/(ncolors-1)
  rangebar <- matrix(rangev,nrow=2,ncol=64,byrow=TRUE) 
  s <- 2^(0:(noctave))*s0
  sn <- (0:(noctave))/noctave

  deltat <- (t[length(t)]-t[1])/(length(t)-1)
  cut <- FALSE
  if ((!is.null(t1)) | (!is.null(t2))){
    if (t1<t2 & t1>=t[1] & t2<=t[length(t)]){
      cut <- TRUE
      i1 <- (t1-t[1])/deltat+1
      i2 <- (t2-t[1])/deltat+1
      t <- t[t>=t1 & t<=t2]
      wt <- wt[i1:i2,]
      if (phase) phs <- phs[i1:i2,]
      if (length(at)>1) at <- at[i1:i2,]
  # Setting layout

  if (device=="ps" && split==FALSE){

    file <- paste(file,".eps",sep="")

    cat(paste("# writing",file," \n"))

  if (device=="ps" && split==TRUE){

    file1 <- paste(file,".mod.eps",sep="")

    cat(paste("# writing",file1," \n"))

  if (phase==TRUE && split==FALSE) nlo <- layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4),2,2,byrow=TRUE),widths=c(4,1))
  else nlo <- layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE),widths=c(4,1))

  # Plotting modulus

  if (logscale){
    if (units=="")
      image(x=t,z=log10(wt),col = colors,axes=FALSE,xlab="Time",ylab="Scale",frame.plot=TRUE,cex.lab=labsc,mgp=mgpv)
      image(x=t,z=log10(wt),col = colors,axes=FALSE,xlab=paste("Time ","[",units,"]",sep=""),ylab=paste("Scale ","[",units,"]",sep=""),frame.plot=TRUE,cex.lab=labsc,mgp=mgpv)
    if (units=="")
      image(x=t,z=wt,col = colors,axes=FALSE,xlab="Time",ylab="Scale",frame.plot=TRUE,cex.lab=labsc,mgp=mgpv)
      image(x=t,z=wt,col = colors,axes=FALSE,xlab=paste("Time ","[",units,"]",sep=""),ylab=paste("Scale ","[",units,"]",sep=""),frame.plot=TRUE,cex.lab=labsc,mgp=mgpv)


  if (sigplot==1 | sigplot==3){
    if (is.null(cv)==FALSE){                #Critical values
      if (cv[1]!=0 & cv[1]!=-1) plotcv(t,wt,cv)
  if (sigplot>1) plotat(t,wt,at,sigplot)
  if (!cut) plotcoi(t,s0,noctave,w0)              #cone of influence
  plotmarks(t,s0,noctave,markt,marks)   #additional guiding lines

  if (is.null(xax))
    if (is.null(xlab))

  if (is.null(yax))
    if (is.null(ylab))



  if (is.null(cv)==FALSE){
    if (length(dim(cv))==0){
      for (i in 1:length(cv))
        if (cv[i]!=0) lines(c(-1,2),c(cv[i],cv[i]))
  if (!logscale)
    labelv <- substr(as.character(c(0:5)*(max(log10(wt),na.rm=TRUE)-min(log10(wt),na.rm=TRUE))/5),1,4)

  # Plotting phase
  if (phase==TRUE){

    if (device=="ps" && split==TRUE){

      file2 <- paste(file,".phs.eps",sep="")
      cat(paste("# writing",file2," \n"))

    colors <- rainbow(ncolors)
    if (color==FALSE){
      dummy <- gray((0:ncolors)/ncolors)
      colors[1:(ncolors/2)] <- dummy[(ncolors/2+1):ncolors]
      colors[(ncolors/2+1):ncolors] <- dummy[1:(ncolors/2)]
    if (units=="")
      image(x=t,z=phs,col=colors,axes=FALSE,xlab=paste("Time ","[",units,"]",sep=""),ylab=paste("Scale ","[",units,"]",sep=""),frame.plot=TRUE,cex.lab=labsc,mgp=mgpv)
    if (is.null(cv)==FALSE) plotcv(t,wt,cv)
    if (sigplot>1) plotat(t,wt,at,sigplot)
    if (!cut) plotcoi(t,s0,noctave,w0)

    if (is.null(xax))
      if (is.null(xlab))
    if (is.null(yax))
      if (is.null(ylab))

  if (device=="ps") dev.off()

# Surrogates

createwavesurrogates <- function(nsurr=1,wt=1,n,dt=1,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi){
  surrmat <- matrix(rep(0,n*nsurr),ncol=nsurr)

  for (i in 1:nsurr){
    cat(paste("# Creating realization ",i,"\n",sep=""))

    x <- rnorm(n)
    xts <- ts(x,start=0,deltat=dt)
    xwt <- cwt.ts(xts,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
    wtsurr <- wt*xwt
    surri <- as.vector(invmorlet(wtsurr,0,dt,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0))
    surrmat[,i] <- Re(surri)


surrwave <- function(x,...)

surrwave.wt <- function(wt,nsurr=1,spec=TRUE){

  n <- length(wt$time)
  t0 <- wt$time[1]
  dt <- (wt$time[13]-t0)/12
  s0 <- wt$s0
  noctave <- wt$noctave
  nvoice <- wt$nvoice
  w0 <- wt$w0

  wt <- wt$modulus
  if (spec==TRUE)
    wt <- sqrt(wt)

  surrmat <- createwavesurrogates(nsurr,wt,n,dt,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
  surrts <- ts(surrmat,start=t0,deltat=dt)


surrwave.matrix <- function(mat,nsurr=1,t0=0,dt=1,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi,sw=0,tw=0,swabs=0,spec=FALSE){

  if (sw!=0 & swabs==0)
    swabs <- as.integer(sw*nvoice)

  scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0
  if ((noctave*nvoice+1)!=dim(mat)[2])
    cat("# ERROR! nscales unequal noctave*nvoice+1 ! \n")

  n <- dim(mat)[1]
  if (spec==FALSE)
    mat <- Mod(mat)
    mat <- sqrt(Mod(mat))
  wtsm <- smooth.matrix(mat,swabs)
  wt <- smooth.time(wtsm,tw,dt,scalevector)

  surrmat <- createwavesurrogates(nsurr,wt,n,dt,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
  surrts <- ts(surrmat,start=t0,deltat=dt)


surrwave.character <-

  if (sw!=0 & swabs==0)
    swabs <- as.integer(sw*nvoice)

  scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0

  if (transpose==FALSE)
    mat <- matrix(scan(file,comment.char="#"),ncol=nvoice*noctave+1,byrow=TRUE)    
    mat <- matrix(scan(file,comment.char="#"),ncol=nvoice*noctave+1,byrow=FALSE)

  if ((noctave*nvoice+1)!=dim(mat)[2])
    cat("# ERROR! nscales unequal noctave*nvoice+1 ! \n")

  n <- dim(mat)[1]
  if (spec==FALSE)
    mat <- Mod(mat)
    mat <- sqrt(Mod(mat))
  wtsm <- smooth.matrix(mat,swabs)
  wt <- smooth.time(wtsm,tw,dt,scalevector)

  surrmat <- createwavesurrogates(nsurr,wt,n,dt,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
  surrts <- ts(surrmat,start=t0,deltat=dt)


surrwave.ts <- function(ts,nsurr=1,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi,sw=0,tw=0,swabs=0){

  n <- length(ts)
  t0 <- time(ts)[1]
  dt <- deltat(ts)
  if (sw!=0 & swabs==0)
    swabs <- as.integer(sw*nvoice)

  scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0

  wt <- Mod(cwt.ts(ts,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0))
  wtsm <- smooth.matrix(wt,swabs)
  wt <- smooth.time(wtsm,tw,dt,scalevector)

  surrmat <- createwavesurrogates(nsurr,wt,n,dt,s0,noctave,nvoice,w0)
  surrts <- ts(surrmat,start=t0,deltat=dt)


invmorlet <- function(wt,t0=0,dt=1,s0=1,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi){

  if ((noctave*nvoice+1)!=dim(wt)[2])
    cat("# ERROR! nscales unequal noctave*nvoice+1 ! \n")
  n <- dim(wt)[1]
  wt[is.na(wt)] <- 0
  tsRe <- rep(0,n)
  tsIm <- rep(0,n)

  wtRe <- t(Re(wt))
  wtIm <- t(Im(wt))
  z <- .C("invmorlet",
          tsRetmp = as.double(tsRe),
          tsImtmp = as.double(tsIm),

  invts <- ts(data=invvec,start=t0,deltat=dt)




#'Loads matrix from file
#'This function loads a tab separated matrix with M columns in ASCII-format
#'into an R matrix.
#'@param file a character string giving the name of the file to load.
#'@param M number of columns of the matrix to be loaded.
#'@return Returns matrix with M columns
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{readts}}, \code{\link{writematrix}}
#'@keywords file
readmatrix <- function(file,M){

  A <- matrix(scan(file,comment.char="#"),ncol=M,byrow=TRUE)



#'Load time series from file
#'This function loads a tab separated time series with one time column and one
#'value column in ASCII-format into a R time series object.
#'@param file a character string giving the name of the file to load.
#'@return Returns time series object
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link[stats]{ts}}, \code{\link{readmatrix}}
#'@keywords file
readts <- function(file){

  A <- matrix(scan(file,comment.char="#"),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)

  Adum <- A

  Adum[is.na(Adum)] <- 0

  t <- Adum %*% c(1,0)
  x <- A %*% c(0,1)

  if ((f>11) && (f<13)) f <- 12


#'Writes matrix to file
#'This function writes a tab separated matrix with M columns into a file in
#'@param file a character string giving the name of the file.
#'@param data matrix to be written.
#'@return No value returned
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{readts}}, \code{\link{readmatrix}}
#'@keywords file
writematrix <- function(file,data,header="# R Matrix"){




smooth.matrix <- function(wt,swabs){

  if (swabs != 0)
    smwt <- t(filter(t(wt),rep(1,2*swabs+1)/(2*swabs+1)))
    smwt <- wt


smooth.time <- function(wt,tw,dt,scalevector){

  smwt <- wt

  if (tw != 0){
    for (i in 1:length(scalevector)){
      twi <- as.integer(scalevector[i]*tw/dt)
      smwt[,i] <- filter(wt[,i],rep(1,2*twi+1)/(2*twi+1))


adjust.noctave <- function(N,dt,s0,tw,noctave){

  if (tw>0){  
    dumno <- as.integer((log(N*dt)-log(2*tw*s0))/log(2))
    if (dumno<noctave){
      cat("# noctave adjusted to time smoothing window \n")
      noctave <- dumno

adjust.s0 <- function(s0,dt){
  if (s0<2*dt){
    s0 <- 2*dt
    cat(paste("# s0 set to ",s0," \n"))


adjust.timeseries <- function(ts1,ts2){

  if (length(ts1)!=length(ts2)){
    tsint <- ts.intersect(ts1,ts2)
    dt <- deltat(ts1)
    ts1 <- ts(data=tsint[,1],start=time(tsint)[1],frequency=1/dt)
    ts2 <- ts(data=tsint[,2],start=time(tsint)[1],frequency=1/dt)
    t <- time(ts1)


checkarealsiglevel <- function(sw,tw,w0,arealsiglevel,siglevel,type){

  if (type==0){
    swv <- c(0,0.5,1)
    twv <- c(0,1.5,3)
    w0v <- c(pi,2*pi)
    if (length(swv[swv==sw])==0 || length(twv[twv==tw])==0 ||
      arealsiglevel <- 0
      cat("# areawise test for spectrum currently \n")
      cat("# only possible for \n")
      cat("# sw = 0 \n") 
      cat("# tw = 0 \n") 
      cat("# w0 = 2pi \n") 
      cat("# No areawise test performed \n") 
  if (type==1){

    swv <- c(0.5)
    twv <- c(1.5)
    w0v <- c(2*pi)

    if (length(swv[swv==sw])==0 || length(twv[twv==tw])==0 ||
      arealsiglevel <- 0
      cat("# areawise test for coherence currently \n")
      cat("# only possible for \n")
      cat("# sw = 0.5 \n") 
      cat("# tw = 1.5 \n") 
      cat("# w0 = 2pi \n") 
      cat("# No areawise test performed \n") 

  if (arealsiglevel!=0){
    arealsiglevel <- 0.9
    siglevel <- 0.95
    cat("# currently only siglevel=0.95 and arealsiglevel=0.9 possible for areawise test \n")

as.wt <- function(modulus,phase=NULL,s0=NULL,noctave=NULL,nvoice=NULL,w0=NULL,dt=1,time=NULL,scales=NULL,critval=NULL,at=NULL,kernel=NULL,N=NULL,t0=NULL){
  if (is.null(scales))
    gotscales <- FALSE
    gotscales <- TRUE
  if ((!gotscales) & (!is.null(s0)) & (!is.null(noctave)) &(!is.null(nvoice))){
    gotscales <- TRUE
  if (gotscales & (is.null(s0) | is.null(noctave) |
    s0 <- scales[1]
    noctave <- log(scales[length(scales)]/s0)/log(2)
    nvoice <- (length(scales)-1)/noctave
  if (!gotscales)
    cat("# ERROR! No scales given! \n")
  if (is.null(time)) gottimes <- FALSE
  else gottimes <- TRUE
  if ((!gottimes) & (!is.null(dt)) & (!is.null(t0)) &(!is.null(N))){
    gottimes <- TRUE
  if (!gottimes)
    cat("# ERROR! No time vector given! \n")
  wcolist <- list(modulus=modulus,phase=phase,s0=s0,noctave=noctave,nvoice=nvoice,w0=w0,time=time,scales=scales,critval=critval,at=at,kernel=kernel)
  class(wcolist) <- "wt"

wtcolors <- function(ncolors){

  upside <- rainbow(ncolors,start=0,end=.7)
  #upside <- heat.colors(ncolors+5)
  #upside <- upside[1:ncolors]

  down <- upside
  for (i in 1:ncolors){
    down[i] <- upside[ncolors+1-i]    



#'White noise time series
#'Creates white noise time series object
#'@param N Number of data points
#'@param sig sqrt of variance of the process
#'@param dt sampling time
#'@return Returns time series object of white noise
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link[stats]{rnorm}}, \code{\link{create.ar}}
#'@keywords white noise
createwgn <- function(N,sig,dt){




#'AR process time series
#'Creates AR process time series object
#'@param N Number of data points
#'@param a vector of AR coefficients
#'@param sig sqrt of variance of the process
#'@param dt sampling time
#'@return Returns time series object of AR process
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link[stats]{arima.sim}}, \code{\link{create.wgn}}
#'@keywords AR process
createar <- function(N,a,sig,dt){

  if (a==0) a <- 0.000000001

  se <- sqrt(sig*sig*(1-a*a))
  tsMC <- ts(data=rep(0,N),start=0,deltat=dt)

    tsMC[1:N] <- arima.sim(list(ar = a), N, sd = se)


#'Reproducing Kernel of the Morlet Wavelet
#'This funtion calculates the reproducing Kernel of the Morlet wavelet.
#'This function calculates the reproducing kernel of the Morlet wavelet at a
#'given scale, i.e. the internal correlations of the wavelet coefficients for
#'white noise at this scale. These are responsible for the spurious patches in
#'wavelet (cross) spectral analysis and are an intrinsic property of any
#'time/frequency spectral analysis.
#'@param N length of time series (dt set to one!)
#'@param s scale at which the r.k. is to be calculated
#'@param noctave number of octaves
#'@param nvoice number of voices per octave
#'@param w0 time/frequency resolution omega_0
#'@param plot TRUE when grapical output desired
#'@return Matrix of r.k. of dimension [N]x[nvoice*noctave+1]
#'@author D. Maraun
#'@seealso \code{\link{cwt.ts}}
#'@references D. Maraun and J. Kurths, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys. 11: 505-514, 2004
#'@keywords reproducing kernel
rk <- function(N=1000,s=8,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi,plot=TRUE){

  t <- 1:N
  sunit <- s*(w0+sqrt(2+w0*w0))/(4*pi)
  s0 <- 4
  #s0unit <- s0*(w0+sqrt(2+w0*w0))/(4*pi)
  s0unit=s0/dt*w0/(2*pi)                  #(CORRECT) 
  s0log <- as.integer((log2(s0unit)-1)*nvoice+1.5)

  totnoct <- noctave+as.integer(s0log/nvoice)+1

  x <- morlet(N,N/2,sunit,w0)

  totts.cwt <- Mod(cwt(x,totnoct,nvoice,w0,plot=0))

  wt <- wt/max(wt)

  if (plot==TRUE) plotwt(wt,0,t,s0,noctave,w0,units="",plottitle="Reproducing Kernel")  



addvalues <- function(nvoice,dnoctave,x,value){

  nr <- dim(x)[1]
  nc <- dim(x)[2]
  dnc <- nvoice*dnoctave
  y <- matrix(rep(value,nr*(nc+dnc)),nrow=nr)

  y[,(dnc+1):(dnc+nc)] <- x


scalematrix <- function(wt){

  # scales matrix, such that the maximal value is one
  # wt: matrix to be scaled
  mval <- max(wt,na.rm=TRUE)
  wt <- wt/mval


foldKernel <- function(F,swabs,tw,s,dt){

  # folds a matrix (e.g. kernel with smoothing window
  # F:  matrix input
  # swabs: smooting window width

  smsF <- smooth.matrix(F,swabs)
  smsF[is.na(smsF)] <- 0
  smtsF <- smooth.time(smsF,tw,dt,s)

  smtsF[is.na(smtsF)] <- 0
  scF <- scalematrix(smtsF)

kernelBitmap <- function(c,s0=1,w0=6,noctave=6,nvoice=20,swabs=0,tw=0,dt=1){
  # produces kernel bitmap
  # c:       height of contour, that defines area
  # s0:      lowest scale
  # noctave: number of octaves
  # nvoice:  number of voices per octave
  # swabs:      smoothing window length in scale direction
  # dt:      sampling time
  s <- s0*2^noctave
  is <- noctave*nvoice

  x <- s0*2^(((1:(nvoice*(noctave+2)))-1)/nvoice)

  t <- max(2000,max(x)*tw*2/dt*1.1)

  y <- ((0:(2*t))-t)/2*dt

  X <- matrix(x,ncol=nvoice*(noctave+2),nrow=2*t+1,byrow=T)
  Y <- matrix(y,ncol=nvoice*(noctave+2),nrow=2*t+1)

  F <- sqrt(2*s*X/(s*s+X*X))*exp(-0.5*(Y*Y+w0*w0*(X-s)*(X-s))/(s*s+X*X))

  F <- foldKernel(F,swabs,tw,x,dt)

  F[F<c] <- 0
  F[F>=c] <- 1

  is1 <- 1
  is2 <- nvoice*(noctave+1)
  it1 <- 1
  it2 <- 2*t+1

  L <- F[1:(2*t+1),is1]
  while (length(L[L!=0])==0) {
    is1 <- is1+1
    L <- F[1:(2*t+1),is1]
  L <- F[1:(2*t+1),is2]

  while (length(L[L!=0])==0) {
    is2 <- is2-1
    L <- F[1:(2*t+1),is2]

  L <- F[it1,1:(nvoice*(noctave+2))]

  while (length(L[L!=0])==0) {
    it1 <- it1+1
    L <- F[it1,1:(nvoice*(noctave+2))]

  L <- F[it2,1:(nvoice*(noctave+2))]

  while (length(L[L!=0])==0) {
    it2 <- it2-1
    L <- F[it2,1:(nvoice*(noctave+2))]

  kernel <- list(bitmap=F[(it1-1):(it2+1),(is1-1):(is2+1)],is=is-is1) 



kernelRoot <- function(s0=1,w0=6,a=0,noctave=6,nvoice=20,swabs=0,tw=0,dt=1){

  tol <- 0.005
  cmin <- 0
  cmax <- 1
  cntr <- 0.5
  da <- a

  while (abs(da/a)>tol){

    da <- kernelArea(cntr,s0,w0,a,noctave,nvoice,swabs,tw,dt)
    if (da>0){
      cmin <- cntr
      cntr <- mean(c(cntr,cmax))
    if (da<0){
      cmax <- cntr
      cntr <- mean(c(cntr,cmin))      

kernelArea <- function(cntr,s0=1,w0=6,a=0,noctave=6,nvoice=20,swabs=0,tw=0,dt=1){

  # calulates area of reproducing kernel for smoothed data at scale s0*2^noctave
  # cntr:       height of contour line to define kernel area. This
  #          parameter is to be estimated!
  # s0:      lowest scale
  # w0:      parameter of Morlet Wavelet
  # a:       area offset (only needed, when finding root. Is set to
  #          desired area 
  # noctave: number of octaves
  # nvoice:  number of voices per octave
  # swabs:      smoothing window width in scale direction
  # dt:      sampling time
  s <- s0*2^noctave
  x <- s0*2^(((1:(nvoice*(noctave+2)))-1)/nvoice)

  t <- max(2000,max(x)*tw*2/dt*1.1)
  y <- ((0:(2*t))-t)/2*dt
  X <- matrix(x,ncol=nvoice*(noctave+2),nrow=2*t+1,byrow=T)
  Y <- matrix(y,ncol=nvoice*(noctave+2),nrow=2*t+1)

  F <- sqrt(2*s*X/(s*s+X*X))*exp(-0.5*(Y*Y+w0*w0*(X-s)*(X-s))/(s*s+X*X))

  F <- foldKernel(F,swabs,tw,x,dt)
  F[F>=cntr] <- 1
  F[F<cntr] <- 0
  area <- length(F[F==1])-a



tobin <- function(x){

  # sets nonzero values to one
  y <- x/x
  y[is.na(y)] <- 0


scaleKernel <- function(kernel,l){

  # scales kernel length in time direction proportional to scale
  # kernel: data bitmap of width n
  # l:      new width of kernel
  n <- nrow(kernel)
  m <- ncol(kernel)

  newKernel <- matrix(rep(0,m*l),nrow=l)
  d <- as.double(n)/as.double(l)

  for (i in 1:l){
    j <- as.integer((i-0.5)*d)
    if (j==0) j <- 1
    newKernel[i,1:m] <- kernel[j,1:m]


slope <- function(w0,swabs,tw,nvoice,siglevel,arealsiglevel,type){

  sw <- swabs/nvoice
  if (type==0){ # wavelet spectrum

    if (tw == 0 	 & sw == 0 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  5.82518 	 # w = 18.35831 
    if (tw == 1.5 	 & sw == 0 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  24.69852 	 # w = 14.30709 
    if (tw == 3 	 & sw == 0 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  35.48368 	 # w = 14.72354 
    if (tw == 0 	 & sw == 5 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  7.347707 	 # w = 17.96942 
    if (tw == 1.5 	 & sw == 5 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  28.24291 	 # w = 12.65993 
    if (tw == 3 	 & sw == 5 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  51.13723 	 # w = 10.96359 
    if (tw == 0 	 & sw == 10 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  10.47856 	 # w = 15.5941 
    if (tw == 1.5 	 & sw == 10 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  45.07387 	 # w = 15.29793 
    if (tw == 3 	 & sw == 10 	 & w0 == 1 *pi) slp <-  52.82886 	 # w = 12.72361 

    if (tw == 0 	 & sw == 0 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  8.718912 	 # w = 17.75933 
    if (tw == 1.5 	 & sw == 0 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  11.88006 	 # w = 15.39648 
    if (tw == 3 	 & sw == 0 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  26.55977 	 # w = 1.064384 
    if (tw == 0 	 & sw == 5 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  14.64761 	 # w = 16.27518 
    if (tw == 1.5 	 & sw == 5 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  28.27798 	 # w = 14.57059 
    if (tw == 3 	 & sw == 5 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  63.54121 	 # w = 12.83778 
    if (tw == 0 	 & sw == 10 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  27.78735 	 # w = 11.95813 
    if (tw == 1.5 	 & sw == 10 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  41.27260 	 # w = 12.03379 
    if (tw == 3 	 & sw == 10 	 & w0 == 2 *pi) slp <-  67.37015 	 # w = 10.63935 


  if (type==1){ # wavelet coherence

    if (tw==0   & sw==0   & w0==pi) slp <- 999 #not valid
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0   & w0==pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==0   & w0==pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==0.5 & w0==pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0.5 & w0==pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==0.5 & w0==pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==1   & w0==pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==1   & w0==pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==1   & w0==pi) slp <- 1

    if (tw==0   & sw==0   & w0==2*pi) slp <- 999 #not valid
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0   & w0==2*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==0   & w0==2*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==0.5 & w0==2*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0.5 & w0==2*pi) slp <- 8.3
    if (tw==3   & sw==0.5 & w0==2*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==1   & w0==2*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==1   & w0==2*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==1   & w0==2*pi) slp <- 1

    if (tw==0   & sw==0   & w0==3*pi) slp <- 999 #not valid
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0   & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==0   & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==0.5 & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0.5 & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==0.5 & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==1   & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==1   & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==1   & w0==3*pi) slp <- 1

    if (tw==0   & sw==0   & w0==4*pi) slp <- 999 #not valid
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0   & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==0   & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==0.5 & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==0.5 & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==0.5 & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==0   & sw==1   & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==1.5 & sw==1   & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1
    if (tw==3   & sw==1   & w0==4*pi) slp <- 1


  cat(paste("# slope ",slp,"\n",sep=""))
Dasonk/SOWAS documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:36 p.m.