
Defines functions QuickRatioPlot plot.RevenueGrowthAccounting print.RevenueGrowthAccounting RevenueGrowthAccounting

Documented in QuickRatioPlot RevenueGrowthAccounting

#' \code{RevenueGrowthAccounting}
#' @description Computes statistics for use in growth accounting of a startup.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} that has variables: \code{id}, \code{period},
#' and \code{value} (e.g., a \code{RevenueData} object).
#' @param remove.last Remove the final period (as usually is incomplete).
#' @param tol The tolerance used in calculations of differences. This defaults to 1 (e.g., $1).
#' Values or differences less than this amount are treated as being equivalent. E.g., if revenue for
#' an entity this period is less than \code{tol} higher than in the previous period, it is treated as being constant.
#' @details Small differences in the percentages shown here versus those computed by other means may occur, due
#' to: (1) how churn is defined (e.g., the point at time when a customer churns, vs, takes a hieateous); (2) the precision
#' used to determine whether a subscriber is considered to have contracted/expanded or not.
#' @importFrom flipStatistics Table
#' @importFrom stats aggregate xtabs
#' @importFrom flipTime AsDate
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
RevenueGrowthAccounting <- function(data, remove.last = TRUE, tol = 1)
    period.date <- AsDate(data$from.period, on.parse.failure = "silent")
    if (remove.last)
        data <- removeLast(data)
    id <- data$id
    period <- data$from.period
    value <- data$value
    id.by.period <- paste(id, period)
    aggregated <- aggregate(value ~ id.by.period, FUN = sum)
    ids <- sort(unique(id))
    periods <- sort(unique(period))
    n.periods <- length(periods)
    n.id <- length(ids)
    id.by.period <- data.frame(id = rep(ids, rep(n.periods + 1, n.id)))
    id.by.period$id.by.period <-  paste(rep(ids, rep(n.periods + 1, n.id)),
      c(0, periods))
    data <- merge(as.data.frame(id.by.period), as.data.frame(aggregated),
                by = "id.by.period", all.x = TRUE, sort = TRUE)
    data$value[is.na(data$value)] <- 0
    data$diff <- c(0, data$value[-1] - data$value[-length(data$value)])
    data$cum <- cumsum(data$value)
    data$cum <- data$cum - rep(data$cum[c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, n.periods))],
                               rep(n.periods + 1, n.id))
#print(data[, c("id", "value", "diff", "cum")])
    data <- data[c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, n.periods)), ]
    data$period <- periods
    data$status = "Unchanged"
    data$status[data$diff >= tol] <- "Expansion"
    data$status[data$value > tol & abs(data$diff - data$cum) < tol] <- "New"
    data$status[abs(data$value - data$diff) < tol & data$cum >= data$value + tol] <- "Resurrected" #+1 is to take numeric precision of cumsum into account.
    data$status[data$diff <= -tol] <- "Contraction"
    data$status[abs(data$value) < tol & data$diff <= -tol] <- "Churned"
    data$status[abs(data$diff) < tol] <- "Unchanged"
    tab <- aggregate(diff ~ status + period, data = data, sum)
    tab$period.by.status <- paste(tab$period,tab$status)
    stati <- c("New", "Expansion", "Resurrected", "Contraction", "Churned", "Unchanged")
    full.tab <- data.frame(period = rep(periods, rep(6, n.periods)), status = stati)
    full.tab$period.by.status <-  paste(rep(periods, rep(6, n.periods)), stati)
    tab <- merge(full.tab, tab[,-1:-2], by = "period.by.status", all.x = TRUE, sort = TRUE)
    diff <- tab$diff
    diff[is.na(diff)] <- 0
    tab <- as.data.frame(matrix(diff, nrow = n.periods,byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(periods, sort(stati))))
    tab$Quick.Ratio <- -apply(tab[, -1:-2], 1, sum) / apply(tab[, 1:2], 1, sum)
    results <- list(n.id = n.id, n.periods = n.periods, periods = periods, data = data[, -1], Table = tab,
                  Revenue = aggregateAsVector(aggregate(value ~ period, data = data, FUN = sum)),
                  Growth = aggregateAsVector(aggregate(diff ~ status, data = data, FUN = sum)))
    class(results) <- append(class(results), "RevenueGrowthAccounting")

#' @export
print.RevenueGrowthAccounting <- function(x, ...)
    cat('Revenue Growth calculations\n\n')
    cat(paste0('\nNumber of entities: ', x$n.id, '\n'))
    cat('\nRevenue Growth\n')
    pre <- x$Revenue[-x$n.periods]
    revenue.growth <- round((x$Revenue[-1] - pre) / pre * 100, 0)
    names(revenue.growth) <- x$periods[-1]

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_bar aes scale_y_continuous ggtitle theme_bw
#' @importFrom scales comma
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
plot.RevenueGrowthAccounting <- function(x, ...)
    t <- x$Table[, c(1:3, 5:4)]
    x <- rownames(t)
    #numeric.periods <- all(as.character(as.numeric(x)) == x)
    categories <- colnames(t)
    y <- t[,"Churned"] + t[,"Contraction"]
    p <- plot_ly(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        showlegend = FALSE,
        marker = list(color = "white"),
        type = "bar")
    colors <- c("red", "orange", "teal", "turquoise", "blue")
    for (i in 1:5)
        p <- add_trace(#evaluate = TRUE,
            x = x,
            y = abs(t[, i]),
            marker = list(color = colors[i]),
            name = categories[eval(i)],
            type = "bar")
    p <- config(p, displayModeBar = FALSE)
    layout(p, barmode = "stack", showlegend = TRUE,
           xaxis = list(title = "",
                        zeroline = FALSE,
                        showticklabels = TRUE,
                        #range = if(numeric.periods) range(as.numeric(x) + c(-.5, .5)) else NULL
                        showgrid = FALSE),
           yaxis = list(title = "Change in revenue ($)",
                        zeroline = FALSE,
                        showticklabels = TRUE,
                        showgrid = FALSE))

#' QuickRatioPlot
#' @param x A RevenueGrowthAccounting object.
#' @param supress.first The periods to suppress from the beginning of the data
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly add_trace layout
#' @export
QuickRatioPlot <- function(x, supress.first = 1)
    growth.table <- x$Table
    if (supress.first != 0)
        growth.table <- growth.table[-1:-supress.first, ]
    growth.table$Period <- rownames(growth.table)
    growth.table$Benchmark = 4
    p <- plot_ly(x = rownames(growth.table), hoverinfo="x+text", text=sprintf("%.2f", growth.table$Quick.Ratio),
                 y = growth.table$Quick.Ratio, type="scatter", mode = "lines", name = "Quick Ratio<br>(New + Exp. + Res.) / (Con. + Churned)")#, marker = list(color = "green"))
    p <- add_trace(p = p, x = rownames(growth.table), y = growth.table$Benchmark,
                   hoverinfo="x+text", text=sprintf("%.2f", growth.table$Benchmark),
                   name = "4 is excellent for a business SaaS")#, marker = list(color = "blue"))
    p <- layout(p = p, xaxis = list(title = "Period"), yaxis = list(title = "Quick Ratio", range = c(0, max(growth.table$Quick.Ratio, 4))))
Displayr/flipStartup documentation built on May 2, 2024, 6:24 p.m.