
Defines functions summary.emetaFilt summary.formulaFilt summary.massFilt summary.moleculeFilt

Documented in summary.emetaFilt summary.formulaFilt summary.massFilt summary.moleculeFilt

#' Summary method for moleculeFilt object
#'@rdname summary.moleculeFilt
#'@name summary.moleculeFilt
#'@param object an object of class 'moleculeFilt' created by running \code{\link{molecule_filter}}
#'@param min_num an integer value specifying the minimum number of times each peak must be observed across all samples
#' @param ... included for compliance with generic method
#'@return If \code{min_num} is provided, a summary of the effect of implementing a filter with the specified threshold. Otherwise, a summary of the number of peaks which were observed over the number of possible samples.
summary.moleculeFilt <- function(object, min_num=NULL, ...){
  if(!is.null(min_num)) {
    # check that min_num is not a vector #
    if(length(min_num) > 1) stop("min_num must be of length 1")
    # check that min_num is numeric >= 0 #
    if(!is.numeric(min_num) | min_num < 0) stop("min_num must be an integer >= 0")
    # check that min_num is an integer #
    if(min_num %% 1 != 0) stop("min_num must be an integer >= 0")
    # check that min_num is less than the max number of observations #
    if(min_num > max(object$Num_Observations)) stop("min_num cannot be greater than the number of samples")
  # return the numeric version of plot, the threshold used, the number that would be tested and the number that would not be tested
  # how many peptides appear in the dataset once, twice, 3 times, etc.
  cut_data <- table(cut(object$Num_Observations, breaks = -1:max(object$Num_Observations)))
  pep_observation_counts <- data.frame(num_observations=0:(length(cut_data)-1), num_peaks=cut_data)
  pep_observation_counts = pep_observation_counts[,-2]
  names(pep_observation_counts)[2] = "num_peaks"
    res <- pep_observation_counts$num_peaks
    names(res) <- sprintf("Peaks with %d Observations", pep_observation_counts$num_observations)
    class(res) <- c("summaryDefault", class(res))
  } else {
    # get number molecules tested
    num_not_filtered<- sum(pep_observation_counts$num_peaks[pep_observation_counts$num_observations >= min_num])
    # get number molecules not tested
    num_filtered <- sum(pep_observation_counts$num_peaks[pep_observation_counts$num_observations < min_num])

    res <- list(pep_observation_counts=pep_observation_counts, min_num=min_num, num_not_filtered=num_not_filtered, num_filtered=num_filtered)
    catmat <- c("Minimum Number"=min_num, "Filtered"=res$num_filtered, "Not Filtered"=res$num_not_filtered)
    class(catmat) <- c("summaryDefault", class(catmat))

#'Summary method for massFilt object
#'@rdname summary.massFilt
#'@name summary.massFilt
#'@param object an object of class 'massFilt' created by running \code{\link{mass_filter}}
#'@param min_mass an integer value specifying the minimum mass a peak must have to be retained in the dataset (inclusive). If only \code{max_mass} is provided, then this values is assumed to be the minimum observed mass value.
#'@param max_mass an integer value specifying the maximum mass a peak can have to be retained in the dataset (inclusive). If only \code{min_mass} is provided, then this value is assumed to be the maximum observed mass value.
#' @param ... included for compliance with generic method
#'@return If \code{min_mass} and/or \code{max_mass} is provided, a summary of the effect of implementing a filter with the specified thresholds. Otherwise, a five-number summary and the mean value of the mass values observed across all samples are given.
summary.massFilt <- function(object, min_mass = NULL, max_mass = NULL, ...){
  # check to see if only one of min or max is provided #
  # if so, set the null one to the observed min/max #
  if(!is.null(min_mass) & is.null(max_mass)){max_mass = max(object$Mass)}
  if(is.null(min_mass) & !is.null(max_mass)){min_mass = min(object$Mass)}

  if(!is.null(min_mass)) {
  # check that min_mass and max_mass are numeric and meet other constraints #
  if(!(class(min_mass) %in% c("numeric","integer")) | min_mass < 0) stop("min_mass must be must be a number greater than zero")
  if(length(min_mass) != 1) stop("min_mass must be of length 1")
  if(!(class(max_mass) %in% c("numeric","integer")) | min_mass > max_mass) stop("max_mass must be must be a number greater than min_mass")
  if(length(max_mass) != 1) stop("max_mass must be of length 1")
  # if both min and max are null calculate the five number summary #  
  if(is.null(min_mass) & is.null(max_mass)) {
    num_not_filtered = sum(object$Mass >= min_mass & object$Mass <= max_mass)
    num_filtered = nrow(object) - num_not_filtered
    catmat <- c("Minimum Mass"=min_mass, "Maximum Mass"=max_mass, "Filtered"=round(num_filtered,0), "Not Filtered"=round(num_not_filtered,0))
    class(catmat) <- c("summaryDefault", class(catmat))

#'Summary method for formulaFilt object
#'@rdname summary.formulaFilt
#'@name summary.formulaFilt
#'@param object an object of class 'formulaFilt' created by running \code{\link{formula_filter}}
#'@param remove an character string specifying whether to remove peaks without formulae assigned ('NoFormula') or with formulae assigned ('Formula')
#' @param ... included for compliance with generic method
#'@return If \code{remove} is provided, a summary of the effect of implementing a filter. Otherwise, a summary of the number of peaks with assigned and unassigned formulae
summary.formulaFilt <- function(object, remove = NULL, ...){
  if(!(remove %in% c("NoFormula","Formula"))) stop("'remove' can only take values 'NoFormula' and 'Formula'.")
  # if remove is NULL return distribution #  
  if(is.null(remove)) {
    catmat = c("Formula Assigned"=sum(object$Formula_Assigned), "No Formula Assigned"=nrow(object)-sum(object$Formula_Assigned))
    class(catmat) <- c("summaryDefault", class(catmat))
    num_noform = sum(object$Formula_Assigned)
    num_form = nrow(object) - num_noform
    if(remove == "NoFormula"){
      catmat <- list("Remove"=remove, "Filtered"=num_noform, "Not Filtered"=num_form)
      class(catmat) <- c("summaryDefault", class(catmat))
      catmat <- list("Remove"=remove, "Filtered"=num_form, "Not Filtered"=num_noform)
      class(catmat) <- c("summaryDefault", class(catmat))

#'Summary method for emetaFilt object
#'@rdname summary.emetaFilt
#'@name summary.emetaFilt
#'@param object an object of class 'emetaFilt' created by running \code{\link{emeta_filter}}
#'@param min_val used only if filter variable specified was quantitative. Minimum value which the filter variable can take (inclusive) to remain in the data
#'@param max_val used only if filter variable specified was quantitative. Maximum value which the filter variable can take (inclusive) to remain in the data
#'@param cats used only if filter variable specified was categorical. Levels of categorical variable which should be retained in the data
#'@param na.rm should peaks with an NA value for the filter variable be removed. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param ... included for compliance with generic method
#'@return If relevant parameter(s) are provided, a summary of the effect of implementing a filter. Otherwise, a five number summary and the mean value for the filter variable (quantitative) or a summary of the number of peaks per category (categorical).
summary.emetaFilt <- function(object, min_val = NULL, max_val = NULL, cats = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...){
  # get variable type #
  var_type = attr(object, "type")
  # get variable name #
  var_name = attr(object, "cname")
  # set some defaults for quantitative variable #
  if(var_type == "quantitative"){
    # check to see if only one of min or max is provided #
    # if so, set the null one to the observed min/max #
    if(!is.null(min_val) & is.null(max_val)){max_val = max(object$emeta_value, na.rm = T)}
    if(is.null(min_val) & !is.null(max_val)){min_val = min(object$emeta_value, na.rm = T)}
    if(!is.null(min_val)) {
      if(length(min_val) != 1) stop("min_val must be of length 1")
      if(length(max_val) != 1) stop("max_val must be of length 1")
  if(var_type == "categorical"){
    # check that cats is of class character #
    if(!is.null(cats) & !inherits(cats, "character")) stop("'cats' must be a character string or vector of character strings")
  # implement filter #
  if(var_type == "quantitative"){
    # if both min and max are null #
    if(is.null(min_val) & is.null(max_val)){
      if(na.rm == TRUE){
        num_not_filtered = sum(object$emeta_value >= min_val & object$emeta_value <= max_val, na.rm = T)
        num_not_filtered = sum(object$emeta_value >= min_val & object$emeta_value <= max_val, na.rm = T) + sum(is.na(object$emeta_value))
      num_filtered = nrow(object) - num_not_filtered
      catmat <- list("Filter Variable"=var_name,"Minimum Value"=min_val, "Maximum Value"=max_val, "Filtered"=round(num_filtered,0), "Not Filtered"=round(num_not_filtered,0))
      class(catmat) <- c("summaryDefault", class(catmat))
  if(var_type == "categorical"){
    # if cats is null #
      res <- table(object$emeta_value)
      class(res) <- c("summaryDefault",class(res))
      if(na.rm == TRUE){
        num_not_filtered = sum(object$emeta_value %in% cats)
        num_not_filtered = sum(object$emeta_value %in% cats) + sum(is.na(object$emeta_value))
      num_filtered = nrow(object) - num_not_filtered
      catmat <- list("Filter Variable"=var_name,"Categories Kept"=paste(cats, collapse = ","), "Filtered"=round(num_filtered,0), "Not Filtered"=round(num_not_filtered,0))
      class(catmat) <- c("summaryDefault", class(catmat))
EMSL-Computing/fticRanalysis documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 3:57 a.m.