
Defines functions get_inits_hamstr hierarchical_depths get_smooth_i gamma_sigma_shape get_K_factor GetBrksHalfOffset GetIndices GetWts make_stan_dat_hamstr

Documented in gamma_sigma_shape GetBrksHalfOffset GetIndices get_inits_hamstr get_K_factor get_smooth_i GetWts hierarchical_depths make_stan_dat_hamstr

#' Make the data object required by the Stan sampler
#' @param ... Arguments passed from \code{\link{hamstr}}
#' @return a list of data and parameters to be passed as data to the Stan sampler
#' @keywords internal
make_stan_dat_hamstr <- function(...) {
  # take the calling environment and create the data required for stan
  l <- c(as.list(parent.frame()))
  # get defaults
  default.args <- formals(hamstr)
  default.arg.nms <- names(default.args)
  # Overwrite the defaults with non-null passed arguments
  l <- l[lapply(l, is.null) == FALSE]
  default.args[names(l)] <- l
  l <- default.args
  # expand hamstr_control
  hc.default.args <- formals(hamstr_control)
  hc.default.arg.nms <- names(hc.default.args)
  hc <- l$hamstr_control
  hc <- hc[lapply(hc, is.null) == FALSE]
  hc.default.args[names(hc)] <- hc
  hc <- hc.default.args
  l <- append(l, hc)
  l <- l[names(l)!= "hamstr.control"]
  if (is.null(l$acc_mean_prior)){
    d <- data.frame(depth = l$depth, obs_age = l$obs_age)
    acc_mean <- stats::coef(MASS::rlm(obs_age~depth, data = d))[2]
    acc_mean <- signif(acc_mean, 2)
    # if negative replace with 20
    if (acc_mean <= 0) {
      warning("Estimated mean accumulation rate is negative - using value = 20")
      acc_mean <- 20
    l$acc_mean_prior <- acc_mean
  ord <- order(l$depth)
  l$depth <- l$depth[ord]
  l$obs_age <- l$obs_age[ord]
  l$obs_err <- l$obs_err[ord]
  if (l$model_bioturbation == TRUE){
    # check parameters
    if (is.null(l$L_prior_sigma) == FALSE)
      message("L_prior_shape is being overriden by L_prior_sigma.")
    if (length(c(l$L_prior_sigma, l$L_prior_shape)) == 0)
      stop("One of either L_prior_sigma or L_prior_shape must be specified.
             Set either to 0 to impose a fixed mixing depth.")
    if ((length(l$n_ind) == 1 | length(l$n_ind) == length(l$obs_age)) == FALSE)
      stop("n_ind must be either a single value or a vector the same length as obs_age")
    if (length(l$n_ind == 1)) l$n_ind <- rep(l$n_ind, length(l$obs_age))
    l$n_ind <- l$n_ind[ord]
    if (is.null(l$L_prior_sigma) == FALSE) {
      if (l$L_prior_sigma == 0) l$L_prior_shape <- 0 else
        l$L_prior_shape <- gamma_sigma_shape(mean = l$L_prior_mean,
                                             sigma = l$L_prior_sigma)$shape
  } else if(l$model_bioturbation == FALSE){
    l$n_ind <- numeric(0)
  if (is.null(l$infl_sigma_sd)){
    l$infl_sigma_sd <- 10 * mean(l$obs_err)
  if (l$min_age > min(l$obs_age)) {
    warning("min_age is older than minimum obs_age")
  if (is.null(l$top_depth)) l$top_depth <- l$depth[1] #- buff
  if (is.null(l$bottom_depth)) l$bottom_depth <- utils::tail(l$depth, 1) #+ buff
  depth_range <- l$bottom_depth - l$top_depth
  if(l$top_depth > min(l$depth)) stop("top_depth must be above or equal to the shallowest data point")
  if(l$bottom_depth < max(l$depth)) stop("bottom_depth must be deeper or equal to the deepest data point")
  if (is.null(l$K_fine)){
    K_fine_1 <- l$bottom_depth - l$top_depth
    # set resolution so that there are only 16
    # sections between the median spaced 2 data points
    median.d.depth <- stats::median(diff(sort(unique(l$depth))))
    K_fine_2 <- round(16 * K_fine_1 / median.d.depth )
    K_fine <- min(c(K_fine_1, K_fine_2))
    # prevent default values higher than 900
    if (K_fine > 900) K_fine <- 900
    l$K_fine <- K_fine
  if (is.null(l$K_factor)){
    l$K_factor <- get_K_factor(l$K_fine)
  # Transformed arguments
  l$N <- length(l$depth)
  stopifnot(l$N == length(l$obs_err), l$N == length(l$obs_age))
  brks <- GetBrksHalfOffset(K_fine = l$K_fine, K_factor = l$K_factor)
  alpha_idx <- GetIndices(brks = brks)
  l$K_tot <- sum(alpha_idx$nK)
  l$K_fine <- utils::tail(alpha_idx$nK, 1)
  l$c <- 1:l$K_fine
  l$mem_alpha = l$mem_strength * l$mem_mean
  l$mem_beta = l$mem_strength * (1-l$mem_mean)
  l$mem_mean = l$mem_mean
  l$mem_strength = l$mem_strength
  l$delta_c = depth_range / l$K_fine
  l$c_depth_bottom = l$delta_c * l$c + l$top_depth
  l$c_depth_top = c(l$top_depth, l$c_depth_bottom[1:(l$K_fine-1)])
  l$modelled_depths <- c(l$c_depth_top[1], l$c_depth_bottom)
  # Index for which sections the target depth is in
  l$which_c = sapply(l$depth, function(d) which.max((l$c_depth_bottom < d) * (l$c_depth_bottom - d) ))
  l <- append(l, alpha_idx)
  l$n_lvls <- length(l$nK) -1
  l$scale_shape = as.numeric(l$scale_shape)
  l$model_bioturbation = as.numeric(l$model_bioturbation)
  l$model_displacement = as.numeric(l$model_displacement)
  l$smooth_s = as.numeric(l$smooth_s)
  l$model_hiatus = as.numeric(l$model_hiatus)
  if (is.null(l$H_top)) l$H_top = l$top_depth
  if (is.null(l$H_bottom)) l$H_bottom = l$bottom_depth
  if (l$smooth_s == 1){
    l$smooth_i <- get_smooth_i(l, l$L_prior_mean)
    l$I <- nrow(l$smooth_i)
  else {
    l$smooth_i <- rbind(rep(1, l$N))
    l$I <- 1

# Internal functions ---------

# new K_fine and parent calculation -----

#' Get Weights for Parent Sections
#' @param a Parent breaks
#' @param b Child breaks
#' @keywords internal
GetWts <- function(a, b){
  intvls <- lapply(seq_along(b)[-1], function(i) {
    b[c(i-1, i)]
  gaps <- lapply(intvls, function(x) {
    a[a >= x[1] & a <= x[2]]
  wts <- sapply(seq_along(intvls), function(i) {
    wts <- diff(unique(sort(c(gaps[[i]], intvls[[i]])))) / diff(range(sort(c(gaps[[i]], intvls[[i]]))))
    if (length(wts) == 1){rep(wts, 2)}else{wts}

#' Get Indices Structure For Hamstr Model from a Set of Breaks
#' @param nK List of number of breaks in each level
#' @param brks List of breakpoints in each level
#' @keywords internal
GetIndices <- function(nK = NULL, brks = NULL) {
  if (is.null(brks)){
    lvl <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(nK), function(i) rep(i, times = nK[i])))
    brks <- (lapply(nK, function(x) seq(0, 1, length.out = x + 1)))
  if (is.null(nK)){
    nK <- sapply(brks, length)-1
    lvl <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(nK), function(i) rep(i, times = nK[i])))
  # get the left hand parent
  parenta <- lapply(seq_along(brks)[-1], function(x) {
    sapply(1:(length(brks[[x]]) - 1), function(i) {
      cut(brks[[x]][c(i)], brks[[x - 1]],
          include.lowest = TRUE,
          right = FALSE, 
          labels = FALSE
  # get the right hand parent
  parentb <- lapply(seq_along(brks)[-1], function(x) {
    sapply(1:(length(brks[[x]]) - 1), function(i) {
      cut(brks[[x]][c(i+1)], brks[[x - 1]],
          include.lowest = TRUE,
          right = TRUE, 
          labels = FALSE
  parent1 <- lapply(seq_along(parenta), function(i){
    rbind(parenta[[i]], parentb[[i]])
  parent <- append(list(rbind(0,0)), parent1)
  cumNcol <- cumsum(sapply(seq_along(parent)[-1], function(i) max(parent[[i-1]])))
  # shift the index to account for previous levels
  parent <- lapply(seq_along(parent)[-1], function(x) {
    parent[[x]] + cumNcol[[x-1]] 
  # get the left/right weights
  wts <- lapply(seq_along(brks)[-1], function(i){
    GetWts(brks[[i-1]], brks[[i]])
  # collapse to single matrix
  parent <- do.call(cbind, parent)
  multi_parent_adj <- mean(apply(parent, 2, function(x) abs(diff(x))+1))
  wts <- do.call(cbind, wts)
  # make weights add to 1
  wts <- apply(wts, MARGIN = 2, function(x) x / sum(x)) 
  list(nK = nK,
       #K = sapply(brks, length),
       alpha_idx = 1:sum(nK),
       lvl = lvl, brks = brks,
       multi_parent_adj = multi_parent_adj,
       parent1 = as.numeric(parent[1,]),
       parent2 = as.numeric(parent[2,]),
       wts1 = as.numeric(wts[1,]),
       wts2 = as.numeric(wts[2,])

#' Get Overlapping Breaks Structure
#' @inheritParams hamstr
#' @keywords internal
GetBrksHalfOffset <- function(K_fine, K_factor){
  db_fine <- 1 / K_fine
  db <- db_fine
  brks <- list(
    seq(0, 1, by = db)
  n_br <- length(brks[[1]])
  n_sec <- n_br - 1
  newbrks <- brks[[1]]
  while (n_sec > 3){
    strt <- min(brks[[length(brks)]])
    end <- max(brks[[length(brks)]])
    n_new <- ceiling((n_sec+1)/K_factor)
    # in units of old sections
    l_new <- n_new * K_factor
    l_old <- n_sec 
    d_new_old <- l_new - l_old
    if (d_new_old %% 2 == 0){
      new_strt <- strt - db * (d_new_old-1)/ 2
    } else {
      new_strt <- strt - db * (d_new_old)/ 2
    newbrks <- seq(new_strt, by = db*K_factor, length.out = n_new+1)
    #newbrks <- unique(newbrks)
    brks <- c(brks, list(newbrks))
    db <- K_factor * db
    n_br <- length(newbrks)
    n_sec <- n_br -1
    #if (K_factor == n_sec){break} 
  brks <- c(brks, list(c(newbrks[1], tail(newbrks, 1))))
  brks <- rev(brks)

#' Get Default K_factor
#' @param K_fine The number of sections at the highest resolution
#' @keywords internal
get_K_factor <- function(K_fine){
  bar <- function(x, y){
    abs(y - x^x)

  ceiling(optimize(bar, c(1, (10 + log10(K_fine))), y = K_fine)$minimum)


#' Convert between parametrisations of the gamma distribution
#' @param mean Mean of gamma distribution
#' @param mode Mode of the gamma distribution
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of gamma distribution
#' @param shape Shape of gamma distribution
#' @return a list
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gamma_sigma_shape(mean = 10, sigma = 2)
#' }
gamma_sigma_shape <- function(mean = NULL, mode = NULL, sigma=NULL, shape=NULL){

  if (is.null(mean) & is.null(mode)) stop("One of either the mean or mode must be specified")
  if (is.null(shape) & is.null(sigma)) stop("One of either the shape or sigma must be specified")

  if (is.null(mean)==FALSE & is.null(mode)==FALSE) stop("Only one of the mean and mode can be specified")
  if (is.null(shape)==FALSE & is.null(sigma)==FALSE) stop("Only one of the shape and sigma can be specified")

  if (is.null(mean)){
    if (is.null(shape) == FALSE){
      if (shape <= 1) stop("Gamma cannot be defined by mode and shape if shape <= 1")
      mean <- (shape * mode) / (shape -1)
    } else if (is.null(shape)){

      # from mode and sigma
      rate = (mode + sqrt(mode^2 + 4*sigma^2)) / (2 * sigma^2)
      shape = 1 + mode * rate

      if (shape <= 1) stop("No solution for Gamma with this mode and sigma")
      mean <- (shape * mode) / (shape -1)

  if (is.null(sigma)){
    # from mean and shape
    rate <- shape / mean
    sigma <- sqrt(shape/(rate^2))
  } else if (is.null(shape)){
    # from mean and sigma
    rate <- mean / sigma^2
    shape <- mean^2 / sigma^2

  if (is.null(mode)){
   mode <- (shape - 1) / rate
   if (mode < 0) mode <- 0

  return(list(mean = mean, mode = mode, rate = rate, shape = shape, sigma = sigma))

#' Get Indices For Smoothing Accumulation Rates When Estimating L
#' @param d 
#' @param w 
#' @keywords internal
get_smooth_i <- function(d, w){

  w <- (w / d$delta_c )

  ri <- (-floor(w/2):floor(w/2))

  mi <- sapply(d$which_c, function(x) x + ri)

  mi[mi <= 0] <- abs(mi[mi <= 0]) +1

  #mi[mi > d$K_fine] <- mi[mi > d$K_fine]-(2*(mi[mi > d$K_fine] - d$K_fine)-1)
  mi[mi > d$K_fine] <- 2*d$K_fine - mi[mi > d$K_fine] +1

  if (any(mi > d$K_fine)) stop("Acc rate smoothing index > K_fine")
  if (any(mi < 1)) stop("Acc rate smoothing index < 1")

  if (is.matrix(mi) == FALSE) mi <- rbind(mi)



#' Calculated depth of section boundary at all hierarchical levels
#' @param stan_dat
#' @return a list of boundaries for the modelled sections
#' @keywords internal
hierarchical_depths <- function(stan_dat) {

  # make backward compatible with branching hamstr
  if (is.null(stan_dat$brks)) {
    get_brks <- function(stan_dat) {
      d_range <- diff(range(stan_dat$modelled_depths))
      min_d <- min(stan_dat$modelled_depths)

      delta_d <- d_range / stan_dat$nK

      lapply(stan_dat$nK[-1], function(x) {
        delta_d <- d_range / x

        c(min_d, delta_d * 1:x + min_d)

    stan_dat$brks <- get_brks(stan_dat)

  lapply(stan_dat$brks, function(x) {
      rng <- stan_dat$bottom_depth - stan_dat$top_depth

      tcks <- x * rng + stan_dat$top_depth

      tcks[tcks <= stan_dat$bottom_depth &
             tcks >= stan_dat$top_depth]


#' Create Random Initial Values for the hamstr Stan Model
#' @param stan_dat stan data for the hamstr model
#' @return a list of lists
#' @keywords internal
get_inits_hamstr <- function(stan_dat){

  # robust lm to get age0
  d <- data.frame(depth = stan_dat$depth, obs_age = stan_dat$obs_age)
  rlm1 <- MASS::rlm(obs_age~depth, data = d)
  sigma <- summary(rlm1)$sigma

  l <- list(
    R = stats::runif(1, 0.1, 0.9),

    # create starting alpha values +- 3 SD from the overal prior mean (but always +ve)
    alpha = with(stan_dat, abs(stats::rnorm(K_tot, acc_mean_prior, acc_mean_prior/3))),
    #record_acc_mean = (abs(rnorm(1, stan_dat$acc_mean_prior, stan_dat$acc_mean_prior/3))),

    age0 = as.numeric(
                     newdata = data.frame(depth = stan_dat$top_depth))
    ) + stats::rnorm(1, 0, sigma)


  if (l$age0 < stan_dat$min_age) l$age0 <- stan_dat$min_age + abs(stats::rnorm(1, 0, 2))

  # need to make this conditional and make sure initial values are arrays!
  if (stan_dat$inflate_errors == 1){
    l$infl_mean = as.array(abs(stats::rnorm(1, 0, 0.1)))
    l$infl_shape = as.array(1+abs(stats::rnorm(1, 0, 0.1)))
    l$infl = abs(stats::rnorm(stan_dat$N, 0, 0.1))
  } else {
    l$infl_mean = numeric(0)
    l$infl_sd = numeric(0)
    l$infl = numeric(0)

EarthSystemDiagnostics/baconr documentation built on Dec. 10, 2023, 4:35 a.m.