
# =============================================================================
# Utilities for Epiconcept
# =============================================================================

setGeneric("Plot", function(this, ...) {

setGeneric("ec.plot", function(this, ...) {

setGeneric("Close", function(this) {

ec.use <- function(df = "RAW", extension="csv", header=TRUE, sep=";", encoding="utf8", colClasses=NA) 
  if (extension == 'df') {
    data(list=c(as.name(df)), envir=.GlobalEnv);
    assign('GDS', eval(parse(text=df)), envir=.GlobalEnv);
    rm(list=c(df), envir=.GlobalEnv);
    x <- gc();
  else {
    rds = paste(df,"rds", sep=".");
    csv = paste(df,extension, sep=".");
    if (file.exists(rds)) {
      #GDS <<- readRDS(rds);
      assign('GDS', readRDS(rds), envir=.GlobalEnv);
    else if (file.exists(csv)) {
      assign('GDS', read.table(csv, header=header,
                               na.strings = "", sep=sep, encoding=encoding,

VAL <- function(varname)
  #GDS = get("GDS", envir=.GlobalEnv);

# freq <- function(x, by=NULL, where=NULL)
# {
#   if (is.character(by)) {
#     if (is.vector(where)) {
#       #R = data.frame(table(GDS[where, x], GDS[where, by]));
#       R = table(GDS[where, x], GDS[where, by]);
#       return(R)
#       names(R) <- c(x, by, "Freq");
#       return(R);
#     }
#     #R = data.frame(table(VAL(x), VAL(by)));
#     R = table(VAL(x), VAL(by));
#     #names(R) <- c(x, by, "Freq");
#     return(R);
#   }
#   if (is.vector(where)) {
#     R = data.frame(table(GDS[where, x]));
#     names(R) <- c(x, "Freq");
#     return(R);
#   }
#   R = data.frame(table(GDS[, x]));
#   names(R) <- c(x, "Freq");
#   return(R);
# }

ec.max <- function(x)
  C = class(GDS[, x]);
  if (C == "factor") {
    return(c("", "", "", ""));

  return(max(GDS[, x], na.rm=TRUE));

ec.min <- function(x)
  C = class(GDS[, x]);
  if (C == "factor") {
    return(c("", "", "", ""));

  return(min(GDS[, x], na.rm=TRUE));

ec.mean <- function(x)
  return(mean(GDS[, x], na.rm=TRUE));

ec.median <- function(x)
  return(median(GDS[, x], na.rm=TRUE));

ec.proportion <- function(c)

  DF <- p.proportion(GDS[,c], c)
  digits =  c(0,0,0,4,4,5,5);
  align  =  c("l","c","c","r","r","r","r");
  ec.xtable(DF, digits=digits, align=align)

computeRiskCI <- function(risk, X1, N1, X2, N2)
  A = ((N1-X1)/X1)/N1;
  B = ((N2-X2)/X2)/N2;
  R1 = log(risk) + (1.96*sqrt(A + B));
  R2 = log(risk) - (1.96*sqrt(A + B));
  E1 = exp(R1);
  E2 = exp(R2);
  return(c(E2, E1));

rr <- function(Tb)
  TE = Tb[2,1]+Tb[2,2];
  TU = Tb[1,1]+Tb[1,2];
  CE = Tb[2,2];
  CU = Tb[1,2];
  TO = TE + TU;
  RE = CE / TE;
  RU = CU / TU;
  RR  = RE/RU;
  CI = computeRiskCI(RR, CE, TE, CU, TU);
  RRCIL = CI[1];
  RRCIH = CI[2];
  return(c(RR, RRCIL, RRCIH))

rr2 <- function(Tb)
  TE = Tb[2,1]+Tb[2,2];
  TU = Tb[1,1]+Tb[1,2];
  CE = Tb[2,2];
  CU = Tb[1,2];
  TO = TE + TU;

#   X   The number of disease occurence among exposed cohort.
#   Y	  The number of disease occurence among non-exposed cohort.
#   m1  The number of individuals in exposed cohort group.
#   m2  The number of individuals in non-exposed cohort group.
#   conf.level  Probability for confidence intervals. Default is 0.95.

  R <- riskratio(CE, CU, TE, TU, conf.level=0.95)
  return(c(R$estimate, R$conf.int[1], R$conf.int[2]))

# ========================================================================
# ========================================================================
# Comppute ODDS ratio
# -------------------
or <- function(.T)
  O <- (.T[2,2]/.T[2,1]) / (.T[1,2]/.T[1,1]);
  x <- matrix(.T, 2, byrow = TRUE);
  R <- fisher.test(x);
  CIL <- R$conf.int[1];
  CIH <- R$conf.int[2];
  return(c(O, CIL, CIH));

CC_AR <- function(C)
  T = epi.2by2(dat=C, method="case.control");
  S <- summary(T);
  return(c(S$AFest[1], S$AFest[2], S$AFest[3]));

CC_PAR <- function(C)
  .T = epi.2by2(dat=C, method="case.control", outcome="as.columns");
  S <- summary(.T);

CC_STATS <- function(C)
  .T = epi.2by2(dat=C, method="case.control", outcome="as.columns", homogeneity="woolf");
  S <- summary(.T);

CS_STATS <- function(C)
  .T = epi.2by2(dat=C, method="cohort.count", outcome="as.columns");
  S <- summary(.T);

computeOddsRatioCI <- function(O, a,b,c,d)
  LNO = log(O);
  R1 = sqrt((1/a)+(1/b)+(1/c)+(1/d));
  CIL = exp(LNO - 1.96 * R1);
  CIH = exp(LNO + 1.96 * R1);
  return(c(CIL, CIH));

computeExactORCI <- function(a,b,c,d)
  x <- matrix(c(a, b, c, d), 2, byrow = TRUE);
  R <- fisher.test(x);
  CIL <- R$conf.int[1];
  CIH <- R$conf.int[2];
  return(c(CIL, CIH, R$p.value));

computeDiffRiskCI <- function(RE, RU, NE, NU)
  A = RE - RU;
  B = (RE * (1-RE))/NE;
  C = (RU * (1-RU))/NU;
  D = 1.96*sqrt(B + C);
  R1 = A + D;
  R2 = A - D;
  return(c(R2, R1));

GetStrateVector <- function(A) {
  CE = A[2,2]    ; # Cases exposed
  CU = A[1,2]    ; # Cases unexposed
  HE = A[2,1]    ; # Healthy exposed
  HU = A[1,1]    ; # Healthy unexposed

  TE = CE + HE   ; # Total exposed
  TU = CU + HU   ; # Total unexposed
  TS = TE + TU   ; # Total strate
  H  = HU + HE   ; # Total healthy
  C  = CU + CE   ; # Total cases
  c(CE, CU, HE, HU, TE, TU, TS, H, C)

MANTEL_RR <- function(M) {
  colnames(M) <- c("CE", "CU", "HE", "HU", "TE", "TU", "TS", "H", "C")
  df <- data.frame(M)
  R1 = sum((df$CE * df$TU) / df$TS)
  R2 = sum((df$CU * df$TE) / df$TS)
  rrmh = R1 / R2
  R <- vector()
  for(I in 1:nrow(df)) {
    d2 = df[I, "TS"]^2
    V = ((df[I,"C"]*df[I,"TE"]*df[I,"TU"]) - (df[I,"CE"]*df[I,"CU"]*df[I,"TS"])) / d2
    R <- c(R, V)
  NUMER = sum(R)
  DENOM = R1 * R2
  RES = sqrt(NUMER / DENOM)

  L = log(rrmh) - (1.96 * RES);
  H = log(rrmh) + (1.96 * RES);
  CIL = exp(L);
  CIH = exp(H);

  c(rrmh, CIL, CIH)  

CMHrr <- function(A, B)
  # Stratum 1 =====================
  Ce1 = A[2,2]    ; # Cases exposed
  Cu1 = A[1,2]    ; # Cases unexposed
  He1 = A[2,1]    ; # Healthy exposed
  Hu1 = A[1,1]    ; # Healthy unexposed

  Te1 = Ce1 + He1 ; # Total exposed
  Tu1 = Cu1 + Hu1 ; # Total unexposed
  T1  = Te1 + Tu1 ; # Total strate 1
  H1  = Hu1 + He1 ; # Total healthy
  C1  = Cu1 + Ce1 ; # Total cases
  # Stratum 2 =====================
  Ce2 = B[2,2]    ; # Cases exposed
  Cu2 = B[1,2]    ; # Cases unexposed
  He2 = B[2,1]    ; # Healthy exposed
  Hu2 = B[1,1]    ; # Healthy unexposed

  Te2 = Ce2 + He2 ; # Total exposed
  Tu2 = Cu2 + Hu2 ; # Total unexposed
  T2  = Te2 + Tu2 ; # Total strate 2
  H2  = Hu2 + He2 ; # Total healthy
  C2  = Cu2 + Ce2 ; # Total cases

  R1 = ((Ce1 * Tu1) / T1) + ((Ce2 * Tu2) / T2);
  R2 = ((Cu1 * Te1) / T1) + ((Cu2 * Te2) / T2);
  rrmh = R1 / R2;

  R3 = ((C1*Te1*Tu1) - (Ce1*Cu1*T1)) / T1^2;
  R4 = ((C2*Te2*Tu2) - (Ce2*Cu2*T2)) / T2^2; 
  R5 = R3 + R4;
  R6 = R5 / (R1 * R2);
  R7 = sqrt(R6);
  L = log(rrmh) - (1.96 * R7);
  H = log(rrmh) + (1.96 * R7);
  CIL = exp(L);
  CIH = exp(H);
  return(c(rrmh, CIL, CIH));

MH_HomogeneityTest <- function(mht)
  T = epi.2by2(dat=mht, homogeneity="woolf");
  S <- summary(T);
  return(c(S$RR.homog[1], S$RR.homog[3]));

computeKHI2 <- function(A, B, C, D)
  t <- chisq.test(matrix(c(A,B,C,D),ncol=2), correct=FALSE);
  return(c(t$statistic, t$p.value));

# =============================================================================
# Age functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

.getAge <- function(X, Y, unit="year")
  if (unit == "year") {
    return(as.integer(floor((Y - X) / 365.25)));
  if (unit == "month") {
    return(as.integer(floor((Y - X) / 30.437)));
  if (unit == "week") {
    return(as.integer(floor((Y - X) / 7)));
  if (unit == "day") {
    return (as.integer(Y - X));
  stop("Bad period for addAgeVar!")

gdsAddAgeVar <- function(varname, birthdate, onsetdate, unit="year")
  X <- as.Date(GDS[,birthdate]);
  if (onsetdate %in% colnames(GDS)) {
    Y = as.Date(GDS[,onsetdate]);
  else {
    Y = as.Date(onsetdate)
  X_AGE <- .getAge(X, Y, unit);
  GDS <<- cbind(GDS, X_AGE);
  gdsRenameCol("X_AGE", varname);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
createAgeScale  <- function(x, lower = 0, upper=100, by = 10, sep = "-", above.char = "+") {
  if (by == 1) {
    labs <- c(seq(lower, upper, by = by))
  else {
    labs <- c(paste(seq(lower, upper - by, by = by),
                    seq(lower + by - 1, upper - 1, by = by),
                    sep = sep),
              paste(upper, above.char, sep = ""))
  cut(floor(x), breaks = c(seq(lower, upper, by = by), Inf),
      right = FALSE, labels = labs)

toFactor <- function(column, cut=3)
  R <- cut(GDS[,column], breaks = cut);
  cmd = sprintf("transform(GDS, %s = R)", column);
  return (eval(parse(text = cmd)));

printHTML <- function(x, ..., digits = 0, include.rownames = TRUE, 
  # print html table with customized header, 
  # without permanently changing column names of the dataframe
  origHeader <- names(x)
  names(x) <- header
  print(xtable(x, digits = digits, ...), 
        type = 'html', include.rownames = include.rownames)
  names(x) <- origHeader

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
deviceOn <- function(name, format="png", width=700, heigth=0)
  W = width / 90;
  fname <- paste(name, format, sep=".");
  if (format == "svg") {
    svg(filename=fname, width=W);
  else if (format == "png") {
    png(filename=fname, width=W);
  else if (format == "jpeg") {
    jpeg(filename=fname, width=W);
  else if (format == "pdf") {
    pdf(filename=fname, width=W);

getDataset <- function(csvname="DATA", extension="csv")
  rda = paste(csvname,"Rdata", sep=".");
  csv = paste(csvname,extension, sep=".");
  if (file.exists(rda)) {
    GDS <<- readRDS(rda);
  if (file.exists(csv)) {
    GDS <<- read.csv(csv, na.strings = "");
  msg <- sprintf("File [%s] not found in current directory!", csv);

# x <- matrix(c(158, 27, 7,94), 2, byrow = TRUE)
#epi.2by2(dat=mht1, method="cohort.count", conf.level = 0.95, units = 100, homogeneity = "breslow.day",outcome = "as.columns")
#mhor(GDS$ill, GDS$wmousse, GDS$tira)
Epiconcept-Paris/Epiconcepts documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:49 p.m.