# Import-Export Functions ##
# The below functions are used for data:
# import-export
# error checking
# converting raw units to standard AquaFlux
# general data wrangling
# set up
# data restoration
# Nothing related to UI, plotting, or hardcore computations
# Load previous set up ##
.fill.this.vector = function(y,z){
n = length(z)
if (n>0){ y[1:n] = z }
.load.site.metadata= function(v){
v$save.dir = paste(v$AquaFlux.work.dir, "/Current Saves", sep="")
x = read.csv(v$tag.site.matadata, stringsAsFactors = F)
################ one.liners
# met
v$save.dir = .pull.this.vector(x$save.dir)
v$final.dir = .pull.this.vector(x$final.dir)
v$graph.dir = .pull.this.vector(x$graph.dir)
# met & units -changes
v$met.dir = .pull.this.vector(x$met.dir )
v$dT.units = .pull.this.vector(x$dT.units) # works
v$met.air.temp.label = .pull.this.vector(x$met.air.temp.label )#, crash
v$met.air.temp.units = .pull.this.vector(x$met.air.temp.units)
v$met.RH.label = .pull.this.vector(x$met.RH.label)
v$met.RH.units = .pull.this.vector(x$met.RH.units)
# data structure
v$max.gap.length = .pull.this.vector(x$max.gap.length )
v$min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file = .pull.this.vector(x$min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file)
v$delim.sep = .pull.this.vector(x$delim.sep)
v$number.of.before.headers = .pull.this.vector(x$number.of.before.headers)
v$number.of.lines.before.data = .pull.this.vector(x$number.of.lines.before.data)
# time data - changes
v$study.year = .pull.this.vector(x$study.year)
v$selected.timestamp.format = .pull.this.vector(x$selected.timestamp.format)
v$dT.ts.name = .pull.this.vector(x$dT.ts.name )# crash
v$met.ts.name = .pull.this.vector(x$met.ts.name) # crash
# mulit
v$nonsapflux.columns = .pull.this.vector(x$nonsapflux.columns)
v$site.names = .pull.this.vector(x$site.names)
v$dt.dir = .pull.this.vector(x$dt.dir)
# calib
v$alpha = 118.99 * 10^(-6)
v$beta = 1.231
# Export
x = x[is.na(x)==F]
.setup.fix.AquaFlux.work.dir = function(a){
# do you end in "\\"?
x = substr(a, nchar(a)-1,nchar(a))
if (x=="\\"){ a = substr(a, 1,nchar(a)-2) } # cut off the last two char
# do you end in "/"?
x = substr(a, nchar(a),nchar(a))
if (x=="/"){ a = substr(a, 1,nchar(a)-1) } # cut off the last char
# export
.save.site.metadata= function(v){
# ####### Define & create the directory where you want your in-process data to be saved:
# do you have a "/"
v$AquaFlux.work.dir = .setup.fix.AquaFlux.work.dir(v$AquaFlux.work.dir)
# Define the directory where you AquaFlux to save your data:
v$save.dir = paste(v$AquaFlux.work.dir, "/Current Saves", sep="")
# Define the directory where you want your final data to be saved:
v$final.dir = paste(v$AquaFlux.work.dir, "/Final Data", sep="")
# Define the directory where you want your final data plots to be stored.
v$graph.dir = paste(v$AquaFlux.work.dir, "/Graphs", sep="")
dir.create(v$save.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(v$final.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(v$graph.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
one.liners = data.frame(
save.dir = v$save.dir,
final.dir = v$final.dir,
graph.dir = v$graph.dir,
# met & units -changes
met.dir = v$met.dir,
dT.units = v$dT.units, # works
met.air.temp.label = v$met.air.temp.label, #, crash
met.air.temp.units = v$met.air.temp.units ,
met.RH.label = v$met.RH.label,
met.RH.units = v$met.RH.units,
# data structure
max.gap.length = v$max.gap.length ,
min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file = v$min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file,
delim.sep = v$delim.sep,
number.of.before.headers = v$number.of.before.headers,
number.of.lines.before.data = v$number.of.lines.before.data,
# time data - changes
study.year = v$study.year,
selected.timestamp.format = v$selected.timestamp.format,
dT.ts.name = v$dT.ts.name, # crash
met.ts.name = v$met.ts.name # crash
# find max number of lines
x = c(length(v$nonsapflux.columns), length(v$site.names),
max.x = max(x)
###### make things that right length
# 1 lines
y = data.frame( matrix(NA, nrow= max.x - 1, ncol=ncol(one.liners)) )
names(y) = names(one.liners)
one.liners.mat = rbind( one.liners, y)
# multi
y = rep(NA, times = max.x)
nonsapflux.columns = .fill.this.vector(y,z=v$nonsapflux.columns)
site.names = .fill.this.vector(y,z=v$site.names)
dt.dir = .fill.this.vector(y,z=v$dt.dir)
#### combine
z = data.frame(
nonsapflux.columns =nonsapflux.columns,
site.metadata = cbind(one.liners.mat,z)
# save it
write.csv(site.metadata,file=v$tag.site.matadata, row.names=F)
# Save data
.save.one.file = function( data.to.save, tag, is.Tmax,v){
# save it
if (is.Tmax==T){
d.clean = data.to.save
} else{
d.clean = cbind(PDate,data.to.save)
name1 = paste( study.year, tag, Sys.time() )
name1 = gsub(":", ".", name1)
write.csv(d.clean, paste( name1, ".csv", sep="" ), row.names=F )
# clean dir
jj = paste(study.year, tag); .clean.save.dir(jj,study.year,PDate,save.dir,number.of.saves.to.keep)
.clean.save.dir = function(jj,study.year,PDate,save.dir,number.of.saves.to.keep){
file.list = list.files(save.dir,recursive=T,jj)
file.list = sort(file.list, decreasing=T)
if ( length(file.list) > number.of.saves.to.keep ){
delete.file.list = file.list[ (number.of.saves.to.keep+1) : (length(file.list))]
for ( n in delete.file.list){ file.remove(n) }
.save.AquaFlux= function(v){
# save files
.save.one.file(v$dT.data, v$tag.dT.clean,F,v)
.save.one.file(v$Tmax.data, v$tag.Tmax, T,v)
time.last.save = Sys.time()
#.save.one.file(sapflux.data, .tag.flux, F) # Not going to bother saving this since it's constantly re-calced.
#if (exists("flag.data")==T){ .save.one.file(flag.data, .tag.flag, F) }
# save log
.auto.save.check = function(v){ # this will auto-save your work every 5 turns
current.time = Sys.time()
time.diff = difftime( current.time, v$time.last.save, units=c("mins"))
if ( time.diff > 5){
time.last.save = .save.AquaFlux(v)
} else {
time.last.save = v$time.last.save
# Set Up
# Set up functions - step 1 ##
.setup1.finish.errorCheck = function(v){
v$output.message = "The above looks good. Next questions...";
v$import.status = "ReadyForNew2"
# check that file paths are valid
x = try( setwd(v$AquaFlux.work.dir) ,silent=T); if (class(x)=="try-error"){
output.message = "ERROR: invalid saving file path"
v$import.status = "ReadyForNew1"
x = try( setwd(v$met.dir) ,silent=T); if (class(x)=="try-error"){
output.message = "ERROR: invalid meteorological data file path"
v$import.status = "ReadyForNew1"
for (i in v$dt.dir){
x = try( setwd(i) ,silent=T);
if (class(x)=="try-error"){
output.message = paste("ERROR: invalid data file path:",i)
v$import.status = "ReadyForNew1"
# number of dirs and names the same
if ( length(v$site.names)!=length(v$dt.dir) ) {
output.message = "ERROR: number of site names and number of directories not equal"
v$import.status = "ReadyForNew1"
# export
.setup1.finish = function(v){
# check these were entered
v = .setup1.finish.errorCheck(v)
if (v$output.message =="The above looks good. Next questions..." ){
v = .read.in.raw.data(v)
.brute.combine= function(jj,sn,number.of.lines.before.data, number.of.before.headers,delim.sep,min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file){
file.list = list.files( recursive=T)
#j=0; j.max = length(file.list); pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = j.max, style = 3) # for progress bar
k = file.list[1]
for (k in file.list){
file.to.import <<- k;
# j=j+1; setTxtProgressBar(pb, j) # update progress bar
na.strings = c("NA","NAN") )
# bigger than min file columns?
if (dim(x)[2]>min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file ){
# name them
if ( .start.a.data.file == 1 ) { # if you have not yet started a file
names(x)=names.dx # name it
} else {
# get the names
number.of.before.headers <<- number.of.before.headers
skip=number.of.before.headers ,
na.strings = c("NA","NAN") )
# save the names
# if merge them
if ( .start.a.data.file == 1 ) { # if you have not yet started a file
d= rbind(d,x)
} else {
d = x;
d <<- d
if (exists(file.to.import)==T){rm(file.to.import)}
.combine.site.data = function(wd,jj,sn,number.of.lines.before.data, number.of.before.headers,delim.sep, min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file){
###### combine site data: combines all the files from one site into one master file
# import all the files and combine to one gaint thing
.brute.combine(jj,sn,number.of.lines.before.data, number.of.before.headers,delim.sep, min.number.of.columns.in.a.data.file)
# clean basics
# clear null TIMESTAMPS
have.TIMESTAMP.col = sum( names(d)=="TIMESTAMP")>0
if (have.TIMESTAMP.col){
d= d[ is.na(d$TIMESTAMP)==F, ] # missing time stamp
d= d[ duplicated(d)==F, ]; dim(d) # delete obvious duplicates
d=d[ , is.na(names(d))==F ]
# export
.import.met.data = function(v){
# intialize
wd = v$met.dir
.start.a.data.file <<- 0
#### Actually read in the data
met.data = .combine.site.data(wd,jj=1,sn="",
# clean up
rm(file.to.import,envir = .GlobalEnv)
# export
.import.raw.dT.data = function(v){
####### Handle raw data: this command combines ALL RAW data and makes it pretty
start.a.data.file <<- 0
# get data from each site and combine them into a dataframe named "d.merge"
jj=1 # length(site.names) 1:length(site.names)
for (jj in 1:length(v$site.names) ) {
# get this site's names
sd = v$dt.dir[jj]
sn= v$site.names[jj]
# pull in that site's data
d = .combine.site.data(sd,jj,sn,
new.names = paste( sn ,names(d),sep="_") # re-name to include site name
name.x = paste( sn ,"TIMESTAMP",sep="_")
new.names[new.names==name.x] = "TIMESTAMP"
xx = d
names(xx)= new.names
# merge it
if (jj==1){ d.merge=xx; }
if (jj>1){
x = d.merge
d.merge= d.merge[ duplicated(d.merge$TIMESTAMP)==F, ]
.read.in.raw.data = function(v){
v$raw.met.data = .import.met.data(v)
v$raw.dT.data = .import.raw.dT.data(v)
# export
v$n.met.data = names(v$raw.met.data)
v$n.dT.data = names(v$raw.dT.data)
# Set up functions - step 2 ## Mal interrpt
# calc sapflux
.get.local.data = function(v){
if (is.null(v$tree.name)==F){ # v$tree.name!="none" & is.na(v$tree.name)==F
# time and tree
tree.number = match(v$tree.name,names(v$dT.data))
v$tree.number = tree.number
cc.time = v$LDate>=v$min.DOY & v$LDate<=v$max.DOY;
v$cc.time = cc.time
# essentail ts's
v$LDate.local = v$LDate[cc.time]
v$dT.local = v$dT.data[cc.time,tree.number]
# export
# Restore data
# back up the restores...
# data restoration functions
.excute.restore = function(v,backup){
# needs: tree.number, cc.time, dT.local
# change local
v$tree.number = backup$tree.number
v$cc.time = backup$cc.time
v$LDate.local = v$LDate[v$cc.time]
v$dT.local = backup$dT.local
# change global
v$dT.data[v$cc.time,v$tree.number] = v$dT.local
# change button back
v$qaqc.manual = "none"
v$restore.option= "none"
.restore.undo = function(v){
if (length(v$backup$dT.local)>0){
backup = v$backup
v = .excute.restore(v,backup)
v$restore.option= "none"
# erase backup
v$backup = NULL
.restore.all = function(v){
# backup filtered data
v$backup= .qaqc.backup(v)
# make the backup list
backup = list()
backup$tree.number = v$tree.number
backup$cc.time = v$cc.time
backup$dT.local = v$raw.data[ v$cc.time, v$tree.number]
# excute
v = .excute.restore(v,backup)
.restore.between = function(v,thres){
if (is.null(v$bx)==T) { # if you don't have any between.points saved
v$bx = thres$x # save it
} else { # if you have 1 point saved, and now two
# get range
b.range = sort(c( v$bx ,thres$x) ) # save the range
v$bx = NULL # null it out
# back up -- can't do with multipe (I need to right the restore function)
### v$backup= .qaqc.backup(v)
######### make backup item -- tree.number
backup = list()
backup$tree.number = v$tree.number
######### cc.time
# cc.time: the whole window
backup$cc.time = v$cc.time
# cc.time.sec: the restore section
cc.time.sec = v$LDate >= b.range[1] & v$LDate <= b.range[2]
######## dT data
# the filtered
backup$dT.local = v$dT.data[ v$cc.time, v$tree.number]
# plug in the restored part (get from raw data)
backup$dT.local[cc.time.sec] = v$raw.data[ cc.time.sec, v$tree.number]
# excute
v = .excute.restore(v,backup)
# Import
# the master function: finish importing
.finish.importing = function(v){
# get the raw data and it's time vectors
v = .polish.raw.import(v)
# get small stuff
v = .import.small.data(v)
# merge old and new
v = .merge.old.and.new.dT.data(v)
# export
# raw import
.handle.raw.time.import = function(v){
#### make it the right format and only get 1 year
v$raw.met.data = .pull.out.1.year(d=v$raw.met.data, v, this.name=v$met.ts.name)
v$raw.dT.data = .pull.out.1.year(d=v$raw.dT.data, v, this.name=v$dT.ts.name)
# make time vectors
v$raw.met.data = .make.PDate(v$raw.met.data)
v$raw.dT.data = .make.PDate(v$raw.dT.data)
## align time & clean up
v$raw.met.data = .align.met.data(v$raw.met.data, v$raw.dT.data, v)
v = .color.timestamp(v)
.check.if.read.in.raw = function(v){
if (exists("v$raw.met.data")==F){ v$raw.met.data = .import.met.data(v); }
if (exists("v$raw.dT.data")==F){ v$raw.dT.data = .import.raw.dT.data(v); }
# v$raw.dT.data
} # checked
# load smaller files
.import.small.data = function(v){
# handle Tmax
v= .import.get.Tmax(v)
# handle log.deletion
v= .get.log.deletion(v)
# handle flag data
#v= .get.flag.data(v)
# export
.polish.raw.import = function(v){
# This function handles your raw data.
# No data-data taken from v (besides metadata)
### make sure you have raw data
v = .check.if.read.in.raw(v)
v$raw.dT.data$JDate = NULL
#### make time vectors: LDate, PDate, time.col. Make sure it's 1 year, properly formated
v = .handle.raw.time.import(v)
# get sapflux and nonsapflux i's and names
v = .get.sapflux.columns(v )
## handle units and calc VPD
v$raw.dT.data = .convert.dT.to.C(v$raw.dT.data,v, v$sapflux.col.i)
v$raw.met.data = .calc.VPD(v$raw.met.data,v)
### interpolate met data & export
v$met.data = v$raw.met.data
v$raw.met.data = NULL
v$met.data = .interpolate.met.data(v$met.data,v)
# get local
v$tree.number = v$sapflux.col.i[1]
# v = .get.local.data(v)
# export: has time vectors, dT and met upgraded
# merge old and new
.merge.old.and.new.dT.data = function(v){
# read in previous data
v$dT.data.previous = .read.in.previous.save(v$tag.dT.clean, keep.PDate=T,v)
v$raw.dT.previous = .read.in.previous.save(v$tag.dT.raw, keep.PDate=T,v)
does.previous.data.exist = length(v$dT.data.previous)!=1
# if it exists, merge it
if (does.previous.data.exist==F){
v = .import.clean.fresh.import(v)
} else {
v = .actually.merge.old.and.new.dT.data(v)
v = .import.finish.merger(v)
.import.clean.fresh.import = function(v){
# clean dT and do time
dT.data = v$raw.dT.data
# dT.data = .polish.previous.import(dT.data,v)
dT.data$PDate <- NULL
dT.data$JDate <- NULL
dT.data$LDate <- NULL
# 8) save dT
v$raw.data = dT.data
v$dT.data = dT.data
# delete
v$dT.data.previous = NULL
v$raw.data.previous = NULL
v$raw.dT.data = NULL
# if (do.flags==T){ flag.data <<- resized.flags }
# export
.import.finish.merger = function(v){
# 8.5) Update min.DOY and max.DOY
v = .update.doy.slider(v)
v$min.DOY.global = floor(min(v$LDate))
v$max.DOY.global = ceiling(max(v$LDate))
v$min.DOY = v$min.DOY.global
v$max.DOY = v$max.DOY.global
v$sapflux.names = v$sapflux.names[ v$sapflux.names!="JDate"]
v$dT.data$JDate = NULL
v$raw.data$JDate = NULL
# 9) calc sapflux
# v = .calc.all.sapflux(v) # this does access all the data multiple times and takes a second
# 10) save it
v$time.last.save = .save.AquaFlux(v)
.save.one.file(v$raw.data, v$tag.dT.raw,F,v)
# 10.5) number of points in a day (on average)
median.time.diff = median(diff(v$LDate),na.rm=T) # in partial doy
v$measurements.in.a.day = round( 1 / median.time.diff )
# 11) export
.actually.merge.old.and.new.dT.data = function(v){
# 1) Handle new data
dT.data = v$dT.data
raw.data = v$raw.dT.data
PDate = v$PDate
raw.data$JDate = NULL
updated.dT = raw.data
# 2) Handle previous data
dT.data.previous = v$dT.data.previous
raw.dT.previous = v$raw.dT.previous
dT.data.previous = .polish.previous.import(dT.data.previous,v)
dT.data.previous$JDate = NULL
PDate.previous = dT.data.previous$PDate
dT.data.previous$PDate <- NULL
dT.data.previous$TIMESTAMP <- NULL
raw.dT.previous$PDate <- NULL
raw.dT.previous$TIMESTAMP <- NULL
# 3) resave dT.data.previous to have the same size as raw.data
x = matrix( nrow=nrow(raw.data), ncol=ncol(raw.data))
x = as.data.frame(x)
names(x) = names(raw.data)
resized.dT.data.previous = x # raw.data*NA # blank slate
resized.raw.data.previous = x # raw.data*NA # blank slate
row.matches = match(PDate.previous,PDate ) # match row indexs
resized.dT.data.previous[row.matches,] = dT.data.previous
resized.raw.data.previous[row.matches,] = raw.dT.previous
# 4) set up progress bar to merge previous and the new raw
j=0; j.max = length(names(dT.data.previous)) # for progress bar
# pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = j.max, style = 3) # for progress bar
# 5) actually do the merger
for ( n in names(raw.dT.previous) ) {
# j=j+1; setTxtProgressBar(pb, j) # update progress bar
cc = n==names(raw.data)
# if you have previous data
if (sum(cc)>0){
# 6) Determine which times had raw data previously, but are NA in the
was.deleted = is.na(resized.dT.data.previous[,cc] )==T & is.na(resized.raw.data.previous[,cc] )==F
# 7) Delete those times from updated.dT
updated.dT[was.deleted,cc] = NA
# 8) clean things up
v$dT.data = updated.dT
v$raw.data = raw.data
v$dT.data.previous = NULL
v$raw.data.previous = NULL
# if (do.flags==T){ flag.data <<- resized.flags }
# export
.polish.previous.import = function(dT.data.previous,v){
dT.data.previous$TIMESTAMP = dT.data.previous$PDate
dT.data.previous = .convert.TIMESTAMP(dT.data.previous,v)
dT.data.previous = .make.PDate(dT.data.previous)
dT.data.previous$TIMESTAMP <- NULL
dT.data.previous$JDate <- NULL
dT.data.previous$LDate <- NULL
.update.doy.slider = function(v){
v$min.DOY.global = floor(min(v$LDate))
v$max.DOY.global = ceiling(max(v$LDate))
v$min.DOY = v$min.DOY.global
v$max.DOY = v$max.DOY.global
# Import sub-functions
# mini functions handle time
.convert.TIMESTAMP = function(d,v){#cow
############# actually convert time
t1 = strptime(d$TIMESTAMP, format=v$standard.time.format, tz="UTC") # convert to time step
cc = is.na(t1)==T
t1[cc] = strptime(d$TIMESTAMP[cc], format=v$alternate.time.format, tz="UTC") # convert to time step
cc = is.na(t1)==T
t1[cc] = strptime(d$TIMESTAMP[cc], format=v$third.time.format, tz="UTC") # convert to time step
cc = is.na(t1)==T
# if (v$selected.timestamp.format!="none"){
t1[cc] = strptime(d$TIMESTAMP[cc], format=v$selected.timestamp.format, tz="UTC") # convert to time step
cc = is.na(t1)==T
# check if you got them all
if( sum(is.na(t1)==T)>0 ){
print( paste( "Fatal error-- Unknown time format in file") ) # keep p statement
print(d$TIMESTAMP[ cc ])
# export
} # checked
.pull.out.1.year= function(d,v,this.name){
# rename column to be TIMESTAMP
d$TIMESTAMP = d[,names(d)==this.name]
# use strptime
d = .convert.TIMESTAMP(d,v)
# filter for only this year
y = as.numeric(format(d$TIMESTAMP,format="%Y"))
d = d[y==v$study.year,]
# remove duplicates
d= d[ duplicated(d)==F, ]; dim(d) # delete obvious duplicates
# order
d = d[order(d$TIMESTAMP),]
# export
} # checked
.make.PDate = function(d){
JDate = as.numeric(format(PDate,format="%j"))
h = as.numeric(format(PDate,format="%H"))
m = as.numeric(format(PDate,format="%M"))
hour <- h/24 + m/(24*60) # hour or partail day (0.5 = noon)
LDate = JDate+hour # linear day
# export
d$PDate = PDate
d$JDate = JDate
d$LDate = LDate
} # checked
.color.timestamp = function(v){
# export important vector
raw.dT.data = v$raw.dT.data
v$LDate = raw.dT.data$LDate
v$PDate = raw.dT.data$PDate
# make hour
h = as.numeric(format(v$PDate,format="%H"))
m = as.numeric(format(v$PDate,format="%M"))
hour <- h/24 + m/(24*60) # hour or partail day (0.5 = noon)
# make the time colors
time.col[ hour<=4/24 ] = "red"
time.col[ hour>=4/24 & hour<8/24 ] = "orange"
time.col[ hour>=8/24 & hour<12/24 ] = "green"
time.col[ hour>=12/24 & hour<16/24 ] = "darkgreen"
time.col[ hour>=16/24 & hour<20/24 ] = "blue"
time.col[ hour>=20/24 & hour<24/24 ] = "purple"
v$time.col = time.col
# clean up
raw.dT.data$PDate = NULL
raw.dT.data$LDate = NULL
raw.dT.data$raw.dT.data = NULL
v$raw.dT.data = raw.dT.data
# export
} # checked
.align.met.data = function(met.data,dT.data,v){
met.data$LDate = round(met.data$LDate,3)
met.data$PDate = NULL
dT.data$LDate.orginal = dT.data$LDate
dT.data$LDate = round(dT.data$LDate,3)
dT.data = dT.data[order(dT.data$PDate),]
# combine
x = data.frame(TIMESTAMP=dT.data$TIMESTAMP, JDate=dT.data$JDate,
LDate=dT.data$LDate, PDate=dT.data$PDate )
met.sync = merge(x=x, y=met.data, all.x=T,all.y=F)
##### clean up
met.sync$PDate = NULL
met.sync$LDate.orginal = NULL
# get rid of sapflow data
} # checked
# convert units
.get.airT.in.C = function(met.data,v){
##### get the data
if (v$met.air.temp.label=="<No Air T data>"){
# if you have no data, make a vector of NA's
airT = rep(NA, nrow(met.data))
} else {
airT = met.data[, names(met.data)==v$met.air.temp.label ]
# convert units
u = v$met.air.temp.units
if (u=="NA"){ airTC = rep(NA, nrow(met.data))}
if (u=="C"){ airTC = airT}
if (u=="K"){ airTC = airT - 273.15; }
if (u=="F"){ airTC = (airT - 32) * 5/9 }
# export
.get.RH.in.percent = function(met.data,v){
###### get the data
if (v$met.RH.label=="<No RH data>"){
# if you have no data, make a vector of NA's
RH = rep(NA, nrow(met.data))
} else {
# if you have data, grab it
RH = met.data[, names(met.data)==v$met.RH.label ]
# convert units
if (v$met.RH.units=="NA"){ RH.percent = rep(NA, nrow(met.data)) }
if (v$met.RH.units=="%"){ RH.percent = RH}
if (v$met.RH.units=="Decimal"){ RH.percent = RH * 100; }
# export
sapflux.i = v$sapflux.col.i
dT.units = v$dT.units
if (dT.units=="C"){ dT.data = dT.data}
if (dT.units=="K"){ dT.data[,sapflux.i] = dT.data[,sapflux.i] - 273.15}
if (dT.units=="F"){ dT.data[,sapflux.i] = (dT.data[,sapflux.i] - 32) * 5/9 }
if (dT.units=="mV"){ dT.data[,sapflux.i] = .convert.mv.to.C( mV=dT.data[,sapflux.i] ) }
# export
.convert.mv.to.C = function(mV){
# https://www.omega.com/techref/pdf/z198-201.pdf
E = mV * 1000
c0 = 0
c1= 2.592800 * 10^(-2)
c2 = -7.602961 * 10^(-7)
c3 = 4.637791 * 10^(-11)
c4 = -2.165394 * 10^(-15)
c5 = 6.048144 * 10^(-20)
c6 = -7.293422 * 10^(-25)
c7 = 0
C = c0 + c1*E^1 + c2*E^2 + c3*E^3 + c4*E^4 + c5*E^5 + c6*E^6 + c7*E^7
# met handling
.calc.VPD = function(met.data,v){
##### calc VPD
AirTC = .get.airT.in.C(met.data,v)
RH = .get.RH.in.percent(met.data,v)
SVP = 610.7*10^( (7.5*AirTC) / (237.3+AirTC) ) # units Pa
SVP = SVP / 1000 # now in kPa
# source: http://cronklab.wikidot.com/calculation-of-vapour-pressure-deficit
VPD = ( (100-RH )/100)*SVP
met.data$AirTC = AirTC
met.data$VPD = VPD
met.data$RH = RH
.spline.fit.all = function(xout,y){
cc = is.na(y)==F
#### if you have data to interpolate
if (sum(cc)>0){
y = y[cc]
x = xout[cc]
# calc interpolator
s=spline(x=x, y=y, xout=xout)
# save it
y[!cc] = s$y[!cc]
} else {
#### if you don't have data to interpolate
# export
.gaps.smaller.than.this.size= function(y,max.gap.length){
# which i's missing vales
y.na.i = which(is.na(y))
# calc the gap length
if (length(y.na.i)>0){
gap.counter = rep(0,length(y))
for(i in y.na.i){
i.min = i-1; i.min[i.min<1] = 1
gap.counter[i] = gap.counter[i.min] + 1
too.high.i= which(gap.counter>max.gap.length)
too.high.v= gap.counter[too.high.i]
# fill
fill.this = gap.counter * 0
fill.this[y.na.i] = T # these are the gapped indexes
# declare stuff F for too.high.i times
if (length(too.high.i)>0){
for(z in 1:length(too.high.i)){
i = too.high.i[z]
v = too.high.v[z]
i.min = i-v
fill.this[i.min:i] = F
y.filled = fill.this
} else {
y.filled = y
# export
.interpolate.met.data = function(met.data,v) {
# save stuff
met.data$VPD.raw = met.data$VPD
met.data$VPD.gapfill = met.data$VPD
# fill all gaps
y = met.data$VPD.raw
xout = v$LDate
yout = .spline.fit.all(xout,y)
# which value am I supposed to fill?
fill.these = .gaps.smaller.than.this.size(y,v$max.gap.length)
y[fill.these==T] = yout[fill.these==T]
# save it
met.data$VPD.gapfill = y
# export
# read in previous data
.read.in.previous.save= function(tag,keep.PDate,v){
file.list = list.files(v$save.dir,recursive=T,paste(v$study.year,tag))
x = "missing"
# actually get data
if (length(file.list)>0){
file.name = sort(file.list, decreasing=T)[1]
x = read.csv( file.name, stringsAsFactors = F)
# handle PDate
if (keep.PDate==T){ v$PDate.previous = x$PDate }
# export
.import.get.Tmax = function(v){
# read in old Tmax
Tmax.data = .read.in.previous.save(v$tag.Tmax, keep.PDate=F,v)
# if you don't have Tmax data, make it
if (length(Tmax.data)==1){
Tmax.data = data.frame(Name=NA, LDate=NA, Tmax=NA)
v$Tmax.data = Tmax.data # done
.get.log.deletion = function(v){
# read in old
log.deletion = .read.in.previous.save(v$tag.log.deletion, keep.PDate=F,v)
# if you don't have Tmax data, make it
if (length(log.deletion)==1){
log.deletion = data.frame(tree.name=NA,tree.number=NA,delete.tool.used=NA,threshold=NA,threshold.2=NA, min.DOY=NA,max.DOY=NA)
log.deletion = log.deletion[is.na(log.deletion$tree.name)==F,]
v$log.deletion = log.deletion
.get.sapflux.columns = function(v ){
v$n.dT.data = names(v$raw.dT.data)
s = seq(1,length(v$n.dT.data) )
nonsapflux.col.i = match(v$nonsapflux.columns, v$n.dT.data )
v$sapflux.col.i = setdiff(s,nonsapflux.col.i)
v$sapflux.names = setdiff(v$n.dT.data,v$nonsapflux.columns) #names(v$n.dT.data)[v$sapflux.col.i]
# Export
## Final Exports Funcitons ###
# export to R
# unclick the botton
.export.sapflux = function(v){
sapflux.data = v$dT.data
for (tree.name in v$sapflux.names){
v$tree.name = tree.name
v$tree.number = match(tree.name,names(sapflux.data))
v = .get.local.data(v)
y = .sapflux.calc.local(v,tree.name)
sapflux.data[,v$tree.number] = y
# make blank sheet
y = v$met.data
z = data.frame(TIMESTAMP=y$TIMESTAMP,LDate=y$LDate, sapflux.data)
# export
.save.one.file( z, "Sap flux data- Exported", is.Tmax=F, v)
sapflux.data <<- z
.export.Tmax = function(Tmax.data,LDate, sapflux.names, dT.data, v){
if (nrow(Tmax.data)>1){
Tmax.data = Tmax.data[is.na(Tmax.data$Name)==F,]
########## points
# make it in the right order
right.order = order(Tmax.data$Name,Tmax.data$LDate)
Tmax.data = Tmax.data[right.order,]
# export points
.save.one.file( Tmax.data, "Tmax points- Exported", is.Tmax=T, v)
Tmax.data.points <<- Tmax.data
# make line data
Tmax.data.line = dT.data * NA
# get lines
for (tree.name in v$sapflux.names){
tree.number = match(tree.name,names(v$dT.data))
Tmax.data.local = .Tmax.get.data(tree.name, Tmax.data, LDate)
Tmax.data.line[,tree.number] = Tmax.data.local$line
# export lines
.save.one.file( Tmax.data.line, "Tmax baseline- Exported", is.Tmax=F, v)
Tmax.data.line <<- Tmax.data.line
} else {
Tmax.data.line = NA
# kick out Tmax.data.line
.export.raw = function(v){
y = v$met.data
z = data.frame(TIMESTAMP=y$TIMESTAMP,LDate=y$LDate, v$raw.data)
.save.one.file( z, "dT raw- Exported", is.Tmax=F, v)
raw.dT.data <<- z
.export.met = function(v){
.save.one.file( v$met.data, "Met data- Exported", is.Tmax=F, v)
met.data <<- v$met.data
.export.dT = function(v){
y = v$met.data
z = data.frame(TIMESTAMP=y$TIMESTAMP,LDate=y$LDate, v$dT.data)
.save.one.file( z, "dT cleaned- Exported", is.Tmax=F, v)
dT.data <<- z
.export.graphs= function(v,sapflux.data,Tmax.data.line){
for (tree.name in v$sapflux.names){
# header stuff
tree.number = match(tree.name,names(v$dT.data))
v$tree.number = tree.number
v$tree.name = names(v$dT.data)[v$tree.number]
# get data
v = .get.local.data(v)
# start pdf
pdf.name = paste(v$study.year,"_",tree.name,".pdf",sep="")
#####actually plot dT
v$pick.plot.options = c("Tmax","VPD")
###### plot sapflux
v$pick.plot.options = c("flux")
# .plot.sapflux(v)
.export.final.data = function(v){
# normal save
v$min.DOY = v$min.DOY.global
v$max.DOY = v$max.DOY.global
v$time.last.save = .save.AquaFlux(v)
################### export each data set to csv and base R
sapflux.data = .export.sapflux(v)
Tmax.data.line = .export.Tmax(v$Tmax.data,v$LDate, v$sapflux.names, v$dT.data, v)
######### export graphs
print("Data exported")
# report
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