
Defines functions riverEnd riverNext plotMyRoute routePoints plotRoute buildTopo plotrivers plotcatchtile plotcatch getWRW1Mat getRW1Mat getQMat simeQ simQ simplify.graph plotgraph

Documented in buildTopo getQMat getRW1Mat getWRW1Mat plotcatch plotcatchtile plotgraph plotMyRoute plotrivers plotRoute routePoints simeQ simplify.graph simQ

#' Plot a graph
#' plots a graph
#' @param graph the graph to be plotted
#' @export
plotgraph <- function(graph) {
  plot(graph,       #the graph to be plotted
  #layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold, # the layout method. see the igraph documentation for details
  #vertex.frame.color='blue',    #the color of the border of the dots
  #vertex.label.color='black',   #the color of the name labels
  #vertex.label.cex=.7,      #specifies the size of the font of the labels. can also be made to vary
  #vertex.size = 2,
  #edge.label = E(graph)$name,
  #edge.arrow.size = 0.5

  vertex.frame.color = NA,
  edge.color = NA,
  vertex.size = 5



#' Simulate from an inhomogenous GMRF
#' Details
#' This function does stuff.
#' @param g a graph object
#' @return a simplified graph
#' @export
simplify.graph <- function(g) {
  # choose a vertex with degree 2
  i <- which(degree(g) == 2)
  while (length(i)) {
    i <- i[1]
    Vs <- as.numeric(V(g)[nei(i)])
    g[Vs[1], Vs[2]] <- sum(g[i,Vs])
    g <- delete.vertices(g, i)
    i <- which(degree(g) == 2)

#' Simulate from an inhomogenous GMRF
#' Details
#' This function does stuff.
#' @param Q a symmetric positive semi-definate matrix corresponding
#'     to an inhomogenous GMRF
#' @param tol tolerance in deciding what is rank deficiency
#' @param rank prespecify the rank
#' @return a single draw from with the appropriate covariance structure
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #wk <- ctm[ctm $ CATCHMENT %in% c(3:13, 15:50),]
#' ## work out neighbours
#' #wk_nb <- poly2nb(wk, queen = TRUE)
#' ## create a rw2 GMRF precision matrix and simulate some spatial
#' ## structure
#' #Q <- getQMat(wk_nb)
#' #x <- simQ(exp(-4)*Q)
#' #plot(wk, col = grey( pmax(0, pmin(1, (x + 5) / 10))))
simQ <- function(Q, tol = 1e-9, rank = NULL) {
  eQ <- eigen(Q)
  if (is.null(rank)) rank <- sum(eQ $ values > tol)
  colSums(t(eQ $ vectors[,1:rank]) * rnorm(rank, 0, 1/sqrt(eQ $ values[1:rank])))

#' Simulate from an inhomogenous GMRF
#' Details
#' This function does stuff.
#' @param eQ an eigen decomposition of a symmetric positive semi-definate matrix corresponding
#'     to an inhomogenous GMRF
#' @param k todo
#' @param tol tolerance in deciding what is rank deficiency
#' @param rank prespecify the rank
#' @return a single draw from with the appropriate covariance structure
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #wk <- ctm[ctm $ CATCHMENT %in% c(3:13, 15:50),]
#' ## work out neighbours
#' #wk_nb <- poly2nb(wk, queen = TRUE)
#' ## create a rw2 GMRF precision matrix and simulate some spatial
#' ## structure
#' #Q <- getQMat(wk_nb)
#' #x <- simQ(exp(-4)*Q)
#' #plot(wk, col = grey( pmax(0, pmin(1, (x + 5) / 10))))
simeQ <- function(eQ, k = 1, tol = 1e-9, rank = NULL) {
    if (is.null(rank)) rank <- sum(eQ $ values > tol)
  colSums(t(eQ $ vectors[,1:rank]) * rnorm(rank, 0, 1/sqrt(k * eQ $ values[1:rank])))

#' Title
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param g a graph object
#' @return precision matrix
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
getQMat <- function(g) {

  # is this a connected graph?
  if (!is.connected(g)) {
    stop("there are some unconnected vertices...")

  Q <- g[]
  if (any(Q @ x == 0)) stop("something went wrong")
  Q @ x[] <- -1/Q @ x
  diag(Q) <- degree(g)

#' Compute RW1 matrix
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param g a graph object
#' @return precision matrix
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
# compute RW1 matrix
getRW1Mat <- function(g) {
  # is this a connected graph?
  if (!is.connected(g)) {
    stop("there are some unconnected vertices...")

  Q <- g[]
  if (any(Q @ x == 0)) stop("something went wrong")
  Q @ x[] <- -1
  diag(Q) <- apply(g[], 1, function(x) sum(x>0))

#' Compute Weighted RW1 matrix
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param g a graph object
#' @return precision matrix
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
getWRW1Mat <- function(g) {
  # is this a connected graph?
  if (!is.connected(g)) {
    stop("there are some unconnected vertices...")

  Q <- g[]
  if (any(Q @ x == 0)) stop("something went wrong")
  Q @ x[] <- -1/Q @ x
  diag(Q) <- apply(g[], 1, function(x) sum(1/x[x>0]))

#' Title
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param area an input parameter
#' @param rivs the river network spatial object
#' @param ctm the catchment spatial object
#' @param gis dont know - sample points perhaps spatial data
#' @param add add to an existing plot
#' @return what does it return
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
plotcatch <- function(area, rivs, ctm, gis, add = FALSE) {
    y <- rivs[rivs $ CATCH_ == area,]

    HC <- unique(floor(y $ HYDRO_CODE))
    HC <- HC[HC > 0]

    plot(y, col = grey(0.8), add = add)
    plot(y[y $ HYDRO_CODE == 0,], col = "lightgreen", add = TRUE)
    if (sum(y $ HYDRO_CODE > 0)) {
        plot(y[floor(y $ HYDRO_CODE) %in% HC,], add = TRUE, col = "red")
        if (sum(y $ HYDRO_CODE %in% HC))
          plot(y[y $ HYDRO_CODE %in% HC,], add = TRUE, col = "blue")
    title(main = y $ CATCH_NAME[1])
    plot(ctm[ctm $ CATCHMENT != area, ], col = grey(0.9), border = grey(0.8), add = TRUE)
    if (sum(ctm $ CATCHMENT == area)) plot(ctm[ctm $ CATCHMENT == area,], add = TRUE)
    points(gis[gis $ CATCHMENT == area,], pch = 16, cex = 0.8)

#' Title
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param area an input parameter
#' @param rivs the river network spatial object
#' @param gis dont know - sample points perhaps spatial data
#' @param tiles the osm tiles
#' @return what does it return
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
plotcatchtile <- function(area, rivs, gis, tiles) {
    # get the osm tile
    z <- tiles[[paste(area)]]

    # get the river network and convert projection
    y <- rivs[rivs $ CATCH_ == area,]
    y <- spTransform(y, z $ tiles[[1]] $ projection)

    # get the sites and convert projection
    x <- gis[gis $ CATCHMENT == area,]
    x <- spTransform(x, z $ tiles[[1]] $ projection)

    # convert local catchmentboundaries
    #w <-
    plot(y, add = TRUE, col = "darkblue", lwd = 2)
    plot(x, add = TRUE, pch = 16, col = "red")
    #plot(ctm, border = grey(0.3), add = TRUE)
    title(main = y $ CATCH_NAME[1])

globalVariables(c("x", "OBJECTID", "grp"))

#' Title
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param area an input parameter
#' @param rivs the river network spatial object
#' @param osm todo
#' @return what does it return
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
plotrivers <- function(area, rivs, osm = FALSE) {
  y <- rivs[rivs $ CATCH_ == area,]

  bbox <- as.data.frame(t(y @ bbox))

  wgs84 = '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'
  bng = '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs'
  merc = "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs"

  y @ proj4string <- CRS(bng)

  ## assign original coordinate system
  ## Then to transform it to WGS84
  bboxll <- spTransform(SpatialPoints(cbind(bbox$x, bbox$y), CRS(bng)),
                        CRS(wgs84)) @ coords

  # get map
  topright <- c(lat = bboxll[2,2], lon = bboxll[1,1])
  botleft <- c(lat = bboxll[1,2], lon = bboxll[2,1])

  if (osm) {
    gm <- openmap(topright,botleft, type = "bing")
  } else {
    gm <- get_map(c(t(bboxll)), maptype = "terrain")

  if (osm) {
    # convert y to tiles projection
    y <- spTransform(y, CRS(merc))
  } else {
    # convert y to tiles projection
    y <- spTransform(y, CRS(wgs84))

  # Then extract line data
  xys <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(y), function(i) y @ lines[[i]] @ Lines[[1]] @ coords))
  colnames(xys) <- c("x", "y")
  xys <- as.data.frame(xys)

  np <- sapply(1:length(y), function(i) nrow(y @ lines[[i]] @ Lines[[1]] @ coords))
  id <- rep(1:length(y), np)
  xys <- cbind(xys, y @ data[id,])
  xys $ seg <- id
  xys $ grp <- with(xys, ifelse(HYDRO_CODE == 0, "No Code",
                            ifelse(HYDRO_CODE == 10, "Main",
                              ifelse(floor(HYDRO_CODE) == HYDRO_CODE, "Other Baseline",
                                  "Other river"))))

  mytheme <-
    theme(axis.line        = element_blank(),
          axis.text.x      = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y      = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks       = element_blank(),
          axis.title.x     = element_blank(),
          axis.title.y     = element_blank(),
          legend.position  = "bottom",
          panel.background = element_blank(),
          panel.border     = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          plot.background  = element_blank())

  gl <- geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y,
                      group = OBJECTID,
                      colour = factor(grp)
                  size = 0.5,
                  data = xys)

  if (osm) {
    gg <- autoplot(gm) + mytheme + gl
  } else {
    gg <- ggmap(gm, darken = 0.2) + mytheme + gl

  list(gg = gg, om = gm)

#' Title
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param lines an input parameter
#' @return what does it return
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #y <- rivs[rivs $ CATCH_NAME == "River Irvine",]
#' #g <- buildTopo(y)
#' #plot(g, vertex.label=NA, vertex.size=2,vertex.size2=2)
buildTopo = function(lines) {

    g = gIntersection(lines, lines)
    edges = do.call(rbind, lapply(g@lines[[1]]@Lines, function(ls) {
    lengths = sqrt((edges[, 1] - edges[, 3])^2 + (edges[,
        2] - edges[, 4])^2)

    froms = paste(edges[, 1], edges[, 2])
    tos = paste(edges[, 3], edges[, 4])

    graph = graph.edgelist(cbind(froms, tos), directed = FALSE)
    E(graph)$weight = lengths

    xy = do.call(rbind, strsplit(V(graph)$name, " "))

    V(graph)$x = as.numeric(xy[, 1])
    V(graph)$y = as.numeric(xy[, 2])

    # better names?
    V(graph)$name <- paste(1:length(V(graph)$name))


#' Title
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param graph an input parameter
#' @param nodes todo
#' @param add add to an existing plot
#' @param ... todo
#' @return what does it return
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #y <- rivs[rivs $ CATCH_NAME == "River Irvine",]
#' #g <- buildTopo(y)
#' #from = cbind(291867.1, 933646.4)
#' #to = cbind(312009.1, 922430.1)
#' #pp = routePoints(g, from, to)
#' #plot(y)
#' #plotRoute(g, pp, col = "blue", lwd = 2, asp = 1,  xlab = "", ylab = "", add = TRUE)
#' #points(rbind(from, to))
plotRoute <- function(graph, nodes, add = FALSE, ...) {
    if (add) {
        lines(V(graph)[nodes]$x, V(graph)[nodes]$y, ...)
    } else {
        plot(V(graph)[nodes]$x, V(graph)[nodes]$y, type = "l",

#' Title
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param graph an input parameter
#' @param from todo
#' @param to todo
#' @return what does it return
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #y <- rivs[rivs $ CATCH_NAME == "River Irvine",]
#' #g <- buildTopo(y)
#' #from = cbind(291867.1, 933646.4)
#' #to = cbind(312009.1, 922430.1)
#' #pp = routePoints(g, from, to)
routePoints <- function(graph, from, to) {
    xyg = cbind(V(graph)$x, V(graph)$y)

    ifrom = get.knnx(xyg, from, 1)$nn.index[1, 1]
    ito = get.knnx(xyg, to, 1)$nn.index[1, 1]

    p = get.shortest.paths(graph, ifrom, ito, output = "vpath")
    p $ vpath [[1]]

#' Finds and plots the shortest route between two points
#' on a river network
#' Details
#' Description - This function does stuff.
#' @param graph an input parameter
#' @param river todo
#' @return what does it return
#' @seealso \code{\link{getQMat}} for creating a GMRF from a graph
#' @export
plotMyRoute <- function(graph, river) {
  # one of mine!
  plotcatch(river @ data $ CATCH_[1])
  from = do.call(cbind, locator(1))
  to = do.call(cbind, locator(1))
  points(rbind(from, to))
  pp = routePoints(graph, from, to)
  plotRoute(graph, pp, col = "blue", lwd = 2, asp = 1,  xlab = "", ylab = "", add = TRUE)
  #plot(river, add = TRUE)

# some useful functions
riverNext <- function(ID, rivs, by.distance = FALSE) {
  L1 <- rivs[rivs $ OBJECTID == ID,]
  if (L1 $ TNODE_ == 0) {
    cat("unconnected node\n")
  if (sum(rivs $ FNODE_ == L1 $ TNODE_)==0) {
    cat("river mouth\n")
  L2s <- rivs[rivs $ FNODE_ == L1 $ TNODE_,]

  flocs <- sapply(L2s @ lines, function(ll) ll @ Lines[[1]] @ coords[1,])
  tloc <- tail(L1 @ lines[[1]] @ Lines[[1]] @ coords, 1)
  dist <- sqrt(colSums((flocs - c(tloc))^2))
  if (all(dist > 10))  {
    cat("river mouth\n")
  L2ind <- which.min(dist)
  L2 <- L2s[L2ind,]

  rbind(L1, L2)

riverEnd <- function(ID, rivs, add = FALSE, old = NULL, plot = FALSE) {
  route <- rep(NA, 100)
  route[1] <- ID
  rnext <- riverNext(ID)
  i <- 1
  while(!identical(rnext, NA) & !(route[i] %in% old)) {
    route[i <- i + 1] <- rnext $ OBJECTID[2]
    plot(rivs[rivs $ OBJECTID %in% route,], col = "blue", lwd = 2)
    rnext <- riverNext(route[i])
Faskally/CLmodel documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 1:15 p.m.