
Defines functions geom_boundary

Documented in geom_boundary

# user functions ==============================================================

#' Draw census boudaries on ggmap
#' @param geography geography of which boudaries to be drawn. Currently take
#'     "state", "county", "county subdivision", "tract", "block group".
#' @param data_fill data frame to fill in the boundaries. It has GEOID as the
#'     first column and the values to fill as the second column.
#' @param year year of the shape files updated.
#' @param states abbreviation of a state within which boudaries are drawn, such as "RI".
#' @param counties vector of county names of the state, such as c("providence", "kent")
#' @param N integer when state is NULL, N x N grid points on the view of map are
#'     used to determine the states and counties within the view.
#' @param mapping same as those in ggplot functions, typically inherited from ggmap()
#' @param data data typically inherited from ggmap().
#' @param geom same as those in ggplot2 functions but should be uisng "polygon".
#' @param position same as those in ggplot2 functions.
#' @param na.rm same as those in ggplot2 functions.
#' @param show.legend same as those in ggplot2 functions.
#' @param inherit.aes same as those in ggplot2 functions.
#' @param ... same as those in ggplot2 functions.
#' @return a ggplot2 object
#' @export

geom_boundary <- function(geography, data_fill = NULL, year = 2016,
                          states = NULL, counties = NULL, N = 100,
                          mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "polygon",
                          position = "identity", na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA,
                          inherit.aes = TRUE,
        stat = StatBoundary, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
        position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
        # all parameters inside list
        params = list(geography = geography,
                      data_fill = data_fill,
                      year = year,
                      states = states,
                      counties = counties,
                      N = N,
                      na.rm = na.rm,

StatBoundary <- ggproto(
    "StatBoundary", Stat,
    required_aes = c("x", "y"),
    default_aes = aes(group = ..group..),
    # default_aes = aes(group = ..group..,
    #                   fill = ..fill..),
    compute_group = function(data, scales,
                             params, geography, data_fill, year, states, counties, N){

        if (Sys.getenv("PATH_TO_TIGER") == ""){
                "\nYou can choose to save processed data to your ",
                'computer for future R sessions.\n',
                'Please check with function "set_path_to_tiger()" for details.'
            Sys.setenv(PATH_TO_TIGER = tempdir())
        path_to_tiger <- Sys.getenv("PATH_TO_TIGER")

        if (!is.null(counties)) counties <- tolower(counties)

        bbox <- c(min(data$x), min(data$y), max(data$x), max(data$y))
        xlim <- c(bbox[1], bbox[3])
        ylim <- c(bbox[2], bbox[4])

        # find out all state-county pairs
        if (is.null(states)){
            grid_points <- spread_coord(bbox, N)
            state_county <- get_coord_names(grid_points)
        } else if (is.null(counties)){
            state_county <- data.table(
                abbr = states,
                county = "all_counties"
        } else if (!is.null(counties)){
            state_county <- data.table(
                abbr = states,
                county = counties

        # maps::map.where does work in AK and HI, use all counties
        if (nrow(state_county) == 0){
            state_county <- data.table(
                abbr = c("HI", "AK"),
                county = "all_counties"

        # state ---------------------------------------------------------------

        if (geography == "state"){
            uniq_states <- state_county[, unique(abbr)]
            file_names <- paste0(path_to_tiger, "/state/",
                                "state_", uniq_states, "_", year, ".csv")
            if (any(file.exists(file_names))){
                dt <- get_existing(file_names, bbox)
            } else {
                dt <- download_shapefile(geography = "state", year = year) %>%
                    .[state %in% uniq_states] %>%

        # congressional district ----------------------------------------------
        if (geography %in% c("congressional district", "CD")){
            uniq_states <- state_county[, unique(abbr)]
            file_names <- paste0(path_to_tiger, "/CD/",
                                 "CD_", uniq_states, "_", year, ".csv")
            if (any(file.exists(file_names))){
                dt <- get_existing(file_names, bbox)
            } else {
                dt <- download_shapefile(geography = "congressional district", year = year) %>%
                    .[state %in% uniq_states]  %>%


        # county----------------------------------------------------------------

        if (geography == "county"){
            uniq_states <- state_county[, unique(abbr)]
            file_names <- paste0(path_to_tiger, "/county/",
                                 "county_", uniq_states, "_", year, "_all_counties.csv")
            if (any(file.exists(file_names))){
                dt <- get_existing(file_names, bbox)
            } else {
                dt <- download_shapefile(geography = "county", year = year) %>%

            if (!is.null(counties)){
                dt <- dt[state_county, on = .(state = abbr, county)]
            } else if (!is.null(states)){
                dt <- dt[state_county, on = .(state = abbr)]


        # zip code -------------------------------------------------------------

        if (geography == "zip code"){
            if (!is.null(states) & is.null(counties)){
                starts_with <- state_zipstart[abbr %in% states, ZCTA5]
            } else {
                starts_with <- state_county_zipstart[state_county, on = .(abbr, county)] %>%
                    .[, unique(ZCTA5)]

            not_exist <- vector("character")
            exist_file <- vector("character")
            for (st in starts_with){
                # only download whole file one time
                file_name <- paste0(path_to_tiger, "/zcta/startwith_", st, "_", year, ".csv")
                if (file.exists(file_name)){
                    exist_file <- c(exist_file, file_name)
                } else {
                    not_exist <- c(not_exist, st)

            if (length(exist_file) > 0){
                dt_exist <- lapply(
                    exist_file, fread, colClass = c("character", "numeric",
                                                    "numeric", "character")
                ) %>%
            } else {
                dt_exist <- NULL  # for rbindlist()
            if (length(not_exist) > 0){
                dt_not_exist <- download_zipcode(starts_with = not_exist, year = year)
            } else {
                dt_not_exist <- NULL

            dt <- rbindlist(list(dt_exist, dt_not_exist)) %>%

            # further filter by state and county
            if (!is.null(states) & !is.null(counties)){
                zipcode <- all_zipcode[state_county, on = .(abbr, county)] %>%
                    .[, .(ZCTA5 = unique(ZCTA5))]
                dt <- dt[zipcode, on = .(GEOID = ZCTA5)]
            if (!is.null(states) & is.null(counties)) {
                zipcode <- all_zipcode[state_county, on = .(abbr)] %>%
                    .[, .(ZCTA5 = unique(ZCTA5))]
                dt <- dt[zipcode, on = .(GEOID = ZCTA5)]


        # others  --------------------------------------------------------------

        # include country subdivision, tract, and block group
        if (geography %in% c("county subdivision", "tract",
                             "block group")) {

            uniq_states <- state_county[, unique(abbr)]

            # process state by state
            dt_list <- list()
            for (st in uniq_states){
                uniq_counties <- state_county[abbr == st, unique(county)]
                geo = str_replace(geography, " ", "_")
                file_names <- paste0(
                    path_to_tiger, "/", geo, "/",
                    geo, "_", st, "_", year, "_", uniq_counties,".csv"
                if (any(file.exists(file_names))){
                    dt <- get_existing(file_names, bbox)
                } else {
                    dt <- download_shapefile(state = st, geography = geography, year = year) %>%
                    if (sum(uniq_counties == "all_counties") == 0){
                        dt <- dt[county %in% uniq_counties]
                dt_list <- c(dt_list, list(dt))

            dt <- rbindlist(dt_list)


        # tempdir(): ubuntu has "/tmp/", windows has "\\Temp", mac has ???, too
        # compilcated.
        # if (grepl("/tmp/|\\Temp|/temp/|/TEMP/", Sys.getenv("PATH_TO_TIGER"))){
        #     message(paste0(
        #         "You can choose to save processed data to your ",
        #         'computer for future R sessions.\n',
        #         'Please check with function "set_path_to_tiger()" for details.'
        #     ))
        # }

        # merge with data_fill -------------------------------------------------
        # add a fill column for auto fill polygon, can manually fill with
        # any column in geom_boundary(mapping = aes(fill = ..xxx..))

        datafill <- copy(data_fill)  # so do not change original data_fill

        if (is.null(datafill)){
            # NA is is logic by default, have to be numeric
            #dt[, fill := as.numeric(NA)]
            #dt[, fill := as.character(NA)]
            #dt[, fill := NA]
        } else {
            if (!names(datafill)[1] == "GEOID"){
                stop(paste('The first column of data_fill must be "GEOID" and',
                           "the second column is the numbers to fill."))

            # tible gives headaches, turn to data.table
            datafill[, fill := datafill[, 2]]

            # two types of GEOID, long as 14000US44009051502 and
            # short as 44009051502. Match dt and data_fill' GEOID
            if (all(grepl("US", datafill$GEOID))){
                datafill[, GEOID := str_extract(GEOID, "[^(US)]*$")]

            dt <- setDT(datafill) %>%
                .[dt, on = .(GEOID)]

        # To plot polygon using ggtiger package, group has to be a factor
        # It is specific to polygon. Path do not need it. normal geom_polygon()
        # does not require factor either.
        dt[, group := factor(group)]
        # print(head(dt))
        # print(str(dt))
        # bbb <<- copy(dt)


#' Draw census boudaries on ggmap
#' The same as geom_boundary()
#' @param ... see all parameters in geom_boundary

stat_boundary <- function(...){
    geom_boundary(... = )

# internal functions ==============================================================
get_existing <- function(file_names, bbox){
    dt <- lapply(file_names, fread, colClasses = "character") %>%
        rbindlist() %>%
        .[, x := as.numeric(x)] %>%
        .[, y := as.numeric(y)] %>%
GL-Li/ggtiger documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 6:32 p.m.