aaVariationToCounts | Transform amino acid variation data frame into counts table |
adjustPValues | Adjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons |
allele_frequencies | Alleles frequencies scraped from allelefrequencies.net |
analyzeAssociations | Association analysis |
analyzeConditionalAssociations | Stepwise conditional association analysis |
applyInheritanceModel | Apply inheritance model |
as.data.frame.MiDAS | Coerce MiDAS to Data Frame |
backquote | Backquote character |
characterMatches | Check if character matches one of possible values |
checkAlleleFormat | Check HLA allele format |
checkColDataFormat | Assert colData data |
checkHlaCallsFormat | Assert hla calls data frame format |
checkKirCallsFormat | Assert KIR counts data frame format |
checkKirGenesFormat | Check KIR genes format |
checkStatisticalModel | Assert statistical model |
colnamesMatches | Check column names |
convertAlleleToVariable | Convert allele numbers to additional variables |
countsToVariables | Convert counts table to variables |
dfToExperimentMat | Helper transform data frame to experiment matrix |
dict_dist_grantham | Grantham distance |
distGrantham | Calculate Grantham distance between amino acid sequences |
experimentMatToDf | Helper transform experiment matrix to data frame |
filterByFrequency | Filter MiDAS object by frequency |
filterByOmnibusGroups | Filter MiDAS object by omnibus groups |
filterByVariables | Filter MiDAS object by features |
filterExperimentByFrequency | Filter experiment by frequency |
filterExperimentByVariables | Filter experiment by variable |
filterListByElements | Filter list by elements |
formatResults | Pretty format statistical analysis results helper |
getAAFrequencies | Calculate amino acid frequencies |
getAlleleResolution | Infer HLA allele resolution |
getAllelesForAA | Get HLA alleles for amino acid position |
getExperimentFrequencies | Calculate experiment's features frequencies |
getExperimentPopulationMultiplicator | Get experiment's population multiplicator |
getExperiments | Get available experiments in MiDAS object. |
getFrequencies | Calculate features frequencies for a given experiment in... |
getFrequencyMask | Helper function for filtering frequency data frame |
getHlaCalls | Get HLA calls from MiDAS object. |
getHlaCallsGenes | Get HLA calls genes |
getHlaFrequencies | Calculate HLA allele frequencies |
getHlaKirInteractions | Get HLA - KIR interactions |
getKirCalls | Get KIR calls from MiDAS object. |
getKIRFrequencies | Calculate KIR genes frequencies |
getObjectDetails | Get attributes of statistical model object |
getOmnibusGroups | Get omnibus groups from MiDAS object. |
getPlaceholder | Get placeholder name from MiDAS object. |
getReferenceFrequencies | Helper transforming reference frequencies |
getVariableAAPos | Find variable positions in sequence alignment |
hasTidyMethod | Check if tidy method for class exist |
hlaAlignmentGrantham | Helper function returning alignment for Grantham distance... |
hlaCallsGranthamDistance | Calculate Grantham distance between HLA alleles |
hlaCallsToCounts | Transform HLA calls to counts table |
hlaToAAVariation | Generate amino acid variation matrix |
hlaToVariable | Convert HLA calls to variables |
HWETest | Test for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium |
isCharacterOrNULL | Check if object is character vector or NULL |
isClass | Check if object is of class x |
isClassOrNULL | Check if object is of class x or null |
isCountOrNULL | Check if object is count or NULL |
isCountsOrZeros | Check if vector contains only counts or zeros |
isExperimentCountsOrZeros | Check if frequencies can be calculated for an experiment |
isExperimentInheritanceModelApplicable | Check if experiment is inheritance model applicable |
isFlagOrNULL | Check if object is flag or NULL |
isNumberOrNULL | Check if object is number or NULL |
isStringOrNULL | Check if object is string or NULL |
isTRUEorFALSE | Check if object is TRUE or FALSE flag |
iterativeLRT | Iterative likelihood ratio test |
iterativeModel | Iteratively evaluate model for different variables |
kableResults | Create association analysis results table in HTML or LaTeX |
kir_frequencies | KIR genes frequencies scraped from allelefrequencies.net |
lapply_tryCatch | lapply with tryCatch routine |
listMiDASDictionaries | List HLA alleles dictionaries |
LRTest | Likelihood ratio test |
MiDAS-class | MiDAS class |
midasToWide | Transform MiDAS to wide format data.frame |
MiDAS_tut_HLA | MiDAS tutorial HLA data |
MiDAS_tut_KIR | MiDAS tutorial KIR data |
MiDAS_tut_object | MiDAS tutorial MiDAS object |
MiDAS_tut_pheno | MiDAS tutorial phenotype data |
objectHasPlaceholder | Check if placeholder is present in object formula |
omnibusTest | Omnibus test |
prepareMiDAS | Construct a MiDAS object |
prepareMiDAS_hla_aa | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA amino acid level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_alleles | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_custom | Prepare MiDAS data on custom HLA level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_divergence | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA divergence level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_g_groups | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele's G groups level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_het | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA heterozygosity level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_kir_interactions | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA - KIR interactions level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_NK_ligands | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele's groups level |
prepareMiDAS_hla_supertypes | Prepare MiDAS data on HLA allele's supertypes level |
prepareMiDAS_kir_custom | Prepare MiDAS data on custom KIR level |
prepareMiDAS_kir_genes | Prepare MiDAS data on KIR genes level |
prepareMiDAS_kir_haplotypes | Prepare MiDAS data on KIR haplotypes level |
readHlaAlignments | Read HLA allele alignments |
readHlaCalls | Read HLA allele calls |
readKirCalls | Read KIR calls |
reduceAlleleResolution | Reduce HLA alleles |
reduceHlaCalls | Reduce HLA calls resolution |
runMiDAS | Run MiDAS statistical analysis |
runMiDASGetVarsFreq | Get variables frequencies from MiDAS |
stringMatches | Check if string matches one of possible values |
summariseAAPosition | Summarize amino acid position |
updateModel | Extend and Re-fit a Model Call |
validateFrequencyCutoffs | Validate frequency cutoffs |
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