
#' @import Matrix
#' @import gtools

### gecd_CellDistinguisher: finds distinguishers that identify
### specific cell classes without having to know the cell classes.
### See the article and supplementary materials for a description of
### the algorithm.

#' The gecd_CellDistinguisher function
#' Finds distinguishers that identify specific cell classes without having to know the cell classes.
#' @param exprLinear exprLinear is a matrix of (linear / non-logarithmic) expression values that has one row for each marker (a.k.a. probe or gene) and one column for each sample.
#' @param genesymb genesymb is the associated gene names for the rows of exprLinear. They are not passed in as names(exprLinear) because multiple rows (probes) may map to the same gene.
#' @param numCellClasses numCellClasses is the number of cell classes for which the function will locate class-specific distinguishers. Default is 2.
#' @param minDistinguisherAlternatives minDistinguisherAlternatives is the minimum number of distinguishers to be located for each cell class. Default is 1.
#' @param maxDistinguisherAlternatives maxDistinguisherAlternatives is the maximum number of distinguishers to be located for each cell class. Default is 5.
#' @param minAlternativesLengthsNormalized minAlternativesLengthsNormalized is the threshold for bestLengthsNormalized values. Only alternatives with a value at least as large as the threshold are retained. Default is 0.7. 0.0 is no filtering.
#' @param expressionQuantileForScale expressionQuantileForScale is in [0, 1]. Low values (e.g., 0.40) favor distinguishers for a cell class that have very little expression in the other cell classes. High values (e.g., 0.80) shift the balance towards distinguishers with high expression values. Default is 0.75. 0.0 is no preference for highly expressed genes.
#' @param expressionQuantileForFilter Default is 1.0. 1.0 is no filtering. 0.999 is some filtering.
#' @param expressionConcentrationRatio Default is 0.333. 0.0 is no filtering.
#' @param probesWithGenesOnly Default is FALSE.
#' @param verbose verbose indicates amount of printed output. Default is 0.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' See https://github.com/GeneralElectric/CellDistinguisher/blob/master/README.txt

gecd_CellDistinguisher <- function (
    genesymb = NULL,
    numCellClasses = 2,
    minDistinguisherAlternatives = 1,
    maxDistinguisherAlternatives = 5,
    minAlternativesLengthsNormalized = 0.7, # 0.0 is no filtering
    expressionQuantileForScale = 0.75,      # 0.0 is no preference for highly expressed genes
    expressionQuantileForFilter = 1.0,      # 1.0 is no filtering.  0.999 is some filtering
    expressionConcentrationRatio = 0.333,   # 0.0 is no filtering
    probesWithGenesOnly = FALSE,
    verbose = 0) {

  ## ##################################################################
  ## The arguments of gecd_CellDistinguisher
  ## ##################################################################
  ## exprLinear is a matrix of (linear / non-logarithmic) expression
  ## values that has one row for each marker (a.k.a. probe or gene)
  ## and one column for each sample
  ## numCellClasses is the number of cell classes for which the
  ## function will locate class-specific distinguishers
  ## minDistinguisherAlternatives is the minimum number of
  ## distinguishers to be located for each cell class
  ## maxDistinguisherAlternatives is the maximum number of
  ## distinguishers to be located for each cell class
  ## minAlternativesLengthsNormalized is the threshold for
  ## bestLengthsNormalized values.  Only alternatives with a value at
  ## least as large as the threshold are retained.
  ## expressionQuantileForScale is in [0, 1].  Low values (e.g., 0.40)
  ## favor distinguishers for a cell class that have very little
  ## expression in the other cell classes.  High values (e.g., 0.80)
  ## shift the balance towards distinguishers with high expression
  ## values.
  ## genesymb is the associated gene names for the rows of exprLinear.
  ## They are not passed in as names(exprLinear) because multiple rows
  ## (probes) may map to the same gene.
  ## verbose indicates amount of printed output

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Return values
  ## ##################################################################
  ## $bestDistinguishers (deprecated) = a matrix of the probes of the
  ## discovered distinguishers.  The first column belongs to the first
  ## cell class, etc.
  ## $bestDistinguishersGeneNames (deprecated) = organized like
  ## bestDistinguishers but populated with gene symbols (if supplied)
  ## rather than probe names.
  ## $bestLengths (deprecated) = the (diluted) distance of each
  ## distinguisher from the span of the passOneDistinguishers for the
  ## other cell classes.
  ## $bestLengthsNormalized (deprecated) = each $bestLengths value is
  ## normalized by the length for the best distinguisher for its cell
  ## subclass
  ## $passOneDistinguishers (deprecated) = the distinguishers discovered durring
  ## the first pass, which are refined to produce the list of
  ## bestDistinguishers.
  ## $passOneDistinguishersGeneNames (deprecated) = organized like
  ## passOneDistinguishers but populated with gene symbols (if
  ## supplied) rather than probe names.
  ## $passOneLengths (deprecated) = the (diluted) distance of each
  ## passOne distinguisher from the span of the passOneDistinguishers
  ## for the other cell classes.
  ## $bestDistinguishersFrame = a data frame with rich information
  ## about the best distinguishers found in the input data.
  ## $passOneDistinguishersFrame = a data frame with rich information
  ## about the tentative distinguishers found in the first pass of the
  ## input data.

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Variables that are global to gecd_CellDistinguisher and its
  ## helper functions
  ## ##################################################################

  ptm <<- proc.time()

  ## ##################################################################
  ## expressionPreprocessing is a helper function for
  ## gecd_CellDistinguisher.
  ## ##################################################################

  expressionPreprocessing <- function (
      verbose) {

    ## ################################################################
    ## Make sure there are no duplicate row names
    ## ################################################################
    if (length(unique(rownames(exprLinear))) != length(rownames(exprLinear))) {
      mesg <- paste("There are only", length(unique(rownames(exprLinear))), "unique row names among the", length(rownames(exprLinear)), "rows of exprLinear; there are duplicates.\n")

    ## ################################################################
    ## If requested, keep only probes that have an associated
    ## genesymb.
    ## ################################################################

    if (probesWithGenesOnly) {
      if (is.null(genesymb)) {
        mesg <- "probesWithGenesOnly=TRUE and genesymb=NULL filters out all probes.\n"
      ProbesWithoutGenes <- (genesymb == "")
      if ((verbose > 3) & (sum(ProbesWithoutGenes) > 0)) {
        cat("Eliminating probes without gene symbols:\n")
      exprLinear <- exprLinear[!ProbesWithoutGenes,]
      genesymb <- genesymb[!ProbesWithoutGenes]

    ## ################################################################
    ## Make sure there are no NA or NaN values
    ## ################################################################

    cNaN <- sum(is.nan(exprLinear))
    cNA <- sum(is.na(exprLinear)) - cNaN # Because each NaN shows up as an NA
    if (cNA + cNaN > 0) {
      mesg <- "The exprLinear matrix includes prohibited"
      if (cNA > 0) {
        mesg <- paste(mesg, "NA")
      if (cNA * cNaN > 0) {
        mesg <- paste(mesg, "and")
      if (cNaN > 0) {
        mesg <- paste(mesg, "NaN")
      mesg <- paste(mesg, "values.\n")

    ## ################################################################
    ## Normalize the sample expressions to put the samples on equal
    ## footing
    ## ################################################################

    ## Note: Arora (2013) assumes that the entries of exprLinear are
    ## integer counts of transcripts (words) and does a minor
    ## correction for the fact that two transcripts selected at random
    ## from a sample are not independent if they are the same instance
    ## of the same transcript.  When the exprLinear values are not
    ## integers (e.g., microarray intensities) this is not applicable.
    ## Even for RNA-seq and integer counts, this correction is de
    ## minimis and is ignored.

    exprLinear <- t(t(exprLinear) / colSums(exprLinear))

    if (verbose > 3) {
      print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
      cat("Columns (samples) normalized\n")

    ## ################################################################
    ## Deal with very high expression values by eliminating probes
    ## with outlier expression levels
    ## ################################################################

    if (expressionQuantileForFilter < 1.0) {
      MyExpressionLimit <- quantile(exprLinear, p=expressionQuantileForFilter)
      ProbesWithExtremeExpression <- apply(exprLinear, 1, function (probe) { return(sum(probe > MyExpressionLimit) > 0) })
      if ((verbose > 3) & (sum(ProbesWithExtremeExpression) > 0)) {
        cat("Eliminating probes with outlier expression:\n")
      exprLinear <- exprLinear[!ProbesWithExtremeExpression,]
      if (!is.null(genesymb)) {
        genesymb <- genesymb[!ProbesWithExtremeExpression]

    ## ################################################################
    ## Eliminate those probes where the sample with the highest
    ## expression has much more than the expression level of the
    ## second highest expression value for that probe.
    ## ################################################################

    if (expressionConcentrationRatio > 0.0) {
      ProbesWithConcentratedExpression <- apply(exprLinear, 1, function (probe) { top <- sort(probe, decreasing=TRUE)[1:2] ; return(top[2] <= expressionConcentrationRatio*top[1])})
      if ((verbose > 3) & (sum(ProbesWithConcentratedExpression) > 0)) {
        cat("Eliminating probes with concentrated expression:\n")
      exprLinear <- exprLinear[!ProbesWithConcentratedExpression,]
      if (!is.null(genesymb)) {
        genesymb <- genesymb[!ProbesWithConcentratedExpression]

    ## ################################################################
    ## Make sure the matrix of expression data has enough rank
    ## ################################################################
    matrixRank <- rankMatrix(exprLinear)[1]
    if (matrixRank < numCellClasses) {
      mesg <- sprintf("The expression matrix is of low rank.  Ask for numCellClasses <= %d.\n", matrixRank)
    if (verbose > 3) {
      cat("gecd_CellDistinguisher: rank test complete\n")

    ## ################################################################
    ## Dilute the data
    ## ################################################################

    ## The excess of the expressionQuantileForScale of the exprLinear
    ## values beyond the minimum such value is used as an addend to
    ## the input expression values, to dilute the signal.  Especially
    ## when the quantile is high, the dilution will be more signficant
    ## for low-expression markers, reducing their value as
    ## distinguishers and thus favoring high-expression markers.

    ## This looks for the quantile of the non-zero data.  By focusing
    ## on the non-zero data, we do not get results that depend upon
    ## how many zero-expressed genes were cleaned from the data prior
    ## to this point.

    aDilution <- quantile(exprLinear[exprLinear > 1e-12], probs = c(0, expressionQuantileForScale), names = FALSE, type= 6)
    dilution <- aDilution[2] - aDilution[1]
    exprLinear <- exprLinear + dilution
    ## Normalize columns (again)
    exprLinear <- t(t(exprLinear) / colSums(exprLinear))

    if (verbose > 2) {
      print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
      cat(sprintf("Expression diluted with Expression[%f quantile] = %g\n", expressionQuantileForScale, dilution))

    ## ################################################################
    ## "Construct" Q, Qbar (pronounced Q-bar), and Qbaradj (Q-bar
    ## adjusted).  The rows of Qbaradj are points in space for which
    ## we want to find the convex hull.
    ## For speed purposes we will not actually compute
    ## the Q matrices; when we need the Q matrices it is in
    ## combination with other matrices, and the optimal associative
    ## order of multiplying the matrices together in these situations
    ## does not have the computation of Q as an intermediate step.
    ## However, implicitly we will have
    ##           Q = exprLinear       %*% t(exprLinear)
    ##        Qbar = exprLinearBar    %*% t(exprLinear) = Q / rowSums(Q)
    ##     Qbaradj = exprLinearBarAdj %*% t(exprLinear) = t(t(Qbar) - colMeans(Qbar))
    ## Note that we currently come in with colSums(exprLinear) all
    ## ones, but we will not take advantage of that, just in case this
    ## changes in the future.
    ## ################################################################

    ## We are not explicitly computing Q = exprLinear %*%
    ## t(exprLinear).  We already have exprLinear.
    if (verbose > 3) {
      print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
      cat("Q created, implicitly\n")
    ## Qbar = exprLinearBar %*% t(exprLinear)
    exprLinearBar <- exprLinear / (exprLinear %*% colSums(exprLinear))[, 1]
    if (verbose > 3) {
      print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
      cat("Qbar created, implicitly; i.e., rows of Q normalized\n")
    ## Qbaradj = exprLinearBarAdj %*% t(exprLinear)
    if (TRUE) {
      exprLinearBarAdj <- exprLinearBar   # farthest from origin
    } else {
      exprLinearBarAdj <- t(t(exprLinearBar) - colMeans(exprLinearBar)) # farthest from centroid
      if (verbose > 3) {
        print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
        cat("Qbar centered, implicitly\n")

    ## tExprLinear_exprLinear is a useful intermediate result when the
    ## number of markers for which we have expressions is larger than
    ## the number of samples.  (Otherwise, we should let the
    ## gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication calls that use this product
    ## decide for themselves.)
    tExprLinear_exprLinear <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(t(exprLinear), exprLinear, verbose = verbose - 3)

    return(list(exprLinear = exprLinear,
                tExprLinear_exprLinear = tExprLinear_exprLinear,
                exprLinearBar = exprLinearBar,
                exprLinearBarAdj = exprLinearBarAdj,
                genesymb = genesymb))

  ## ##################################################################
  ## findCandidateDistinguishers is a helper function for
  ## gecd_CellDistinguisher.  It finds an initial set of
  ## distinguishers.
  ## ##################################################################

  findCandidateDistinguishers <- function (exprLinear, tExprLinear_exprLinear, exprLinearBarAdj, numCellClasses) {

    ## ################################################################
    ## selectDistantMarker is a helper function for
    ## findCandidateDistinguishers.  Examining Qbaradj, it finds the
    ## next best distinguisher.
    ## ################################################################

    selectDistantMarker <- function (
        allLengths) {
      ## Compute distances^2 to previous distinguishers at origin
      lengths2 <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
          diagonalOnly = TRUE,
          verbose = verbose - 3)
      distinguisher <- which.max(lengths2) # Next distinguisher has maximum distance
      passOneDistinguishers <- c(passOneDistinguishers, distinguisher)
      allLengths <- c(allLengths, sqrt(lengths2[distinguisher]))
      if (verbose > 2) {
        iDistinguisher <- length(passOneDistinguishers)
        print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
        cat(sprintf("First pass: 1 CellClass[%d] distinguisher found = %d \"%s\" at distance %g\n", iDistinguisher, distinguisher, rownames(exprLinear)[distinguisher], allLengths[iDistinguisher]))
      return(list(passOneDistinguishers = passOneDistinguishers, allLengths = allLengths))

    ## ################################################################
    ## Look for the first distinguisher
    ## ################################################################

    passOneDistinguishers <- NULL
    allLengths <- NULL
    if (1 <= numCellClasses) {
      iDistinguisher <- 1

      ans <- selectDistantMarker(
      passOneDistinguishers <- ans$passOneDistinguishers
      allLengths <- ans$allLengths

    ## ################################################################
    ## Look for the second distinguisher
    ## ################################################################

    if (2 <= numCellClasses) {
      iDistinguisher <- 2
      ## Subtract first distinguisher from each distribution
      exprLinearBarAdj <- t(t(exprLinearBarAdj) - exprLinearBarAdj[passOneDistinguishers[iDistinguisher-1], ])

      ans <- selectDistantMarker(
      passOneDistinguishers <- ans$passOneDistinguishers
      allLengths <- ans$allLengths

    ## ################################################################
    ## Look for the third and subsequent distinguishers
    ## ################################################################

    if (3 <= numCellClasses) {
      for (iDistinguisher in 3:numCellClasses) {
        ## Prepare to project new distinguisher to the old
        ## distinguisher (origin)
        project <- exprLinearBarAdj[passOneDistinguishers[iDistinguisher-1], , drop = FALSE]
        ## Useful subexpression
        tExprLinear_exprLinear_tProject <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3)
        projectionNorm <- solve(gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3))
        exprLinearBarAdj <- exprLinearBarAdj - gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3)
        ans <- selectDistantMarker(
        passOneDistinguishers <- ans$passOneDistinguishers
        allLengths <- ans$allLengths

        passOneDistinguishers = passOneDistinguishers,
        allLengths = allLengths,
        exprLinearBarAdj = exprLinearBarAdj))

  ## ##################################################################
  ## adjustDistinguishers is a helper function for
  ## gecd_CellDistinguisher.  For each distinguisher in the supplied
  ## originalDistinguishers, it projects all the other distinguishers
  ## to the origin and then seeks the list of top
  ## maxDistinguisherAlternatives markers that are most distant from
  ## the origin in the direction of the sole remaining original
  ## distinguisher.  This list likely includes the original
  ## distinguisher, often as the best (most distant) marker.
  ## ##################################################################

  adjustDistinguishers <- function (
      noDistinguishersYet) {

    ## ################################################################
    ## projectOut is a helper function for adjustDistinguishers.  It
    ## sends multiple distinguishers to the origin.  If there are no
    ## distinguishers yet, then the first distinguisher is sent to the
    ## origin by translation of the space.  All other distinguishers
    ## are sent to the origin by the unique orthogonal projection that
    ## would map them to the origin.
    ## ################################################################

    projectOut <- function (
        noDistinguishersYet) {

      if (length(passOneDistinguishers) > 0 && noDistinguishersYet) {
        ## Subtract first distinguisher from each distribution
        exprLinearBarAdj <- t(t(exprLinearBarAdj) - exprLinearBarAdj[passOneDistinguishers[1], ])
        ## Remove first distinguisher from the vector of original
        ## distinguishers
        passOneDistinguishers <- passOneDistinguishers[-1]
      if (length(passOneDistinguishers) > 0) {
        project <- exprLinearBarAdj[passOneDistinguishers, , drop = FALSE]
        tExprLinear_exprLinear_tProject <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3)
        projectionNormInv <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3)
        if (kappa(projectionNormInv) > 1e6) {
          mesg <- sprintf("The 'projectionNormInv' matrix is of low rank (kappa = %g).  Ask for fewer numCellClasses.\n", kappa(projectionNormInv))
        projectionNorm <- solve(projectionNormInv)
        exprLinearBarAdj <- exprLinearBarAdj - gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3)
      return(list(exprLinearBarAdj = exprLinearBarAdj))

    ## ################################################################
    ## adjust the distinguishers
    ## ################################################################

    stopifnot(nrow(exprLinearBarAdj) == nrow(exprLinear))
    stopifnot(ncol(exprLinearBarAdj) == ncol(exprLinear))
    stopifnot(nrow(tExprLinear_exprLinear) == ncol(exprLinear))
    stopifnot(ncol(tExprLinear_exprLinear) == ncol(exprLinear))

    len <- length(passOneDistinguishers)
    if (len == 1) {
      ## Find the points farthest from the origin in the same
      ## direction as the original distinguisher.
      project <- exprLinearBarAdj[passOneDistinguishers[1], , drop = FALSE]
      lengths <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
          verbose = verbose - 3)
      lengths <- lengths / sqrt(lengths[passOneDistinguishers[1]])

      bestDistinguishers <- order(lengths, decreasing = TRUE)[1:maxDistinguisherAlternatives]
      bestLengths <- lengths[bestDistinguishers]
      bestLengthsNormalized <- bestLengths / bestLengths[1]
      if (verbose > 2) {
        print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
        cat(sprintf("Second pass: %d distinguisher(s) found for the cell class with pass-one distinguisher %s (length = %g)\n", maxDistinguisherAlternatives, rownames(exprLinear)[passOneDistinguishers[1]], lengths[passOneDistinguishers[1]]))
        distinguishers <- rownames(exprLinear)[bestDistinguishers]
        if (verbose > 3) {
          print(rbind(distinguishers, bestLengths, bestLengthsNormalized))
        } else {
          print(rbind(distinguishers, bestLengths))
          bestDistinguishers = bestDistinguishers,
          bestLengths = bestLengths,
          bestLengthsNormalized = bestLengthsNormalized))
    } else {

      ## We will process 1:mid1 and mid2:len recursively
      mid1 <- (len + 1) %/% 2
      mid2 <- mid1 + 1
      ## Project out mid2:len then recurse to discovering 1:mid1.
      projectOutExprLinearBarAdj1 <- projectOut(
      ans1 <- Recall(
                noDistinguishersYet = FALSE)
      ## Project out 1:mid1 then recurse to discovering mid2:len.
      projectOutExprLinearBarAdj2 <- projectOut(
      ans2 <- Recall(
                noDistinguishersYet = FALSE)
      return(list(bestDistinguishers = cbind(ans1$bestDistinguishers, ans2$bestDistinguishers),
                  bestLengths = cbind(ans1$bestLengths, ans2$bestLengths),
                  bestLengthsNormalized = cbind(ans1$bestLengthsNormalized, ans2$bestLengthsNormalized)))

  ## ##################################################################
  ## goodEnoughDistinguishers is a helper function for
  ## gecd_CellDistinguisher.  It is responsible for shortening the
  ## list of distinguishers for each cell subtype.
  ## ##################################################################

  goodEnoughDistinguishers <- function (distinguishers, lengths, threshold = 0.5, minLength = 1) {
    ## Remove the distinguishers that do not clear the threshold
    result <- distinguishers
    result[(lengths < threshold) & (row(lengths) > minLength)] <- NA

    ## Remove any duplicate entries except where they are first for a
    ## cell subtype.
    tab <- table(result)
    MyGoodNames <- names(tab)[tab == 1]
    result[!(result %in% MyGoodNames) & !(row(result) == 1)] <- NA

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Do the first pass preprocessing
  ## ##################################################################

  ans <- expressionPreprocessing(exprLinear, genesymb, expressionQuantileForScale, expressionQuantileForFilter, expressionConcentrationRatio, probesWithGenesOnly, verbose)
  exprLinear <- ans$exprLinear
  tExprLinear_exprLinear <- ans$tExprLinear_exprLinear
  exprLinearBar <- ans$exprLinearBar
  exprLinearBarAdj <- ans$exprLinearBarAdj
  genesymb <- ans$genesymb

  if (verbose > 1) {
    print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
    cat("gecd_CellDistinguisher: preprocessing complete\n")

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Do the first pass
  ## ##################################################################

  ans <- findCandidateDistinguishers(exprLinear, tExprLinear_exprLinear, exprLinearBarAdj, numCellClasses)
  passOneDistinguishers <- ans$passOneDistinguishers
  allLengths <- ans$allLengths

  if (verbose > 1) {
    print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
    cat("gecd_CellDistinguisher: findCandidateDistinguishers complete\n")

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Do the second pass
  ## ##################################################################

  ans <- adjustDistinguishers(
      noDistinguishersYet = TRUE)
  bestDistinguishers <- ans$bestDistinguishers
  bestLengths <- ans$bestLengths
  bestLengthsNormalized <- ans$bestLengthsNormalized

  if (verbose > 1) {
    print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
    cat("gecd_CellDistinguisher: distinguisher adjustment complete\n")

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Do the post processing pass, filtering out poor alternatives
  ## ##################################################################
  bestDistinguishers <- goodEnoughDistinguishers(bestDistinguishers,
  bestLengths[is.na(bestDistinguishers)] <- NA
  bestLengthsNormalized[is.na(bestDistinguishers)] <- NA
  ## Bubble the NA values to the lower numbered rows
  if (nrow(bestDistinguishers) > 1) {
    bubbleNA <- function (x) { y <- rep(NA, length(x)) ; z <- x[!is.na(x)] ; if(length(z) > 0) { y[1:length(z)] <- z } ; return(y) }
    bestDistinguishers <- apply(bestDistinguishers, 2, bubbleNA)
    bestLengths <- apply(bestLengths, 2, bubbleNA)
    bestLengthsNormalized <- apply(bestLengthsNormalized, 2, bubbleNA)

  lastGoodRow <- sum(apply(bestDistinguishers, 1, function (rank) {sum(!is.na(rank)) > 0}))
  bestDistinguishers <- bestDistinguishers[1:lastGoodRow, , drop=FALSE]
  bestLengths <- bestLengths[1:lastGoodRow, , drop=FALSE]
  bestLengthsNormalized <- bestLengthsNormalized[1:lastGoodRow, , drop=FALSE]

  bestDistinguishersGeneNames <- NULL
  passOneDistinguishersGeneNames <- NULL
  if (!is.null(genesymb)) {
    passOneDistinguishersGeneNames <- as.character(genesymb[passOneDistinguishers])
    bestDistinguishersGeneNames <- matrix(genesymb[bestDistinguishers], nrow(bestDistinguishers), ncol(bestDistinguishers))
  if (!is.null(rownames(exprLinear))) {
    passOneDistinguishers <- rownames(exprLinear)[passOneDistinguishers]
    bestDistinguishers <- matrix(rownames(exprLinear)[bestDistinguishers], nrow(bestDistinguishers), ncol(bestDistinguishers))

  bestDistinguishersFrame <- data.frame(biolproc=as.vector(col(bestDistinguishers)), rank=as.vector(row(bestDistinguishers)), probeset=as.vector(bestDistinguishers), genesymb=NA, length=as.vector(bestLengths), lengthNormalized=as.vector(bestLengthsNormalized), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  passOneFrame <- data.frame(probeset=passOneDistinguishers, genesymb=NA, length=allLengths, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  if(!is.null(genesymb)) {
    passOneFrame$genesymb <- passOneDistinguishersGeneNames
    bestDistinguishersFrame$genesymb <- as.vector(bestDistinguishersGeneNames)
  bestDistinguishersFrame <- bestDistinguishersFrame[!is.na(bestDistinguishersFrame$length),]
  rownames(passOneFrame) <- 1:nrow(passOneFrame)
  rownames(bestDistinguishersFrame) <- paste(bestDistinguishersFrame$biolproc, bestDistinguishersFrame$rank, sep="_")

  if (verbose > 1) {
    print(proc.time() - ptm); ptm <<- proc.time()
    cat("gecd_CellDistinguisher: post processing complete\n")

      bestDistinguishers = bestDistinguishers, # deprecated
      bestDistinguishersGeneNames = bestDistinguishersGeneNames, # deprecated
      bestLengths = bestLengths, # deprecated
      bestLengthsNormalized = bestLengthsNormalized, # deprecated
      passOneDistinguishers = passOneDistinguishers, # deprecated
      passOneDistinguishersGeneNames = passOneDistinguishersGeneNames, # deprecated
      passOneLengths = allLengths, # deprecated
      bestDistinguishersFrame = bestDistinguishersFrame,
      passOneFrame = passOneFrame))

### gecd_DeconvolutionByDistinguishers: Use the discovered
### distinguishers to deconvolve the original expression data

#' The gecd_DeconvolutionByDistinguishers function
#' Uses the distinguishers discovered by gecd_CellDistinguisher to deconvolve the original expression data.
#' @param exprLinear exprLinear is the matrix to be factored
#' @param bestDistinguishers bestDistinguishers is the matrix of anchors that enable the factorization.
#' @param nonNegativeOnly If set to TRUE strictly enforces that the entries in the matrix factors be non-negative. Default is TRUE.
#' @param convexSolution If set to TRUE strictly enforces that the entries for a sample in the sampleComposition matrix sum to 1.0. Default is TRUE.
#' @param verbose Default is 0.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' See https://github.com/GeneralElectric/CellDistinguisher/blob/master/README.txt

gecd_DeconvolutionByDistinguishers <- function (
    nonNegativeOnly = TRUE,
    convexSolution = TRUE,
    verbose = 0) {
  ## exprLinear is the matrix to be factored
  ## bestDistinguishers is the matrix of anchors that enable the
  ## factorization.  Note that only its first row is used.
  ## nonNegativeOnly, if set to TRUE strictly enforces that the
  ## entries in the matrix factors be non-negative.
  ## convexSolution, if set to TRUE strictly enforces that the entries
  ## for a sample in the sampleComposition matrix sum to 1.0.

  ## Even if one or both of nonNegativeOnly and convexSolution are not
  ## TRUE, strong data should produce results reasonably close to the
  ## desired restrictions.

  ## ####################################################################
  ## Pre-process exprLinear parameter.  Make each column sum to 1.
  ## The justifies the convexity requirement for sampleCompositions.
  exprLinear <- t(t(exprLinear) / colSums(exprLinear))

  ## ####################################################################
  ## Pre-process bestDistinguishers parameter: If we were passed all
  ## the bestDistinguishers, not just the best for each cell subclass,
  ## then restrict to the latter for now.
  if (is.matrix(bestDistinguishers)) {
    topDistinguishers <- bestDistinguishers[1,]
  } else {
    topDistinguishers <- bestDistinguishers

  if ((sum(is.na(topDistinguishers)) > 0) | (length(topDistinguishers) != length(unique(topDistinguishers)))) {
    mesg <- "The supplied bestDistinguishers parameter contains NA or duplicates in the first row.\n"

  ## We wish to operate on the undiluted expression data.

  ## QOriginalBar <- exprLinearBar %*% t(exprLinear)
  rowNormalization <- (exprLinear %*% colSums(exprLinear))[, 1]
  exprLinearBar <- exprLinear / rowNormalization
  exprLinearBar[which(rowNormalization == 0.0),] <- 0.0
  tExprLinear_exprLinear <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
      verbose = verbose - 3)

  ## ####################################################################
  ## Compute cellSubclassSignatures.
  ## convexCoefficients[probe, cellSubclass] is the
  ## probability of cellSubclass given the probe
  ## ####################################################################

  ## Check the condition of a matrix being inverted
  project <- exprLinearBar[topDistinguishers, , drop=FALSE]
  projectionNormInv <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
      verbose = verbose - 3)
  if (kappa(projectionNormInv) > 1e6) {
    mesg <- sprintf("The 'projectionNormInv' matrix is of low rank (kappa = %g).  Ask for fewer numCellClasses.\n", kappa(projectionNormInv))
  projectionNorm <- solve(projectionNormInv)

  ## First, compute convexCoefficientsUnconstrained as those that
  ## approximate the expression data via unconstrained least-squares.
  convexCoefficientsUnconstrained <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
      verbose = verbose - 3)

  if (convexSolution) {
    ## Second, adjust the convexCoefficientsUnconstrained so that each
    ## row sums to 1.0.  That is, constrain each probe's approximation
    ## to lie within the hyperplane spanned by the distinguishers.
    constraintCoefficients <- matrix(1.0, 1, length(topDistinguishers))
    constraintConstants <- matrix(1.0, nrow(exprLinear), 1)
    constraintNormInv <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
        verbose = verbose - 3)
    if (kappa(constraintNormInv) > 1e6) {
      mesg <- sprintf("The 'constraintNormInv' matrix is of low rank (kappa = %g).  Ask for fewer numCellClasses.\n", kappa(constraintNormInv))
    constraintNorm <- solve(constraintNormInv)
    productNorm <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
        verbose = verbose - 3)
    convexCoefficientsConstrained <- convexCoefficientsUnconstrained + (
            verbose = verbose - 3) -
            verbose = verbose - 3))
  } else {
    convexCoefficientsConstrained <- convexCoefficientsUnconstrained

  ## Third, enforce non-negativity if requested.
  if (nonNegativeOnly) {
    ## If some coefficients come out negative (by more than epsilon)
    ## then force those to zero and iterate until no remaining
    ## coefficients are forced negative.
    epsilon <- 1e-6
    for (row in which(rowSums(convexCoefficientsConstrained < -epsilon) > 0)) {
      if (convexSolution) {
        ## Start with the "sum to 1" constraint
        constraintCoefficients <- rep(1.0, ncol(convexCoefficientsConstrained))
        constraintConstants <- 1.0
      } else {
        constraintCoefficients <- NULL
        constraintConstants <- NULL
      ## replacement starts out as the value that it will eventually
      ## replace.
      replacement <- convexCoefficientsConstrained[row,]
      while (sum(replacement < -epsilon) > 0) {
        for (col in which(replacement < -epsilon)) {
          ## Add constraints that set a convexCoefficient to zero.
          basis <- rep(0.0, ncol(convexCoefficientsConstrained))
          basis[col] <- 1.0
          constraintCoefficients <- rbind(constraintCoefficients, basis)
          constraintConstants <- cbind(constraintConstants, 0.0)
        ## Compute the constrained convexCoefficients.
        ## It is too slow to check for good conditioning inside this
        ## loop.  Hope for the best!!
        constraintNorm <- solve(gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3))
        productNorm <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3)
        replacement <- convexCoefficientsUnconstrained[row, , drop=FALSE] + (
                verbose = verbose - 3) -
                convexCoefficientsUnconstrained[row, , drop=FALSE],
                verbose = verbose - 3))
      convexCoefficientsConstrained[row,] <- replacement
    ## Everything is now more-or-less positive.  If it is really,
    ## really small, set it to zero.
    convexCoefficientsConstrained[convexCoefficientsUnconstrained < epsilon] <- 0.0

  ## Fourth, apply Bayes' Rule to compute cellSubclassSignatures.
  ## cellSubclassSignatures[probe, cellSubclass] is to be the
  ## probability of probe given the cellSubclass.  We start with
  ## convexCoefficientsConstrained[probe,cellSubclass], which is the
  ## probability of a cellSubclass given a probe.  First multiply its
  ## rows by the prior probability of probes to get joint distribution
  ## over (cellSubclass, probe) pairs.  Second divide by column sums
  ## to get Pr[probe | cellSubclass].

  cellSubclassSignatures <- convexCoefficientsConstrained * (exprLinear %*% colSums(exprLinear))[, 1]
  cellSubclassSignatures <- t(t(cellSubclassSignatures) / colSums(cellSubclassSignatures))

  ## ####################################################################
  ## sampleCompositions[cellSubclass, sample] is the probability of
  ## the cellSubclass given the sample
  ## ####################################################################

  ## Zeroth, restrict cellSubclassSignatures and exprLinear to just
  ## the rows corresponding to distinguishers.  Then renormalize each
  ## column of each to sum to 1.0.

  ## Select a subset of the probes by which to compute sample
  ## compositions.  Are we making the right choice?!!!
  ## goodProbes <- distinguishers[1,]
  goodProbes <- unique(bestDistinguishers[!is.na(bestDistinguishers)])
  ## goodProbes <- rownames(exprLinear)

  exprLinearDistinguishers <- exprLinear[goodProbes, ]
  exprLinearDistinguishers <- t(t(exprLinearDistinguishers) / colSums(exprLinearDistinguishers))
  cellSubclassSignaturesDistinguishers <- cellSubclassSignatures[goodProbes, ]
  cellSubclassSignaturesDistinguishers <- t(t(cellSubclassSignaturesDistinguishers) / colSums(cellSubclassSignaturesDistinguishers))

  ## First, compute sampleCompositionsUnconstrained as those that approximate the
  ## expression data via unconstrained least-squares.
  projectionNormInv <- t(cellSubclassSignaturesDistinguishers) %*% cellSubclassSignaturesDistinguishers
  if (kappa(projectionNormInv) > 1e6) {
    mesg <- sprintf("The 'projectionNormInv' matrix is of low rank (kappa = %g).  Ask for fewer numCellClasses.\n", kappa(projectionNormInv))
  projectionNorm <- solve(projectionNormInv)
  sampleCompositionsUnconstrained <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
      verbose = verbose - 3)

  if (convexSolution) {
    ## Second, adjust the sampleCompositionsUnconstrained so that each column
    ## (sample's compositions) sums to 1.0.
    constraintCoefficients <- matrix(1.0, length(topDistinguishers), 1)
    constraintConstants <- matrix(1.0, 1, ncol(exprLinear))
    constraintNormInv <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
        verbose = verbose - 3)
    if (kappa(constraintNormInv) > 1e6) {
      mesg <- sprintf("The 'constraintNormInv' matrix is of low rank (kappa = %g).  Ask for fewer numCellClasses.\n", kappa(constraintNormInv))
    constraintNorm <- solve(constraintNormInv)
    productNorm <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
        verbose = verbose - 3)
    sampleCompositionsConstrained <- sampleCompositionsUnconstrained + (
            verbose = verbose - 3) -
            verbose = verbose - 3))
  } else {
    sampleCompositionsConstrained <- sampleCompositionsUnconstrained

  ## Third, enforce non-negativity if requested.
  if (nonNegativeOnly) {
    ## If some composition values come out negative (by more than
    ## epsilon) then force those to zero and iterate until no
    ## remaining coefficients are forced negative.
    epsilon <- 1e-6
    for (col in which(colSums(sampleCompositionsConstrained < -epsilon) > 0)) {
      if (convexSolution) {
        ## Start with the "sum to 1" constraint
        constraintCoefficients <- rep(1.0, nrow(sampleCompositionsConstrained))
        constraintConstants <- 1.0
      } else {
        constraintCoefficients <- NULL
        constraintConstants <- NULL
      ## replacement starts out as the value that it will eventually
      ## replace.
      replacement <- sampleCompositionsConstrained[, col]
      while (sum(replacement < -epsilon) > 0) {
        for (row in which(replacement < -epsilon)) {
          basis <- rep(0.0, nrow(sampleCompositionsConstrained))
          basis[row] <- 1.0
          constraintCoefficients <- cbind(constraintCoefficients, basis)
          constraintConstants <- rbind(constraintConstants, 0.0)
        ## Compute the constrained sampleCompositions.
        ## It is too slow to check for good conditioning inside this
        ## loop.  Hope for the best!!
        constraintNorm <- solve(gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3))
        productNorm <- gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication(
            verbose = verbose - 3)
        replacement <- sampleCompositionsUnconstrained[, col, drop=FALSE] + (
                verbose = verbose - 3) -
                sampleCompositionsUnconstrained[, col, drop=FALSE],
                verbose = verbose - 3))
      sampleCompositionsConstrained[, col] <- replacement
    sampleCompositionsConstrained[sampleCompositionsConstrained < epsilon] <- 0.0

      cellSubclassSignatures = cellSubclassSignatures,
      sampleCompositions = sampleCompositionsConstrained))

### gecd_DeconvolutionCellMix is a wrapper for the CellMix
### deconvolution tools.  This is probably most useful with
### method="ssKL" and method="ssFrobenius".

#' The gecd_DeconvolutionCellMix function
#' gecd_DeconvolutionCellMix is a wrapper for the CellMix deconvolution tools.  This is probably most useful with method="ssKL" and method="ssFrobenius".
#' @param exprLinear exprLinear is the matrix to be factored
#' @param bestDistinguishers bestDistinguishers is the matrix of anchors that enable the factorization.
#' @param nonNegativeOnly If set to TRUE strictly enforces that the entries in the matrix factors be non-negative. Default is TRUE.
#' @param verbose Default is 0.
#' @param log log parameter to be passed to the CellMix deconvolution tools. Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to the CellMix deconvolution tools.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' See https://github.com/GeneralElectric/CellDistinguisher/blob/master/README.txt

gecd_DeconvolutionCellMix <- function (
                               nonNegativeOnly = TRUE,
                               verbose = 0,
                               log = FALSE,
                               ...) {
  stopifnot(nonNegativeOnly == TRUE)

  MyMarkerList <- NULL
  cCellTypes <- NULL
  if (!is.null(bestDistinguishers)) {
    if (is.vector(bestDistinguishers)) {
      ## Convert vector to a matrix with one row
      bestDistinguishers <- matrix(bestDistinguishers, 1, length(bestDistinguishers))
    ## Convert the matrix to a named list of unamed lists.  There is
    ## one unnamed list per column of the bestDistinguishers matrix.
    MyMarkerList <- split(bestDistinguishers, col(bestDistinguishers))
    ## Name each list by its first distinguisher
    names(MyMarkerList) <- lapply(MyMarkerList, function (x) { return(x[[1]]) } )
    ## Remove any NA entries
    MyMarkerList <- lapply(MyMarkerList, function (x) { return(x[!is.na(x)]) } )
    ## Convert to MarkerList structure
    cCellTypes <- length(MyMarkerList)
    MyMarkerList <- MarkerList(MyMarkerList)

  ## Eliminate probes with no positive expression to avoid confusing
  ## CellMix
  exprLinearReduced <- exprLinear[apply(exprLinear, 1, function (x) { sum(x > 0.0) > 0}),]
  ## Ask CellMix to do its job
  response <- ged(object=ExpressionSet(assayData=exprLinearReduced), x=cCellTypes, data=MyMarkerList, log=log, verbose=verbose, ...)
  ## Reinsert eliminated probes
  cellSubclassSignatures <- matrix(0, nrow(exprLinear), cCellTypes)
  rownames(cellSubclassSignatures) <- rownames(exprLinear)
  colnames(cellSubclassSignatures) <- colnames(response@fit@W)
  cellSubclassSignatures[rownames(response@fit@W),] <- response@fit@W

      cellSubclassSignatures = cellSubclassSignatures,
      sampleCompositions = response@fit@H))

### Matrix chain multiplication

gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication <- function (..., verbose = 0, diagonalOnly = FALSE) {

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Variables that are global to this function and its helper
  ## functions
  ## ##################################################################

  ListOfMatrices <- list(...)
  NumMatrices <- length(ListOfMatrices)
  if (verbose > 0) {
    cat(sprintf("Applicable matrix dimensions %s: ", ifelse(diagonalOnly, "(diagonal only)", "")))
    print(c(sapply(ListOfMatrices, nrow), ncol(ListOfMatrices[[NumMatrices]])))
  ## Cost and Best are private member variables that will be used by
  ## the helper routines ComputeOptimum and ComputeProduct.
  ## Cost[i, j] = cost for multiplying matrices i through j, inclusive.
  ## Cost[i, j] is achieved with MatrixProduct[i, k-1] %*% MatrixProduct[k, j]
  Cost <- matrix(0.0, NumMatrices, NumMatrices)
  Best <- matrix(0, NumMatrices, NumMatrices)

  ## ##################################################################
  ## ComputeOptimum is a helper function for
  ## gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication.  It computes the optimal
  ## associative order in which to later multiply the matrices.
  ## ##################################################################

  ComputeOptimum <- function (first, last, diagonalOnly) {
    if (first < last && Best[first, last] == 0) {
      ## We haven't computed this value before.  Let's compute and cache it.
      if (verbose > 1) { cat(sprintf("Computing for range [%d, %d]\n", first, last)) }
      possibilities <- rep(0.0, last-first)
      rowsFirst <- as.numeric(nrow(ListOfMatrices[[first]]))
      if (diagonalOnly) {
        colsLast <- 1
      } else {
        colsLast <- as.numeric(ncol(ListOfMatrices[[last]]))
      for (mid in (first+1):last) {
        rowsMid <- as.numeric(nrow(ListOfMatrices[[mid]]))
        possibilities[mid-first] <-
          Recall(first, mid-1, diagonalOnly = FALSE) +
          Recall(mid, last, diagonalOnly = FALSE) +
          rowsFirst * rowsMid * colsLast
      where <- which.min(possibilities)
      Best[first, last] <<- where + first
      Cost[first, last] <<- possibilities[where]
    ## Return the value from the cache
    return(Cost[first, last])

  ## ##################################################################
  ## ComputeProduct is a helper function for
  ## gecd_MatrixChainMultiplication
  ## ##################################################################

  ComputeProduct <- function (first, last, diagonalOnly) {
    if (first == last) {
      if (verbose > 0) { cat(sprintf("m%d", first)) }
    } else {
      mid <- Best[first, last]
      if (verbose > 0) { cat("(") }
      Left <- Recall(first, mid-1, FALSE)
      Right <- Recall(mid, last, FALSE)
      if (diagonalOnly) {
        answer <- rowSums(Left * t(Right))
      } else {
        answer <- Left %*% Right
      if (verbose > 0) { cat(")") }

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Use ComputeOptimum
  ## ##################################################################

  ComputeOptimum(1, NumMatrices, diagonalOnly)
  if (verbose > 1) {
    print("Best") ; print(Best)
    print("Cost") ; print(Cost)

  ## ##################################################################
  ## Use ComputeProduct
  ## ##################################################################

  answer <- ComputeProduct(1, NumMatrices, diagonalOnly)
  if (verbose > 0) { cat(sprintf(" = %g multiplications\n", Cost[1, NumMatrices])) }

### gecd_mergeListOfDataframes: Use divide and conquer to merge data
### frames relatively quickly.

gecd_mergeListOfDataframes <- function (listOfDataframes) {
  len <- length(listOfDataframes)
  if (len == 1) {
  } else {
    mid <- len %/% 2
    return(merge(Recall(listOfDataframes[1:mid]), Recall(listOfDataframes[(mid+1):len]), all=TRUE))

### gecd_DataLoader$* functions
### gecd_DataLoader$* functions return:
### exprLinear = linear (not logarithmic) expression values for
### samples from a file or simulation.
### genesymb = gene symbols corresponding to probes (rownames) of
### exprLinear, if available
### exprLinearClasses = (linear) expression values for cell classes,
### if available

### Structure with no gecd_DataLoader$* functions yet

#' @export

gecd_DataLoader <- data.frame(nrow=1)[0]   # one row, zero columns

### gecd_DataAnalyzer$* functions:
### Attempts at analyzing the data sets

### Structure with no gecd_DataAnalyzer$* functions yet

#' @export

gecd_DataAnalyzer <- data.frame(nrow=1)[0]   # one row, zero columns

### Enumerate gecd_DataLoader functions

gecd_DataLoader$enumerate.loaders <- function (loaders=gecd_DataLoader, prefix="gecd_DataLoader$") {
  enumerateResponse <- NULL
  for (loader in mixedsort(names(loaders))) {
    if (is.null(names(loaders[[loader]]))) {
      ## This is a leaf node
      if (loader %in% c("enumerate.loaders", "GSETemplate", "help", "mergeListOfDataSets")) {
        ## report nothing
      } else if (loader %in% c("brain.map.H0351", "brain.map.H0351.all", "brain.map.H0351.byregion", "read.table", "GSEGeneric")) {
        ## report the name, but nothing else
        enumerateResponse <- rbind(enumerateResponse, data.frame(loader=paste0(prefix, loader, "()"), numProbes=NA, numSamples=NA, PubMed=NA, minExpression=NA, maxExpression=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
      } else {
        ## report as much as we can
        z <- loaders[[loader]]()
        enumerateResponse <- rbind(enumerateResponse, data.frame(loader=paste0(prefix, loader, "()"), numProbes=nrow(z$exprLinear), numSamples=ncol(z$exprLinear), PubMed=z$pmid, minExpression=min(z$exprLinear), maxExpression=max(z$exprLinear), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
    } else {
      ## This is not a leaf node; recurse.
      enumerateResponse <- rbind(enumerateResponse, Recall(loaders[[loader]], paste0(prefix, loader, "$")))

gecd_DataLoader$help <- gecd_DataLoader$enumerate.loaders

### Generic read from a file.

gecd_DataLoader$read.table <- function (filename) {
  exprLinear <- data.matrix(read.table(filename, sep="\t", quote="", comment.char="", header=TRUE, row.names=1))
           exprLinear = exprLinear,
           genesymb = NULL,
           exprLinearClasses = NULL,
           pmid = NA))

### Simple simulated data

gecd_DataLoader$simulated <- function (numGenes = 22283, numSamples = 21, numCellClasses = 10) {
  exprLog2Classes <- matrix(rnorm(numGenes * numCellClasses, m = 0, sd = 1), ncol = numCellClasses)
  exprLinearClasses <- exprLog2Classes
  exprLinearClasses <- 2^exprLog2Classes
  sampleCompositions <- t(rdirichlet(numSamples, rep(1, numCellClasses)))
  exprLinear <- exprLinearClasses %*% sampleCompositions
           exprLinear = exprLinear,
           genesymb = NULL,
           exprLinearClasses = exprLinearClasses,
           pmid = NA))

### A simulated toy example for testing

gecd_DataLoader$toy.example <- function (numCellClasses = 5, numMarkers = 20000, numSamples = 10) {
  ## ####################################################################
  ## concatenateCompositions: create informative sample names
  concatenateCompositions <- function (...) {
    return(paste(substr(paste(round(100+100*..., 0)), 2, 3), collapse="-"))

  ## ####################################################################
  ## makeSymbol: create probe (prefix="p") or gene (prefix="g") names.
  makeSymbol <- function (prefix, index, numDigits) {
    return(paste(prefix, substr(paste(10^numDigits + index), 2, numDigits + 1), sep=""))

  ## ####################################################################
  ## addNoise: The standard deviation of a marker's expression across
  ## the samples is used as a scale for adding noise.  The errorLevel
  ## times this standard deviation is the standard deviation of the
  ## added noise for that marker.

  addNoise <- function (exprLog2, errorLevel = 0.1) {
    xlog.sd <- apply(exprLog2, 1, sd)
    noise <- 0 * exprLog2
    for (i in 1:nrow(exprLog2)) {
      noise[i, ] <- rnorm(ncol(exprLog2), mean = 0, sd = errorLevel*xlog.sd[i])
    return(list(exprLog2 = exprLog2 + noise))

  CellClassExpressions <- matrix(1000*2^rnorm(numMarkers * numCellClasses), numMarkers, numCellClasses)
  ## SampleCompositions <- matrix(rnorm(numCellClasses * numSamples)^2, numCellClasses, numSamples) # Dirichlet(0.5, ...)
  SampleCompositions <- matrix(-log(1-runif(numCellClasses * numSamples)), numCellClasses, numSamples) # Dirichlet(1.0, ...), I think
  ## SampleCompositions[1:numCellClasses, 1:numCellClasses] <- diag(numCellClasses) # identity matrix
  SampleCompositions <- t(t(SampleCompositions) / colSums(SampleCompositions))

  numDigits <- ceiling(log10(numMarkers + 0.5))
  probesymb <- makeSymbol("p", 1:numMarkers, numDigits)
  genesymb <- makeSymbol("g", 1:numMarkers, numDigits)
  numDigits <- ceiling(log10(numCellClasses + 0.5))
  cellClassSymb <- makeSymbol("k", 1:numCellClasses, numDigits)
  sampleSymb <- apply(SampleCompositions, 2, concatenateCompositions)

  rownames(CellClassExpressions) <- probesymb
  colnames(CellClassExpressions) <- cellClassSymb
  rownames(SampleCompositions) <- cellClassSymb
  colnames(SampleCompositions) <- sampleSymb

  SampleExpressions <- CellClassExpressions %*% SampleCompositions

  exprLog2 <- log2(SampleExpressions)
  exprLog2 <- addNoise(exprLog2, 0.1)$exprLog2
  exprLinear <- 2^exprLog2
           exprLinear = exprLinear,
           genesymb = genesymb,
           exprLinearClasses = CellClassExpressions,
           pmid = NA))

### GSEGeneric is a function that retrieves and parses a GSE structure
### fetched by getGEO of the GEOquery package.  THESE STRUCTURES ARE
### large size of these data sets can cause the download and parsing
### to be quite slow.  Typical usage is available by running the
### function without arguments.

gecd_DataLoader$GSEGeneric <- function (gseGEO=NULL, retrievedAs=NULL, genesymbColname=NULL, verbose=0) {
  if (is.null(gseGEO) | is.null(retrievedAs)) {
    stop("You must supply the first two arguments.\nTypical usage is:\n  library(GEOquery)\n  options(download.file.method='wget')\n  options(download.file.method.GEOquery='wget')\n  gseGEO <- getGEO('GSE26304', GSEMatrix=FALSE)\n  str(gseGEO@gpls[[1]]@dataTable@table)\n  str(gseGEO@gsms[[1]]@dataTable@columns$Description)\n  MyData <- gecd_DataLoader$GSEGeneric(gseGEO, retrievedAs='log2', genesymbColname='GENE_SYMBOL')\n  MyExprLinear <- MyData[[1]]$exprLinear\n")
  if (verbose >= 1) {
    cat(paste0("Loading data for ", gseGEO@header$geo_accession, "\n"))

  ## Convert the data to a compact format
  platforms <- names(gseGEO@gpls)
  samples <- names(gseGEO@gsms)
  platformsList <- NULL
  for (platform in platforms) {
    if (verbose >= 2) {
      cat(paste0("  Loading data for ", platform, "\n"))
    ## We may have multiple platforms (GPL*).  Process each
    ## separately.
    allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame <- NULL
    allSamplesInfoDataFrame <- NULL
    for (sample in samples) {
      if (gseGEO@gsms[[sample]]@header$platform_id == platform) {
        if (verbose >= 3) {
          cat(paste0("    Loading data for ", sample, "\n"))
        ## This sample is associated with this platform.  Get the
        ## expression values.
        if (verbose >= 4) {
          cat(paste0("      Loading VALUE\n"))
        srcVALUE <- gseGEO@gsms[[sample]]@dataTable@table$VALUE
        if (class(srcVALUE) == "factor") {
          srcVALUE <- levels(srcVALUE)[srcVALUE]
        srcVALUE <- as.numeric(srcVALUE)
        VALUE <- rep(NA, length(srcVALUE))
        if (retrievedAs == "linear") {
          VALUE <- srcVALUE
        } else if (retrievedAs == "log2") {
          VALUE <- 2.0 ^ srcVALUE
        } else if (retrievedAs == "log10") {
          VALUE <- 10.0 ^ srcVALUE
        if (verbose >= 4) {
          cat(paste0("      Loading ID_REF\n"))
        ID_REF <- gseGEO@gsms[[sample]]@dataTable@table$ID_REF
        sampleExprLinearDataFrame <- data.frame(ID_REF, VALUE)
        names(sampleExprLinearDataFrame)[names(sampleExprLinearDataFrame)=="VALUE"] <- sample
        allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame <- c(allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame, list(sampleExprLinearDataFrame))

        if (verbose >= 4) {
          cat(paste0("      Loading sampleInfo\n"))
        ## Load the sample descriptions (sampleInfo)
        sampleInfoDataFrame <- data.frame(SAMPLE=sample)
        sampleInfoRawHeaders <- gseGEO@gsms[[sample]]@header
        for (header in names(sampleInfoRawHeaders)) {
          if (verbose >= 5) {
            cat(paste0("        Loading header=", header, "\n"))
          values <- sampleInfoRawHeaders[[header]]
          for (value in values) {
            split <- strsplit(value, ": *")
            if (length(split[[1]]) == 2) {
              ## This value is a name=value pair
              header <- split[[1]][1]
              value <- split[[1]][2]
            while (header %in% names(sampleInfoDataFrame)) {
              header <- paste0(header, ".")
            sampleInfoDataFrame[1,header] <- type.convert(value, numerals="no.loss")
        rownames(sampleInfoDataFrame)[1] <- sample
        allSamplesInfoDataFrame <- c(allSamplesInfoDataFrame, list(sampleInfoDataFrame))
    ## Now that we have found all samples for this platform, massage
    ## the data structures somewhat
    if (verbose >= 2) {
      cat(paste0("  Massaging exprLinear\n"))
    allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame <- gecd_mergeListOfDataframes(allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame)
    rownames(allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame) <- allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame$ID_REF
    allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame <- allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame[,!(names(allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame) == "ID_REF")]
    exprLinearMatrix <- as.matrix(allSamplesExprLinearDataFrame, drop=FALSE)

    if (verbose >= 2) {
      cat(paste0("  Massaging sampleInfo\n"))
    allSamplesInfoDataFrame <- gecd_mergeListOfDataframes(allSamplesInfoDataFrame)
    rownames(allSamplesInfoDataFrame) <- allSamplesInfoDataFrame$SAMPLE
    allSamplesInfoDataFrame <- allSamplesInfoDataFrame[,!(names(allSamplesInfoDataFrame) == "SAMPLE")]

    ## Load the probe descriptions
    if (verbose >= 2) {
      cat(paste0("  Loading probesetInfo\n"))
    probeNames <- rownames(exprLinearMatrix)
    probesetInfo <- data.frame(ID=probeNames) # rows in same order in probesetInfo and exprLinearMatrix
    probesetInfoRaw <- gseGEO@gpls[[platform]]@dataTable@table
    probesetInfo <- merge(probesetInfo, probesetInfoRaw, all.x=TRUE)
    row.names(probesetInfo) <- probesetInfo$ID

    ## Load the gene symbols (genesymb)
    if (verbose >= 2) {
      cat(paste0("  Loading genesymb\n"))
    genesymb <- NULL
    if (!is.null(genesymbColname)) {
      genesymb <- setNames(probesetInfo[,genesymbColname], row.names(probesetInfo))
    ## Make a onr-element list of a list of useful information for
    ## this platform
    platformList <- list(list(exprLinear=exprLinearMatrix, genesymb=genesymb, sampleInfo=allSamplesInfoDataFrame, probesetInfo=probesetInfo))
    ## Name the one element
    names(platformList) <- list(platform)
    ## Add this platform to the others already computed
    platformsList <- c(platformsList, platformList)

### GSE19830
### http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE19830
### Shen-Orr SS, Tibshirani R, Khatri P, Bodian DL, Staedtler F, Perry
### NM, Hastie T, Sarwal MM, Davis MM, Butte AJ. Cell type-specific
### gene expression differences in complex tissues. Nat Methods. 2010
### Apr;7(4):287-9. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.1439. Epub 2010 Mar 7. PubMed
### PMID: 20208531; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3699332.
### Title: Expression data from pure/mixed brain, liver and lung to
### test feasability and sensitivity of statistical deconvolution
### Organism: Rattus norvegicus
### Experiment type: Expression profiling by array
### Summary: Tissues are often made up of multiple cell-types. Blood,
### for example, contains many different cell-types, each with its own
### functional attributes and molecular signature. In humans, because
### of its accessibility and immune functionality, blood cells have
### been used as a source for RNA-based biomarkers for many
### diseases. Yet, the proportions of any given cell-type in the blood
### can vary markedly, even between normal individuals. This results
### in a significant loss of sensitivity in gene expression studies of
### blood cells and great difficulty in identifying the cellular
### source of any perturbations. Ideally, one would like to perform
### differential expression analysis between patient groups for each
### of the cell-types within a tissue but this is impractical and
### prohibitively expensive.
### To test the relationship between measured gene expression in mixed
### samples and the expression of genes in the isolated pure subsets,
### we begin with a situation in which all factors are known. Tissue
### samples from the brain, liver and lung of a single rat were
### analyzed using expression arrays (Affymetrix) in
### triplicate. Homogenates of those three tissues were then mixed
### together at the cRNA level. We then measured the gene expression
### pattern of each mixed sample. Such mixtures mimic the common
### scenario in which biological samples in a dataset are
### heterogeneous and vary in the relative frequency of the component
### subsets from one another.
### Overall design: We mixed rat brain, liver and lung biospecimens
### derived from one animal at the cRNA homogenate level in different
### proportions. 3 technical replicates each. Snap frozen rat liver
### and brain was kept frozen while cutting it into pieces. cDNA
### synthesis and labeling was done with a starting amount of 1 μg,
### using the Affymetrix Eukaryotic One-Cycle Target
### Hybridization. Washing, Staining and scanning protocol for
### Eukaryotic Cartridge Arrays with User-Prepared Buffers and
### Sloutions according to the technical manuals (Affymetrix GeneChip
### Expression, Analysis for Cartridge Arrays using the GCAS version
### 1.4, Affymetrix GeneChip Expression Analysis (P/N 701021,Rev. 5) ,
### Affymetrix GeneChip Expression Wash, Stain and Scan (P/N 702731,
### Rev. 3) , following the manufacturer/s instructions. Data was RMA
### normalized.

gecd_DataLoader$GSE19830 <- function () {
  if (FALSE) {

    ## Run these steps once in R by cutting and pasting.
    GSE19830GEO <- getGEO("GSE19830", GSEMatrix=FALSE)

    ## Examine the output of these two commands for plugging into the third command
    GSE19830Data <- gecd_DataLoader$GSEGeneric(GSE19830GEO, retrievedAs="log2", genesymbColname="Gene Symbol")

    ## How many projects did we get?  What do the expression values look like?

    ## Keep only first of several alternative gene symbols that are
    ## separated by "//"
    ## GSE19830Data[[1]]$genesymb <- sub("(.*?) //.*", "\\1", GSE19830Data[[1]]$genesymb)

    ## Extract the important parts
    GSE19830ExprLinear <- GSE19830Data[[1]]$exprLinear
    GSE19830genesymb <- GSE19830Data[[1]]$genesymb
    GSE19830SampleInfo <- GSE19830Data[[1]]$sampleInfo
    GSE19830ProbesetInfo <- GSE19830Data[[1]]$probesetInfo

    save(GSE19830ExprLinear, GSE19830genesymb, GSE19830SampleInfo, GSE19830ProbesetInfo, file="GSE19830.RData")

           exprLinear = GSE19830ExprLinear,
           exprLinearClasses = NULL,
           sampleInfo = GSE19830SampleInfo,
           probesetInfo = GSE19830ProbesetInfo,
           genesymb = GSE19830genesymb,
           pmid = 20208531))

gecd_DataAnalyzer$GSE19830 <- function () {
  MyData <- gecd_DataLoader$GSE19830()
  ## Convert genesymb from R factors to R strings
  MyData$genesymb <- levels(MyData$genesymb)[MyData$genesymb]
  ## Remove probes that are not assoicated with a gene
  MyGoodProbes <- MyData$genesymb != ""
  MyData$exprLinear <- MyData$exprLinear[MyGoodProbes, ]
  MyData$probesetInfo <- MyData$probesetInfo[MyGoodProbes, ]
  MyData$genesymb <- MyData$genesymb[MyGoodProbes]

  if (TRUE) {
    ## Do our best to look at counts of transcripts:
    ## Probes for the same gene will multiply count transcripts for that
    ## gene.  Divide a probe's expression by the number of probes for
    ## its gene.  That way the sum of the probe expression values will
    ## approximate the gene's expression value.
    GenesymbTable <- table(MyData$genesymb)
    MyData$exprLinear <- MyData$exprLinear / as.vector(GenesymbTable[MyData$genesymb])
  ## Compute distinguishers, without using the pure samples
  MyDistinguishers <- gecd_CellDistinguisher(MyData$exprLinear[,-(1:9)], genesymb=MyData$genesymb, numCellClasses=3, probesWithGenesOnly=TRUE)
  ## Change order to liver, brain, lung.  (We know this neworder
  ## because we hand-inspected MyDistinguishers.)
  neworder <- c(1,3,2)
  MyDistinguishers$bestDistinguishers <- MyDistinguishers$bestDistinguishers[, neworder]
  MyDistinguishers$bestDistinguishersGeneNames <- MyDistinguishers$bestDistinguishersGeneNames[, neworder]
  MyDistinguishers$bestLengths <- MyDistinguishers$bestLengths[, neworder]
  MyDistinguishers$bestLengthsNormalized <- MyDistinguishers$bestLengthsNormalized[, neworder]
  MyDistinguishers$passOneDistinguishers <- MyDistinguishers$passOneDistinguishers[neworder]
  MyDistinguishers$passOneDistinguishersGeneNames <- MyDistinguishers$passOneDistinguishersGeneNames[neworder]
  MyDistinguishers$passOneLengths <- MyDistinguishers$passOneLengths[neworder]

  ## Use the distinguishers to deconvolve all pure and mixed samples
  MyDeconvolutionAll <- gecd_DeconvolutionByDistinguishers(MyData$exprLinear, MyDistinguishers$bestDistinguishers, nonNegativeOnly=TRUE, convexSolution=TRUE)
  sampleCompositionsAll <- MyDeconvolutionAll$sampleCompositions
  tissues <- levels(MyData$sampleInfo$tissue)[MyData$sampleInfo$tissue]
  names(tissues) <- MyData$sampleInfo$geo_accession
  colnames(sampleCompositionsAll) <- tissues[colnames(sampleCompositionsAll)]
  rownames(sampleCompositionsAll) <- c("Liver", "Brain", "Lung")
  ## sampleCompositionsAll <- sampleCompositionsAll[, mixedorder(colnames(sampleCompositionsAll))]
  if (FALSE) {
    prmatrix(t(round(sampleCompositionsAll,3)), rowlab=colnames(sampleCompositionsAll), collab=c("liver", "brain", "lung"))
    write.table(t(sampleCompositionsAll), col.names=NA, file="~/Shen-OrrSampleCompositions.txt", sep="\t")

  ## Compare computed sampleCompositionsAll with the sample labels
  liverLabels <- as.numeric(sub("([0-9]+) % Liver.*", "\\1", colnames(sampleCompositionsAll))) / 100.0
  brainLabels <- as.numeric(sub(".*[^0-9]([0-9]+) % Brain.*", "\\1", colnames(sampleCompositionsAll))) / 100.0
  lungLabels <-  as.numeric(sub(".*[^0-9]([0-9]+) % Lung", "\\1", colnames(sampleCompositionsAll))) / 100.0
  sampleCompositionsLabels <- rbind(liverLabels, brainLabels, lungLabels)
  rownames(sampleCompositionsLabels) <- rownames(sampleCompositionsAll)
  colnames(sampleCompositionsLabels) <- colnames(sampleCompositionsAll)

  # Look for the projective transformation that maps the labels to the
  # computed values
  multiplier1 <- median((sampleCompositionsAll[1, 10:42]/sampleCompositionsAll[1, 10:42]) / (sampleCompositionsLabels[1, 10:42]/sampleCompositionsLabels[1, 10:42]))
  multiplier2 <- median((sampleCompositionsAll[2, 10:42]/sampleCompositionsAll[1, 10:42]) / (sampleCompositionsLabels[2, 10:42]/sampleCompositionsLabels[1, 10:42]))
  multiplier3 <- median((sampleCompositionsAll[3, 10:42]/sampleCompositionsAll[1, 10:42]) / (sampleCompositionsLabels[3, 10:42]/sampleCompositionsLabels[1, 10:42]))
  multipliers <- c(multiplier1, multiplier2, multiplier3)
  multipliers <- multipliers * 3 / sum(multipliers)
  tmp1 <- diag(multipliers) %*% sampleCompositionsLabels
  tmp2 <- t(t(tmp1) / colSums(tmp1))    # tmp2 should look a lot like sampleCompositionsAll

  ## Try deconvolution without looking at the pure samples.  Check out
  ## whether it produces reasonable signatures by computing cosine and
  ## correlation.
  MyDeconvolutionMixed <- gecd_DeconvolutionByDistinguishers(MyData$exprLinear[, -(1:9)], MyDistinguishers$bestDistinguishers, nonNegativeOnly=TRUE, convexSolution=TRUE)

  liverIn <- apply(MyData$exprLinear[, 1:3], 1, mean)
  brainIn <- apply(MyData$exprLinear[, 4:6], 1, mean)
  lungIn  <- apply(MyData$exprLinear[, 7:9], 1, mean)
  allIn <- c(liverIn, brainIn, lungIn)

  liverOut <- MyDeconvolutionMixed$cellSubclassSignatures[,1]
  brainOut <- MyDeconvolutionMixed$cellSubclassSignatures[,2]
  lungOut  <- MyDeconvolutionMixed$cellSubclassSignatures[,3]
  allOut <- c(liverOut, brainOut, lungOut)

  cosine <- sum(allIn * allOut) / sqrt(sum(allIn^2) * sum(allOut^2))
  corr <- cor(allIn, allOut)

### GSETemplate
### http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSETemplate
### INSTRUCTIONS: This assumes a single project (GPL) for the data set.
### Change "GSETemplate" to, e.g., "GSE26304"
### Put PMID text citation in header
### Set pmid number in return statment
### Put Title through Overall design sections from GSE page in header
### Set retrievedAs and genesymbColname arguments based on str() commands output

gecd_DataLoader$GSETemplate <- function () {
  if (FALSE) {
    ## Run these steps once in R by cutting and pasting.
    GSETemplateGEO <- getGEO("GSETemplate", GSEMatrix=FALSE)
    ## Examine the output of these two commands for plugging into the third command

    GSETemplateData <- gecd_DataLoader$GSEGeneric(GSETemplateGEO, retrievedAs="log2", genesymbColname="GENE_SYMBOL")
    ## How many projects did we get?  What do the expression values look like?

    ## Keep only first of several alternative gene symbols that are
    ## separated by "//"
    ## GSETemplateData[[1]]$genesymb <- sub("(.*?) //.*", "\\1", GSETemplateData[[1]]$genesymb)
    ## Extract the important parts
    GSETemplateExprLinear <- GSETemplateData[[1]]$exprLinear
    GSETemplategenesymb <- GSETemplateData[[1]]$genesymb
    GSETemplateSampleInfo <- GSETemplateData[[1]]$sampleInfo
    GSETemplateProbesetInfo <- GSETemplateData[[1]]$probesetInfo
    save(GSETemplateExprLinear, GSETemplategenesymb, GSETemplateSampleInfo, GSETemplateProbesetInfo, file="GSETemplate.RData")

           exprLinear = GSETemplateExprLinear,
           exprLinearClasses = NULL,
           sampleInfo = GSETemplateSampleInfo,
           probesetInfo = GSETemplateProbesetInfo,
           genesymb = GSETemplategenesymb,
           pmid = NA))

gecd_DataAnalyzer$GSETemplate <- function () {
  GSETemplateData <- gecd_DataLoader$GSETemplate()

### gecd_DataLoader$mergeListOfDataSets: Combine a list of data sets
### into one giant data set

gecd_DataLoader$mergeListOfDataSets <- function (listOfDataSets) {
  len <- length(listOfDataSets)
  if (len == 1) {
  } else {
    mid <- len %/% 2
    Set1 <- Recall(listOfDataSets[1:mid])
    Set2 <- Recall(listOfDataSets[(mid+1):len])

    Set1ExprLinear <- data.frame(Set1$exprLinear)
    Set2ExprLinear <- data.frame(Set2$exprLinear)
    Set1ExprLinear$ID_REF <- row.names(Set1ExprLinear)
    Set2ExprLinear$ID_REF <- row.names(Set2ExprLinear)
    ExprLinear <- merge(Set1ExprLinear, Set2ExprLinear, all=TRUE)
    row.names(ExprLinear) <- ExprLinear$ID_REF
    ExprLinear <- ExprLinear[, !(names(ExprLinear) == "ID_REF")]
    ExprLinear <- ExprLinear[,mixedorder(names(ExprLinear))]
    ExprLinear <- as.matrix(ExprLinear)
    if (length(ExprLinear) == 0) { ExprLinear <- NULL }

    Set1SampleInfo <- data.frame(Set1$sampleInfo)
    Set2SampleInfo <- data.frame(Set2$sampleInfo)
    Set1SampleInfo$SAMPLE <- row.names(Set1SampleInfo)
    Set2SampleInfo$SAMPLE <- row.names(Set2SampleInfo)
    SampleInfo <- merge(Set1SampleInfo, Set2SampleInfo, all=TRUE)
    row.names(SampleInfo) <- SampleInfo$SAMPLE
    SampleInfo <- SampleInfo[, !(names(SampleInfo) == "SAMPLE")]
    SampleInfo <- SampleInfo[mixedorder(row.names(SampleInfo)),]
    if (length(SampleInfo) == 0) { SampleInfo <- NULL }

    Set1ProbesetInfo <- data.frame(Set1$probesetInfo)
    Set2ProbesetInfo <- data.frame(Set2$probesetInfo)
    Set1ProbesetInfo$ID_REF <- row.names(Set1ProbesetInfo)
    Set2ProbesetInfo$ID_REF <- row.names(Set2ProbesetInfo)
    ProbesetInfo <- merge(Set1ProbesetInfo, Set2ProbesetInfo, all=TRUE)
    row.names(ProbesetInfo) <- ProbesetInfo$ID_REF
    ProbesetInfo <- ProbesetInfo[, !(names(ProbesetInfo) == "ID_REF")]
    if (length(ProbesetInfo) == 0) { ProbesetInfo <- NULL }

    Set1Genesymb <- data.frame(GENESYMB = Set1$genesymb)
    Set2Genesymb <- data.frame(GENESYMB = Set2$genesymb)
    Set1Genesymb$ID_REF <- row.names(Set1Genesymb)
    Set2Genesymb$ID_REF <- row.names(Set2Genesymb)
    GenesymbDataFrame <- merge(Set1Genesymb, Set2Genesymb, all=TRUE)
    Genesymb <- as.vector(GenesymbDataFrame$GENESYMB)
    if (length(Genesymb) == 0) {
      Genesymb <- NULL
    } else {
      names(Genesymb) <- GenesymbDataFrame$ID_REF

             exprLinear = ExprLinear,
             exprLinearClasses = NULL,
             sampleInfo = SampleInfo,
             probesetInfo = ProbesetInfo,
             genesymb = Genesymb,
             pmid = NULL))
GeneralElectric/CellDistinguisher documentation built on May 18, 2020, 6:34 a.m.