get_layer_names <- function(model) {
n <- length(model$layers)
layer_names <- vector("character", n)
for (i in 1:n) {
layer_names[i] <- model$layers[[i]]$name
#' Compile model
#' @inheritParams create_model_lstm_cnn
#' @param model A keras model.
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' model <- create_model_lstm_cnn(layer_lstm = 8, compile = FALSE)
#' model <- compile_model(model = model,
#' solver = 'adam',
#' learning_rate = 0.01,
#' loss_fn = 'categorical_crossentropy')
#' @returns A compiled keras model.
#' @export
compile_model <- function(model, solver, learning_rate, loss_fn, label_smoothing = 0,
num_output_layers = 1, label_noise_matrix = NULL,
bal_acc = FALSE, f1_metric = FALSE, auc_metric = FALSE,
layer_dense = NULL) {
optimizer <- set_optimizer(solver, learning_rate)
if (num_output_layers == 1) num_targets <- model$output_shape[[2]]
#add metrics
if (loss_fn == "binary_crossentropy") {
model_metrics <- c(tensorflow::tf$keras$metrics$BinaryAccuracy(name = "acc"))
} else if (loss_fn == "sparse_categorical_crossentropy") {
model_metrics <- tensorflow::tf$keras$metrics$SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name = "acc")
} else {
model_metrics <- c("acc")
cm_dir <- NULL
if (num_output_layers == 1) {
cm_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), paste(sample(letters, 7), collapse = ""))
while (dir.exists(cm_dir)) {
cm_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), paste(sample(letters, 7), collapse = ""))
model$cm_dir <- cm_dir
if (loss_fn == "sparse_categorical_crossentropy") {
if (length(model$outputs) == 1 & length(model$output_shape) == 3) {
loss_fn <- tensorflow::tf$keras$losses$SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(
if (loss_fn == "categorical_crossentropy") {
if (length(model$outputs) == 1 & length(model$output_shape) == 3) {
loss_fn <- tensorflow::tf$keras$losses$CategoricalCrossentropy(
if (loss_fn == "categorical_crossentropy" | loss_fn == "sparse_categorical_crossentropy") {
if (bal_acc) {
macro_average_cb <- balanced_acc_wrapper(num_targets, cm_dir)
model_metrics <- c(macro_average_cb, "acc")
if (f1_metric) {
f1 <- f1_wrapper(num_targets)
model_metrics <- c(model_metrics, f1)
if (auc_metric) {
auc <- auc_wrapper(model_output_size = layer_dense[length(layer_dense)],
loss = loss_fn)
model_metrics <- c(model_metrics, auc)
if (label_smoothing > 0 & !is.null(label_noise_matrix)) {
stop("Can not use label smoothing and label noise at the same time. Either set label_smoothing = 0 or label_noise_matrix = NULL")
if (label_smoothing > 0) {
if (loss_fn == "categorical_crossentropy") {
smooth_loss <- tensorflow::tf$losses$CategoricalCrossentropy(label_smoothing = label_smoothing, name = "smooth_loss")
if (loss_fn == "binary_crossentropy") {
smooth_loss <- tensorflow::tf$losses$BinaryCrossentropy(label_smoothing = label_smoothing, name = "smooth_loss")
model %>% keras::compile(loss = smooth_loss,
optimizer = optimizer, metrics = model_metrics)
} else if (!is.null(label_noise_matrix)) {
row_sums <- rowSums(label_noise_matrix)
if (!all(row_sums == 1)) {
warning("Sum of noise matrix rows don't add up to 1")
noisy_loss <- noisy_loss_wrapper(solve(label_noise_matrix))
model %>% keras::compile(loss = noisy_loss,
optimizer = optimizer, metrics = model_metrics)
} else {
model %>% keras::compile(loss = loss_fn,
optimizer = optimizer, metrics = model_metrics)
#' Load checkpoint
#' Load checkpoint from directory. Chooses best checkpoint based on some condition. Condition
#' can be best accuracy, best loss, last epoch number or a specified epoch number.
#' @inheritParams create_model_lstm_cnn
#' @param cp_path A directory containing checkpoints or a single checkpoint file.
#' If a directory, choose checkpoint based on `cp_filter` or `ep_index`.
#' @param cp_filter Condition to choose checkpoint if `cp_path` is a directory.
#' Either "acc" for best validation accuracy, "loss" for best validation loss or "last_ep" for last epoch.
#' @param ep_index Load checkpoint from specific epoch number. If not `NULL`, has priority over `cp_filter`.
#' @param compile Whether to load compiled model.
#' @param re_compile Whether to compile model with parameters from `learning_rate`,
#' `solver` and `loss`.
#' @param add_custom_object Named list of custom objects.
#' @param verbose Whether to print chosen checkpoint path.
#' @param loss Loss function. Only used if model gets compiled.
#' @param margin Margin for contrastive loss, see \link{loss_cl}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(keras)
#' model <- create_model_lstm_cnn(layer_lstm = 8)
#' checkpoint_folder <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(checkpoint_folder)
#' keras::save_model_hdf5(model, file.path(checkpoint_folder, 'Ep.007-val_loss11.07-val_acc0.6.hdf5'))
#' keras::save_model_hdf5(model, file.path(checkpoint_folder, 'Ep.019-val_loss8.74-val_acc0.7.hdf5'))
#' keras::save_model_hdf5(model, file.path(checkpoint_folder, 'Ep.025-val_loss0.03-val_acc0.8.hdf5'))
#' model <- load_cp(cp_path = checkpoint_folder, cp_filter = "last_ep")
#' }
#' @returns A keras model loaded from a checkpoint.
#' @export
load_cp <- function(cp_path, cp_filter = "last_ep", ep_index = NULL, compile = FALSE,
learning_rate = 0.01, solver = "adam", re_compile = FALSE,
loss = "categorical_crossentropy",
add_custom_object = NULL, margin = 1,
verbose = TRUE, mirrored_strategy = FALSE) {
if (is.null(mirrored_strategy)) mirrored_strategy <- ifelse(count_gpu() > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
if (mirrored_strategy) {
mirrored_strategy <- tensorflow::tf$distribute$MirroredStrategy()
with(mirrored_strategy$scope(), {
argg <- as.list(environment())
argg$mirrored_strategy <- FALSE
model <-, argg)
# custom objects to load transformer architecture
custom_objects <- list(
"layer_pos_embedding" = layer_pos_embedding_wrapper(),
"layer_pos_sinusoid" = layer_pos_sinusoid_wrapper(),
"layer_transformer_block" = layer_transformer_block_wrapper(),
"layer_euc_dist" = layer_euc_dist_wrapper(),
"layer_cosine_sim" = layer_cosine_sim_wrapper(),
"layer_aggregate_time_dist" = layer_aggregate_time_dist_wrapper(),
"loss_cl_margin___margin_" = loss_cl(margin=margin)
if (!is.null(add_custom_object)) {
for (i in 1:length(add_custom_object)) {
custom_objects[[names(add_custom_object)[i]]] <- add_custom_object[[i]]
cp <- get_cp(cp_path = cp_path, cp_filter = cp_filter,
ep_index = ep_index, verbose = verbose)
model <- keras::load_model_hdf5(cp, compile = compile, custom_objects = custom_objects)
if (re_compile) {
optimizer <- set_optimizer(solver, learning_rate)
model %>% keras::compile(loss = loss,
optimizer = optimizer,
metrics = model$metrics)
get_cp <- function(cp_path, cp_filter = "last_ep", ep_index = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(cp_filter)) {
stopifnot(cp_filter %in% c("acc", "loss", "last_ep"))
if (!is.null(ep_index)) {
cp_filter <- NULL
is_directory <- dir.exists(cp_path)
if (is_directory) {
cps <- list.files(cp_path, full.names = TRUE)
files_basename <- basename(cps)
stopifnot(xor(is.null(cp_filter), is.null(ep_index)))
} else {
cp <- cp_path
if (is_directory & !is.null(cp_filter)) {
if (cp_filter == "acc") {
if (!all(stringr::str_detect(files_basename, "acc"))) {
stop("No accuracy information in checkpoint names ('acc' string), use other metric.")
acc_scores <- files_basename %>% stringr::str_extract("acc\\d++\\.\\d++") %>%
stringr::str_remove("acc") %>% as.numeric()
# use later epoch for ties
index <- which.max(rank(acc_scores, ties.method = "last"))
if (cp_filter == "loss") {
if (!all(stringr::str_detect(files_basename, "loss"))) {
stop("No loss information in checkpoint names ('loss' string), use other metric.")
loss_scores <- files_basename %>% stringr::str_extract("loss\\d++\\.\\d++") %>%
stringr::str_remove("loss") %>% as.numeric()
index <- which.min(rank(loss_scores, ties.method = "last"))
if (cp_filter == "last_ep") {
ep_scores <- files_basename %>% stringr::str_extract("Ep\\.\\d++") %>%
stringr::str_remove("Ep\\.") %>% as.numeric()
index <- which.max(ep_scores)
if (is_directory & !is.null(ep_index)) {
ep_scores <- files_basename %>% stringr::str_extract("Ep\\.\\d++") %>%
stringr::str_remove("Ep\\.") %>% as.numeric()
index <- which(ep_scores == ep_index)
if (is_directory) {
cp <- cps[index]
if (verbose) {
cat("Using checkpoint", cp, "\n")
cat("(Date created:", as.character($mtime), ")\n")
# temporary fix for metric bugs
manage_metrics <- function(model, compile = FALSE) {
dummy_gen <- generator_dummy(model, batch_size = 1)
z <- dummy_gen()
x <- z[[1]]
y <- z[[2]]
if (length(model$metrics) == 0) {
eval <- model$evaluate(x, y, verbose = 0L)
if (compile) {
metric_names <- vector("character", length(model$metrics))
for (i in 1:length(model$metrics)) {
metric_names[i] <- model$metrics[[i]]$name
duplicated_index <- duplicated(metric_names)
loss_index <- stringr::str_detect(metric_names, "loss")
index <- duplicated_index | loss_index
# remove double metrics
model <- model %>% keras::compile(loss = model$loss,
optimizer = model$optimizer,
metrics = model$metrics[!index])
eval <- model$evaluate(x, y, verbose = 0L)
#' Get activation functions of output layers
#' Get activation functions of output layers.
#' @param model A keras model.
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' model <- create_model_lstm_cnn(
#' maxlen = 50,
#' layer_lstm = 8,
#' layer_dense = c(64, 2),
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' get_output_activations(model)
#' @returns Character vector with names of activation functions of model outputs.
#' @export
get_output_activations <- function(model) {
out_names <- model$output_names
act_vec <- vector("character", length(out_names))
count <- 1
for (layer_name in out_names) {
act_name <- model$get_layer(layer_name)$get_config()$activation
if (is.null(act_name)) act_name <- "linear"
act_vec[count] <- act_name
count <- count + 1
set_optimizer <- function(solver = "adam", learning_rate = 0.01) {
stopifnot(solver %in% c("adam", "adagrad", "rmsprop", "sgd"))
named_lr <- "lr" %in% names(formals(keras::optimizer_adam))
if (named_lr) {
arg_list <- list(lr = learning_rate)
} else {
arg_list <- list(learning_rate = learning_rate)
if (solver == "adam")
keras_optimizer <-, arg_list)
if (solver == "adagrad")
keras_optimizer <-, arg_list)
if (solver == "rmsprop")
keras_optimizer <-, arg_list)
if (solver == "sgd")
keras_optimizer <-, arg_list)
#' Get solver and learning_rate from model.
#' @returns Keras optimizer.
#' @noRd
get_optimizer <- function(model) {
solver <- stringr::str_to_lower(model$optimizer$get_config()["name"])
learning_rate <- keras::k_eval(model$optimizer$lr)
if (solver == "adam") {
optimizer <- keras::optimizer_adam(learning_rate)
if (solver == "adagrad") {
optimizer <- keras::optimizer_adagrad(learning_rate)
if (solver == "rmsprop") {
optimizer <- keras::optimizer_rmsprop(learning_rate)
if (solver == "sgd") {
optimizer <- keras::optimizer_sgd(learning_rate)
#' Replace input layer
#' Replace first layer of model with new input layer of different shape. Only works for sequential models that
#' use CNN and LSTM layers.
#' @param model A keras model.
#' @param input_shape The new input shape vector (without batch size).
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' model_1 <- create_model_lstm_cnn(
#' maxlen = 50,
#' kernel_size = c(10, 10),
#' filters = c(64, 128),
#' pool_size = c(2, 2),
#' layer_lstm = c(32),
#' verbose = FALSE,
#' layer_dense = c(64, 2))
#' model <- reshape_input(model_1, input_shape = c(120, 4))
#' model
#' @returns A keras model with changed input shape of input model.
#' @export
reshape_input <- function(model, input_shape) {
in_layer <- keras::layer_input(shape = input_shape)
for (i in 2:length(model$layers)) {
layer_name <- model$layers[[i]]$name
if (i == 2) {
out_layer <- in_layer %>% model$get_layer(layer_name)()
} else {
out_layer <- out_layer %>% model$get_layer(layer_name)()
new_model <- tensorflow::tf$keras$Model(in_layer, out_layer)
#' Check if layer is in model
#' @returns Error message if model does not contain layer of certain name.
#' @noRd
check_layer_name <- function(model, layer_name) {
num_layers <- length(model$layers)
layer_names <- vector("character")
for (i in 1:num_layers) {
layer_names[i] <- model$layers[[i]]$name
if (!(layer_name %in% layer_names)) {
message <- paste0("Model has no layer named ", "'", layer_name, "'")
#' Remove layers from model and add dense layers
#' Function takes a model as input and removes all layers after a certain layer, specified in \code{layer_name} argument.
#' Optional to add dense layers on top of pruned model. Model can have multiple output layers with separate loss/activation functions.
#' You can freeze all the weights of the pruned model by setting \code{freeze_base_model = TRUE}.
#' @inheritParams create_model_lstm_cnn
#' @param layer_name Name of last layer to use from old model.
#' @param model A keras model.
#' @param dense_layers List of vectors specifying number of units for each dense layer. If this is a list of length > 1, model
#' has multiple output layers.
#' @param shared_dense_layers Vector with number of units for dense layer. These layers will be connected on top of layer in
#' argument `layer_name`. Can be used to have shared dense layers, before model has multiple output layers. Don't use if model has just one output layer
#' (use only `dense_layers`).
#' @param last_activation List of activations for last entry for each list entry from \code{dense_layers}. Either `"softmax"`, `"sigmoid"` or `"linear"`.
#' @param output_names List of names for each output layer.
#' @param losses List of loss function for each output.
#' @param verbose Boolean.
#' @param dropout List of vectors with dropout rates for each new dense layer.
#' @param dropout_shared Vectors of dropout rates for dense layer from `shared_dense_layers`.
#' @param freeze_base_model Whether to freeze all weights before new dense layers.
#' @param compile Boolean, whether to compile the new model.
#' @param flatten Whether to add flatten layer before new dense layers.
#' @param learning_rate Learning rate if `compile = TRUE`, default learning rate of the old model.
#' @param global_pooling "max_ch_first" for global max pooling with channel first
#' ([keras docs](,
#' "max_ch_last" for global max pooling with channel last, "average_ch_first" for global average pooling with channel first,
#' "average_ch_last" for global average pooling with channel last or `NULL` for no global pooling.
#' "both_ch_first" or "both_ch_last" to combine average and max pooling. "all" for all 4 options at once.
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' model_1 <- create_model_lstm_cnn(layer_lstm = c(64, 64),
#' maxlen = 50,
#' layer_dense = c(32, 4),
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' # get name of second to last layer
#' num_layers <- length(model_1$get_config()$layers)
#' layer_name <- model_1$get_config()$layers[[num_layers-1]]$name
#' # add dense layer with multi outputs and separate loss/activation functions
#' model_2 <- remove_add_layers(model = model_1,
#' layer_name = layer_name,
#' dense_layers = list(c(32, 16, 1), c(8, 1), c(12, 5)),
#' losses = list("binary_crossentropy", "mae",
#' "categorical_crossentropy"),
#' last_activation = list("sigmoid", "linear", "softmax"),
#' freeze_base_model = TRUE,
#' output_names = list("out_1_binary_classsification",
#' "out_2_regression",
#' "out_3_classification")
#' )
#' @returns A keras model; added and/or removed layers from some base model.
#' @export
remove_add_layers <- function(model = NULL,
layer_name = NULL,
dense_layers = NULL,
shared_dense_layers = NULL,
last_activation = list("softmax"),
output_names = NULL,
losses = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
dropout = NULL,
dropout_shared = NULL,
freeze_base_model = FALSE,
compile = FALSE,
learning_rate = 0.001,
solver = "adam",
flatten = FALSE,
global_pooling = NULL,
model_seed = NULL,
mixed_precision = FALSE,
mirrored_strategy = NULL) {
if (mixed_precision) tensorflow::tf$keras$mixed_precision$set_global_policy("mixed_float16")
if (is.null(mirrored_strategy)) mirrored_strategy <- ifelse(count_gpu() > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
if (mirrored_strategy) {
mirrored_strategy <- tensorflow::tf$distribute$MirroredStrategy()
with(mirrored_strategy$scope(), {
argg <- as.list(environment())
argg$mirrored_strategy <- FALSE
model <-, argg)
if (!is.null(model_seed)) tensorflow::tf$random$set_seed(model_seed)
if (!is.null(layer_name)) check_layer_name(model, layer_name)
if (!is.null(shared_dense_layers) & is.null(dense_layers)) {
stop("You need to specify output layers in dense_layers argument")
if (!is.null(shared_dense_layers) & length(dense_layers) == 1) {
stop("If your model has just one output layer, use only dense_layers argument (and set shared_dense_layers = NULL).")
if (!is.null(global_pooling)) {
stopifnot(global_pooling %in% c("max_ch_first", "max_ch_last", "average_ch_first", "average_ch_last", "both_ch_first", "both_ch_last", "all"))
if (!is.list(dense_layers)) {
dense_layers <- list(dense_layers)
if (!is.null(dropout) && !is.list(dropout)) {
dropout <- list(dropout)
if (is.null(losses)) {
losses <- list()
for (i in 1:length(last_activation)) {
if (last_activation[[i]] == "softmax") loss <- "categorical_crossentropy"
if (last_activation[[i]] == "sigmoid") loss <- "binary_crossentropy"
if (last_activation[[i]] == "linear") loss <- "mse"
losses[[i]] <- loss
if (is.null(output_names)) {
output_names <- vector("list", length = length(dense_layers))
if (length(dense_layers) != length(last_activation)) {
stop("Length of dense_layers and last_activation must be the same")
if (length(dense_layers) != length(output_names)) {
stop("Length of dense_layers and output_names must be the same")
if (!is.null(dropout)) {
for (i in 1:length(dense_layers)) {
stopifnot(length(dropout[[i]]) == length(dense_layers[[i]]))
if (verbose) {
print("Original model: ")
is_sequential <- any(stringr::str_detect(class(model), "sequential"))
if (!is.null(layer_name)) {
model_new <- tensorflow::tf$keras$Model(model$input, model$get_layer(layer_name)$output)
if (freeze_base_model) {
if (!is.null(global_pooling)) {
if (global_pooling == "max_ch_first") {
out <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_max_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_first")
} else if (global_pooling == "max_ch_last") {
out <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_max_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_last")
} else if (global_pooling == "average_ch_first") {
out <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_average_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_first")
} else if (global_pooling == "average_ch_last") {
out <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_average_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_last")
} else if (global_pooling == "both_ch_last") {
out1 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_average_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_last")
out2 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_max_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_last")
out <- keras::layer_concatenate(list(out1, out2))
} else if (global_pooling == "both_ch_first") {
out1 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_average_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_first")
out2 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_max_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_first")
out <- keras::layer_concatenate(list(out1, out2))
} else {
out1 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_average_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_first")
out2 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_max_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_first")
out3 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_average_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_last")
out4 <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_global_max_pooling_1d(data_format="channels_last")
out <- keras::layer_concatenate(list(out1, out2, out3, out4))
model_new <- tensorflow::tf$keras$Model(model_new$input, out)
if (flatten) {
out <- model_new$output %>% keras::layer_flatten()
model_new <- tensorflow::tf$keras$Model(model_new$input, out)
if (!is.null(shared_dense_layers)) {
out <- model_new$output
for (i in 1:length(shared_dense_layers)) {
if (!is.null(dropout_shared)) {
out <- out %>% keras::layer_dropout(dropout_shared[i])
out <- out %>% keras::layer_dense(shared_dense_layers[i], activation = "relu")
model_new <- tensorflow::tf$keras$Model(model_new$input, out)
output_list <- list()
name_dense_index <- 1
if (!is.null(dense_layers[[1]])) {
for (output_num in 1:length(dense_layers)) {
for (i in 1:length(dense_layers[[output_num]])) {
if (i == length(dense_layers[[output_num]])) {
activation <- last_activation[[output_num]]
dtype <- "float32"
} else {
activation <- "relu"
dtype <- NULL
if (i == length(dense_layers[[output_num]])) {
layer_name <- output_names[[output_num]]
} else {
layer_name <- paste0("dense_new_", name_dense_index)
name_dense_index <- name_dense_index + 1
if (is.null(dropout)) {
if (i == 1) {
output_list[[output_num]] <- model_new$output %>%
keras::layer_dense(units = dense_layers[[output_num]][i], activation = activation,
name = layer_name, dtype = dtype)
} else {
output_list[[output_num]] <- output_list[[output_num]] %>%
keras::layer_dense(units = dense_layers[[output_num]][i], activation = activation,
name = layer_name, dtype = dtype)
} else {
if (i == 1) {
output_list[[output_num]] <- model_new$output %>%
keras::layer_dropout(rate = dropout[[output_num]][i]) %>%
keras::layer_dense(units = dense_layers[[output_num]][i], activation = activation,
name = layer_name, dtype = dtype)
} else {
output_list[[output_num]] <- output_list[[output_num]] %>%
keras::layer_dropout(rate = dropout[[output_num]][i]) %>%
keras::layer_dense(units = dense_layers[[output_num]][i], activation = activation,
name = layer_name, dtype = dtype)
model_new <- tensorflow::tf$keras$Model(model_new$input, output_list)
if (verbose) {
print("New model: ")
for (i in 1:length(model_new$layers)) {
cat(model_new$layers[[i]]$name , "trainable:" , model_new$layers[[i]]$trainable, "\n")
if (compile) {
if (is.null(learning_rate)) {
learning_rate <- keras::k_eval(model$optimizer$lr)
} else {
learning_rate <- learning_rate
if (is.null(solver)) {
solver <- stringr::str_to_lower(model$optimizer$get_config()["name"])
optimizer <- set_optimizer(solver, learning_rate)
metric_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(losses)) {
metric_list[[i]] <- ifelse(losses[[i]] == "binary_crossentropy", "binary_accuracy", "acc")
model_new %>% keras::compile(loss = losses,
optimizer = optimizer,
metrics = metric_list)
#' Merge two models
#' Combine two models at certain layers and add dense layer(s) afterwards.
#' @param models List of two models.
#' @param layer_names Vector of length 2 with names of layers to merge.
#' @param freeze_base_model Boolean vector of length 2. Whether to freeze weights of individual models.
#' @inheritParams create_model_lstm_cnn
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' model_1 <- create_model_lstm_cnn(layer_lstm = c(64, 64), maxlen = 50, layer_dense = c(32, 4),
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' model_2 <- create_model_lstm_cnn(layer_lstm = c(32), maxlen = 40,
#' layer_dense = c(8, 2), verbose = FALSE)
#' # get names of second to last layers
#' num_layers_1 <- length(model_1$get_config()$layers)
#' layer_name_1 <- model_1$get_config()$layers[[num_layers_1 - 1]]$name
#' num_layers_2 <- length(model_2$get_config()$layers)
#' layer_name_2 <- model_2$get_config()$layers[[num_layers_2 - 1]]$name
#' # merge models
#' model <- merge_models(models = list(model_1, model_2),
#' layer_names = c(layer_name_1, layer_name_2),
#' layer_dense = c(6, 2),
#' freeze_base_model = c(FALSE, FALSE))
#' @returns A keras model merging two input models.
#' @export
merge_models <- function(models, layer_names, layer_dense, solver = "adam",
learning_rate = 0.0001,
freeze_base_model = c(FALSE, FALSE),
model_seed = NULL) {
if (!is.null(model_seed)) tensorflow::tf$random$set_seed(model_seed)
model_1 <- remove_add_layers(model = models[[1]],
layer_name = layer_names[1],
dense_layers = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
dropout = NULL,
freeze_base_model = freeze_base_model[1],
compile = FALSE,
learning_rate = NULL)
model_2 <- remove_add_layers(model = models[[2]],
layer_name = layer_names[2],
dense_layers = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
dropout = NULL,
freeze_base_model = freeze_base_model[2],
compile = FALSE,
learning_rate = NULL)
# choose optimization method
optimizer <- set_optimizer(solver, learning_rate)
output_tensor <- keras::layer_concatenate(c(model_1$output, model_2$output))
num_targets <- layer_dense[length(layer_dense)]
if (length(layer_dense) > 1) {
for (i in 1:(length(layer_dense) - 1)) {
output_tensor <- output_tensor %>% keras::layer_dense(units = layer_dense[i], activation = "relu")
output_tensor <- output_tensor %>%
keras::layer_dense(units = num_targets, activation = "softmax")
model <- keras::keras_model(inputs = list(model_1$input, model_2$input), outputs = output_tensor)
model %>% keras::compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy",
optimizer = optimizer, metrics = c("acc"))
#' Extract hyperparameters from model
#' @param model A keras model.
#' @returns List of hyperparameters.
#' @noRd
get_hyper_param <- function(model) {
layers.lstm <- 0
use.cudnn <- FALSE
bidirectional <- FALSE
use.codon.cnn <- FALSE
learning_rate <- keras::k_eval(model$optimizer$lr)
solver <- stringr::str_to_lower(model$optimizer$get_config()["name"])
layerList <- keras::get_config(model)["layers"]
for (i in 1:length(layerList)) {
layer_class_name <- layerList[[i]]$class_name
if (layer_class_name == "Conv1D") {
use.codon.cnn <- TRUE
if (layer_class_name == "MaxPooling1D") {
if (layer_class_name == "BatchNormalization") {
if (layer_class_name == "CuDNNLSTM") {
layers.lstm <- layers.lstm + 1
use.cudnn <- TRUE
lstm_layer_size <- layerList[[i]]$config$units
recurrent_dropout_lstm <- 0
dropout_lstm <- 0
if (layer_class_name == "LSTM") {
layers.lstm <- layers.lstm + 1
lstm_layer_size <- layerList[[i]]$config$units
recurrent_dropout_lstm <- layerList[[i]]$config$recurrent_dropout_lstm
dropout_lstm <- layerList[[i]]$config$dropout
# TODO: wrong output since bidirectional is layer wrapper (?)
if (layer_class_name == "Bidirectional") {
bidirectional <- TRUE
if (layerList[[i]]$config$layer$class_name == "LSTM") {
use.cudnn <- FALSE
layers.lstm <- layers.lstm + 1
lstm_layer_size <- layerList[[i]]$config$layer$config$units
recurrent_dropout_lstm <- layerList[[i]]$config$layer$config$recurrent_dropout
dropout_lstm <- layerList[[i]]$config$layer$config$dropout
} else {
use.cudnn <- FALSE
layers.lstm <- layers.lstm + 1
lstm_layer_size <- layerList[[i]]$config$layer$config$units
if (layer_class_name == "Dense") {
if (layer_class_name == "Activation") {
list(dropout = dropout_lstm,
recurrent_dropout = recurrent_dropout_lstm,
lstm_layer_size = lstm_layer_size,
solver = solver,
use.cudnn = use.cudnn,
layers.lstm = layers.lstm,
learning_rate = learning_rate,
use.codon.cnn = use.codon.cnn,
bidirectional = bidirectional
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