#' Data generator for fasta/fasta files
#' @description Iterates over folder containing fasta/fastq files and produces encoding of predictor sequences
#' and target variables. Files in \code{path_corpus} should all belong to one class.
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_lm
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_label_header_csv
#' @inheritParams train_model
#' @param num_targets Number of columns of target matrix.
#' @param ones_column Which column of target matrix contains ones.
#' @param read_data If `TRUE` the first element of output is a list of length 2, each containing one part of paired read. Maxlen should be 2*length of one read.
#' @param masked_lm If not `NULL`, input and target are equal except some parts of the input are masked or random.
#' Must be list with the following arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `mask_rate`: Rate of input to mask (rate of input to replace with mask token).
#' \item `random_rate`: Rate of input to set to random token.
#' \item `identity_rate`: Rate of input where sample weights are applied but input and output are identical.
#' \item `include_sw`: Whether to include sample weights.
#' \item `block_len` (optional): Masked/random/identity regions appear in blocks of size `block_len`.
#' }
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' # create dummy fasta files
#' path_input_1 <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(path_input_1)
#' create_dummy_data(file_path = path_input_1,
#' num_files = 2,
#' seq_length = 7,
#' num_seq = 1,
#' vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"))
#' gen <- generator_fasta_label_folder(path_corpus = path_input_1, batch_size = 2,
#' num_targets = 3, ones_column = 2, maxlen = 7)
#' z <- gen()
#' dim(z[[1]])
#' z[[2]]
#' @returns A generator function.
#' @export
generator_fasta_label_folder <- function(path_corpus,
format = "fasta",
batch_size = 256,
maxlen = 250,
max_iter = 10000,
vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"),
verbose = FALSE,
shuffle_file_order = FALSE,
step = 1,
seed = 1234,
shuffle_input = FALSE,
file_limit = NULL,
path_file_log = NULL,
reverse_complement = TRUE,
reverse_complement_encoding = FALSE,
ambiguous_nuc = "zero",
proportion_per_seq = NULL,
read_data = FALSE,
use_quality_score = FALSE,
padding = TRUE,
added_label_path = NULL,
add_input_as_seq = NULL,
skip_amb_nuc = NULL,
max_samples = NULL,
concat_seq = NULL,
file_filter = NULL,
use_coverage = NULL,
proportion_entries = NULL,
sample_by_file_size = FALSE,
n_gram = NULL,
n_gram_stride = 1,
masked_lm = NULL,
add_noise = NULL,
return_int = FALSE,
reshape_xy = NULL) {
if (!is.null(reshape_xy)) {
reshape_xy_bool <- TRUE
reshape_x_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$x), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_x_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$x)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$x needs to have arguments named x, y and sw")
reshape_y_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$y), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_y_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$y)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$y needs to have arguments named x, y and sw")
reshape_sw_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$sw), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_sw_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$sw)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$sw needs to have arguments named x, y and sw")
} else {
reshape_xy_bool <- FALSE
#n_gram <- NULL
if (is.null(use_coverage)) {
use_coverage <- FALSE
cov_vector <- NULL
max_cov <- NULL
} else {
max_cov <- use_coverage
use_coverage <- TRUE
if (!is.null(concat_seq) && (!all(stringr::str_split(concat_seq,"")[[1]] %in% vocabulary))) {
stop("Characters of separating sequence should be in vocabulary")
if (reverse_complement_encoding) {
test_len <- length(vocabulary) != 4
if (test_len || all(sort(stringr::str_to_lower(vocabulary)) != c("a", "c", "g", "t"))) {
stop("reverse_complement_encoding only implemented for A,C,G,T vocabulary yet")
stopifnot(!(read_data & padding))
stopifnot(ones_column <= num_targets)
if (read_data & !is.null(skip_amb_nuc)) {
stop("Using read data and skipping files at the same time not implemented yet")
additional_labels <- ifelse(is.null(added_label_path), FALSE, TRUE)
# need to declare variables before nameless function() corpus for indexing
#path_corpus <- path_corpus
batch_size <- batch_size
format <- format
shuffle_file_order <- shuffle_file_order
step <- step
seed <- seed
shuffle_input <- shuffle_input
file_limit <- file_limit
path_file_log <- path_file_log
reverse_complement <- reverse_complement
ambiguous_nuc <- ambiguous_nuc
proportion_per_seq <- proportion_per_seq
# # adjust maxlen for n_gram
# if (!is.null(n_gram)) {
# stop("n-gram encoding not implemented yet for classification")
# maxlen <- maxlen + n_gram - 1
# }
discard_amb_nuc <- ifelse(ambiguous_nuc == "discard", TRUE, FALSE)
vocabulary <- stringr::str_to_lower(vocabulary)
start_index_list <- vector("list")
file_index <- 1
num_samples <- 0
start_index <- 1
iter <- 1
concat <- !is.null(concat_seq)
seq_vector <- NULL
for (i in letters) {
if (!(i %in% stringr::str_to_lower(vocabulary))) {
amb_nuc_token <- i
tokenizer_pred <- keras::fit_text_tokenizer(keras::text_tokenizer(char_level = TRUE, lower = TRUE, oov_token = "0"), c(vocabulary, amb_nuc_token))
# get fasta files
fasta.files <- list_fasta_files(path_corpus = path_corpus,
format = format,
file_filter = file_filter)
num_files <- length(fasta.files)
if (sample_by_file_size) {
shuffle_file_order <- FALSE
file_prob <- file.info(fasta.files)$size/sum(file.info(fasta.files)$size)
if (shuffle_file_order) fasta.files <- sample(fasta.files, replace = FALSE)
if (read_data) {
contains_R1 <- stringr::str_detect(fasta.files, "R1")
fasta.files <- fasta.files[contains_R1]
# regular expression for chars outside vocabulary
pattern <- paste0("[^", paste0(vocabulary, collapse = ""), "]")
while (length(seq_vector) == 0) {
fasta.file <- read_fasta_fastq(format = format, skip_amb_nuc = skip_amb_nuc, file_index = file_index, pattern = pattern,
shuffle_input = shuffle_input, proportion_entries = proportion_entries,
reverse_complement = reverse_complement, fasta.files = fasta.files)
if (concat) {
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <- get_coverage_concat(fasta.file = fasta.file, concat_seq = concat_seq)
fasta.file <- data.frame(Header = basename(fasta.files[file_index]), Sequence = paste(fasta.file$Sequence, collapse = concat_seq),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# skip file that can't produce one sample
if (!padding) {
if (read_data) {
seq_too_short <- all(nchar(as.character(fasta.file$Sequence)) < (maxlen/2))
} else {
seq_too_short <- all(nchar(as.character(fasta.file$Sequence)) < maxlen)
while((nrow(fasta.file) == 0) || seq_too_short) {
file_index <- file_index + 1
iter <- iter + 1
if (file_index > length(fasta.files) || iter > max_iter) {
stop("Can not extract enough samples, try reducing maxlen parameter")
fasta.file <- read_fasta_fastq(format = format, skip_amb_nuc = skip_amb_nuc, file_index = file_index, pattern = pattern,
shuffle_input = shuffle_input, proportion_entries = proportion_entries,
reverse_complement = reverse_complement, fasta.files = fasta.files)
if (concat) {
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <- get_coverage_concat(fasta.file = fasta.file, concat_seq = concat_seq)
fasta.file <- data.frame(Header = basename(fasta.files[file_index]), Sequence = paste(fasta.file$Sequence, collapse = concat_seq),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (read_data) {
seq_too_short <- all(nchar(as.character(fasta.file$Sequence)) < (maxlen/2))
} else {
seq_too_short <- all(nchar(as.character(fasta.file$Sequence)) < maxlen)
} else {
while(nrow(fasta.file) == 0) {
file_index <- file_index + 1
iter <- iter + 1
if (file_index > length(fasta.files) || iter > max_iter) {
stop("Can not extract enough samples, try reducing maxlen parameter")
fasta.file <- read_fasta_fastq(format = format, skip_amb_nuc = skip_amb_nuc, file_index = file_index, pattern = pattern,
shuffle_input = shuffle_input, proportion_entries = proportion_entries,
reverse_complement = reverse_complement, fasta.files = fasta.files)
if (concat) {
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <- get_coverage_concat(fasta.file = fasta.file, concat_seq = concat_seq)
fasta.file <- data.frame(Header = basename(fasta.files[file_index]), Sequence = paste(fasta.file$Sequence, collapse = concat_seq),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <- get_coverage(fasta.file)
# combine pairs to one string
if (read_data) {
second_read_path <- stringr::str_replace_all(fasta.files[file_index], pattern = "R1", replacement = "R2")
if (format == "fasta") {
fasta.file_2 <- microseq::readFasta(second_read_path)
if (format == "fastq") {
fasta.file_2 <- microseq::readFastq(second_read_path)
df_1 <- as.data.frame(fasta.file)
df_2 <- as.data.frame(fasta.file_2)
fasta.file <- data.frame(Sequence = paste0(df_1$Sequence, df_2$Sequence), Quality = paste0(df_1$Quality, df_2$Quality))
# take random subset
if (!is.null(proportion_per_seq)) {
if (!read_data) {
fasta_width <- nchar(fasta.file$Sequence)
perc_length <- floor(fasta_width * proportion_per_seq)
sample_range <- fasta_width - perc_length + 1
start <- mapply(sample_range, FUN = sample, size = 1)
stop <- start + perc_length - 1
seq_vector <- mapply(fasta.file$Sequence, FUN = substr, start = start, stop = stop)
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- mapply(fasta.file$Quality, FUN = substr, start = start, stop = stop)
} else {
# sample_index <- sample(nrow(fasta.file), ceiling(proportion_per_seq * nrow(fasta.file)))
# fasta.file <- fasta.file[sample_index,]
# seq_vector <- fasta.file$Sequence
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- fasta.file$Quality
} else {
seq_vector <- fasta.file$Sequence
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- fasta.file$Quality
seq_vector <- stringr::str_to_lower(seq_vector)
seq_vector <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = seq_vector, pattern = pattern, amb_nuc_token)
length_vector <- nchar(seq_vector)
# extra input from csv
if (additional_labels) {
label_list <- list()
if (length(added_label_path) != length(add_input_as_seq)) {
stop("added_label_path and add_input_as_seq must have the same length")
added_label_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(added_label_path)) {
added_label_list[[i]] <- input_from_csv(added_label_path[i])
# added_label_by_header <- ifelse(added_label_list[[1]]$col_name == "header", TRUE, FALSE)
added_label_by_header <- FALSE
# sequence vector collects strings until one batch can be created
sequence_list <- vector("list")
target_list <- vector("list")
quality_list <- vector("list")
coverage_list <- vector("list")
if (!use_quality_score) {
quality_list <- NULL
if (additional_labels) {
label_list <- vector("list")
sequence_list_index <- 1
# pad short sequences with zeros or discard
short_seq_index <- which(length_vector < maxlen)
if (padding) {
for (i in short_seq_index) {
seq_vector[i] <- paste0(paste(rep("0", maxlen - length_vector[i]), collapse = ""), seq_vector[i])
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores[i] <- paste0(paste(rep("!", maxlen - length_vector[i]), collapse = ""), quality_scores[i])
length_vector[i] <- maxlen
} else {
if (length(short_seq_index) > 0) {
seq_vector <- seq_vector[-short_seq_index]
length_vector <- length_vector[-short_seq_index]
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- quality_scores[-short_seq_index]
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <- cov_vector[-short_seq_index]
if (additional_labels) {
header_vector <- header_vector[-short_seq_index]
if (length(seq_vector) == 0) {
if(iter > max_iter) {
stop('exceeded max_iter value, try reducing maxlen parameter')
iter <- iter + 1
file_index <- file_index + 1
start_index <- 1
if (file_index > length(fasta.files)) {
if (shuffle_file_order) fasta.files <- sample(fasta.files, replace = FALSE)
file_index <- 1
nucSeq <- paste(seq_vector, collapse = "")
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_vector <- paste(quality_scores, collapse = "") %>% quality_to_probability()
} else {
quality_vector <- NULL
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <- rep(cov_vector, times = nchar(seq_vector))
} else {
cov_vector <- NULL
# vocabulary distribution
nuc_dist_list <- vector("list")
if (ambiguous_nuc == "empirical") {
nuc_table <- table(stringr::str_split(nucSeq, ""))[vocabulary]
nuc_dist <- vector("numeric")
for (i in 1:length(vocabulary)) {
nuc_dist[vocabulary[i]] <- nuc_table[vocabulary[i]]/sum(nuc_table)
nuc_dist[is.na(nuc_dist)] <- 0
nuc_dist_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- nuc_dist
} else {
nuc_dist <- 0
startNewEntry <- cumsum(c(1, length_vector[-length(length_vector)]))
if (!read_data) {
start_indices <- get_start_ind(seq_vector = seq_vector, length_vector = length_vector, maxlen = maxlen, step = step,
discard_amb_nuc = discard_amb_nuc, vocabulary = vocabulary)
} else {
start_indices <- startNewEntry
# limit samples per file
if (!is.null(max_samples) && length(start_indices) > max_samples) {
max_samples_subsample <- sample(1:(length(start_indices) - max_samples + 1), 1)
start_indices <- start_indices[max_samples_subsample:(max_samples_subsample + max_samples - 1)]
nucSeq <- keras::texts_to_sequences(tokenizer_pred, nucSeq)[[1]] - 1
# use subset of files
if (!is.null(file_limit) && (file_limit < length(fasta.files))) {
fasta.files <- fasta.files[1:file_limit]
num_files <- length(fasta.files)
# log file
if (!is.null(path_file_log)) {
if (!endsWith(path_file_log, ".csv")) path_file_log <- paste0(path_file_log, ".csv")
append <- file.exists(path_file_log)
utils::write.table(x = fasta.files[file_index], file = path_file_log, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, append = append)
rngstate <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
function() {
.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- rngstate
on.exit(rngstate <<- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed)
# loop until enough samples collected
while(num_samples < batch_size) {
iter <- 1
# loop through sub-sequences/files until sequence of suitable length is found
while((start_index > length(start_indices)) | length(start_indices) == 0) {
# go to next file
if (sample_by_file_size) {
file_index <<- sample(1:num_files, size = 1, prob = file_prob)
} else {
file_index <<- file_index + 1
start_index <<- 1
if (file_index > length(fasta.files)) {
if (shuffle_file_order) fasta.files <<- sample(fasta.files, replace = FALSE)
file_index <<- 1
# skip empty files
while(TRUE) {
fasta.file <- read_fasta_fastq(format = format, skip_amb_nuc = skip_amb_nuc, file_index = file_index, pattern = pattern,
shuffle_input = shuffle_input, proportion_entries = proportion_entries,
reverse_complement = reverse_complement, fasta.files = fasta.files)
if (concat) {
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <- get_coverage_concat(fasta.file = fasta.file, concat_seq = concat_seq)
fasta.file <- data.frame(Header = basename(fasta.files[file_index]), Sequence = paste(fasta.file$Sequence, collapse = concat_seq),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(iter > max_iter) {
stop('exceeded max_iter value, try reducing maxlen or skip_amb_nuc parameter')
iter <- iter + 1
if (nrow(fasta.file) > 0) break
file_index <<- file_index + 1
if (file_index > length(fasta.files)) {
if (shuffle_file_order) fasta.files <<- sample(fasta.files, replace = FALSE)
file_index <<- 1
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <<- get_coverage(fasta.file)
# combine pairs to one string
if (read_data) {
second_read_path <- stringr::str_replace_all(fasta.files[file_index], pattern = "R1", replacement = "R2")
if (format == "fasta") {
fasta.file_2 <- microseq::readFasta(second_read_path)
if (format == "fastq") {
fasta.file_2 <- microseq::readFastq(second_read_path )
df_1 <- as.data.frame(fasta.file)
df_2 <- as.data.frame(fasta.file_2)
fasta.file <- data.frame(Sequence = paste0(df_1$Sequence, df_2$Sequence), Quality = paste0(df_1$Quality, df_2$Quality))
# take random subset
if (!is.null(proportion_per_seq)) {
if (!read_data) {
fasta_width <- nchar(fasta.file$Sequence)
perc_length <- floor(fasta_width * proportion_per_seq)
sample_range <- fasta_width - perc_length + 1
start <- mapply(sample_range, FUN = sample, size = 1)
stop <- start + perc_length - 1
seq_vector <- mapply(fasta.file$Sequence, FUN = substr, start = start, stop = stop)
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- mapply(fasta.file$Quality, FUN = substr, start = start, stop = stop)
} else {
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- fasta.file$Quality
} else {
seq_vector <- fasta.file$Sequence
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- fasta.file$Quality
header_vector <<- fasta.file$Header
seq_vector <- stringr::str_to_lower(seq_vector)
seq_vector <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = seq_vector, pattern = pattern, amb_nuc_token)
length_vector <- nchar(seq_vector)
# log file
if (!is.null(path_file_log)) {
utils::write.table(x = fasta.files[file_index], file = path_file_log, append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
# pad short sequences with zeros or discard
short_seq_index <<- which(length_vector < maxlen)
if (padding) {
for (i in short_seq_index) {
seq_vector[i] <- paste0(paste(rep("0", maxlen - length_vector[i]), collapse = ""), seq_vector[i])
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores[i] <- paste0(paste(rep("!", maxlen - length_vector[i]), collapse = ""), quality_scores[i])
length_vector[i] <- maxlen
} else {
if (length(short_seq_index) > 0) {
seq_vector <- seq_vector[-short_seq_index]
length_vector <- length_vector[-short_seq_index]
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_scores <- quality_scores[-short_seq_index]
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <<- cov_vector[-short_seq_index]
if (additional_labels) {
header_vector <- header_vector[-short_seq_index]
header_vector <<- header_vector
# skip empty file
if (length(seq_vector) == 0) {
start_indices <<- NULL
nucSeq <<- paste(seq_vector, collapse = "")
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_vector <<- paste(quality_scores, collapse = "") %>% quality_to_probability()
} else {
quality_vector <<- NULL
if (use_coverage) {
cov_vector <<- rep(cov_vector, times = nchar(seq_vector))
} else {
cov_vector <<- NULL
# vocabulary distribution
if (ambiguous_nuc == "empirical") {
nuc_table <<- table(stringr::str_split(nucSeq, ""))[vocabulary]
nuc_dist_temp <<- vector("numeric")
for (i in 1:length(vocabulary)) {
nuc_dist_temp[vocabulary[i]] <- nuc_table[vocabulary[i]]/sum(nuc_table)
nuc_dist_temp[is.na(nuc_dist)] <- 0
nuc_dist <<- nuc_dist_temp
startNewEntry <<- cumsum(c(1, length_vector[-length(length_vector)]))
if (!read_data) {
start_indices <<- get_start_ind(seq_vector = seq_vector, length_vector = length_vector, maxlen = maxlen, step = step,
discard_amb_nuc = discard_amb_nuc, vocabulary = vocabulary)
} else {
start_indices <<- startNewEntry
# limit samples per file
if (!is.null(max_samples) && length(start_indices) > max_samples) {
max_samples_subsample <- sample(1:(length(start_indices) - max_samples + 1), 1)
start_indices <<- start_indices[max_samples_subsample:(max_samples_subsample + max_samples - 1)]
nucSeq <<- keras::texts_to_sequences(tokenizer_pred, nucSeq)[[1]] - 1
if(iter > max_iter) {
stop('exceeded max_iter value, try reducing maxlen parameter')
iter <- iter + 1
# go as far as possible in sequence or stop when enough samples are collected
remainingSamples <- batch_size - num_samples
end_index <- min(length(start_indices), start_index + remainingSamples - 1)
subsetStartIndices <- start_indices[start_index:end_index]
sequence_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- nucSeq[subsetStartIndices[1] : (subsetStartIndices[length(subsetStartIndices)] + maxlen - 1)]
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- quality_vector[subsetStartIndices[1] : (subsetStartIndices[length(subsetStartIndices)] + maxlen - 1)]
if (use_coverage) {
coverage_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- cov_vector[subsetStartIndices[1] : (subsetStartIndices[length(subsetStartIndices)] + maxlen - 1)]
nuc_dist_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- nuc_dist
start_index_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- subsetStartIndices
if (additional_labels) {
if (added_label_by_header) {
label_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- as.character(cut(subsetStartIndices, breaks = c(startNewEntry, length(nucSeq)),
labels = header_vector, include.lowest = TRUE, right = FALSE))
} else {
label_list[[sequence_list_index]] <- basename(fasta.files[file_index])
sequence_list_index <<- sequence_list_index + 1
num_new_samples <- end_index - start_index + 1
num_samples <- num_samples + num_new_samples
start_index <<- end_index + 1
# one hot encode strings collected in sequence_list and connect arrays
if (is.null(masked_lm)) {
array_x_list <- purrr::map(1:length(sequence_list), ~seq_encoding_label(sequence = sequence_list[[.x]], ambiguous_nuc = ambiguous_nuc,
maxlen = maxlen, vocabulary = vocabulary, nuc_dist = nuc_dist_list[[.x]],
start_ind = start_index_list[[.x]], return_int = return_int,
quality_vector = quality_list[[.x]], cov_vector = coverage_list[[.x]],
max_cov = max_cov, use_coverage = use_coverage, n_gram = n_gram,
n_gram_stride = n_gram_stride, adjust_start_ind = TRUE)
x <- array_x_list[[1]]
if (length(array_x_list) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(array_x_list)) {
x <- abind::abind(x, array_x_list[[i]], along = 1)
# one hot encode targets
y <- matrix(0, ncol = num_targets, nrow = dim(x)[1])
y[ , ones_column] <- 1
# coerce y type to matrix
if (dim(x)[1] == 1) {
dim(y) <- c(1, num_targets)
} else {
if (is.null(masked_lm$include_sw)) {
include_sw <- FALSE
} else {
include_sw <- masked_lm$include_sw
array_lists <- purrr::map(1:length(sequence_list), ~seq_encoding_label(sequence = sequence_list[[.x]], ambiguous_nuc = ambiguous_nuc,
maxlen = maxlen, vocabulary = vocabulary, nuc_dist = nuc_dist_list[[.x]],
start_ind = start_index_list[[.x]], masked_lm = masked_lm,
quality_vector = quality_list[[.x]], cov_vector = coverage_list[[.x]],
max_cov = max_cov, use_coverage = use_coverage, n_gram = n_gram,
n_gram_stride = n_gram_stride, adjust_start_ind = TRUE, return_int = return_int)
x_y_sw <- reorder_masked_lm_lists(array_lists, include_sw = include_sw)
x <- x_y_sw$x
y <- x_y_sw$y
if (include_sw) {
sample_weight <- x_y_sw$sw
} else {
sample_weight <- NULL
if (reverse_complement_encoding){
x_1 <- x
x_2 <- array(x_1[ , (dim(x)[2]):1, 4:1], dim = dim(x))
x <- list(x_1, x_2)
if (read_data) {
input_dim <- dim(x)/c(1,2,1)
x_1 <- array(x[ , 1:(maxlen/2), ], dim = input_dim)
x_2 <- array(x[ , ((maxlen/2) + 1) : maxlen, ], dim = input_dim)
x <- list(x_1, x_2)
if (additional_labels) {
.datatable.aware = TRUE
added_label_vector <- unlist(label_list) %>% stringr::str_to_lower()
label_tensor_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(added_label_path)) {
# added_label_by_header <- ifelse(added_label_list[[i]]$col_name == "header", TRUE, FALSE)
label_tensor_list[[i]] <- csv_to_tensor(label_csv = added_label_list[[i]]$label_csv,
added_label_vector = added_label_vector,
added_label_by_header = added_label_by_header,
batch_size = batch_size, start_index_list = start_index_list)
if (add_input_as_seq[i]) {
label_tensor_list[[i]] <- seq_encoding_label(as.vector(t(label_tensor_list[[i]])), nuc_dist = NULL, adjust_start_ind = TRUE,
maxlen = ncol(label_tensor_list[[i]]), vocabulary = vocabulary, ambiguous_nuc = ambiguous_nuc,
start_ind = 1 + ncol(label_tensor_list[[i]]) * (0:(nrow(label_tensor_list[[i]]) - 1)),
quality_vector = NULL)
# empty lists for next batch
start_index_list <<- vector("list")
sequence_list <<- vector("list")
target_list <<- vector("list")
if (use_quality_score) {
quality_list <<- vector("list")
nuc_dist_list <<- vector("list")
coverage_list <<- vector("list")
sequence_list_index <<- 1
num_samples <<- 0
if (reverse_complement_encoding) {
if (reshape_xy_bool) {
if (reshape_x_bool) x <- reshape_xy$x(x = x, y = y)
if (reshape_y_bool) y <- reshape_xy$y(x = x, y = y)
return(list(X = x, Y = y))
if (additional_labels) {
if (length(x) == 2) {
label_tensor_list[[length(label_tensor_list) + 1]] <- x[[1]]
label_tensor_list[[length(label_tensor_list) + 1]] <- x[[2]]
x <- label_tensor_list
} else {
label_tensor_list[[length(label_tensor_list) + 1]] <- x
x <- label_tensor_list
if (!is.null(add_noise)) {
noise_args <- c(add_noise, list(x = x))
x <- do.call(add_noise_tensor, noise_args)
if (!is.null(masked_lm) && include_sw) return(list(x, y, sample_weight))
if (reshape_xy_bool) {
l <- f_reshape(x = x, y = y,
reshape_xy = reshape_xy,
reshape_x_bool = reshape_x_bool,
reshape_y_bool = reshape_y_bool,
reshape_sw_bool = FALSE,
sw = NULL)
return(list(X = x, Y = y))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.