
Defines functions pop_tab

Documented in pop_tab

#' Total flows of a DF
#' This function computes the margins of the OD matrix: emissions, attractions, intraflows for each spatial unit
#' from a long format matrix of flows.
#' @param tabflows A data.frame of flows (long format: origin, destination, flow)
#' @param tabdist asf
#' @param idori identifiant ori
#' @param iddes identifiant des
#' @param idflow identifiant flux
#' @param iddist identifiant dist
#' @return A data.frame of totals origins, destinations, internals flows and sum of distance for origins and destination of each city
#' @examples
#' data(tabflows)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats aggregate

pop_tab <- function(tabflows, tabdist, idori, iddes, idflow, iddist){

  tabflows$KEY <- paste(tabflows[[idori]], tabflows[[iddes]], sep = "_")
  tabdist$KEY <- paste(tabdist[[idori]], tabdist[[iddes]], sep = "_")
  tabflows <- merge(tabflows, tabdist[, c(iddist, "KEY")], by = "KEY", all.x = TRUE)

  tabflowIntra <- tabflows[tabflows[idori] == tabflows[iddes], ]
  if(nrow(tabflowIntra) == 0){
    tabflowIntra <- data.frame(ORI = NA, TOTINTRA = NA)
  } else {
    tabflowIntra <- aggregate(x = tabflowIntra[[idflow]], by = list(tabflowIntra[[idori]]), FUN = sum)
    colnames(tabflowIntra) <- c("ORI", "TOTINTRA")

  tabflowOri <- tabflows[tabflows[idori] != tabflows[iddes], ]
  tabflowOri <- aggregate(x = tabflowOri[[idflow]], by = list(tabflowOri[[idori]]), FUN = sum)
  colnames(tabflowOri) <- c("ORI","TOTORI")
  tabflowDes <- tabflows[tabflows[idori] != tabflows[iddes], ]
  tabflowDes <- aggregate(x = tabflowDes[[idflow]], by = list(tabflowDes[[iddes]]), FUN = sum)
  colnames(tabflowDes) <- c("DES","TOTDES")
  tabflowDistOri <- aggregate(x = tabflows[[iddist]] , by = list(tabflows[[idori]]), FUN = sum)
  colnames(tabflowDistOri) <- c("ORI","DISTORI")
  tabflowDistDes <- aggregate(x = tabflows[[iddist]], by = list(tabflows[[iddes]]), FUN = sum)
  colnames(tabflowDistDes) <- c("DES","DISTDES")

  if(nrow(tabflowIntra) == 0){
    tabflowIntra <- data.frame(ORI = unique(c(tabflows[[idori]], tabflows[[iddes]])), TOTINTRA = 0)
  } else {
    tabflowIntra <- tabflowIntra}
  poptab <- merge(x = tabflowIntra, y = tabflowOri, by.x = "ORI", by.y ="ORI", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
  poptab <- merge(x = poptab, y = tabflowDes, by.x = "ORI", by.y ="DES", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
  poptab <- merge(x = poptab, y = tabflowDistOri, by.x = "ORI", by.y ="ORI", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
  poptab <- merge(x = poptab, y = tabflowDistDes, by.x = "ORI", by.y ="DES", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)

  poptab$TOTINTRA <- ifelse(is.na(poptab$TOTINTRA), 0, poptab$TOTINTRA)
  poptab$TOTORI <- ifelse(is.na(poptab$TOTORI), 0, poptab$TOTORI)
  poptab$TOTDES <- ifelse(is.na(poptab$TOTDES), 0, poptab$TOTDES)
  poptab$DISTORI <- ifelse(is.na(poptab$DISTORI), 0, poptab$DISTORI)
  poptab$DISTDES <- ifelse(is.na(poptab$DISTDES), 0, poptab$DISTDES)

  poptab$TOTORIDES <- poptab$TOTORI + poptab$TOTDES

Geographie-cites/toyspace documentation built on July 11, 2019, 6:07 p.m.