#' apply DEG with multiple glms on Seruat object with case control meta data
#' This function allows you to calculate an average expression for the list of genes of your interest.
#' @param Seurat_obj your Seurat object
#' @param model type of the model to choose
#' @return DEG table
#' @keywords GO, KEGG, HPA, single cell, RNA-seq
#' @export
Hglm.deg <- function(Seurat_obj,
condition = 'condition',
cell.types = 'RNA_snn_res.0.5',
model = c('glm0', 'glm', 'glmer')){
metadata <- Seurat_obj@meta.data[,c('nCount_RNA',
gene_data <- t(Seurat_obj@assays$RNA@counts)
gene_data <- gene_data[, colnames(gene_data) %in% VariableFeatures(Seurat_obj)]
genes <- VariableFeatures(Seurat_obj)[1:50]
genes <- union(genes, c('CCL19','CXCL13','CR2', 'CCL21A', 'INMT', 'STMN2', 'GAS6',
'POSTN', 'RBP1', 'LRAT', 'ACTA2', 'MADCAM1', 'MAF', 'IL7',
'TAGLN', 'CD74','CCL2','GREM1','BGN','RPB1', 'SERPING1', 'C3', 'MAF'))
# taking gene set so far to get it done quickly
gene_data <- gene_data[,colnames(gene_data) %in% genes]
metadata <- metadata[rownames(metadata) %in% rownames(gene_data),]
# Function for fitting the two models to each gene and doing an LR test.
# multilevel glm
fit_lme <- function(expr_vec) {
tmp_df <- cbind(metadata, data.frame(expr = unname(expr_vec)))
mres1 <- glmer(f1, data = tmp_df, family = poisson())
mres2 <- glmer(f2, data = tmp_df, family = poisson())
anova_res <- anova(mres1, mres2)
pval <- anova_res$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2]
effect_size <- -(ranef(mres2)$condition[,1][1] - ranef(mres2)$condition[,1][2])
c(pval = pval, effect_size = effect_size)
# commom glm function
fit_glm <- function(expr_vec) {
tmp_df <- cbind(metadata, data.frame(expr = unname(expr_vec)))
mres1 <- glm(f1, data = tmp_df, family = poisson())
mres2 <- glm(f2, data = tmp_df, family = poisson())
lrt_res <- lrtest(mres1, mres2)
pval <- lrt_res$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2]
effect_size <- unname(coef(mres2)[2])
c(pval = pval, effect_size = effect_size)
if (model == 'glm'){
f1 <- 'expr ~ offset(log(nCount_RNA)) + sample'
f2 <- 'expr ~ offset(log(nCount_RNA)) + condition + sample'
e_fit_glm <- function(expr_vec) {
tryCatch(fit_glm(expr_vec), error = function(e) c(pval = NA, effect_size = NA))
fit_results <- apply(gene_data, 2, e_fit_glm)
} else if (model == 'glm0'){
f1 <- 'expr ~ offset(log(nCount_RNA))'
f2 <- 'expr ~ offset(log(nCount_RNA)) + condition'
e_fit_glm <- function(expr_vec) {
tryCatch(fit_glm(expr_vec), error = function(e) c(pval = NA, effect_size = NA))
fit_results <- apply(gene_data, 2, e_fit_glm)
} else if (model == 'glmer'){
f1 <- 'expr ~ offset(log(nCount_RNA)) + (1 | sample)'
f2 <- 'expr ~ offset(log(nCount_RNA)) + (1 | condition/sample)'
e_fit_lme <- function(expr_vec) {
tryCatch(fit_lme(expr_vec), error = function(e) c(pval = NA, effect_size = NA))
fit_results <- apply(gene_data, 2, e_fit_lme)
# return results
data.frame(gene = rownames(t(fit_results)))))
#' apply DESeq for DEG pseudo bulk collapsed samples
#' This function allows you to calculate an average expression for the list of genes of your interest.
#' @param Seurat_obj your Seurat object
#' @param thresh.pv display genes with at least this p value
#' @param show.genes additional genes to display
#' @return DEG table
#' @keywords GO, KEGG, HPA, single cell, RNA-seq
#' @export
pseudo.bulk.DEG <- function(Seurat_sub.obj,
sample = 'orig.ident',
condition = 'condition',
fitType = 'local',
show.genes = c('CCL19', 'CCL21A')){
collapsed.list <- lapply(Seurat::SplitObject(Seurat_sub.obj, sample),
design <- unique(
Seurat_sub.obj@meta.data[,c(sample, condition)]
counts <- as.data.frame(collapsed.list)
counts <- counts[,design[sample][,1]] %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
filter(rowname %in% VariableFeatures(Seurat_sub.obj))
rownames(design) <- 1:nrow(design)
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=counts,
tidy = TRUE)
dds <- DESeq(dds,
fitType = fitType
res <- as.data.frame(results(dds)) %>%
res <- res[,c('gene', 'log2FoldChange','pvalue', 'padj')]
colnames(res) <- c('gene', 'effect_size','pvalue', 'pval')
#' unite list of deg table
#' better version volcano plot
#' @param deg.table deg table
#' @return deg table united
#' @keywords DEG, differential expression analysis
#' @export
list.to.table <- function(deg.table){
if (is.null(names(deg.table))){
deg.table <- lapply(deg.table, function(df) {
df <- df[order(abs(df$effect_size), decreasing = T),]
df$pval[is.na(df$pval)] <- 1
df$sign <- ifelse(df$pval < 0.05, '**','')
deg.tables <- do.call('bind_rows', deg.table)
deg.tables$cluster <- rep(0:(length(deg.table)-1), each = nrow(deg.table[[1]]))
} else {
deg.table <- lapply(deg.table, function(df) {
df <- df[order(abs(df$effect_size), decreasing = T),]
df$pval[is.na(df$pval)] <- 1
df$sign <- ifelse(df$pval < 0.05, '**','')
deg.tables <- do.call('bind_rows', deg.table)
deg.tables$cluster <- rep(names(deg.table), each = nrow(deg.table[[1]]))
#' plot volcano plot 2
#' better version volcano plot
#' @param response table with DEG
#' @param ES_th ES
#' @param title the name of your plot
#' @return volcano plot
#' @keywords DEG, differential expression analysis, volcano plot
#' @examples
#' volcano_pl(responce)
#' @export
volcano_pl2 <- function(response, ES_th = 0.5, title){
table <- response %>%
mutate(`-log10p` = -log10(pval)) %>%
mutate(conclusion = ifelse(response$pval < 0.05 & response$effect_size > ES_th,
ifelse(response$pval < 0.05 & response$effect_size < -ES_th,
'not_sign'))) %>%
if (length(unique(table$conclusion)) == 3){
colours <- c("black", "blue", "red")
if (all(table$conclusion %in% c('sign_up', 'not_sign'))){
colours <- c("black", "red")
if (all(table$conclusion %in% c('sign_down', 'not_sign'))){
colours <- c("black", "blue")
if (length(unique(table$conclusion)) == 1){
colours <- c("black")
ggplot(table, aes(x = effect_size, y = `-log10p`, color = conclusion)) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_manual(values=colours) +
geom_label_repel(data = table %>%
filter(conclusion %in% c('sign_up', 'sign_down')),
aes(label = gene),
box.padding = 0.35,
point.padding = 0.5,
segment.color = 'grey50') +
#' plot volcano plot 2
#' better version volcano plot
#' @param response table with DEG
#' @param avg_logFC_th avg_logFC threshold
#' @param log10pval log10pval threshold to plot
#' @param y1 y1 limut
#' @param y2 y2 limit
#' @param x1 x1 limit
#' @param x2 x2 limit
#' @param title the name of your plot
#' @param genes_plot force these genes into the plot
#' @return volcano plot
#' @keywords DEG, differential expression analysis, volcano plot
#' @examples
#' volcano_pl(responce)
#' @export
# volcano plots for markers
volcano_pl <- function (response, ES_th = .5, ES_th_plot = .5, log10pval = -log10(.05), y1=0, y2=20, x1=-1, x2=1, title, genes_plot=NA)
response <- response[!is.na(response$p_val_adj),]
table <- response %>% mutate(`-log10p` = -log10(p_val_adj)) %>%
mutate(conclusion = ifelse(p_val_adj < 0.05 &
avg_logFC > ES_th, "upregulated", ifelse(p_val_adj <
0.05 & avg_logFC < -ES_th, "downregulated", "not_sign"))) %>%
mutate(to_plot = ifelse(`-log10p` > log10pval &
avg_logFC > ES_th_plot, "upregulated", ifelse(`-log10p` >
log10pval & avg_logFC < -ES_th_plot, "downregulated", "not_sign")))
colours <- c('not_sign'='black', 'upregulated'='red', 'downregulated'='blue')
if (!is.na(genes_plot)){
table$to_plot[table$gene %in% genes_plot] <- table$conclusion[table$gene %in% genes_plot]
ggplot(table, aes(x = avg_logFC, y = `-log10p`, color = conclusion)) +
geom_point() + scale_color_manual(values = colours) +
geom_label_repel(data = table[table$to_plot != 'not_sign',], aes(label = gene), size = 3,
point.padding = 0.5, segment.color = "grey50") +
theme_classic() +
ylim(y1,y2) +
xlim(x1,x2) +
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