
Defines functions .getGroups .break_into_n print_n .printGroupMatch showGroups

Documented in .getGroups .printGroupMatch print_n showGroups

# showGroups ----
#'Interactively print individual groups of a grouped data.frame
#'Print first group of a grouped data.frame, then prompt user to either print
#'the next group or quit.   Group order is determined by dplyr::group_rows.
#'@param df A *grouped* data.frame
#'@param i (integer(1), default 1) Index of the group to be printed.
#'@param n (integer(1), default 1) How many groups to show at once?
#'@param max_rows integer(1) Maximum number of rows to print (Default: 50).
#'@param interactive (default: TRUE) Should the function wait for a
#'command prompt to show the next group?
#'@importFrom dplyr group_rows
#'@importFrom methods is
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns Prints a group (or n groups, if parameter n is set) of a grouped
#'data.frame df.  The group order is determined by dplyr.  If interactive is
#' TRUE, there is a console prompt to either print the next group or quit.  If
#'interactive is FALSE, a single group is printed, with the group index
#'specified by parameter i.
#'df <- data.frame(Col1 = rep(c("A", "B"), 2), Col2 = 1:4)
#'df <- dplyr::group_by(df, Col1)
#'# Print the second group.  Use interactive = TRUE to print each
#'# group interactively
#'showGroups(df, i = 2, interactive = FALSE)
showGroups <- function(df, i=1, n=1, max_rows=50, interactive=TRUE){

    if (! is(df, "grouped_df")){ warning("Data.frame is not grouped") }

    stop_interactive <- FALSE
    msg <- "Enter\nn to print the next group, or\nq to quit"
    msg2 <- "Please enter either n (next) or q (quit)"
    gp_info <- "Group %s of %s: %s rows\n"

    row_idxs <- df %>% dplyr::group_rows()
    n_groups <- length(row_idxs)

    while (isFALSE(stop_interactive)){
        # Print out group number i
        cat(sprintf(gp_info, i, n_groups, length(row_idxs[[i]])))
        p_df <- .getGroups(df, i=i, n=n, row_idxs=row_idxs)
        print(as.data.frame(p_df[seq_len(min(max_rows, nrow(p_df))), ]))
        i <- i + 1

        if (! isTRUE(interactive)) break()

        if (i > n_groups){
            cat("\nNo more groups to show\n")

        choice <- readline(msg)

        if (! choice %in% c("n", "q")) readline(msg2)
        if (choice == "q") stop_interactive <- TRUE

# printGroupMatch ----
#' Select a group from a data.frame, format into a printable string
#' Get the first group of a grouped data.frame matching a condition and format
#' output for printing an error message.
#' @param df A data.frame or tibble
#' @param flt An (unquoted) expression for using with dplyr::filter
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @keywords internal
#' @returns A character string, length 1, containing the results of printing
#' the first group of df that matches condition flt.
.printGroupMatch <- function(df, flt){
    multi_df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!!rlang::enquo(flt))
    first_group <- .getGroups(multi_df)
    fg <- paste(capture.output(print(data.frame(first_group))),
                collapse = "\n")

# print_n ----
#' Print a data.frame n rows at a time
#'@param df data.frame to print
#'@param n number of rows to print, default 20
#'@returns  The first n rows of df, by default 20, and a console prompt to
#'either print the next n rows or quit.
print_n <- function(df, n = 20){
    gp_info <- "Rows %s - %s (%s rows total)\n"
    msg <- "Enter\nn to print the next group, or\nq to quit"

    m <- nrow(df)
    brks <- .break_into_n(m, n)

    for (i in seq_along(brks$starts)){
        cat(sprintf(gp_info, brks$starts[i], brks$ends[i],  m))
        print(df[brks$starts[i]:brks$ends[i], , drop=FALSE])
        choice <- readline(msg)
        if (! choice %in% c("n", "q")) readline(msg)
        if (choice == "q") break()
        if (i == length(brks$starts)){
            message("no more groups to show")

# .break_into_n ----
# Get start and end indices for splitting m (rows) into pieces of size n.
.break_into_n <- function(m, n){
    n <- min(n, m)
    brks <- seq_len(m)[seq_len(m) %% n == 0]

    # If last break equals number of rows, remove (it will be added below)
    if (utils::tail(brks, 1) ==  m){ brks <- utils::head(brks, -1) }

    starts <- c(1, brks + 1)
    ends <- c(brks,  m)

    return(list(starts = starts, ends = ends))

# getGroups ----
#' Return the first n groups of a grouped data.frame
#' Useful for debugging, e.g. when trying to fill by but groups contain
#' multiple values.  Group order is determined by dplyr::group_rows
#'@param df A grouped data.frame
#'@param i (integer(1), default: 1) The index of the first group to return
#'@param n (integer(1), default: 1) How many groups should be returned?
#'@param row_idxs (Optional, default: NULL) Indices of rows
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@importFrom dplyr group_rows
#'@keywords internal
#'@returns Rows of grouped data.frame df corresponding to group i,
#' where the grouping order is determined by dplyr.
.getGroups <- function(df, i=1, n=1, row_idxs=NULL){
    if (is.null(row_idxs)){ row_idxs <- df %>% dplyr::group_rows() }

    if (i > length(row_idxs)){
        msg <- "Cannot print group %s, there are only %s groups in df"
        stop(sprintf(msg, i, length(row_idxs)))

    row_idxs <- unlist(row_idxs[i:min((i + n - 1), length(row_idxs))])
    return(df[row_idxs, , drop = FALSE])
HelenLindsay/AbNames documentation built on June 6, 2023, 1:18 p.m.