# @RdocFunction fitSnpNmf
# @title "Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) of a matrix containing SNP probe signals"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{V}{An KxI @matrix where I is the number of arrays and K is the
# number of probe where K should be even (K=2L).}
# \item{acc}{A positive @double specifying the converence threshold. For
# more details on convergence, see below.}
# \item{maxIter}{A positive @integer specifying the maximum number of
# iterations used to calculate the decomposition.}
# \item{maxIterRlm}{A positive @integer specifying the maximum number of
# iterations used in rlm.}
# \item{refs}{An index @vector (@integer or @logical) specifying the
# reference samples. If @NULL, all samples are used as a reference.}
# }
# \value{
# Returns a @list:
# \item{W}{The Kx2 @matrix containing allele-specific affinity estimates.}
# \item{H}{A 2xI @matrix containing allele-specific copy number estimates.}
# \item{hasConverged}{@TRUE if the algorithm converged, otherwise @FALSE.
# If not applicable, it is @NA.}
# \item{nbrOfIterations}{The number of iteration ran before stopping.
# If not applicable, it is @NA.}
# }
# \details{
# The algorithm is considered to have converged when the maximum update
# of any allele-specific copy number of any array (\code{H}) is greater
# than \code{acc}.
# }
# \seealso{
# @see "WHInit", @see "robustWInit", @see "robustHInit", and
# @see "removeOutliers".
# }
# @keyword internal
fitSnpNmf <- function(V, acc=0.02, maxIter=10, maxIterRlm=20, refs=NULL) {
I <- ncol(V);
K <- nrow(V);
# Argument 'refs':
if (is.null(refs)) {
refs <- seq_len(I);
} else if (!is.vector(refs)) {
throw("Argument 'refs' is not a vector: ", class(refs)[1L]);
} else if (is.logical(refs)) {
if (length(refs) != I) {
throw("The number of elements in argument 'refs' does not match the number of column in argument 'V': ", length(refs), " != ", I);
refs <- which(refs);
} else if (is.numeric(refs)) {
if (!all(1L <= refs & refs <= I)) {
throw("Some elements in argument 'refs' is out of range [1,", I, "].");
refs <- as.integer(refs);
} else {
throw("Argument 'refs' must be either a logical or a numeric vector: ", mode(refs));
# A small positive value
eps <- 1e-5;
# Another small positive value
eps2 <- 1e-9;
# Truncate negative values to a small positive value
V[V < eps] <- eps;
# Estimate the initial values of Affinities and Naive Genotyping calls
WHinit <- WHInit(V[,refs,drop=FALSE]);
status <- WHinit$status;
W <- WHinit$W; # Not really used
H <- WHinit$H;
W <- robustWInit(V[,refs,drop=FALSE], H=H);
H <- robustHInit(V, W=W);
V <- removeOutliers(V, W=W, H=H);
# If there is only one allele, no more to do...
# The algorithm (for one allele) is already a robust estimator
if (status == 1L || status == 2L) {
# Shrink average total copy numbers to be close to CN=2.
totalCNs <- colSums(H[,refs,drop=FALSE]);
b <- median(totalCNs)/2; # Scale factor
W <- b*W;
H <- H/b;
hasConverged <- NA;
iter <- NA_integer_;
} else {
onesA <- matrix(1, nrow=1L, ncol=I);
onesB <- matrix(1, nrow=K, ncol=1L);
ones2 <- matrix(1, nrow=K, ncol=I);
iter <- 1L;
hasConverged <- FALSE;
while (!hasConverged && iter < maxIter) {
# Remember H from previous iteration to test for convergence
Hprev <- H;
# Compute new W solving the system of equations
H[H < eps] <- eps;
W <- t(miqr.solve(t(H), t(V)));
W[W < eps] <- eps;
# Compute the H
H <- miqr.solve(W, V);
H[H < eps] <- eps;
# Normalizing the W
norms <- colSums(W);
norms <- norms + eps2; # Add a small positive value
W <- W %*% diag(1/norms);
H <- diag(norms) %*% H;
# Shrink average total copy numbers to be close to CN=2.
totalCNs <- colSums(H[,refs,drop=FALSE]);
b <- median(totalCNs)/2; # Scale factor
W <- b*W;
H <- H/b;
# Converged?
hasConverged <- (max(abs(Hprev - H)) < acc);
# Next iteration
iter <- iter + 1L;
} # while(...)
# Robust method for shrinking the average total copy number
# to close to CN=2.
Dmat <- rlm(t(H[,refs,drop=FALSE]), matrix(data=2, nrow=ncol(H[,refs,drop=FALSE]), ncol=1L), maxit=maxIterRlm);
coefs <- Dmat$coefficients;
H <- diag(coefs) %*% H;
W <- W %*% diag(1/coefs);
# Truncate non-positive estimate
H[H < eps] <- eps;
W[W < eps] <- eps;
} # if (status ...)
# Sanity check (may be removed in the future /HB 2009-03-24)
stopifnot(nrow(W) == K && ncol(W) == 2L);
stopifnot(nrow(H) == 2L && ncol(H) == I);
list(W=W, H=H, hasConverged=hasConverged, nbrOfIterations=iter);
} # fitSnpNmf()
# 2010-09-28 [HB]
# o Now argument 'refs' defaults to NULL (not 0), which means all samples.
# o Clean up and robustification of recent edits.
# 2010-06-04 [MO]
# o Added refs as argument.
# 2010-05-18 [MO]
# o Added maxIterRlm as argument.
# 2009-11-18 [HB]
# o Removed internal save() in fitSnpNmf().
# 2009-03-24 [HB]
# o Renamed from Nmf() to fitSnpNmf(). The former name was to generic
# while our algorithm is rather specific to SNP data.
# o Added optional arguments and internal "constants".
# o Added Rdoc comments.
# o Cleanup.
# 2009-02-15 [MO]
# o Robust method to get the H close to copy number equal to 2.
# 2009-02-05 [MO]
# o Clean the code
# 2009-02-04 [MO]
# o Comment of the lines which try to get the columns of W to be similar
# 2009-01-30 [MO]
# o Robust estimation of W
# o Robust estimation of H
# o With the robust estimations no need to differenciate between status
# o W and H using systems of equations
# o Normalization of the columns of W in each iteration
# o Normalization of the columns of H close to two
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