
Defines functions compile_by_organism

Documented in compile_by_organism

#' Compile Ramani HiC Data Files into Data Frames stored in RDS files
#' @param samples A character vector of K sample names.
#' @param organisms A character vector of N organism names.
#' @param path The folder where the input HiC data files
#' \file{*.{percentages,validPairs}.txt.gz} are located.
#' @param path_dest The folder where the compiled RDS files should be saved.
#' @return An K-by-N character matrix of pathnames of RDS files.
#' Each RDS file contains a data.frame.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{\dontrun{
#' progressr::with_progress({
#'   files <- TopDomStudy::compile_by_organism(
#'               samples=c("GSM2254215_ML1", "GSM2254219_PL2",
#'                         "GSM2254216_ML2", "GSM2254218_PL1"),
#'               organisms="human",
#'               path="hicData/GSE84920", path_dest="compiledData"
#'            )
#' })
#' print(files)
#' #                human                                         
#' # GSM2254215_ML1 "compiledData/GSM2254215_ML1,human,unique.rds"
#' # GSM2254219_PL2 "compiledData/GSM2254219_PL2,human,unique.rds"
#' # GSM2254216_ML2 "compiledData/GSM2254216_ML2,human,unique.rds"
#' # GSM2254218_PL1 "compiledData/GSM2254218_PL1,human,unique.rds"
#' }}
#' @section Progress updates:
#' This function signals [progressr::progression] updates. To visualize,
#' or in other ways render, progress information, wrap the call inside a
#' [progressr::with_progress] call.
#' @section Parallel processing:
#' This function supports processing of (organism, sample):s in parallel
#' via the \pkg{future} framework.
#' For example, setting `future::plan("multisession")` will parallelize
#' on the local machine.
#' @importFrom utils file_test
#' @importFrom dplyr filter left_join mutate arrange select
#' @importFrom GSE84920.parser read_percentages read_validpairs
#' @importFrom listenv listenv
#' @importFrom future %<-% resolve
#' @importFrom progressr progressor
#' @export
compile_by_organism <- function(samples, organisms = c("human", "mouse"), path = file.path("hicData", "GSE84920"), path_dest = "compiledData") {
  ## Dummy globals to please R CMD check
  celltype <- hg19_frac <- mm10_frac <- inner_barcode <- outer_barcode <- chr_a <- chr_b <- start_a <- start_b <- NULL

  organisms <- match.arg(organisms)
  stopifnot(file_test("-d", path))
  if (!file_test("-d", path_dest)) dir.create(path_dest, recursive = TRUE)
  stopifnot(file_test("-d", path_dest))

  res <- listenv()
  dim(res) <- c(length(samples), length(organisms))
  dimnames(res) <- list(samples, organisms)
  p <- progressor(length(samples) + (2+7)*length(res))

  for (sample in samples) {
    message(sprintf("Sample %s ...", sQuote(sample)))
    p(sprintf("Reading 'percentages' for %s", sQuote(sample)))

    filename <- sprintf("%s.percentages.txt.gz", sample)
    file <- file.path(path, filename)
    per <- read_percentages(file) ## Takes 1-2 sec to read (270 kB)
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Subset of barcodes to focus on
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## The 'celltype' field in "percentages" is "Undetermined" unless either
    ## hg19_frac or mm10_frac >= 0.95.  See ?GSE84920.parser::read_percentages.
    per <- filter(per, celltype != "Undetermined")
    ## [1] 13987
    print(table(per$celltype, useNA = "always"))
    ##   HAP1   HeLa    MEF Patski   <NA>
    ##   3413   3686   3842   3046      0
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Split by organism and annotate with celltypes
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    dir.create(path_dest, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    for (org in organisms) {
      message("Organism: ", org)
      filename <- sprintf("%s,%s,unique.rds", sample, org)
      pathname <- file.path(path_dest, filename)
      ## Already done?
      if (file_test("-f", pathname)) {
        res[[sample, org]] <- pathname
        p(sprintf("Already done (%s,%s)", sample, org), amount=9L)
      p(sprintf("Processing (%s,%s)", sample, org))
      ## Keep only celltypes for organism of interest
      per_org <- switch(org,
        human = filter(per, hg19_frac >= 0.95),
        mouse = filter(per, mm10_frac >= 0.95)
      print(c(table(per_org$celltype), total = nrow(per_org)))
      ## human:
      ##  HAP1  HeLa total
      ##  3413  3686  7099
      ## mouse:
      ##   MEF Patski  total
      ##  3842   3046   6888
      ## Assert that (inner_barcode, outer_barcode) -> celltype is unique
      t <- select(per_org, c(inner_barcode, outer_barcode, celltype))
      stopifnot(all(unique(t)[,1:2] == unique(t[,1:2])))
      celltypes <- unique(select(per_org, c(inner_barcode, outer_barcode, celltype)))
      ## # A tibble: 3,272 x 3
      ##    inner_barcode outer_barcode celltype
      ##    <chr>         <chr>         <chr>
      ##  1 ACCACCAC      TCAGATGC      HAP1
      ##  2 CATAGCGC      ACTTGATA      HAP1
      ##  3 GGCCGTTC      GCCATTAA      HAP1
      ##  4 GTCGGCAT      TTGACCAT      HeLa
      ##  5 GTTCCACC      CGTTACTT      HAP1
      ##  6 GAGCTCGA      CACTAGCT      HeLa
      ##  7 GACTGCCA      TCACTGAG      HAP1
      ##  8 CTCGCCGA      GATTCTTA      HAP1
      ##  9 CGCGAGTA      CTGATTCT      HeLa
      ## 10 CGATGCTC      ATATCAGA      HAP1
      ## # ... with 3,262 more rows
      p(sprintf("Processing (%s,%s) for %d cells", sample, org, nrow(celltypes)))
      res[[sample, org]] %<-% {
        ## Valid pairs for this organism
        filename <- sprintf("%s.validPairs.txt.gz", sample)
        pathname <- file.path(path, filename)
        p(sprintf("Reading 'validPairs' for %s: %s", sample, filename))
        vp <- read_validpairs(pathname, columns = c("chr_a", "start_a", "end_a", "chr_b", "start_b", "end_b", "inner_barcode", "outer_barcode"))
        ## Subset for organism
        p(sprintf("Subsetting %s for organism %s", sample, org))
        vp <- vp[grepl(org, vp$chr_a, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(org, vp$chr_b, fixed = TRUE), ]
        vp <- as_tibble(vp)
        ## # A tibble: 18,823,611 x 8
        ##    chr_a         start_a     end_a chr_b         start_b     end_b inner_barcode outer_barcode
        ##    <chr>           <int>     <int> <chr>           <int>     <int> <chr>         <chr>
        ##  1 human_chr2   88637036  88637116 human_chr2   89109729  89109866 GAGGAGCA      CGATGACA
        ##  2 human_chr4  126924974 126925025 human_chr4  127334997 127335124 GCTACGGT      AGTCGTAT
        ##  3 human_chr15  42130039  42130103 human_chr15  42677209  42677290 AGGTGCGA      ATACATGT
        ##  4 human_chr1  209393848 209393905 human_chr1  232468122 232468159 GCCTCGAA      GAGTACGT
        ##  5 human_chr5    5565796   5565876 human_chr5  149955845 149955889 GCTCGCTA      CTAGTGAA
        ##  6 human_chr1  181632778 181632810 human_chr1  181731968 181732207 CAGGCTTG      GATATAAC
        ##  7 human_chr13  73644136  73644240 human_chr13  74667914  74667979 TCGGATCG      GATATAAC
        ##  8 human_chr2   80491806  80491879 human_chr2   80575049  80575117 CTCGCCGA      TACCGGAA
        ##  9 human_chr1  168466976 168467108 human_chr1  168467668 168467791 GAGCTCGA      TCCGTCTA
        ## 10 human_chr18  70871038  70871080 human_chr18  71498300  71498395 TCCGTGAG      ATATCAGA
        ## # ... with 18,823,601 more rows
        p(sprintf("Joining subsetted 'validPairs' with 'celltypes'"))
        data <- left_join(vp, celltypes, by = c("inner_barcode", "outer_barcode"))
        pattern <- switch(org, human = "human_chr", mouse = "mouse_ch")
        data <- mutate(data, chr_a = gsub(pattern, "", chr_a, fixed = TRUE), chr_b = gsub(pattern, "", chr_b, fixed = TRUE))
        ## # A tibble: 18,823,611 x 9
        ##    chr_a   start_a     end_a chr_b   start_b     end_b inner_barcode outer_barcode celltype
        ##    <chr>     <int>     <int> <chr>     <int>     <int> <chr>         <chr>         <chr>   
        ##  1 2      88637036  88637116 2      89109729  89109866 GAGGAGCA      CGATGACA      HeLa    
        ##  2 4     126924974 126925025 4     127334997 127335124 GCTACGGT      AGTCGTAT      HAP1    
        ##  3 15     42130039  42130103 15     42677209  42677290 AGGTGCGA      ATACATGT      HeLa    
        ##  4 1     209393848 209393905 1     232468122 232468159 GCCTCGAA      GAGTACGT      HeLa    
        ##  5 5       5565796   5565876 5     149955845 149955889 GCTCGCTA      CTAGTGAA      HeLa    
        ##  6 1     181632778 181632810 1     181731968 181732207 CAGGCTTG      GATATAAC      HeLa    
        ##  7 13     73644136  73644240 13     74667914  74667979 TCGGATCG      GATATAAC      NA      
        ##  8 2      80491806  80491879 2      80575049  80575117 CTCGCCGA      TACCGGAA      HAP1    
        ##  9 1     168466976 168467108 1     168467668 168467791 GAGCTCGA      TCCGTCTA      NA      
        ## 10 18     70871038  70871080 18     71498300  71498395 TCCGTGAG      ATATCAGA      HeLa    
        ## # ... with 18,823,601 more rows
        ## Assert that no duplicates were introduced
        stopifnot(nrow(data) == nrow(vp))
        vp <- NULL  ## Not needed anymore
        ## Arrange by chromosome and position
        ## (mostly for neatness, but also because RDS file shrink to 40%!)
        p(sprintf("Arrange by chromosome and position"))
        data <- arrange(data, chr_a, start_a, chr_b, start_b)
        print(c(table(data$celltype, useNA = "always"), total = nrow(data)))
        ## human:
        ##     HAP1     HeLa     <NA>     total
        ##  6071095 11001283  1751233  18823601
        ## mouse:
        ##      MEF   Patski     <NA>     total
        ##   552055  7466099   745860   8764004
        ## Clean up: drop "funny" chromosomes
        good_chrs <- c(1:23, "X", "Y", "M")
        data <- filter(data, chr_a %in% good_chrs & chr_b %in% good_chrs)
        ## Clean up: map (inner_barcode, outer_barcode) <-> cell_index
        barcodes <- data[, c("inner_barcode", "outer_barcode")]
        barcodes <- with(barcodes, paste(inner_barcode, outer_barcode, sep = "-"))
        data$cell_id <- as.factor(barcodes)
        data$inner_barcode <- data$outer_barcode <- NULL
        barcodes <- NULL  ## Not needed anymore
        filename <- sprintf("%s,%s.rds", sample, org)
        pathname <- file.path(path_dest, filename)
        p(sprintf("Saving to file: %s", filename))
        save_rds(data, pathname)
        ## Keep only unique read pairs
        p(sprintf("Dropping duplicated read pairs"))
        ## NOTE: unique() on a data.frame can be very memory hungry.
        ## Because of this, we run unique() per chromosome.
        data <- unique_by(data, by = "chr_a")
        filename <- sprintf("%s,%s,unique.rds", sample, org)
        pathname <- file.path(path_dest, filename)
        p(sprintf("Saving to file: %s", filename))
        save_rds(data, pathname)
        data <- NULL  ## Not needed anymore
      } %label% sprintf("cbo_%s-%s", sample, org)
    } ## for (org ...)
    message(sprintf("Sample %s ... OK", sQuote(sample)))
  } ## for (sample ...)

  ## This will relay conditions from futures as they are resolved
  res <- resolve(res)

HenrikBengtsson/TopDomStudy documentation built on May 14, 2021, 1:49 p.m.