Man pages for Honchkrow/SignacSlim
The slim version of signac

AggregateTilesQuantify aggregated genome tiles
AlleleFreqCompute allele frequencies per cell
ApplyMatrixByGroupApply function to integration sites per base per group
as.ChromatinAssayConvert objects to a ChromatinAssay
Assay-classThe Assay Class
BinarizeCountsBinarize counts
CellsSet and get cell barcode information for a 'Fragment' object
Cells-setSet and get cell barcode information for a Fragment object
ChromatinAssay-classThe ChromatinAssay class
ChunkGRangesSplit a genomic ranges object into evenly sized chunks
CountFragmentsCount fragments
coverage-ChromatinAssay-methodCoverage of a ChromatinAssay object
CreateChromatinAssayCreate ChromatinAssay object
CreateFragmentObjectCreate a Fragment object
CreateRegionPileupMatrixCreate cut site pileup matrix
DimReduc-classThe DimReduc Class
ExtractCellExtract cell
ExtractFragmentsRun groupCommand for the first n lines, convert the cell...
FeatureMatrixConstruct a feature x cell matrix from a genomic fragments...
FilterCellsFilter cells from fragment file
findOverlaps-methodsFind overlapping ranges for ChromatinAssay objects
Fragment-classThe Fragment class
FragmentHistogramPlot fragment length histogram
FragmentsGet the Fragment objects
GetAssayGet an Assay object from a given Seurat object.
GetCellsInRegionGet cells in a region
GetFragmentDataGet Fragment object data
GetGRangesFromEnsDbExtract genomic ranges from EnsDb object
GetGroupsGet vector of cell names and associated identity
GetTSSPositionsFind transcriptional start sites
granges-methodsAccess genomic ranges for ChromatinAssay objects
GRangesToStringGRanges to String
Graph-classThe Graph Class
head.FragmentReturn the first rows of a fragment file
inter-range-methodsInter-range transformations for ChromatinAssay objects
isRemoteCheck if path is remote
JackStrawData-classThe JackStrawData Class
LinksGet or set links information
nearest-methodsFind the nearest range neighbors for ChromatinAssay objects
Neighbor-classThe Neighbor Class
Read10X_h5Read 10X hdf5 file
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
RegionMatrixRegion enrichment analysis
RegionStatsCompute base composition information for genomic ranges
seqinfo-methodsAccess and modify sequence information for ChromatinAssay...
SetIfNullSet a default value if an object is null
Seurat-classThe Seurat Class
SeuratCommand-classThe SeuratCommand Class
SingleFeatureMatrixRun FeatureMatrix on a single Fragment object
SpatialImage-classThe SpatialImage Class
SplitFragmentsSplit fragment file by cell identities
StringToGRangesString to GRanges
TSSEnrichmentCompute TSS enrichment score per cell
TSSPlotPlot signal enrichment around TSSs
UpdatePathUpdate the file path for a Fragment object
UpdateSlotsUpdate slots in an object
ValidateCellsValidate cells present in fragment file
ValidateFragmentsValidate Fragment object
ValidateHashValidate hashes for Fragment object
Honchkrow/SignacSlim documentation built on April 9, 2022, 1:49 a.m.