
Defines functions scranCellCycle scranNormalise

Documented in scranCellCycle scranNormalise

# ascend_scran.R
# description: Wrappers for scran

#' scranCellCycle
#' Wrapper for \pkg{scran}'s cell cycle functions. Please ensure you are using
#' *ensembl_id* as your rownames in this dataset. Also ensure you are using
#' mitochondrial and ribosomal genes as controls.
#' @param object An \code{\linkS4class{EMSet}} object.
#' @param training.set A training dataset containing pairs of marker genes.
#' @return \code{object} with cell cycle information loaded into colInfo.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment counts
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam
#' @export
scranCellCycle <- function(object, training.set = NULL) {
    stop("Please specify a cyclone training set.")
  expression_matrix <- SingleCellExperiment::counts(object)
  row_info <- rowInfo(object)
  # Run cyclone with cell cycle assignments as a vector
  print("Running cyclone from scran...")
  cc_assignments <- scran::cyclone(expression_matrix, pairs = training.set, rownames(expression_matrix), BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam())
  col_info <- as.data.frame(colInfo(object))
  col_data <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(object))
  cc_assignments <- as.data.frame(cc_assignments)
  col_info$phase <- cc_assignments$phases
  col_data <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(cbind(col_data), cc_assignments[ ,2:ncol(cc_assignments)])
  colInfo(object) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(col_info)
  SummarizedExperiment::colData(object) <- col_data

#' scranNormalise
#' Normalise an \code{\linkS4class{EMSet}} with \pkg{scran}'s deconvolution 
#' method by Lun et al. 2016.
#' @details Users may choose to run computeSumFactors using either preset 
#' group sizes (40,60, 80 and 100) or quickCluster. For datasets with over
#' 20,000 cells - it is recommended you use quickCluster.
#' @param object An \code{\linkS4class{EMSet}} that has not undergone 
#' normalisation.
#' @param quickCluster Use scran's quickCluster method (TRUE) or  use randomly-
#' assigned groups (FALSE, Default).
#' @param min.mean Threshold for average counts. This argument is for the 
#' \code{\link[scran]{computeSumFactors}} function from \pkg{scran}. The value 
#' of 1 is recommended for read count data, while the default value of 1e-5 is 
#' best for UMI data. This argument is only used for newer versions of 
#' \pkg{scran}.
#' @return An \code{\linkS4class{EMSet}} with an expression matrix with counts 
#' normalised by \code{\link[scater]{normalize}} function.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData rowData
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment isSpike spikeNames sizeFactors counts normcounts logcounts
#' @export
scranNormalise <- function(object, quickCluster = FALSE, min.mean = 1e-5){
  # If this object has been normalised, stop it!
  if (!is.null(progressLog(object)$NormalisationMethod)) {
    stop(sprintf("This data has been normalised by %s", progressLog(object)$NormalisationMethod))
  # Remove controls
  # Check if mitochondria and ribosomes are in the set
  log <- progressLog(object)
  gene_id_name <- colnames(rowInfo(object))[1]
  # Remove controls prior to normalisation
  if (any(names(log$set_controls) %in% c("Mt", "Rb"))){
    if ("Mt" %in% names(log$set_controls)){
      object <- excludeControl(object, control = "Mt")    
    if ("Rb" %in% names(log$set_controls)){
      object <- excludeControl(object, control = "Rb")    
  # Convert to SingleCellExperiment
  sce_obj <- convert(object, to = "sce")
  # Remove spike-ins if present
  if (!is.null(SingleCellExperiment::isSpike(object))){
    spike_ins <- SingleCellExperiment::spikeNames(sce_obj)
    exclude_list <- sapply(spike_ins, function(x) which(SingleCellExperiment::isSpike(sce_obj, x)))
    exclude_list <- unique(exclude_list)
    sce_obj <- sce_obj[-exclude_list, ]
  # Non-quickCluster method
  ncells <- BiocGenerics::ncol(sce_obj)
  if (quickCluster){
    print(sprintf("%i cells detected. Running computeSumFactors with quickCluster...", ncells))
    quick_cluster <- scran::quickCluster(sce_obj, method = "hclust", min.mean = min.mean)
    sce_obj <- scran::computeSumFactors(sce_obj, clusters = quick_cluster, positive = TRUE, min.mean = min.mean)
  } else{
    print(sprintf("%i cells detected. Running computeSumFactors with preset sizes of 40, 60, 80, 100...", ncells))
    preset_sizes <- c(40, 60, 80, 100)
    sce_obj <- scran::computeSumFactors(sce_obj, sizes = preset_sizes, positive = TRUE, min.mean = min.mean)
  print("scran's computeSumFactors complete. Adjusting zero sum factors...")
  size_factors <- SingleCellExperiment::sizeFactors(sce_obj)
  zero_size_factors <- which(size_factors == 0)
  # Adjust size factor to use minimum 
  if (length(zero_size_factors) > 0){
    min_size_factor <- min(size_factors[-zero_size_factors])
    size_factors[zero_size_factors] <- min_size_factor
    SingleCellExperiment::sizeFactors(sce_obj) <- size_factors
  print("Running scater's normalize method...")
  norm_obj <- scater::normalize(sce_obj, exprs_values = "counts", return_log = FALSE)
  normcounts <- SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(norm_obj)
  logcounts(norm_obj) <- log2(normcounts + 1)
  size_factors <- SingleCellExperiment::sizeFactors(norm_obj)
  # Return EMSet
  em_set <- convert(norm_obj, to = "EMSet")

  # Update log
  log$NormalisationMethod <- "Deconvolution"
  progressLog(em_set) <- log
  # Store size factors
  SingleCellExperiment::sizeFactors(em_set, "Deconvolution") <- size_factors
  em_set <- calculateQC(em_set)
  # Clean up
IMB-Computational-Genomics-Lab/ascend documentation built on Aug. 29, 2019, 4:10 a.m.