
# ascend_subsetters.R
# description: Methods related to the subsetting of EMSets.

#' useVariableGenes
#' Reduces an EMSet to a range of the most variable genes as determined by 
#' the values calculated by \code{\link[ascend:calculateCV]{calculateCV}}.
#' @param object \linkS4class{EMSet}
#' @param ngenes Number of variable genes to use (Default: 1500 genes)
#' @examples
#' # Load example EMSet
#' em_set <- ascend::analyzed_set
#' # Calculate gene variance
#' em_set <- calculateCV(em_set)
#' # Use 1500 of the most variable genes
#' em_set <- useVariableGenes(em_set, ngenes = 1500)
#' @return EMSet reduced to specified number of variable genes.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "useVariableGenes", def = function(object, ngenes) {

#' @rdname useVariableGenes
setMethod("useVariableGenes", signature("EMSet"), function(object,
                                                           ngenes = 1500){
  # Check CV values have been calculated
  if (!("ascend_cv" %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)))){
    stop("Please use calculateCV before using this function.")
  # Extract row data
  row_data <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)
  # Select genes that fall within range
  keep_data <- subset(row_data, row_data$ascend_cv_rank <= ngenes)
  subset_object <- object[keep_data[,1], ]
  subset_object <- calculateQC(subset_object)

#' excludeControl
#' Excludes a control group from an \linkS4class{EMSet}.
#' @param object An \linkS4class{EMSet}.
#' @param ... ...
#' @param control Name of the control group you would like to exclude. It must
#' be in the `control` column of rowInfo.
#' @examples 
#' # Load example EMSet
#' em_set <- ascend::raw_set
#' # Exclude Mitochondrial-related genes
#' em_set <- excludeControl(em_set, control = "Mt")
#' @return An \linkS4class{EMSet} without the specified control group.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "excludeControl", def = function(object, ..., control) {

#' @rdname excludeControl
setMethod("excludeControl", signature("EMSet"), function(object, 
                                                          control = c()){
  # Retrieve rowInfo
  row_info <- rowInfo(object)
  # Retrieve log
  log <- progressLog(object)
  control_list <- log$set_controls
  control_bool <- log$controls
  control_names <- names(control_list)
  if (!any(sapply(control, function(x) x %in% names(control_list)))){
    stop("Please make sure the selected control group has been defined in your dataset.")
  # Check if controls are defined.
  if (!("control_group" %in% colnames(row_info))){
    stop("Please make sure controls are defined for your dataset.")
  # Check if selected controls are present.
  if (!(all(control %in% row_info[, "control_group"]))){
    stop("Please make sure all selected controls are present in the control_group column of the rowInfo dataframe.")
  # Identify rows to remove
  remove_rows <- which(row_info$control_group %in% control)
  control_list <- lapply(control_names, function(x) if(!x %in% control){control_list[[x]]})
  names(control_list) <- control_names
  control_list[sapply(control_list, is.null, USE.NAMES = TRUE)] <- NULL
  if (length(control_list) == 0){
    log$controls <- FALSE
  log$set_controls <- control_list
  progressLog(object) <- log
  # Remove from EMSet
  return_set <- object[-remove_rows, ]

#' subsetCondition
#' Subset cells of specific conditions from an \code{\linkS4class{EMSet}}.
#' @param object An \code{\linkS4class{EMSet}}
#' @param ... ...
#' @param by A list containing parameter to subset object by. These should be 
#' present as a column in colInfo and names in the named list `conditions`.
#' @param conditions  Conditions you would like to select. They should be 
#' organised into a named list, with the values specified in `by` as sublist
#' names.
#' @return An \code{\linkS4class{EMSet}} containing cells that have these 
#' conditions.
#' @examples
#' # Load a pre-existing EMSet
#' em_set <- ascend::analyzed_set
#' # Subset batch 1
#' batch1 <- subsetCondition(em_set, by = "batch", conditions = list(batch = 1))
#' @include ascend_objects.R
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "subsetCondition", def = function(object, ..., by, conditions) {

#' @rdname subsetCondition
setMethod("subsetCondition", signature("EMSet"), function(object, 
                                                          by = c(), 
                                                          conditions = list()) {
  # Retrieve colInfo
  col_info <- colInfo(object, withDimnames = TRUE)
  if (! by %in% names(conditions)){
    stop("Please ensure your conditions are in the named list supplied to the conditions argument.")
  if (!all(by %in% colnames(col_info))){
    stop("Please check if your defined condition(s) is/are present in colInfo.")
  # Check if all conditions are present
  if (!all(sapply(by, function(x) all(conditions[[x]] %in% col_info[, x])))){
    stop("Please check if your defined condition(s) is/are present in colInfo.")
  # Retrieve list of cells from col_info
  cell_indices <- lapply(by, function(x) which(col_info[, x] == conditions[[x]]))
  cell_list <- col_info[unique(unlist(cell_indices)), 1]
  # Subset EMSet
  subset_set <- object[, cell_list]
IMB-Computational-Genomics-Lab/ascend documentation built on Aug. 29, 2019, 4:10 a.m.