
Defines functions S2_download

Documented in S2_download

#' S2_download helper function
#' Simple helper function to download data (granules, images, QI data)
#' @param url character (valid) url to download file from.
#' @param destfile character download destination.
#' @param skipExisting character should locally existing files be skipped - one
#'   of "always", "samesize" (only if remote and local file size matches),
#'   "never".
#' @param zip logical if \code{TRUE}, the url will be downloaded as zip archive
#'   and (automatically) unzipped in the parent directory of 'destfile'
#'   (plays any role only when downloading granules).
#' @param progressBar should a progress bar be displayed?
#' @param timeout single file download timeout in seconds (0 means no timeout)
#' @param tries how many times try download in case of failures
#' @param ... further arguments not implemented directly - see
#'   the \href{https://s2.boku.eodc.eu/wiki/#!granule.md#GET_https://s2.boku.eodc.eu/granule/{granuleId}}{granule API doc}
#'   and the \href{https://s2.boku.eodc.eu/wiki/#!image.md#GET_https://s2.boku.eodc.eu/image/{imageId}}{image API doc}.
#' @return logical vector indicating which downloads where successful
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # find, download and unzip a full granule
#'   granules = S2_query_granule(
#'     utm = '33UXP',
#'     dateMin = '2016-06-01',
#'     dateMax = '2016-06-30'
#'   )
#'   S2_download(granules$url, granules$date)
#'   # find and download a bunch of images
#'   images = S2_query_image(
#'     utm = '33UXP',
#'     dateMin = '2016-06-01',
#'     dateMax = '2016-06-30',
#'     band = 'B03'
#'   )
#'   S2_download(images$url, paste0(images$date, '.', images$format))
#'   # reproject downloaded images by passing additional API parameter
#'   S2_download(images$url, paste0(images$date, '.', images$format), srid = 4326)
#'   # download particular URL
#'   S2_download(
#'     'https://test%40s2%2Eboku%2Eeodc%2Eeu:test@s2.boku.eodc.eu/image/33148479',
#'     'test.jp2'
#'   )
#' }

S2_download = function(url, destfile, zip = TRUE, skipExisting = 'samesize', progressBar = TRUE, timeout = 1800, tries = 1, ...){
  url = as.character(url)
  destfile = as.character(destfile)
    is.vector(url), length(url) > 0, is.vector(destfile),
    is.vector(skipExisting), is.character(skipExisting), length(skipExisting) == 1, all(!is.na(skipExisting)),
    is.vector(zip), is.logical(zip), length(zip) == 1, all(!is.na(zip)),
    is.vector(progressBar), is.logical(progressBar), length(progressBar) == 1, all(!is.na(progressBar)),
    is.vector(timeout), is.numeric(timeout), length(timeout) == 1, all(!is.na(timeout)),
    is.vector(tries), is.numeric(tries), length(tries) == 1, all(!is.na(tries) & tries > 0),
    length(url) == length(destfile)
  filter = !is.na(url)
  url = url[filter]
  destfile = destfile[filter]

  addParam = list(...)
  if (zip) {
    addParam[['format']] = "application/zip"
  if (length(addParam) > 0) {
      all(names(addParam) != ''),
      length(unique(names(addParam))) == length(addParam)
    addParamNames = sapply(names(addParam), utils::URLencode)
    addParamValues = sapply(as.character(addParam), utils::URLencode)
    addParam = paste0(addParamNames, '=', addParamValues, collapse = '&')
    url = paste0(url, '?', addParam)

  chGet = curl::new_handle()
  chHead = curl::new_handle(nobody = TRUE)
  if (timeout > 0) {
    curl::handle_setopt(chGet, timeout = timeout)
    curl::handle_setopt(chHead, timeout = timeout)

  success = rep(FALSE, length(url))
  if (progressBar) {
    pb = utils::txtProgressBar(0, length(url), style = 3)
  breakLoop = FALSE
  for (i in seq_along(url)) {
    # short tracks
    if (breakLoop) {
    if (file.exists(destfile[i]) & skipExisting == 'always') {
      if (progressBar) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      success[i] = TRUE
    # full track
    toGo = tries
    while (toGo > 0 & !success[i] & !breakLoop) {
      toGo = toGo - 1
          # get expected download length
          resp = curl::curl_fetch_memory(url[i], chHead)$headers
          headers = curl::parse_headers(resp)
          contentLength = c(as.integer(sub('^.* ', '', grep('^content-length: [0-9]+$', headers, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE))), -1L)[1]
          contentType = c(sub('^.* ', '', grep('^content-type: [-_./a-zA-Z0-9]+$', headers, value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)), '')[1]

          # when needed, perform a download
          if (!file.exists(destfile[i]) | skipExisting == 'never' | file.size(destfile[i]) != contentLength) {
            curl::curl_download(url = url[i], destfile = destfile[i], handle = chGet, quiet = TRUE)

            if (file.size(destfile[i]) != contentLength & contentLength >= 0L) {
              stop('downloaded file size does not match remote file size')

            # unpacking zip files
            signature = readBin(destfile[i], 'raw', 4)
            if (all(signature == as.raw(c(80L, 75L, 3L, 4L))) & zip & contentType == 'application/zip') {
              destfile[i] = sub('[.]zip$', '', destfile[i])
              zipfile = paste0(destfile[i], '.zip')
              file.rename(destfile[i], zipfile)
              utils::unzip(zipfile = zipfile, exdir = destfile[i])

          success[i] = TRUE
        warning = function(w) {
          # downloaded stopped by a keyboard interrupt
          if (all(w$message == 'Operation was aborted by an application callback')) {
            breakLoop <<- TRUE
        error = function(e) {}

    if (progressBar) {
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
IVFL-BOKU/sentinel2 documentation built on May 13, 2022, 11:15 p.m.