
Defines functions run.ruv

Documented in run.ruv

#' run.ruv - Run the the CytofRUV alignment method.
#' This function allows you to run the CytofRUV alignment method.
#' @usage run.align()
#' @param dat NO DEFAULT.A data.table consisting of the data (both reference and taret) you wish to align
#' @param sample.col NO DEFAULT. Column name of the data.table that contains sample names
#' @param batch.col NO DEFAULT. Column name of the data.table that contains batch labels
#' @param align.cols NO DEFAULT. Vector of column names to align.
#' @param ref.samples NO DEFAULT. Character vector of sample names that are used as reference data.
#' @param cluster.col DEFAULT = NULL. Column name of the data.table that contains clusters. If NULL, will align data without clusters.
#' @param k DEFAULT = K. K value for alignment
#' @param dir DEFAULT = getwd(). Directory where the work is being done
#' @param append.name DEFAULT = '_ruv'. Text to be appended to end of each new column containing aligned data
#' @return Returns a data.table with aligned data added in new columns.
#' @author Thomas M Ashhurst, \email{thomas.ashhurst@@sydney.edu.au}
#' @references Ashhurst, T. M., et al. (2019). \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31077106}
#' @examples
#' cell.dat <- run.ruv()
#' @import data.table
#' @export

run.ruv <- function(dat,
                    cluster.col = NULL,
                    k = 5,
                    dir = getwd(),
                    append.name = '_ruv'){
  ### Packages
      if(!is.element('data.table', installed.packages()[,1])) stop('data.table is required but not installed')
      if(!is.element('CytofRUV', installed.packages()[,1])) stop('CytofRUV is required but not installed')
  ### Test data

      # dat <- target.dat
      # lst <- c("Mock01_A", "Mock02_A", "Mock03_A",
      #          "Mock04_B", "Mock05_B", "Mock06_B",
      #          "WNV01_A", "WNV02_A", "WNV03_A",
      #          "WNV04_B", "WNV05_B", "WNV06_B")
      # tb <- data.table("FileName" = sort(unique(dat$FileName)),
      #                  "NewName" = lst)
      # dat <- do.add.cols(dat, "FileName", tb, "FileName")
      # setorderv(dat, 'NewName')
      # setorderv(dat, 'Batches')
      # dat
      # # dat$cluster <- 1
      # sample.col <- "Sample"
      # batch.col <- "Batches"
      # align.cols
      # ref.samples <- c("CNS_WNV_D7_01", "CNS_WNV_D7_04")
      # #cluster.col = 'cluster' # if NULL
      # cluster.col <- NULL
      # k = 5
      # seed = 1234
      # dir = getwd()
      # append.name = '_ruv'
      # dat
  ### Prepare functions
      run_RUVIII <- function(data, norm_clusters, k,rep_samples){
        raw_Y <- as.matrix(data[3:ncol(data)])
        # Standardise the input and then compensate output
        col_means <- colMeans(raw_Y)
        col_sds <- apply(raw_Y, 2, function(x) sd(x))
        for(i in 1:ncol(raw_Y)){
          raw_Y[,i] <- (raw_Y[,i] - col_means[i])/col_sds[i]
        # Run the actual RUVIII
        res_mat<-make_residual_mat_several_rep(raw_Y,data$cluster, norm_clusters,data$sample,rep_samples)
        norm_Y <- fastRUVIII(Y = raw_Y, M, ctl = c(1:ncol(raw_Y)), res_mat=res_mat,k = k)$newY
        for(i in 1:ncol(norm_Y)){
          norm_Y[,i] <- norm_Y[,i]*col_sds[i] + col_means[i]
      make_residual_mat_several_rep<- function(data,clusters, norm_clus_list,samples,rep_samples_list){
        #make_residual_mat(raw_Y,data$cluster, norm_clusters,norm_clusters_second,data$sample,rep_samples,second_rep_samples)
        for (r in 1:length(rep_samples_list)){
          mean_pseud=matrix(nrow = length(norm_clus),ncol=dim(data)[2])
          for (i in 1:length(norm_clus)){
            tmp=((clusters == norm_clus[i])&(samples%in%rep_samples))
            res_mat[tmp,]<- t(apply(data[tmp,], 1, function(x) x-mean_pseud[i,]))
      fastRUVIII = function(Y, M, ctl,res_mat,k=NULL, eta=NULL, average=FALSE, fullalpha=NULL){
        # Assumes good input
        if (!(k > 0)) stop("Bad input - read the documentation")
        Y = ruv::RUV1(Y,eta,ctl)
        m = nrow(Y)
        #Y0 = fast_residop(Y, M)
        fullalpha = diag(rsvd::rsvd(Y0)$d) %*% t(rsvd::rsvd(Y0)$v)
        alpha = fullalpha[1:k,,drop=FALSE]
        ac = alpha[,ctl,drop=FALSE]
        W = Y[,ctl] %*% t(ac) %*% solve(ac %*% t(ac))
        newY = Y - W %*% alpha
        return(list(newY = newY, fullalpha=fullalpha))
      fast_residop <- function (A, B) {
        return(A - B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B) %*% (t(B) %*% A))
  ### Checks
      ## Clusters present in all batches
            dat$`RUV_CLUST` <- 1
            cluster.col <- 'RUV_CLUST'

      ## Clusters present? If not, all = 1
          all.clusters <- unique(dat[[cluster.col]])
          for(i in unique(dat[[batch.col]])){
            # i <- unique(dat[[batch.col]])[[1]]
            temp <- dat[dat[[batch.col]] == i,cluster.col, with = FALSE]
            temp <- temp[[1]]
            temp <- unique(temp)
            if(sort(temp) != sort(all.clusters)){
              stop('Some clusters are missing from certain batches. For RUV to work, clusters need to be represented in each batch')

  ### Cluster data preparation
      start.dat <- dat
      clusters <- sort(unique(dat[[cluster.col]]))
      RUV_CLUSTER_NUMBERS <- c(1:length(clusters))
      clusters.tb <- data.table('clusters' = clusters, 
                                'RUV_CLUSTER_NUMBERS' = RUV_CLUSTER_NUMBERS)
      dat <- do.add.cols(dat, cluster.col, clusters.tb, 'clusters')
  ### Batch data preparation    
      batch.names <- sort(unique(dat[[batch.col]]))
      RUV_BATCH_NUMBERS <- c(1:length(batch.names))
      batch.tb <- data.table('batch.names' = batch.names, 
                                'RUV_BATCH_NUMBERS' = RUV_BATCH_NUMBERS)

      dat <- do.add.cols(dat, batch.col, batch.tb, 'batch.names')
  ### Sample data preparation
      sample.names <- sort(unique(dat[[sample.col]]))
      sample.numbers <- paste0("Sample", c(1:length(sample.names)))
      sample.tb <- data.table("sample.names" = sample.names,
                              'RUV_SAMPLES' = sample.numbers)

      dat <- do.add.cols(dat, sample.col, sample.tb, 'sample.names')
      dat$RUV_SAMPLES <- paste0(dat$RUV_SAMPLES, "_", dat$RUV_BATCH_NUMBERS)
  ### Sample batch matching
      sample.batches <- list()
      for(i in c(1:length(sample.names))){
        # i <- 1
        a <- sample.names[[i]]
        temp <- dat[dat[[sample.col]] == a,'RUV_BATCH_NUMBERS', with = FALSE]
        temp <- temp[1,]
        sample.batches[[a]] <- temp
      sample.batches <- do.list.switch(sample.batches)
      sample.batches <- do.add.cols(sample.batches, 'New', sample.tb, 'sample.names')
      sample.batches$RUV_SAMPLES <- paste0(sample.batches$RUV_SAMPLES, "_", sample.batches$Values.RUV_BATCH_NUMBERS)
      ref.samples <- sample.batches[which(sample.names == ref.samples),'RUV_SAMPLES'][[1]]
  ### Sample and batch preparation

      x <- dat[,c('RUV_SAMPLES', 'RUV_CLUSTER_NUMBERS', align.cols), with = FALSE]
      names(x)[c(1:2)] <- c("sample", "cluster")
      x <- as.data.frame(x)
      clust.list <- list(sort(unique(x[['cluster']])))
      rep.list <- list(ref.samples)

      message(paste0(names(x), " "))
      if(!any(which(unique(dat$RUV_SAMPLES == ref.samples)))){
        stop("The names of the reference files have been corrupted")
  ### Run RUV
      message("RUV starting")
      res <- run_RUVIII(data = x, 
                        norm_clusters = clust.list,
                        k = k,
                        rep_samples = rep.list)

      res <- as.data.table(res)
      names(res) <- paste0(names(res), append.name)
  ### Finalise and return
      start.dat <- cbind(start.dat, res)
      message("RUV complete")
ImmuneDynamics/Spectre documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m.