
## Script that will (download,) process and add Witkiewicz Xenograft dataset to this package
## data published in
# by, 19.3.2018

## We downloaded Witkiewicz Xenograft dataset as supplement files of the paper
#"Integrated Patient-Derived Models Delineate Individualized Therapeutic Vulnerabilities of Pancreatic Cancer"
#by Witkiewicz et. al. published in 2016 in Cell Rep. accessible via the link
# Except the gene expression dataset, which was downloaded from GEO via

##Raw data can be downloaded using the following lines:
download.file(url = "",
              destfile = "./data-raw/WITKIEWICZ/WITKIEWICZ-raw/GSE84023_seq_ProcessedData.txt.gz")
download.file(url = "",
              destfile = "./data-raw/WITKIEWICZ/WITKIEWICZ-raw/NIHMS803574-supplement-2.xlsx")
download.file(url = "",
              destfile = "./data-raw/WITKIEWICZ/WITKIEWICZ-raw/NIHMS803574-supplement-3.xlsx")

###Preparing Gene Expression Data based on RNA-seq: (Pipeline based on info of GSE84023: Illumina Casava1.7 software used for basecalling.
#Sequenced reads were trimmed for adaptor sequence, mapped to hg19 genome using bowtie TopHatCounts per gene was obtained
#using HTseq counts and normalized using edgeR package in RGenome_build: hg19, files_format_and_content: tab-delimited text file
#include matrix of normalized log counts per million for each sample)
#Importing and cleaning up:
RNAseq <- read.table("./data-raw/WITKIEWICZ/WITKIEWICZ-raw/GSE84023_seq_ProcessedData.txt.gz", header = T)
RNAseqMat <- as.matrix(RNAseq[,-1])
rownames(RNAseqMat) <- RNAseq$Gene

#Feature identifiers are in gene symbols, we convert them to Entrez IDs:
humaRt <- useMart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
ConvTabelle <- getBM(attributes = c("hgnc_symbol","entrezgene"),
                     filters = "hgnc_symbol", values = rownames(RNAseqMat), mart = humaRt)
rownames(RNAseqMat) <- ConvTabelle$entrezgene[match(rownames(RNAseqMat),ConvTabelle$hgnc_symbol)]
RNAseqMat <- RNAseqMat[!,] # No need to log2; as said above, values are normalized log counts per million.

#Since overlap between sample names in RNAseqMat and Response data are small (overlap of
#combinatory treated sample names and RNAseq sample names are 0! they have same patient
#names but the suffix added to patient names are different), we average over
#all samples of the same patient (on different phases for example):
RNAseqMatAverageDF <- aggregate(x = t(RNAseqMat),
                              by = list(sapply(strsplit(colnames(RNAseqMat),
                                                        split = "_"),function(x) x[1])),
                              FUN = mean)
RNAseqMatAverage <- data.matrix(t(RNAseqMatAverageDF[,-1]))
colnames(RNAseqMatAverage) <- RNAseqMatAverageDF$Group.1

###Response data curation:
#Importing and cleaning up:
##There are single and double drug treatment in this dataset; we curate both into two different metrics, with model in rows and treatment in columns:
#Single response data:
AUC_single <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = "./data-raw/WITKIEWICZ/WITKIEWICZ-raw/NIHMS803574-supplement-3.xlsx", sheet = 3, rowNames = T)
AUC_single_Mat <- as.matrix(AUC_single)
AUC_single_Mat <- t(AUC_single_Mat) #We want the models to be in rows and drugs in columns.
#Averaging over samples from the same patient (because of the reason mentioned above):
AUC_single_MatAverageDF <- aggregate(x = AUC_single_Mat,
                                by = list(sapply(strsplit(rownames(AUC_single_Mat),
                                                          split = "_"),function(x) x[1])),
                                FUN = mean)
AUC_single_MatAverage <- data.matrix(AUC_single_MatAverageDF[,-1])
rownames(AUC_single_MatAverage) <- AUC_single_MatAverageDF$Group.1

#Double response data:
AUC_combo <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = "./data-raw/WITKIEWICZ/WITKIEWICZ-raw/NIHMS803574-supplement-2.xlsx", sheet = 2, rowNames = T)
AUC_combo_Mat <- as.matrix(AUC_combo)
AUC_combo_Mat <- t(AUC_combo_Mat) #We want the models to be in rows and drugs in columns.
#There is no need for averaging over samples cause in combo treatment each patient has 1 sample,
#We have to correct the names though:
rownames(AUC_combo_Mat) <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(AUC_combo_Mat),split = "_"),function(x) x[1])

###Preparing Meta information:
#Some (maybe?) drug info:
DrugInfo <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = "./data-raw/WITKIEWICZ/WITKIEWICZ-raw/NIHMS803574-supplement-3.xlsx", sheet = 1)

###Preparing 'ResponseTypes' slot:
##ResponseTypes is a data frame containing variable names and description of availble ForeseeCell drug response variables:
Response <- c("AUC","AUCCombo")
Response <- cbind(Response,c("patient-derived cell line models were screened in total at
                             100 nM-1 μM dose range, and area under the curve (AUC)
                             was calculated per drug per cell line (range 0.08 – 4.95), For single treatment,
                             averaged over all samples from the same patient",
                             "patient-derived cell line models were screened in total at
                             100 nM-1 μM dose range, and area under the curve (AUC)
                             was calculated per drug per cell line (range 0.08 – 4.95), For combinatory treatment"))
Response <-;colnames(Response) <- c("Name","Description")

###Preparing 'InputTypes' slot:
##InputTypes is a data frame containing variable names (and description) of availble ForeseeCell input data variables:
InputTypes <- c("GeneExpression")
InputTypes <- cbind(InputTypes,c("Matrix of normalized log counts per million, averaged over all samples from each patient,
                                 detailed pipeline explained in"))
InputTypes <-;colnames(InputTypes) <- c("Name","Description")

###Making and saving the Foresee object:
WITKIEWICZ <- list()
class(WITKIEWICZ) <- "ForeseeCell" ##We assign Xenografts as Cell objects!
WITKIEWICZ[["GeneExpression"]] <- RNAseqMatAverage
WITKIEWICZ[["AUC"]] <- AUC_single_MatAverage
WITKIEWICZ[["AUCCombo"]] <- AUC_combo_Mat

WITKIEWICZ[["DrugInfo"]] <- DrugInfo

WITKIEWICZ[["ResponseTypes"]] <- Response
WITKIEWICZ[["InputTypes"]] <- InputTypes

devtools::use_data(WITKIEWICZ, overwrite = T)
JRC-COMBINE/FORESEE documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 1:19 a.m.