
#' Combine Acoustic and Midwater Trawl Survey Data
#' Combine survey data from acoustic transects and midwater trawl tows (created
#'   by \code{\link{SampFish}}).
#' Apply availability to the acoustic data and catchability (availability and
#'   selectivity) to the midwater trawl catch.
#' @param SimPop
#'   A list with elements \code{LakeInfo}, \code{FishInfo}, \code{FishParam},
#'     \code{FishPop}, typically output from \code{\link{SimFish}}.
#'   See \code{\link{SimFish}} for details on the list elements.
#' @param AcMtSurv
#'   A list with elements \code{Targets}, \code{AcSummaryCell},
#'     \code{AcSummaryColumn}, \code{MtCatch},
#'     typically output from \code{\link{SampFish}}.
#' @param AcExcl
#'   A numeric vector of length 2, depth of acoustic "dead" zones at the surface
#'     and at the bottom (in m), default of c(0, 0) represents 100\% acoustic
#'     availability of fish.
#' @param MtExcl
#'   A numeric vector of length 2, depth of zones unfishable with the midwater
#'     trawl at the surface and at the bottom (in m), default of c(0, 0)
#'     represents 100\% midwater trawl availability of fish.
#' @param PanelProps
#'   A numeric vector of length 4, size of the different mesh panel zones of the
#'     midwater trawl, mouth (outermost), middle, aft, and cod (inner),
#'     default c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1).
#'   Sizes are expressed as proportions of the distance from the outer edge of
#'     the trawl to the trawl center in both the vertical and horizontal
#'     directions, and they should add up to 1.  Use \code{\link{ViewZones}}
#'     to visualize the mesh panel zones.
#' @param SelecParam
#'   A data frame with 6 columns in which each row provides the midwater trawl
#'     selectivity parameters for a given fish group and mesh panel zone.
#'   All columns must be completely filled in (no missing values).
#'   Selectivity is assumed to be 100\% for any group-zone combination not
#'     represented as a row in the data frame.
#'   For 100\% selectivity of small fish, use \code{MtL50Small = -Inf} and
#'     any slope.
#'   For 100\% selectivity of large fish, use \code{MtL50Large = Inf} and
#'     any slope.
#'   Column names and descriptions:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{G} = character, a one-letter nickname for the group
#'       (e.g., fish species and life stage) used in plotting
#'     \item \code{Zone} = character, mesh panel zone, one of "mouth", "middle",
#'       "aft", or "cod"
#'     \item \code{MtL50Small} = numeric, the length (in mm) at which small fish
#'       have a 50\% probability of being captured by the trawl
#'     \item \code{MtSlopeSmall} = numeric, the (inverse) slope at which small
#'       fish probability of capture increases with length, smaller values are
#'       steeper
#'     \item \code{MtL50Large} = numeric, the length (in mm) at which large fish
#'       have a 50\% probability of being captured by the trawl
#'     \item \code{MtSlopeLarge} = numeric, the (absolute value of the inverse)
#'       slope at which large fish probability of capture decreases with length,
#'       smaller values are steeper
#'   }
#' @param Seed
#'   An integer scalar, starting seed for stochasticity incorporated in acoustic
#'     and midwater trawl catchability.
#'   Use \code{Seed} to ensure the same individual fish are included in the
#'     surveys with each call to \code{CatchComb}.
#'   Otherwise, if set to NULL, the default, a random seed is used, resulting
#'     in a different fish selection with each call to \code{CatchComb}.
#' @return
#'   A data frame with estimated fish density (in number per ha) and biomass
#'     (in kg per ha) for each sampling event and group (species, lifestage).
#' @details
#'   A classification tree is used to relate the catch composition of
#'     the midwater trawl to the location of the trawl in the lake
#'     (e.g., MTReast, ACnorth, MTRd2sh, MTRbdep).  This tree is then used
#'     to assign a single midwater trawl catch to each acoustic cell
#'     (interval x layer), such that the estimated acoustic densities can be
#'     assigned to specific fish groups (species, life stages).
#'     See, for example, Yule et al. (2013).
#' @export
#' @import
#'   rpart
#' @seealso
#'   \code{\link{SimFish}}, \code{\link{SampFish}}, \code{\link{ViewZones}},
#'     \code{\link{TuneSelec}}.
#' @references
#' Yule, DL, JV Adams, DM Warner, TR Hrabik, PM Kocovsky, BC Weidel, LG Rudstam,
#'   and PJ Sullivan.  2013.
#'   Evaluating analytical approaches for estimating pelagic fish biomass using
#'     simulated fish communities.
#'   Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1845-1857.
#'   \emph{http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjfas-2013-0072#.U1KYxPldXTQ}
#' @examples
#' # parameters for small (a) and large (A) alewife as input to the simulator
#' fishp <- data.frame(
#'   G = c("a", "A", "A"),
#'    Z = c(50, 140, 140), ZE = c(0.25, 0.2, 0.2),
#'    LWC1 = 0.000014, LWC2 = 2.8638, LWCE = 0.18,
#'    TSC1 = -64.2, TSC2 = 20.5, TSCE = c(0.02, 0.07, 0.07),
#'    PropN = c(0.55, 0.25, 0.20),
#'    E = c(NA, 900, 2800), EE = c(NA, 4.5, 0.3),
#'    N = NA, NE = NA,
#'    WD = c(5, 15, 15), WDE = c(0.5, 0.7, 0.7),
#'    D2B = NA, D2BE = NA
#' )
#' # simulate the fish population
#' res <- SimFish(LakeName="Clear Lake", LkWidth=3000, LkLength=2000,
#'   BotDepMin=20, BotDepMax=100, FishParam=fishp, TotNFish=50000)
#' # survey the population
#' surv <- SampFish(SimPop=res, NumEvents=2, AcNum=5, AcInterval=3000,
#'   AcLayer=10, AcAngle=7, MtNum=25, MtHt=10, MtWd=10, MtLen=200)
#' selec <- data.frame(
#'    G = c("A", "a", "A", "a", "A", "a"),
#'    Zone = c("mouth", "mouth", "middle", "middle", "aft", "aft"),
#'    MtL50Small = c(100, 100, 60, 60, 30, 30),
#'    MtSlopeSmall = c(40, 40, 30, 30, 20, 20),
#'    MtL50Large = c(180, 180, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf),
#'    MtSlopeLarge = c(20, 20, 100, 100, 100, 100)
#' )
#' AcMtEst(SimPop=res, AcMtSurv=surv, Seed=927)
#' AcMtEst(SimPop=res, AcMtSurv=surv, AcExcl=c(5, 10),
#'   MtExcl=c(2, 2), SelecParam=selec, Seed=204)

AcMtEst <- function(SimPop, AcMtSurv, AcExcl=c(0, 0), MtExcl=c(0, 0),
  PanelProps=c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1), SelecParam=NULL, Seed=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(Seed)) set.seed(Seed)
  mtr <- AcMtSurv$MtCatch
  srv <- AcMtSurv$SurvParam
  ac <- AcMtSurv$Targets

  # check validity of the trawl zone proportions that were input
  names(PanelProps) <- c("mouth", "middle", "aft", "cod")
  panelprops <- rev(PanelProps)
  if (round(sum(panelprops), 7) != 1) {
    stop("cod proportions should sum to 1")

  # availability function, = 0 at surface and bottom and = 1 in the middle
  dblcut <- function(wdep, surfacecut, d2bot, bottomcut) {
    as.numeric(wdep > surfacecut & d2bot > bottomcut)

  # acoustic availability
  ac$keep <- with(ac, dblcut(wdep=f.wdep, surfacecut=AcExcl[1], d2bot=f.d2bot,

  # summarize by cell (interval x layer)
  acs <- AcSmry(AcTarg=ac[ac$keep==1, ], LakeInfo=SimPop$LakeInfo,

  # midwater trawl availability

  if (is.null(SelecParam)) {
    SelecParam <- data.frame(
      G = character(),
      Zone = character(),
      MtL50Small = numeric(0),
      MtSlopeSmall = numeric(0),
      MtL50Large = numeric(0),
      MtSlopeLarge = numeric(0))

  # check validity of zones
  suz <- c("mouth", "middle", "aft", "cod")
  uz <- unique(SelecParam$Zone)
  badzones <- setdiff(uz, suz)
  if (length(badzones) > 0) {
    stop('Zones must be one of "mouth", "middle", "aft", or "cod".')

  # check for missings
  missings <- sum(is.na(SelecParam))
  if (missings > 0) {
    stop("SelectParam data frame may not have any missing values.")

  # fill in 100% selectivities for group-zones with no parameters
  sug <- sort(unique(AcMtSurv$MtCatch$G))
  full <- expand.grid(G=sug, Zone=suz)
  selec2 <- merge(SelecParam, full, all=TRUE)
  sel100 <- is.na(selec2$MtL50Small)
  selec2$MtL50Small[sel100] <- -Inf
  selec2$MtSlopeSmall[sel100] <- 100
  selec2$MtL50Large[sel100] <- Inf
  selec2$MtSlopeLarge[sel100] <- 200

  # for each fish, determine its maximum vertical or horizontal distance from
  #   the center of the trawl as a proportion of the trawl dimensions
  mtr$maxdist <- with(mtr, pmax(abs(f.wdep - MTRwdep)/srv["MtHt"],
    abs(f.north - ACnorth)/srv["MtWd"]))
  # use this distance to assign each fish to a zone of the trawl
  mtr$Zone <- cut(mtr$maxdist, breaks=c(0, cumsum(panelprops)),
    include.lowest=TRUE, labels=names(panelprops))
  mtrsel <- merge(mtr, selec2, all.x=TRUE)

  # Think about trawl availability ... when we are cutting off trawls near the
  #   surface or the bottom, shouldn't this constraint happen during the survey
  #   itself, where trawls that encompass those "dead" zones can be eliminated?

  mtrsel$p.avail <- with(mtrsel, dblcut(wdep=f.wdep, surfacecut=MtExcl[1],
    d2bot=f.d2bot, bottomcut=MtExcl[2]))
  mtrsel$p.selec <- with(mtrsel, logit2(x=len, x50a=MtL50Small,
    slopea=MtSlopeSmall, x50b=MtL50Large, slopeb=-MtSlopeLarge))
  mtrsel$p.catch <- mtrsel$p.avail*mtrsel$p.selec

  # apply catchability (selectivity AND availability) functions to
  #   "perfect" MTR catch
  mtrsel$keep <- sapply(mtrsel$p.catch, function(p)
    sample(0:1, size=1, replace=TRUE, prob=c(1-p, p)))

  sue <- sort(unique(acs$Event))
  results <- expand.grid(G=sug, Event=sue, nperha=NA, kgperha=NA)

  for(k in sue) {

    # subset the MT data
    mtk <- droplevels(mtrsel[mtrsel$Event==k & mtrsel$keep==1, ])

    # only do these calculations if there were "keep" fish in the midwater trawl
    # without "keep" fish,
    #   no species-specific density and biomass can be estimated
    if (dim(mtk)[1] > 0) {

      # subset the AC data
      ack <- acs[acs$Event==k, ]

      # make the variable names in mtk the same as in those in
      # ack for tree prediction
      names(mtk)[match(c("MTReast", "MTRd2sh", "MTRbdep", "MTRwdep",
        "MTRd2bot"), names(mtk))] <-
        c("interval", "d2sh", "botdep", "layer", "d2bot")

      # fit a classification tree to the MTR data for Event k
      treek <- rpart(as.factor(G) ~
        interval + ACnorth + d2sh + botdep + layer + d2bot,
        control=list(cp=0.05, minsplit=10, minbucket=5))

      # mean density for each species
      # suffixes:  e = event, a = ac transect, i = interval, l = layer
      # use the fitted tree to predict species composition of each
      #   AC interval/layer
#       if (dim(treek$frame)[1] < 1.5 & length(sug) < 1.5) {
#         pred.props <- 1
#       } else {
         pred.props <- predict(treek, newdata=ack)
#       }
      dens.eail <- ack$nperha*pred.props
      dens.eai <- aggregate(dens.eail, ack[, c("ACid", "interval")], sum)
      dens.e <- apply(dens.eai[, names(dens.eai) %in% sug], 2, mean)

      # mean biomass for each species
      # calculate the mean weight of each group at each node of the fitted tree
      mwt <- tapply(mtk$wt, list(treek$where, mtk$G), mean)
      mwt[is.na(mwt)] <- 0

      # proportions corresponding to each node
      pred.node <- prednode(treek, newdata=ack)

      # mean weigth expanded to full dimensions of ack, by matching node number
      mwt.eail <- mwt[match(pred.node, row.names(mwt)), ]
      bio.eail <- mwt.eail * dens.eail
      bio.eai <- aggregate(bio.eail, ack[, c("ACid", "interval")], sum)
      bio.e <- apply(bio.eai[, names(bio.eai) %in% sug], 2, mean)

      for(g in seq(sug)) {
        sel <- results$Event==k & results$G==sug[g]
        results$nperha[sel] <- dens.e[sug[g]]
        results$kgperha[sel] <- bio.e[sug[g]]/1000

  results$nperha[is.na(results$nperha)] <- 0
  results$kgperha[is.na(results$kgperha)] <- 0
  results[, c("Event", "G", "nperha", "kgperha")]
JVAdams/artiFISHal documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:14 a.m.