
#' Simulate a Fish Population
#' Create a simulated population of pelagic fish in an artificial lake.
#' @param LakeName
#'   A character scalar, full name for artificial lake to be used in
#'   plot titles.
#' @param LkWidth
#'   A numeric scalar, the width of the lake in the west-east direction (in m).
#' @param LkLength
#'   A numeric scalar, the length of the lake in the south-north direction
#'   (in m).
#' @param BotDepMin
#'   A numeric scalar, the minimum bottom depth of the lake, at both the west
#'   and east shorelines (in m).
#' @param BotDepMax
#'   A numeric scalar, the maximum bottom depth of the lake (in m).
#' @param BotDepVertex
#'   A numeric scalar, the vertical distance from the surface to the "vertex" of
#'   the lake bottom (in m), default \code{2*BotDepMax}.
#'   The "vertex" of the lake bottom is the point at which the angled lake beds
#'   along the west and east shores would intersect,
#'   were they not cut off first by the specified \code{BotDepMax}.
#'   View this figure
#'   \href{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JVAdams/artiFISHal/master/images/LakeFigures.JPG}{[link]}
#'   for a diagram of the artificial lake.
#' @param FishParam
#'   A data frame with 18 columns in which each row describes a sub-population
#'   of fish to be placed in the artificial lake.
#'   The first 11 columns must be completely filled in (no missing values).
#'   The last 8 columns may have some missing values.
#'   However, in each row, \strong{either} water depth
#'   (\code{WD} and \code{WDE}) \strong{or} distance to bottom
#'   (\code{D2B} and \code{D2BE})
#'   \strong{must} be filled in, but \strong{not both}.
#'   Column names and descriptions:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{G} = character, a one-letter nickname for the group
#'       (e.g., fish species and life stage) used in plotting
#'     \item \code{Z} = numeric, mean length (in mm)
#'     \item \code{ZE} = numeric, error around mean length, expressed as SD/mean
#'     \item \code{LWC1}, \code{LWC2} = numeric, length-weight regression
#'       coefficients, where wt = LWC1*len^LWC2, (wt in g, len in mm)
#'     \item \code{LWCE} = numeric, error around weight estimate, expressed as
#'       SD(estimate)/estimate
#'     \item \code{TSC1}, \code{TSC2} = numeric, target strength and length
#'       relation coefficients, ts = TSC1 + TSC2*log10(len/10),
#'       (ts in db, len in mm)
#'     \item \code{TSCE} = numeric, error around target strength estimate,
#'       expressed as SD(estimate)/estimate
#'     \item \code{PropN} = numeric, approximate proportion of population that
#'       the row represents (automatically adjusted to ensure they sum to 1)
#'     \item \code{E} = numeric, mean easting (m)
#'     \item \code{EE} = numeric, error around easting, expressed as SD/mean
#'     \item \code{N} = numeric, mean northing (m)
#'     \item \code{NE} = numeric, error around northing, expressed as SD/mean
#'     \item \code{WD} = numeric, mean water depth (m)
#'     \item \code{WDE} = numeric, error around water depth,
#'       expressed as SD/mean
#'     \item \code{D2B} = numeric, mean distance to bottom (m)
#'     \item \code{D2BE} = numeric, error around distance to bottom,
#'       expressed as SD/mean
#' }
#' @param TotNFish
#'   A numeric scalar indicating the target number of fish to put in the lake.
#'   The actual number of fish in the population will likely be smaller than
#'   \code{TotNFish}, because the process used to populate the lake with fish
#'   ends up with some fish out of water (beyond the boundaries of the
#'   artificial lake), which are then removed from the population.
#'   Memory on your computer limits the size of \code{TotNFish} (see Details).
#' @param TSRange
#'   A numeric vector of length 2, the range of target strengths to use for
#'   the fish (in db), default c(-65, -20).
#' @param PlotsPdf
#'   A character scalar, name of pdf file to store the diagnostic plots in.
#'   If FALSE, the default, no plots are created.
#' @param Seed
#'   An integer scalar, starting seed for stochasticity incorporated in fish
#'   population generation.
#'   Use \code{Seed} to ensure the same population is generated with each call
#'   to \code{SimFish}.
#'   Otherwise, if set to NULL, the default, a random seed is used,
#'   resulting in a different population with each call to \code{SimFish}.
#' @return
#'   A list with 6 elements:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{Truth}, a data frame with the total number and weight
#'      of each fish group in the population;
#'     \item \code{LakeInfo}, a list with the lake inputs supplied as arguments
#'      to \code{SimFish} as well as a few additional objects
#'      which are used by \code{\link{SampFish}} in surveying the population,
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{ints} = a numeric vector of length 2, the intercepts of the
#'         angled lake beds along the west and east shores of the lake (in m)
#'       \item \code{slopes} = a numeric vector of length 2, the slopes of the
#'         angled lake beds along the west and east shores of the lake (unitless)
#'       \item \code{d2shr.we} = a numeric vector of length 2, distance
#'         (in the west-east direction) from west and east shores excluded from
#'        lake (in m);
#'     }
#'     \item \code{FishInfo}, a list with the fish inputs supplied as arguments
#'      to \code{SimFish};
#'     \item \code{FishParam}, the data frame supplied as an argument to
#'      \code{SimFish};
#'     \item \code{FishPop}, a data frame in which each row is a fish, and 10
#'      columns describe the fish group (\code{G}), location
#'      (easting \code{f.east}, northing \code{f.north}, distance to shore
#'      \code{f.d2sh}, bottom depth \code{f.botdep}, water depth \code{f.wdep},
#'      distance to bottom \code{f.d2bot}, all in m), and fish size (total
#'      length in mm \code{len}, weight in g \code{wt}, and target strength in
#'      db \code{ts}); and \item \code{PropExcluded}, a numeric vector showing
#'      the proportion of the requested number of fish, \code{TotNFish}, that
#'      were eliminated from the population based on their size (\code{len},
#'      \code{wt}, \code{ts}) or location (\code{f.east}, \code{f.north},
#'      \code{f.d2sh}, \code{f.botdep}, \code{f.wdep}).
#'      If you end up with far fewer fish than requested, this can be useful in
#'      troubleshooting where the problems might lie.
#'   }
#' @details
#' The artificial lake can be imagined as a rectangular subset of a "real" lake.
#' The east and west boundaries of the artificial lake do not reach
#' the shoreline of the "real" lake, unless \code{BotDepMin} is set to zero.
#' The north and south boundaries of the artificial lake do not ascend to a
#' shoreline, instead the bottom depth remains constant in the south-north
#' direction (i.e., for a given easting).
#' The angle of the western lake bed is twice as steep as the angle of the
#' eastern lake bed.
#' View the top and side views of the artificial lake in this diagram
#' \href{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JVAdams/artiFISHal/master/images/LakeFigures.JPG}{[link]}.
#' You may wish to cap the total number of fish at 5 million if your computer
#' has a memory of about 2 GB (2047 MB).
#' This limit can be increased if you have more memory available in R.
#' You can check the memory available with \code{\link{memory.limit}}.
#' The diagnostic plots produced, if \code{PlotsPdf} is not FALSE, include
#' scatterplots of 1,000 fish randomly selected from the population,
#' scatterplots of 250 fish randomly selected from each group,
#' and histograms of the size and spatial distribution of all the fish
#' in the lake.
#' @export
#' @import
#'   MASS
#' @seealso
#'   \code{\link{SampFish}}
#' @references
#'   Yule, DL, JV Adams, DM Warner, TR Hrabik, PM Kocovsky, BC Weidel,
#'     LG Rudstam, and PJ Sullivan.  2013.
#'   Evaluating analytical approaches for estimating pelagic fish biomass using
#'     simulated fish communities.
#'   Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1845-1857.
#'   \emph{http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjfas-2013-0072#.U1KYxPldXTQ}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # parameters for small (a) and large (A) alewife as input to the simulator
#' fishp <- data.frame(
#'   G = c("a", "A", "A"),
#'   Z = c(50, 140, 140), ZE = c(0.25, 0.2, 0.2),
#'   LWC1 = 0.000014, LWC2 = 2.8638, LWCE = 0.18,
#'   TSC1 = -64.2, TSC2 = 20.5, TSCE = c(0.02, 0.07, 0.07),
#'   PropN = c(0.55, 0.25, 0.20),
#'   E = c(NA, 900, 2800), EE = c(NA, 4.5, 0.3),
#'   N = NA, NE = NA,
#'   WD = c(5, 15, 15), WDE = c(0.5, 0.7, 0.7),
#'   D2B = NA, D2BE = NA
#' )
#' # simulate the fish population
#' res <- SimFish(LakeName="Clear Lake", LkWidth=3000, LkLength=2000,
#'  BotDepMin=20, BotDepMax=100, FishParam=fishp, TotNFish=1000, Seed=667)
#' # look at the results
#' res$Truth
#' res$LakeInfo
#' res$FishInfo
#' head(res$FishParam)
#' head(res$Fish)
#' res$PropExcluded
#' }

SimFish <- function(LakeName, LkWidth, LkLength, BotDepMin, BotDepMax,
  BotDepVertex=2*BotDepMax,  FishParam, TotNFish, TSRange=c(-65, -20),
  PlotsPdf=FALSE, Seed=NULL) {

  if (is.na(PlotsPdf) | length(PlotsPdf)!=1 | is.numeric(PlotsPdf)) {
    stop("PlotsPdf must be either a character scalar, or FALSE")
  if (PlotsPdf!=FALSE) {
    pdf(PlotsPdf, width=9, height=6.5, title="Diagnostics", paper="USr")

  # total number of fish
  FishParam$Nfish <- floor(FishParam$PropN * TotNFish / sum(FishParam$PropN))
  FishParam <- FishParam[FishParam$Nfish > 0, ]

  # minimum bottom depth, maximum bottom depth, and
  #   "vertex" bottom depth in m (z direction)
  botdepr <- c(BotDepMin, BotDepMax, BotDepVertex)

  # easting (m), range, (x direction)
  eastr <- c(0, LkWidth)

  # northing (m), range, (y direction)
  northr <- c(0, LkLength)

  # slopes and intercepts of west and east shores
  slopes <- c( (botdepr[3]-botdepr[1])/(eastr[2]/3),
    (botdepr[1]-botdepr[3])/(2*eastr[2]/3) )
  ints <- c(botdepr[1], -eastr[2]*slopes[2]+botdepr[1])

  # distance from west and east shore excluded from lake in m (x direction)
  d2shr.we <- c(0+ints[1]/slopes[1], -ints[2]/slopes[2]-eastr[2])

  # distance to shore (m), range, (x direction)
  mid.d <- ((eastr[1]-d2shr.we[1]) + (eastr[2]+d2shr.we[2]) ) / 2
  d2shr <- c(min(d2shr.we), d2shr.we[1]+mid.d)

  ###  FISH  (targets)  ###

  # check that exactly ONE of these two variables (WD, D2B) were set to NA
  look <- FishParam[, c("WD", "D2B")]
  not1na <- apply(is.na(look), 1, sum) != 1
  if (sum(not1na)>0) {
    stop(paste("Rows ", paste(seq_along(not1na)[not1na], collapse=", "),
      ".  Either a mean water depth or a mean distance to bottom MUST be specified, but NOT BOTH!",

  nrowz <- dim(FishParam)[1]
  start.i <- (c(0, cumsum(FishParam$Nfish))+1)[1:nrowz]
  end.i <- cumsum(FishParam$Nfish)

  totfish <- sum(FishParam$Nfish)

  fish <- data.frame(G=rep(FishParam$G, FishParam$Nfish), f.east=NA, f.north=NA,
    f.d2sh=NA, f.botdep=NA, f.wdep=NA, f.d2bot=NA, len=NA, wt=NA, ts=NA)
  if (!is.null(Seed)) set.seed(Seed)
  for(i in seq(nrowz)) {

    # easting available? no, then yes
    if (is.na(FishParam$E[i])) {
      f.east <- runif (FishParam$Nfish[i], eastr[1], eastr[2])
      f.d2sh <- dfromx(x=f.east, d2shr.we=d2shr.we, eastr=eastr)
      f.botdep <- zfromx(x=f.east, maxz=BotDepMax, eastr=eastr, ints=ints,
    } else {
      f.east <- rnorm(FishParam$Nfish[i], FishParam$E[i],
      f.d2sh <- dfromx(x=f.east, d2shr.we=d2shr.we, eastr=eastr)
      f.botdep <- zfromx(x=f.east, maxz=BotDepMax, eastr=eastr, ints=ints,

    # northing available? no, then yes
    if (is.na(FishParam$N[i])) {
      f.north <- runif (FishParam$Nfish[i], northr[1], northr[2])
    } else {
      f.north <- rnorm(FishParam$Nfish[i], FishParam$N[i],

    # distance to bottom available? no, then yes (if not, water depth is)
    if (is.na(FishParam$D2B[i])) {
      f.wdep <- rnorm(FishParam$Nfish[i], FishParam$WD[i],
      f.d2bot <- f.botdep - f.wdep
    } else {
      f.d2bot <- rnorm(FishParam$Nfish[i], FishParam$D2B[i],
      f.wdep <- f.botdep - f.d2bot

    # generate lengths from gamma distribution
    shape <- 1/FishParam$ZE[i]^2
    scale <- FishParam$Z[i]/shape
    len <- rgamma(FishParam$Nfish[i], shape=shape, scale=scale)
    # predict weight from length-weight regression coefficients and add error
    wt. <- FishParam$LWC1[i]*len^FishParam$LWC2[i]
    wt <- wt. + rnorm(FishParam$Nfish[i], 0, FishParam$LWCE[i]*wt.)
    # predict target strength from length-ts regression coefficients and
    #   add error
    ts. <- FishParam$TSC1[i] + FishParam$TSC2[i]*log10(len/10)
    ts <- ts. + rnorm(FishParam$Nfish[i], 0, FishParam$TSCE[i]*abs(ts.))

    fish[start.i[i]:end.i[i], -1] <- cbind(f.east, f.north, f.d2sh, f.botdep,
      f.wdep, f.d2bot, len, wt, ts)

  rm(i, start.i, end.i, f.east, f.north, f.d2sh, f.botdep, f.wdep, f.d2bot,
    shape, scale, len, wt., wt, ts., ts)

  bad.lenwt <- fish$len < 0 | fish$wt < 0
  bad.ts <- fish$ts < TSRange[1] | fish$ts > TSRange[2]
  bad.east <- fish$f.east < eastr[1] | fish$f.east > eastr[2]
  bad.north <- fish$f.north < northr[1] | fish$f.north > northr[2]
  bad.wdep <- fish$f.wdep < 0 | fish$f.wdep > fish$f.botdep
  bad.botdep <- fish$f.botdep < 0 | fish$f.botdep > BotDepMax
  bad.d2sh <- fish$f.d2sh < d2shr[1] | fish$f.d2sh > d2shr[2] |

  n <- dim(fish)[1]

  # if you are losing a lot of fish, you can use this to try and determine why
  PropExcluded <- c(LengthWeight=sum(bad.lenwt), TS=sum(bad.ts),
    Easting=sum(bad.east), Northing=sum(bad.north), WaterDepth=sum(bad.wdep),
    BottomDepth=sum(bad.botdep), D2Shore=sum(bad.d2sh))/n

  # get rid of rows that are beyond bounds we set or that have other problems
  bad <- bad.d2sh | bad.east | bad.north | bad.botdep | bad.wdep | bad.lenwt |
  fish <- fish[!bad, ]

  ###  diagnostic plots  ###
  if (PlotsPdf!=FALSE) {

    # a random selection of 1,000 fish (total)
    n <- dim(fish)[1]
    pick <- if (n<1001) {
    } else {
      sample(1:n, 1000)

    fpick <- fish[pick, ]

    sug <- sort(unique(fpick$G))

    par(mfrow=c(1, 1), oma=rep(0, 4), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    plot(eastr/1000, c(-BotDepMax, 0), type="n", las=1, xlab="Easting  (km)",
      ylab="Water depth  (m)", main=paste(LakeName, "- Side View"))
    lines(c(0, xfromz(z=rep(BotDepMax-0.01, 2), maxz=BotDepMax, ints=ints,
      slopes=slopes, shore=0:1), eastr[c(2, 2, 1, 1)])/1000,
      -c(botdepr[1], rep(BotDepMax, 2), botdepr[1], 0, 0, botdepr[1]))

    for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
      sel <- fpick$G==sug[i]
      text(fpick$f.east[sel]/1000, -fpick$f.wdep[sel], fpick$G[sel], col=i)

    par(mfrow=c(1, 1), oma=rep(0, 4), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    plot(eastr/1000, northr/1000, type="n", las=1, xlab="Easting  (km)",
      ylab="Northing  (km)", main=paste(LakeName, "- Top View"))
    for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
      sel <- fpick$G==sug[i]
      text(fpick$f.east[sel]/1000, fpick$f.north[sel]/1000, fpick$G[sel], col=i)

    # a random selection of 250 fish from each group

    rows.g <- split(seq(along=fish$G), fish$G)
    pick <- unlist(lapply(rows.g, function(x) sample(x, min(250, length(x)))))

    fpick <- fish[pick, ]

    sug <- sort(unique(fpick$G))

    par(mfrow=n2mfrow(length(sug)), oma=c(2, 2, 2, 0), mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
    for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
      sel <- fpick$G==sug[i]
      plot(eastr/1000, c(-BotDepMax, 0), type="n", las=1, xlab="", ylab="")
      lines(c(0, xfromz(z=rep(BotDepMax-0.01, 2), maxz=BotDepMax, ints=ints,
        slopes=slopes, shore=0:1), eastr[c(2, 2, 1, 1)])/1000,
        -c(botdepr[1], rep(BotDepMax, 2), botdepr[1], 0, 0, botdepr[1]))
      text(fpick$f.east[sel]/1000, -fpick$f.wdep[sel], fpick$G[sel], col=i)
    mtext("Easting  (km)", side=1, outer=TRUE)
    mtext("Water depth  (m)", side=2, outer=TRUE)
    mtext(paste(LakeName, "- Side View"), side=3, outer=TRUE, font=2)

    par(mfrow=n2mfrow(length(sug)), oma=c(2, 2, 2, 0), mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
    for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
      sel <- fpick$G==sug[i]
      plot(eastr/1000, northr/1000, type="n", las=1, xlab="", ylab="")
      text(fpick$f.east[sel]/1000, fpick$f.north[sel]/1000, fpick$G[sel], col=i)
    mtext("Easting  (km)", side=1, outer=TRUE)
    mtext("Northing  (km)", side=2, outer=TRUE)
    mtext(paste(LakeName, "- Top View"), side=3, outer=TRUE, font=2)

    par(mfrow=c(1, 1), oma=rep(0, 4), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    plot(fpick$len, -fpick$f.wdep, type="n", las=1, xlab="Fish length  (mm)",
      ylab="Water depth  (m)", main=paste(LakeName, "- Size at Depth"))
    for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
      sel <- fpick$G==sug[i]
      text(fpick$len[sel], -fpick$f.wdep[sel], fpick$G[sel], col=i)

    par(mfrow=c(1, 1), oma=rep(0, 4), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    plot(fpick$ts, -fpick$f.wdep, type="n", las=1, xlab="Target strength  (dB)",
      ylab="Water depth  (m)", main=paste(LakeName, "- Size at Depth"))
    for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
      sel <- fpick$G==sug[i]
      text(fpick$ts[sel], -fpick$f.wdep[sel], fpick$G[sel], col=i)

    par(mfrow=n2mfrow(length(sug)), oma=c(2, 2, 2, 0), mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
    for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
      sel <- fpick$G==sug[i]
      plot(fpick$len[sel], fpick$wt[sel], las=1, xlab="", ylab="")
      mtext(sug[i], side=3, adj=0.1, line=-2, font=2)
    mtext("Length  (mm)", side=1, outer=TRUE)
    mtext("Weight  (mm)", side=2, outer=TRUE)
    mtext(paste(LakeName, "- Length-Weight Relation"), side=3, outer=TRUE,

    # histograms of all fish

    fishhist <- function(x, xlab, title, ...) {
      par(mfrow=n2mfrow(length(sug)), oma=c(2, 2, 2, 0), mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1))
      for(i in seq(along=sug)) {
        sel <- fish$G==sug[i]
        hist(x[sel], nclass=25, col="gray", las=1, xlab="", ylab="",
          main="", ...)
        mtext(sug[i], side=3, adj=0.9, line=-2, font=2)
      mtext(xlab, side=1, outer=TRUE)
      mtext("Frequency", side=2, outer=TRUE)
      mtext(paste(LakeName, "-", title), side=3, outer=TRUE, font=2)

    sug <- sort(unique(fish$G))
    fishhist(fish$len, "Length  (mm)", "Length Distribution")
    fishhist(fish$wt, "Weight  (g)", "Weight Distribution")
    fishhist(fish$ts, "Target strength  (dB)", "TS Distribution")
    fishhist(fish$f.east/1000, "Easting  (km)", "Easting Distribution",
    fishhist(fish$f.north/1000, "Northing  (km)", "Northing Distribution",
    fishhist(fish$f.d2sh, "Distance to Shore  (m)",
      "Distance to Shore Distribution", xlim=d2shr)
    fishhist(fish$f.wdep, "Water Depth  (m)", "Water Depth Distribution",
      xlim=c(0, BotDepMax))
    fishhist(fish$f.d2bot, "Distance to Bottom  (m)",
      "Distance to Bottom Distribution", xlim=c(0, BotDepMax))
    fishhist(fish$f.botdep, "Bottom Depth  (m)", "Bottom Depth Distribution",
      xlim=c(0, BotDepMax))

    if (PlotsPdf!=FALSE) graphics.off()


  # total number and weight of each species in population
  truth <- cbind(n=table(fish$G), kg=tapply(fish$wt, fish$G, sum)/1000)
  truth <- as.data.frame(rbind(truth, Total=apply(truth, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)))

  LkArea <- LkWidth * LkLength / 10000
  truth$nperha <- truth$n/LkArea
  truth$kgperha <- truth$kg/LkArea


  # output selected objects for use in sampling programs
    Truth = truth,
    LakeInfo = list(LakeName=LakeName, LkWidth=LkWidth, LkLength=LkLength,
      BotDepMin=BotDepMin, BotDepMax=BotDepMax, BotDepVertex=BotDepVertex,
      ints=ints, slopes=slopes, d2shr.we=d2shr.we),
    FishInfo = list(TotNFish=TotNFish, TSRange=TSRange, Seed=Seed),
    FishParam = FishParam,
    Fish = fish,
    PropExcluded = PropExcluded

JVAdams/artiFISHal documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:14 a.m.