
# ==========================================================================
# Houston, A. I., & McNamara, J. M. (1988). A framework for the functional
#   analysis of behaviour. Behavioural and Brain Science, 11, 117–163.
#   doi:10.1017/S0140525X00053061
# p. 118 - 119
# ==========================================================================

# 1. Model predictions -----------------------------------------------------
test_that("Prediction identities", {
  expect_pred_equal <- function(init, target, order = 1:4) {
    D = data.frame(a1 = 0, a2 = 1, a3 = 2, pa11 = 0.1, pa12 = 0.8, pa13 = 0.1, pa21 = 0.4, pa22 = 0.2, pa23 = 0.4, s = rep(9:11, each = 4), init = rep(9:11, each = 4), t = 4:1)
    M <- hm1988(~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, trials = ~t, states = ~s, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, initstate = ~init, data = D[D$s %in% init, ][order, ], choicerule = "argmax")
    expect_equal(predict(M, type = "value"), target)
  # Table 1 of the paper gives the targets
  expect_pred_equal( 9, cbind(a1pa1=c(0, 0.41, 0.831, 0.9654),
                              a1pa2=c(0, 0.44, 0.744, 0.9276)))
  expect_pred_equal(10, cbind(a1pa1=c(0.1, 0.86, 0.978, 0.997),
                              a1pa2=c(0.4, 0.74, 0.942, 0.991)))
  expect_pred_equal(11, cbind(a1pa1=c(0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999),
                              a1pa2=c(0.6, 0.96, 0.996, 0.9996)))
  # Data frame with only 1 row
  expect_pred_equal( 9,   cbind(a1pa1=0,  a1pa2=0), 1)
  expect_pred_equal(10,   cbind(a1pa1=0.1,a1pa2=0.4), 1)
  expect_pred_equal(11,   cbind(a1pa1=0.9,  a1pa2=0.6), 1)
  # Multiple environments in one data frame
  expect_pred_equal(9:11, cbind(a1pa1=c(0, 0.41, 0.831, 0.9654, 0.1, 0.86, 0.978, 0.997, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999), a1pa2=c(0, 0.44, 0.744, 0.9276, 0.4, 0.74, 0.942, 0.991, 0.6, 0.96, 0.996, 0.9996)), 1:12)
  order <- sample(1:12) # Test shuffled data input
  expect_pred_equal(9:11, cbind(a1pa1=c(0, 0.41, 0.831, 0.9654, 0.1, 0.86, 0.978, 0.997, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999), a1pa2=c(0, 0.44, 0.744, 0.9276, 0.4, 0.74, 0.942, 0.991, 0.6, 0.96, 0.996, 0.9996))[order,], order)

test_that("Prediction identities of responses (type = 'response')", {
  expect_pred_equal <- function(init, target, order = 1:4) {
    D <- data.frame(a1 = 0, a2 = 1, a3 = 2, pa11 = 0.1, pa12 = 0.8, pa13 = 0.1, pa21 = 0.4, pa22 = 0.2, pa23 = 0.4, s = rep(9:11, each = 4), init = rep(9:11, each = 4), t = 4:1)
    M <- hm1988(~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, trials = ~t, states = ~s, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, initstate = ~init, data = D[D$s %in% init, ][order,], choicerule = "argmax")
    expect_equivalent(predict(M), target)
  expect_pred_equal( 9, c(0.5,0,1,1))
  expect_pred_equal(10, c(0,1,1,1))
  expect_pred_equal(11, c(1,1,1,1))
  # Data input with one row
  expect_pred_equal( 9,   c(0.5), 1)
  expect_pred_equal(10,   c(0), 1)
  expect_pred_equal(11,   c(1), 1)
  expect_pred_equal(9:11, c(0.5), 1)
  # Multiple environments in one data input
  expect_pred_equal(9:11, c(0.5,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,rep(1,4)), 1:12)
  order <- sample(1:12) # Test shuffled data input
  expect_pred_equal(9:11, c(0.5,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,rep(1,4))[order], order)

test_that("Prediction identities of probability of states (type = 'prstate')", {
  skip("work in progress")
  expect_pred_equal <- function(init, target, order = 1:12) {
    D <- data.frame(a1 = 0, a2 = 1, a3 = 2, pa11 = 0.1, pa12 = 0.8, pa13 = 0.1, pa21 = 0.4, pa22 = 0.2, pa23 = 0.4, s = rep(9:11, each = 4), init = rep(9:11, each = 4), t = 4:1)[order,]
    M <- hm1988(~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, initstate = ~10, data = D[D$s %in% init, ], choicerule = "argmax")
    trial = 5 - M$get_timehorizons(),
    state = M$get_states(),
    p =   predict(M, type = "pstates"))[, sum(p), by = trial]

    expect_equal(predict(M), target)

# 3. Formal tests -----------------------------------------------------------
# 3.a. Input format
test_that("Input formats", {
  #  full input format
  D = data.frame(a1 = 0, a2 = 1, a3 = 2, pa11 = 0.1, pa12 = 0.8, pa13 = 0.1, pa21 = 0.4, pa22 = 0.2, pa23 = 0.4, s = rep(9:11, each = 4), init = rep(9:11, each = 4), t = 4:1)
  D <- D[D$s==11,]
  D$init <- 10
  D$b <- 12
  D$nt <- 4
  D$t <- 4:1
  M <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = ~b, ntrials = ~nt, states = ~s, initstate = ~init, trials=~t, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
   # Argument 'budget' as number
  M2 <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = ~nt, states = ~s, initstate = ~init, trials=~t, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
  expect_equal(M2$predict("value", 1:2), M$predict("value", 1:2))
  # Additional argument 'ntrials' as number
  M2 <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, states = ~s, initstate = ~init, trials=~t, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
  expect_equal(M2$predict("value", 1:2), M$predict("value", 1:2))
  # Additional argument 'initstate' as number
  M2 <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, states = ~s, initstate = 10, trials=~t, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
  expect_equal(M2$predict("value", 1:2), M$predict("value", 1:2))
  # Additional argument 'states' as number
  M2 <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, states = 11, initstate = 10, trials=~t, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
  expect_equal(M2$predict("value", 1:2), M$predict("value", 1:2))
  # Additional argument 'states' as number
  M2 <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, states = 11, initstate = 10, trials = 4:1, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
  expect_equal(M2$predict("value", 1:2), M$predict("value", 1:2))
  # statess NOT supplied
  # M2 <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, initstate = 10, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
  # pp <- cbind(t=M2$get_timehorizons(), s=M2$get_states(), M2$predict("v", 1:2))
  # dcast(as.data.table(pp), s ~ t, value.var="a1pa2")

# test_that("Newdata prediction hm1988", {
#   D <- data.frame(
#     a1   = 0,    a2 = 1,    a3 = 2,
#     pa11 = 0.1, pa12 = 0.8, pa13 = 0.1,
#     pa21 = 0.4, pa22 = 0.2, pa23 = 0.4,
#     s = 11,
#     t = 4:1)
#   M <- hm1988(formula = ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, states = ~s, initstate = 11, trials=~t, data = D, choicerule = "argmax")
#   expect_equal(predict(M, type = "values", 1:2), predict(M, newdata = D, type = "values", 1:2)) 
#   predict(M, newdata = rbind(D,D), type = "values", 1:2)
# })

# test_that("Choicerule in hm1988", {
#   D <- data.frame(
#     a1   = 0,    a2 = 1,    a3 = 2,
#     pa11 = 0.1, pa12 = 0.8, pa13 = 0.1,
#     pa21 = 0.4, pa22 = 0.2, pa23 = 0.4,
#     s = 11,
#     t = 4:1,
#     nt = 4,
#     choice = 1)
#   #  full input format
#   M <- hm1988(formula = choice ~ a1 + pa11 + a2 + pa12 + a3 + pa13 | a1 + pa21 + a2 + pa22 + a3 + pa23, budget = 12, ntrials = 4, states = ~s, initstate = 10, trials=~t, data = D, choicerule = "softmax", options = list(fit = T))
# })

# # Searcy, G. D., & Pietras, C. J. (2011). Optimal risky choice in humans: effects of amount of variability. Behavioural Processes, 87, 88–99. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2011.01.008
# # Experiment 1
# budget <- 28 # was 28 and 36
# env <- rsenvironment(budget = budget, n.trialss = 5, initial.states = 0, LV = matrix(c(0.5, 0.5, 4, 8), nc = 2), HV = matrix(c(.5, .5, 0, 12), nc = 2), terminal.fitness = function(states, budget) (states >= budget) * states)
# model <- hm1988(environment = env, formula = y ~ timehorizon + states)
# round(cbind(model$data, predict(model, "v", 1:2)), 3)

# # Experiment 2: fix instead of low-variance option
# budget <- 48 # was 28 and 48
# env <- rsenvironment(budget = budget, n.trialss = 5, initial.states = 0, LV = matrix(c(1, 0, 6, 0), nc = 2), HV = matrix(c(.5, .5, 0, 12), nc = 2), terminal.fitness = function(states, budget) (states >= budget) * states)
# model <- hm1988(environment = env, formula = y ~ timehorizon + states)
# round(cbind(model$data, predict(model, "v", 1:2)), 1)
# # There seems to be an error in Table A.2. Experiment 2 on p. 99 of the paper
# # Since in trials 3 one can onle have accumulated 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 earnings the max is 2 x 12 = 24.
# # but the paper says trials 3 accumulated earnings 30

# # Pietras, C. J., Searcy, G. D., Huitema, B. E., & Brandt, A. E. (2008). Effects of monetary reserves and rate of gain on human risky choice under budget constraints, 78, 358–373. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2008.01.016
# initial <- c(pos = 9, neg.rate = 9, neg.reserves = 3, neg.rate.reserves = 3, pos.rate.reserves = 10)
# HVoptions <- list(pos = c(.5, .5, 0, 14), neg.rate = c(.5, .5, 0, 12), neg.reserves = c(.5, .5, 0, 14), neg.rate.reserves = c(.5, .5, 0, 12), pos.rate.reserves = c(.5, .5, 0, 20))
# LVoptions <- sapply(HVoptions, function(z) mean(z[3:4]))
# cond <- "neg.rate.reserves"

# env <- rsenvironment(budget = 40, n.trialss = 5, initial.states = initial[cond], fix = matrix(c(1, 0, LVoptions[[cond]], 0), nc = 2), Variable = matrix(HVoptions[[cond]], nc = 2), terminal.fitness = function(states, budget) (states >= budget) * states)
# model <- hm1988(environment = env, formula = y ~ timehorizon + states)
# res <- round(cbind(model$data, predict(model, "v", 1:2)), 1)
# res <- res[res[, 3] != res[, 4], ]
# cbind(res[, 1:2], x = names(res)[3:4][apply(res[, 3:4], 1, which.max)], res[, 3:4])

# # 
# env <- rsenvironment(budget = 28, n.trialss = 5, initial.states = 0, LV = matrix(c(.5, .5, 8, 4), nc = 2), HV = matrix(c(.5, .5, 0, 12), nc = 2), terminal.fitness = function(states, budget) (states >= budget) * states)
# model <- hm1988(environment = env, formula = y ~ timehorizon + states)
# round(cbind(model$data, predict(model, "v", 1:2)), 2)
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