
Defines functions shinyML_classification

Documented in shinyML_classification

#' @title Implement a shiny web app to compare h2o and Spark supervised machine learning models for classification tasks
#' @description This function creates in one line of code a shareable web app to compare supervised classification model performances
#' @param data dataset containing one or more explanatory variables and one categorical variable to predict. 
#'    The dataset must be a data.frame or a data.table and can contain time-based column on Date or POSIXct format
#' @param y the categorical output variable to predict (must correspond to one data column)
#' @param framework the machine learning framework chosen to train and test models (either h2o or Spark). h2o by default
#' @param share_app a logical value indicating whether the app must be shared on local LAN 
#' @param port a four-digit number corresponding to the port the application should listen to. This parameter is necessary only  if share_app option is set to TRUE
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' library(shinyML)
#' shinyML_classification(data = iris,y = "Species",framework = "h2o")
#' @import shiny argonDash argonR dygraphs data.table ggplot2 shinycssloaders sparklyr
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select mutate group_by ungroup summarise arrange rename select_if row_number sample_frac anti_join n
#' @importFrom tidyr gather everything
#' @importFrom DT renderDT DTOutput datatable
#' @importFrom h2o h2o.init as.h2o h2o.deeplearning h2o.varimp h2o.predict h2o.gbm h2o.naiveBayes h2o.randomForest h2o.automl h2o.clusterStatus
#' @importFrom plotly plotlyOutput renderPlotly ggplotly plot_ly layout add_trace hide_legend
#' @importFrom shinyWidgets materialSwitch switchInput sendSweetAlert knobInput awesomeCheckbox actionBttn prettyCheckboxGroup
#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs hideElement
#' @importFrom stats predict reorder cor acf
#' @importFrom lubridate is.Date is.POSIXct
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @author Jean Bertin, \email{jean.bertin@mines-paris.org}
#' @export

shinyML_classification <- function(data = data,y,framework = "h2o", share_app = FALSE,port = NULL){
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIALISATION  -----------------------------------
  # Ensure reproducibility
  # Return an error if framework is not h2o or spark 
  if(!(framework %in% c("h2o","spark"))){stop("framework must be selected between h2o or spark")}
  # Convert input dataset a data.table object
  data <- data.table(data) 
  # Replace '.' by '_' in dataset colnames
  colnames(data) <- gsub("\\.","_",colnames(data))
  # Replace '.' by '_' in output variable
  y <- gsub("\\.","_",y)
  # Force output variable to be categorical 
  eval(parse(text = paste0("data$",y," <- as.factor(data$",y,")")))
  # Return an error if y output variable doesn't have at least two different values
  if (eval(parse(text = paste0("length(unique(data$",y,"))")))< 2){
    stop("y must have at least two different values")
  # Return an error if y is not contained in dataset colnames
  if (!(y %in% colnames(data))){
    stop("y must match one data input variable")
  # Return an error if y class is not numeric
  if ((eval(parse(text = paste0("class(data$",y,")"))) %in% "numeric")){
    stop("y column class must not be numeric")
  # Assign x as explanatory variables (x does not include output variable) 
  x <- setdiff(colnames(data),y)
  # Return an error if input dataset exceed one million rows
  if (nrow(data) > 1000000) {
    stop("Input dataset must not exceed one million rows")
  # Don't print summarize() regrouping message 
  # Initialize all reactive variables
  model <- reactiveValues()
  train_1 <- reactiveValues()
  test_1 <- reactiveValues() 
  test_2 <- reactiveValues()
  v_neural <- reactiveValues(type_model = NA)
  v_grad <- reactiveValues(type_model = NA)
  v_naiveBayes <- reactiveValues(type_model = NA)
  v_decision_tree <- reactiveValues(type_model = NA)
  v_logistic_regression <- reactiveValues(type_model = NA)
  v_random <- reactiveValues(type_model = NA)
  v_auto_ml <- reactiveValues(type_model = NA)
  parameter <- reactiveValues()
  # Initialize tables for model calculation times 
  time_naiveBayes <- data.table()
  time_gbm <- data.table()
  time_logistic_regression <- data.table()
  time_random_forest <- data.table()
  time_decision_tree <- data.table()
  time_neural_network <- data.table()
  time_auto_ml <- data.table()
  # Initialize tables for model variable importance (not available for generalized linear regression)
  importance_gbm <- data.table()
  importance_decision_tree <- data.table()
  importance_random_forest <- data.table()
  importance_neural_network <- data.table()
  importance_auto_ml <- data.table()
  # Initialize scalar values
  scaled_importance <- NULL
  variable <- NULL
  Predicted_value <- NULL
  Model <- NULL
  `.` <- NULL
  `MAPE(%)` <- NULL
  Counter <- NULL
  feature <- NULL
  importance <- NULL
  fit <- NULL
  Prediction <- NULL
  Freq <- NULL 
  Error <- NULL 
  predicted_label <- NULL
  `..density..` <- NULL
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI  -----------------------------------
  # Define Navigation Bar 
  argonNav  <- argonDashNavbar(
      title = HTML(paste0("shiny<font color='orange'>ML</font>")), 
      src = "https://www.zupimages.net/up/20/39/ql8k.jpg", 
      orientation = "left"
  # Define footer
  argonFooter <- argonDashFooter(
    copyrights = "@shinyML, 2020",
    src = "https://jeanbertinr.github.io/shinyMLpackage/",
      argonFooterItem("GitHub", src = "https://github.com/JeanBertinR/shinyML"),
      argonFooterItem("CRAN", src = "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/shinyML/index.html")
  # Define DashHeader for Info Cards 
  dashheader_framework <- argonDashHeader(
    gradient = TRUE,
    color = "warning",
    separator = FALSE,
      argonColumn(width = "20%",
        argonInfoCard(value = "Classification",gradient = TRUE,width = 12,
                      title = "Machine learning task",
                      icon = icon("sitemap"), 
                      icon_background = "red",
                      background_color = "lightblue"
      argonColumn(width = "20%",uiOutput("framework_used")),
      argonColumn(width = "20%",uiOutput("framework_memory")),
      argonColumn(width = "20%",uiOutput("framework_cpu")),
      argonColumn(width = "20%",uiOutput("dataset_infoCard"))
  # Define DashHeader for "Explore input data" tab 
  dashheader_explore_input <-  argonDashHeader(
    gradient = FALSE,
    color = "info",
    separator = FALSE,
    div(align = "center",
          name = HTML("<font size='+1'>&nbsp;  Explore input data </font>"),
          status = "info",
          icon = icon("chart-area"),
          size = "lg",
          toggle_modal = TRUE,
          modal_id = "modal_exlore_input_data"
          id = "modal_exlore_input_data",
          title = HTML("<b>EXPLORE INPUT DATA</b>"),
          status = "info",
          gradient = TRUE,
          HTML("<b>Before running machine learning models, it can be useful to inspect each variable distribution and have an insight of dependencies between explicative variables.</b>"),
          HTML("This section allows to plot variation of each variable as a function of another, to check classes of explicative variables, to plot histograms of each distribution and show correlation matrix between all variables.<br><br> 
          Please note that this section can be used to determine if some variable are strongly correlated to another and eventually removed from the training phase.")
      argonColumn(width = 9,
                  argonCard(width = 12,
                            hover_lift = TRUE,
                            shadow = TRUE,
                            argonTabSet(width = 12,
                                        id = "tab_input_data",
                                        card_wrapper = TRUE,
                                        horizontal = TRUE,
                                        circle = FALSE,
                                        size = "sm",
                                        iconList = list(argonIcon("cloud-upload-96"), argonIcon("bell-55"), argonIcon("calendar-grid-58"),argonIcon("calendar-grid-58")),
                                        argonTab(tabName = "Explore dataset",
                                                 active = TRUE,
                                                   argonColumn(width = 6,div(align = "center",uiOutput("X_axis_explore_dataset"))),
                                                   argonColumn(width = 6,div(align = "center",selectInput(inputId = "y_variable_input_curve",label = "Y-axis variable",choices = colnames(data),selected = y)))
                                                 withSpinner(plotlyOutput("explore_dataset_chart",width = "100%",height = "120%"))
                                        argonTab(tabName = "Variables Summary",
                                                 active = FALSE,
                                                   argonColumn(width = 6,
                                                               withSpinner(DTOutput("variables_class_input", height = "100%", width = "100%"))
                                                   argonColumn(width = 6,
                                                               div(align = "center",
                                                                   radioButtons(inputId = "input_var_graph_type",label = "",choices = c("Histogram","Boxplot","Autocorrelation"),selected = "Histogram",inline = T)
                                                               div(align = "center",uiOutput("message_autocorrelation")),
                                                               withSpinner(plotlyOutput("variable_boxplot", height = "100%", width = "100%")))
                                        argonTab(tabName = "Correlation matrix",
                                                 active = FALSE,
                                                 withSpinner(plotlyOutput("correlation_matrix", height = "100%", width = "100%"))
      argonColumn(width = 3,
                  argonCard(width = 12,src = NULL,hover_lift = T,shadow = TRUE,
                            div(align = "center",
                                argonColumn(width = 6,uiOutput("Time_series_checkbox")),
                                argonColumn(width = 6,uiOutput("time_series_column")),
  # Define DashHeader for "Explore results" tab 
  dashheader_explore_results <- argonDashHeader(gradient = TRUE,
                                                color = "primary",
                                                separator = FALSE,
                                                div(align = "center",
                                                      name = HTML("<font size='+1'>&nbsp; Explore results</font>"),
                                                      status = "primary",
                                                      icon = icon("list-ol"),
                                                      size = "lg",
                                                      toggle_modal = TRUE,
                                                      modal_id = "modal_explore_results"
                                                      id = "modal_explore_results",
                                                      title = HTML("<b>EXPLORE RESULTS</b>"),
                                                      status = "primary",
                                                      gradient = TRUE,
                                                      HTML("<b>Once machine learning models have been lauched, this section can be used to compare their performances on the testing dataset</b>"),
                                                      HTML("You can check confusion matrices to get classification results for each model or have an overview of error metric in 'Compare models performances' tab.<br><br>
                                                           Please note that feature importances of each model are available in the corresponding tab.")
                                                  argonCard(width = 12,
                                                            title = "Predictions on test period",
                                                            src = NULL,
                                                            hover_lift = TRUE,
                                                            shadow = TRUE,
                                                            icon = icon("cogs"),
                                                            status = "danger",
                                                              width = 12,
                                                              id = "results_models",
                                                              card_wrapper = TRUE,
                                                              horizontal = TRUE,
                                                              circle = FALSE,
                                                              size = "sm",
                                                              iconList = list(argonIcon("cloud-upload-96"), argonIcon("bell-55"), argonIcon("calendar-grid-58"),argonIcon("calendar-grid-58")),
                                                                tabName = "Confusion matrix",
                                                                active = TRUE,
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                withSpinner(plotlyOutput("confusion_matrix_chart",height = "100%"))
                                                                tabName = "Compare models performances",
                                                                active = FALSE,
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                              argonTab(tabName = "Feature importance",
                                                                       active = FALSE,
                                                                       div(align = "center",
                                                                       withSpinner(plotlyOutput("feature_importance",height = "100%"))
                                                              argonTab(tabName = "Table of results",
                                                                       active = FALSE,
  # Define specific UI section if H2O framework is selected 
  if(framework == "h2o"){
    # Run h2o instance (might require to unset proxy authentication credentials )
    cluster_status <- h2o.clusterStatus()
    # Define DashHeader for "Configure parameters and run models" tab (specific for H2O framework)
    dashheader_select_parameters <- argonDashHeader(gradient = TRUE,
                                                    color = "default",
                                                    separator = FALSE,
                                                    div(align = "center",
                                                          name = HTML("<font size='+1'>&nbsp; Configure parameters and run models</font>"),
                                                          status = "default",
                                                          icon = icon("tools"),
                                                          size = "lg",
                                                          toggle_modal = TRUE,
                                                          modal_id = "modal_configure_parameters"
                                                          id = "modal_configure_parameters",
                                                          title = HTML("<b>CONFIGURE PARAMETERS</b>"),
                                                          status = "default",
                                                          gradient = TRUE,
                                                          HTML("<b>Compare different machine learning techniques with your own hyper-parameters configuration.</b>"),
                                                          HTML("You are free to select hyper-parameters configuration for each machine learning model using different cursors.<br><br> 
                                                               Each model can be lauched separately by cliking to the corresponding button; you can also launch all models simultaneously using 'Run all models!'button<br><br>
                                                               Please note that autoML algorithm will automatically find the best algorithm to suit your regression task: 
                                                               the user will be informed of the machine learning technique used and know which hyper-parameters should be configured.
                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,div(align = "center",uiOutput("h2o_cluster_mem"))),
                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,div(align = "center",uiOutput("h2o_cpu")))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "success",
                                                                title = "Naive Bayes",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Laplace smoothing parameter",inputId = "laplace_param_naiveBayes",min = 0,max = 10,value = 0),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Max after balance",inputId = "max_after_balance_naiveBayes",min = 0.1,max = 10,value = 5),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Minimum standard deviation",inputId = "min_sdev_naiveBayes",min = 0.01,max = 10,value = 0.01),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Epsilon standard deviation",inputId = "epsilon_iter_naiveBayes",min = 0.01,max = 10,value = 0.01),
                                                                    actionButton("run_naiveBayes","Run Naive Bayes",style = 'color:white; background-color:green; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "danger",
                                                                title = "Random Forest",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Number of trees",min = 1,max = 100, inputId = "num_tree_random_forest",value = 50),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Subsampling rate",min = 0.1,max = 1, inputId = "subsampling_rate_random_forest",value = 0.6),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Max depth",min = 1,max = 50, inputId = "max_depth_random_forest",value = 20),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Number of bins",min = 2,max = 100, inputId = "n_bins_random_forest",value = 20),
                                                                    actionButton("run_random_forest","Run random forest",style = 'color:white; background-color:red; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "primary",
                                                                title = "Neural network",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,
                                                                                  radioButtons(label = "Activation function",inputId = "activation_neural_net",choices = c( "Rectifier", "Maxout","Tanh", "RectifierWithDropout", "MaxoutWithDropout","TanhWithDropout"),selected = "Rectifier")
                                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,
                                                                                  radioButtons(label = "Loss function",inputId = "loss_neural_net",choices = c("Automatic", "Quadratic", "Huber", "Absolute", "Quantile"),selected = "Automatic")
                                                                    textInput(label = "Hidden layers",inputId = "hidden_neural_net",value = "c(200,200)"),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Epochs",min = 10,max = 100, inputId = "epochs_neural_net",value = 10),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Learning rate",min = 0.001,max = 0.1, inputId = "rate_neural_net",value = 0.005),
                                                                    actionButton("run_neural_network","Run neural network",style = 'color:white; background-color:darkblue; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "warning",
                                                                title = "Gradient boosting",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Max depth",min = 1,max = 20, inputId = "max_depth_gbm",value = 5),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Number of trees",min = 1,max = 100, inputId = "n_trees_gbm",value = 50),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Sample rate",min = 0.1,max = 1, inputId = "sample_rate_gbm",value = 1),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Learn rate",min = 0.1,max = 1, inputId = "learn_rate_gbm",value = 0.1),
                                                                    actionButton("run_gradient_boosting","Run gradient boosting",style = 'color:white; background-color:orange; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,
                                                                  argonCard(width = 12,
                                                                            icon = icon("cogs"),
                                                                            status = "warning",
                                                                            title = "Compare all models",
                                                                            div(align = "center",
                                                                                argonH1("Click this button to run all model simultaneously",display = 4),
                                                                                argonH1(HTML("<small><i> The four models will be runed with the parameters selected above</i></small>"),display = 4), 
                                                                                actionBttn(label = "Run all models !",inputId = "train_all",color = "primary", icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome")),
                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,
                                                                  argonCard(width = 12,icon = icon("cogs"),status = "warning", title = "Auto Machine Learning",
                                                                            div(align = "center",
                                                                                  inputId = "auto_ml_autorized_models",
                                                                                  label = HTML("<b>Authorized searching</b>"), 
                                                                                  choices = c("DRF", "GLM", "XGBoost", "GBM", "DeepLearning"),
                                                                                  selected = c("DRF", "GLM", "XGBoost", "GBM", "DeepLearning"),
                                                                                  icon = icon("check-square-o"), 
                                                                                  status = "primary",
                                                                                  inline = TRUE,
                                                                                  outline = TRUE,
                                                                                  animation = "jelly"
                                                                                knobInput(inputId = "run_time_auto_ml",label = HTML("<b>Max running time (in seconds)</b>"),value = 15,min = 10,max = 60,
                                                                                          displayPrevious = TRUE, lineCap = "round",fgColor = "#428BCA",inputColor = "#428BCA"
                                                                                actionButton("run_auto_ml","Run auto ML",style = 'color:white; background-color:red; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
  # Define specific UI section if Spark framework is selected 
  else if(framework == "spark"){
    # Install spark if necessary
    if (nrow(spark_installed_versions()) == 0){spark_install()}
    # Connect to local Spark cluster
    sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
    config_spark<- spark_session_config(sc)
    # Define DashHeader for "Configure parameters and run models" tab (specific for Spark framework)
    dashheader_select_parameters <- argonDashHeader(gradient = TRUE,
                                                    color = "default",
                                                    separator = FALSE,
                                                    div(align = "center",
                                                          name = HTML("<font size='+1'>&nbsp; Configure parameters and run models</font>"),
                                                          status = "default",
                                                          icon = icon("tools"),
                                                          size = "lg",
                                                          toggle_modal = TRUE,
                                                          modal_id = "modal_configure_parameters"
                                                          id = "modal_configure_parameters",
                                                          title = HTML("<b>CONFIGURE PARAMETERS</b>"),
                                                          status = "default",
                                                          gradient = TRUE,
                                                          HTML("<b>Compare different machine learning techniques with your own hyper-parameters configuration.</b>"),
                                                          HTML("You are free to select hyper-parameters configuration for each machine learning model using different cursors.<br><br> 
                                                               Each model can be lauched separately by cliking to the corresponding button; you can also launch all models simultaneously using 'Run all models!'button<br><br>
                                                               Please note that autoML algorithm will automatically find the best algorithm to suit your regression task: 
                                                               the user will be informed of the machine learning technique used and know which hyper-parameters should be configured.
                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,div(align = "center",uiOutput("spark_cluster_mem"))),
                                                      argonColumn(width = 6,div(align = "center",uiOutput("spark_cpu")))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "warning",
                                                                title = "Gradient boosting",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                    switchInput(label = "Intercept term",inputId = "fit_intercept_logistic_regression",value = TRUE,width = "auto"),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Lambda parameter",min = 0,max = 10, inputId = "reg_param_logistic_regression",value = 0),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "ElasticNet Mixing parameter ",min = 0,max = 1, inputId = "elastic_net_param_logistic_regression",value = 0),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Max iterations",min = 1,max = 30, inputId = "max_iter_logistic_regression",value = 20),
                                                                    actionButton("run_logistic_regression","Run logistic regression",style = 'color:white; background-color:orange; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "success",
                                                                title = "Naive Bayes",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Laplace smoothing parameter",inputId = "laplace_param_naiveBayes",min = 0,max = 10,value = 0),
                                                                    actionButton("run_naiveBayes","Run Naive Bayes",style = 'color:white; background-color:green; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "danger",
                                                                title = "Random Forest",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Number of trees",min = 1,max = 100, inputId = "num_tree_random_forest",value = 50),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Subsampling rate",min = 0.1,max = 1, inputId = "subsampling_rate_random_forest",value = 1),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Max depth",min = 1,max = 50, inputId = "max_depth_random_forest",value = 20),
                                                                    sliderInput(label = "Number of bins",min = 2,max = 100, inputId = "n_bins_random_forest",value = 20),
                                                                    actionButton("run_random_forest","Run random forest",style = 'color:white; background-color:red; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))
                                                      argonCard(width = 3,
                                                                icon = icon("sliders"),
                                                                status = "primary",
                                                                title = "Decision tree",
                                                                div(align = "center",
                                                                        sliderInput(label = "Max depth",inputId = "max_depth_decision_tree",min = 1,max = 30,value = 20),
                                                                        sliderInput(label = "Max bins",inputId = "max_bins_decision_tree",min = 2,max = 60,value = 32),
                                                                        sliderInput(label = "Min instance per node",inputId = "min_instance_decision_tree",min = 1,max = 10,value = 1),
                                                                        actionButton("run_decision_tree","Run decision tree regression",style = 'color:white; background-color:darkblue; padding:4px; font-size:120%',icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome"))

                                                      argonColumn(width = 12,
                                                                  center = T,
                                                                  argonCard(width = 12,
                                                                            icon = icon("cogs"),
                                                                            status = "warning",
                                                                            title = "Compare all models",
                                                                            div(align = "center",
                                                                                argonH1("Click this button to run all model simultaneously",display = 4),
                                                                                argonH1(HTML("<small><i> The four models will be runed with the parameters selected above</i></small>"),display = 4), 
                                                                                actionBttn(label = "Run all models !",inputId = "train_all",color = "primary", icon = icon("cogs",lib = "font-awesome")),
  # Paste DashHeaders to build UI side  
  argonHeader <- argonColumn(width = "100%",
                             dashheader_explore_input ,
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVER -----------------------------------
  server = function(session,input, output) {
    # Build vector resuming which Date or POSIXct columns are contained in input dataset 
    dates_variable_list <- reactive({
      dates_columns_list <- c()
      for (i in colnames(data)){
        if (is.Date(eval(parse(text = paste0("data$",i)))) | is.POSIXct(eval(parse(text = paste0("data$",i))))){
          dates_columns_list <- c(dates_columns_list,i)
    # Checkbox to consider time serie analysis or not (only possible if input dataset contains at least one Date or POSIXct column)
    output$Time_series_checkbox <- renderUI({
      if (length(dates_variable_list()) >= 1){value = TRUE}
      else {value = FALSE}
      awesomeCheckbox("checkbox_time_series", "Time series",status = "primary",value = value)
    # Hide checkbox if input dataset does not contain one or more Date or POSIXct column
      if (length(dates_variable_list()) == 0){
    # Set test_1 and test_2 parameters (only applicable for time series analysis)
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
        test_1$date <-  eval(parse(text = paste0("mean(as.Date(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,"))")))
        test_2$date <-  eval(parse(text = paste0("max(as.Date(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,"))")))
    # Define Info Box indicating which machine learning framework is used
    output$framework_used <- renderUI({
      if (framework == "h2o"){selected_framework <- "H2O"}
      else if (framework == "spark"){selected_framework <- "Spark"}
        value = selected_framework,gradient = TRUE,width = 12,
        title = "Selected framework",
        icon = icon("atom"), 
        icon_background = "orange",
        background_color = "lightblue"
    # Define Info Box concerning memory used by framework
    output$framework_memory <- renderUI({
      if (framework == "h2o"){
        used_memory <- paste(round(as.numeric(cluster_status$free_mem)/1024**3,2), "GB", sep = "")
        title <- "H2O Cluster Total Memory"
      else if (framework == "spark"){
        used_memory <- paste(gsub("g","GB",config_spark$spark.driver.memory), sep = "")
        title <-"Spark Cluster Total Memory"
        value = used_memory ,
        title = title,
        gradient = TRUE,width = 12,
        icon = icon("server"), 
        icon_background = "yellow",
        background_color = "lightblue"
    # Define Info Box concerning number of cpu used by cluster
    output$framework_cpu <- renderUI({
      if (framework == "h2o"){cpu_number <- cluster_status$num_cpus}
      else if (framework == "spark"){cpu_number <- config_spark$spark.sql.shuffle.partitions}
        value = cpu_number,gradient = TRUE,width = 12,
        title = "Number of CPUs in Use",
        icon = icon("microchip"), 
        icon_background = "green",
        background_color = "lightblue"
    # Define Info Box input dataset dimensions 
    output$dataset_infoCard <- renderUI({
        value = paste0(nrow(data)," rows x ",ncol(data)," columns"),
        gradient = TRUE,width = 12,
        title = "Your dataset",
        icon = icon("database"), 
        icon_background = "blue",
        background_color = "lightblue"
    # Define indicating number of rows contained in testing dataset
    output$message_nrow_train_dataset <- renderUI({
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
        number_rows_datatest <- nrow(eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column," >= input$train_selector[1],][",input$time_serie_select_column," <= input$train_selector[2],]"))))
      else if (input$checkbox_time_series == FALSE){
        number_rows_datatest <- nrow(table_forecast()[["data_train"]])
      argonBadge(text = HTML(paste0("<big><big>Training dataset contains <b>",number_rows_datatest,"</b> rows</big></big>")),status = "success")
    # Define indicating that autocorrelation plot is only available for time series
    output$message_autocorrelation <- renderUI({
      points_serie <-eval(parse(text = paste0("data[,",colnames(data)[input$variables_class_input_rows_selected],"]"))) 
      if (input$input_var_graph_type %in% c("Histogram","Autocorrelation") & !is.numeric(points_serie)){
        argonH1(HTML("<br><br>Only available for numerical variables"),display = 4)
    # Make naive Bayes parameters correspond to cursors and radiobuttons choices when user click on "Run generalized linear regression" button 
      train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
      test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
      test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
      model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
      v_logistic_regression$type_model <- NA
      v_grad$type_model <- NA
      v_neural$type_model <- NA
      v_random$type_model <- NA
      v_decision_tree$type_model <- NA
      v_auto_ml$type_model <- NA
      v_naiveBayes$type_model <- "ml_naiveBayes"
      parameter$laplace_param_naiveBayes <- input$laplace_param_naiveBayes
      parameter$max_after_balance_naiveBayes <- input$max_after_balance_naiveBayes
      parameter$min_sdev_naiveBayes <- input$min_sdev_naiveBayes
      parameter$epsilon_naiveBayes <- input$epsilon_iter_naiveBayes
      parameter$model_type_naiveBayes <- input$model_type_naiveBayes
    # Make random forest parameters correspond to cursors when user click on "Run random forest model" button (and disable other models)
      train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
      test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
      test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
      model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
      v_logistic_regression$type_model <- NA
      v_grad$type_model <- NA
      v_neural$type_model <- NA
      v_naiveBayes$type_model <- NA
      v_auto_ml$type_model <- NA
      v_decision_tree$type_model <- NA
      v_random$type_model <- "ml_random_forest"
      parameter$num_tree_random_forest <- input$num_tree_random_forest
      parameter$subsampling_rate_random_forest <- input$subsampling_rate_random_forest
      parameter$max_depth_random_forest <-  input$max_depth_random_forest
      parameter$n_bins_random_forest <- input$n_bins_random_forest

    # Define train slider (only applicable for time series analysis) 
    output$slider_time_series_train <- renderUI({
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
        sliderInput("train_selector", "Choose train period:",
                    min = eval(parse(text = paste0("min(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,")"))),
                    max = eval(parse(text = paste0("max(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,")"))),
                    value =  eval(parse(text = paste0("c(min(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,"),mean(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,"))"))))
    # Define test slider (only applicable for time series analysis) 
    output$slider_time_series_test <- renderUI({
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
        sliderInput("test_selector", "Choose test period:",
                    min = eval(parse(text = paste0("min(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,")"))),
                    max = eval(parse(text = paste0("max(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,")"))),
                    value = eval(parse(text = paste0("c(mean(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,"),max(data$",input$time_serie_select_column,"))"))))
    # Define slider percentage to separate training dataset from testing dataset 
    output$slider_percentage <- renderUI({
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == FALSE){
        selectInput(label = "Train/Test splitting",inputId = "percentage_selector",choices = paste0(c(50:99),"%"),selected = 70,multiple = FALSE)
    # Define selectInput to choose which Date or POSIXct column to use among input dataset colnames (only applicable for time series analysis)
    output$time_series_column <- renderUI({
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
        selectInput(inputId = "time_serie_select_column",label = "Date column",choices = dates_variable_list(),multiple = FALSE)
    # Define explanatory variables list
    output$Variables_input_selection<- renderUI({
      variable_input_list <- x[!(x %in% dates_variable_list())]
      selectInput( inputId  = "input_variables",label = "Input variables: ",choices = x,multiple = TRUE,selected = variable_input_list)
    # Define X-axis for input data chart 
    output$X_axis_explore_dataset <- renderUI({
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
        selected_column <- input$time_serie_select_column        
      else {selected_column <- colnames(data)[1]}
      selectInput(inputId = "x_variable_input_curve",label = "X-axis variable",choices = colnames(data),selected = selected_column)
    # Define input data summary with class of each variable 
    output$variables_class_input <- renderDT({
      table_classes <- data.table()
      for (i in 1:ncol(data)){
        table_classes <- rbind(table_classes,
                               data.frame(Variable = colnames(data)[i],
                                          Class = class(eval(parse(text = paste0("data$",colnames(data)[i]))))
      datatable(table_classes,options = list(pageLength =10,searching = FALSE,lengthChange = FALSE),selection = list(mode = "single",selected = c(1))
    # Define boxplot corresponding to  selected variable in variables_class_input 
    output$variable_boxplot <- renderPlotly({
      column_name <- colnames(data)[input$variables_class_input_rows_selected]
      points_serie <-eval(parse(text = paste0("data[,",column_name,"]"))) 
      if (input$input_var_graph_type == "Histogram"){
          ggplot(data = data,aes(x = eval(parse(text = column_name)),fill = column_name))+
            geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), colour="black", fill="#FCADB3",bins = 30)+
            geom_density(alpha = 0.4,size = 1.3) +
            theme_bw(),tooltip = "density"
        ) %>% hide_legend()
      else if (input$input_var_graph_type == "Boxplot"){
        plot_ly(x = points_serie,type = "box",name = column_name)
      else if (input$input_var_graph_type == "Autocorrelation"){
        acf_object <- acf(points_serie,lag.max = 100)
        data_acf <- cbind(acf_object$lag,acf_object$acf) %>% as.data.table() %>% setnames(c("Lag","ACF"))
        plot_ly(x = data_acf$Lag, y = data_acf$ACF, type = "bar")
    # Define plotly chart to explore dependencies between variables 
    output$explore_dataset_chart <- renderPlotly({
      if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
        data_train_chart <- eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column," >= input$train_selector[1],][",input$time_serie_select_column," <= input$train_selector[2],]")))
        data_test_chart <- eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column," > input$test_selector[1],][",input$time_serie_select_column," <= input$test_selector[2],]")))
      else if (input$checkbox_time_series == FALSE){
        data_train_chart <- table_forecast()[["data_train"]]
        data_test_chart <- table_forecast()[["data_test"]]
      plot_ly(data = data_train_chart, x = eval(parse(text = paste0("data_train_chart$",input$x_variable_input_curve))), 
              y = eval(parse(text = paste0("data_train_chart$",input$y_variable_input_curve))),
              type = "scatter",mode = "markers",
              name = "Training dataset") %>% 
        add_trace(x = eval(parse(text = paste0("data_test_chart$",input$x_variable_input_curve))), 
                  y = eval(parse(text = paste0("data_test_chart$",input$y_variable_input_curve))),
                  type = "scatter",mode = "markers",
                  name = "Testing dataset") %>% 
        layout(xaxis = list(title = input$x_variable_input_curve),  yaxis = list(title = input$y_variable_input_curve),legend = list(orientation = "h",xanchor = "center",x = 0.5,y= 1.2))
    # Define correlation matrix object
    output$correlation_matrix <- renderPlotly({
      data_correlation <- as.matrix(select_if(data, is.numeric))
      plot_ly(x = colnames(data_correlation) , y = colnames(data_correlation), z =cor(data_correlation)  ,type = "heatmap", source = "heatplot")
    # Define output chart comparing predicted vs real values on test period for selected model(s)
    output$confusion_matrix_chart <- renderPlotly({
      req(ncol(table_forecast()[['results']]) > ncol(data))

      table_matrix_confusion_chart <- table_forecast()[['results']] %>% 
            select(-c(setdiff(colnames(data),y))) %>% 
            rename(ACTUAL  = y) %>% 
            gather(key = Model,value = PREDICTED,-ACTUAL) %>% 
            group_by(Model,ACTUAL,PREDICTED) %>% 
            summarise(Freq = n()) %>% 

          ggplot(data = table_matrix_confusion_chart,mapping = aes(x = PREDICTED,y = ACTUAL,fill = Freq))+
            geom_text(aes(label = Freq, size = 8), color = 'Blue')+
            facet_wrap(~ Model)+
            scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("#FFFF00","#FF0000","#FF0000", "#FF0000"))+
            guides(fill=FALSE) ,height = 800
    # Define performance table visible on "Compare models performances" tab
    output$score_table <- renderDT({
      req(ncol(table_forecast()[['results']]) > ncol(data))
      performance_table <-  table_forecast()[['results']] %>%
        select(-c(setdiff(colnames(data),y))) %>% 
        gather(key = Model,value = Prediction,-y) %>% 
        group_by(Model) %>% 
        summarise(Error = paste0(round(sum(ifelse(Prediction != eval(parse(text = y)),1,0),na.rm = T)/length(Model)*100,1),
                                   " % (",sum(ifelse(Prediction != eval(parse(text = y)),1,0),na.rm = T),"/",length(Model),")")) %>% 
        ungroup() %>% 
      if (nrow(table_forecast()[['traning_time']]) != 0){
        performance_table <- performance_table %>% merge(.,table_forecast()[['traning_time']],by = "Model")
        performance_table %>% arrange(`Error`) %>% as.data.table()
        , extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'))
    # Define importance features table table visible on "Feature importance" tab
    output$feature_importance <- renderPlotly({
      if (nrow(table_forecast()[['table_importance']]) != 0){
        if (framework == 'h2o'){
            ggplot(data = table_forecast()[['table_importance']])+
              geom_bar(aes(x = reorder(`variable`,scaled_importance),y = scaled_importance,fill =  `model`),stat = "identity",width = 0.3)+
              facet_wrap( model ~ .)+
        else if (framework == 'spark'){
            ggplot(data = table_forecast()[['table_importance']])+
              geom_bar(aes(x = reorder(`feature`,importance),y = importance,fill =  `model`),stat = "identity",width = 0.3)+
              facet_wrap( model ~ .)+
    # Define results table 
    output$table_of_results <- renderDT({
        extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip',buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'))
    },server = FALSE)
    # Synchronize train and test cursors
                        value= c(input$train_selector[2],input$test_selector[2]) )
                        value= c(input$train_selector[1],input$test_selector[1]) )
    # Message indicating that results are not available if no model has been running
    output$message_confusion_matrix <- renderUI({
      if (ncol(table_forecast()[['results']]) <= ncol(data)){  
        argonH1("Please run at least one algorithm to check confusion matrix !",display = 4)
    # Message indicating that results are not available if no model has been running
    output$message_compare_models_performances <- renderUI({
      if (ncol(table_forecast()[['results']]) <= ncol(data)){  
          session = session,
          title = "",
          text = "Please run at least one algorithm to check model performances !",
          type = "error"
        argonH1("Please run at least one algorithm to check model performances !",display = 4)
    #Message indicating that feature importance is not available for naive Bayes model
    output$feature_importance_logistic_regression_message <- renderUI({
      if (is.na(v_naiveBayes$type_model) & is.na(v_random$type_model) & is.na(v_neural$type_model) & !is.na(v_logistic_regression$type_model) & is.na(v_decision_tree$type_model) & is.na(v_grad$type_model) & is.na(v_auto_ml$type_model)){
          session = session,
          title = "Sorry ...",
          text = "Feature importance not available for logistic regression method !",
          type = "error"
        argonH1("Feature importance not available for logistic regression method",display = 4)
    #Message indicating that feature importance is not available for naive Bayes model
    output$feature_importance_naiveBayes_message <- renderUI({
      if (!is.na(v_naiveBayes$type_model) & is.na(v_random$type_model) & is.na(v_neural$type_model) & is.na(v_logistic_regression$type_model) & is.na(v_decision_tree$type_model) & is.na(v_grad$type_model) & is.na(v_auto_ml$type_model)){
          session = session,
          title = "Sorry ...",
          text = "Feature importance not available for naive Bayes classification method !",
          type = "error"
        argonH1("Feature importance not available for naive Bayes classification method",display = 4)
    # Message indicating that results are not available if no model has been running
    output$message_feature_importance <- renderUI({
      if (ncol(table_forecast()[['results']]) <= ncol(data)){  
          session = session,
          title = "",
          text = "Please run at least one algorithm to check features importances !",
          type = "error"
        argonH1("Please run at least one algorithm to check features importances !",display = 4)
    # When "Run all models!" button is clicked, send messageBox once all models have been trained
      if (ncol(table_forecast()[['results']]) == ncol(data) + 4){
          session = session,
          title = "The four machine learning models have been trained !",
          text = "Click ok to see results",
          type = "success"
    # Define specific sever-side objects is H2O framework is selected
    if(framework == "h2o"){
      # Make all parameters correspond to cursors and radiobuttons choices when user click on "Run tuned models!" button
        train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
        test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
        test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
        model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
        v_neural$type_model <- "ml_neural_network"
        v_grad$type_model <- "ml_gradient_boosted_trees"
        v_naiveBayes$type_model <- "ml_naiveBayes"
        v_random$type_model <- "ml_random_forest"
        v_auto_ml$type_model <- NA
        parameter$laplace_param_naiveBayes <- input$laplace_param_naiveBayes
        parameter$max_after_balance_naiveBayes <- input$max_after_balance_naiveBayes
        parameter$min_sdev_naiveBayes <- input$min_sdev_naiveBayes
        parameter$epsilon_naiveBayes <- input$epsilon_iter_naiveBayes
        parameter$num_tree_random_forest <- input$num_tree_random_forest
        parameter$subsampling_rate_random_forest <- input$subsampling_rate_random_forest
        parameter$max_depth_random_forest <-  input$max_depth_random_forest
        parameter$n_bins_random_forest <- input$n_bins_random_forest
        parameter$sample_rate_gbm <- input$sample_rate_gbm
        parameter$n_trees_gbm <- input$n_trees_gbm
        parameter$max_depth_gbm <- input$max_depth_gbm
        parameter$learn_rate_gbm <- input$learn_rate_gbm
        parameter$hidden_neural_net <- input$hidden_neural_net
        parameter$epochs_neural_net <- input$epochs_neural_net
        parameter$activation_neural_net <- input$activation_neural_net
        parameter$loss_neural_net <- input$loss_neural_net
        parameter$rate_neural_net <- input$rate_neural_net
      # Make gradient boosting parameters correspond to cursors when user click on "Run gradient boosting model" button (and disable other models)
        train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
        test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
        test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
        model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
        v_grad$type_model <- "ml_gradient_boosted_trees"
        v_neural$type_model <- NA
        v_naiveBayes$type_model <- NA
        v_random$type_model <- NA
        v_auto_ml$type_model <- NA
        v_decision_tree$type_model <- NA
        parameter$sample_rate_gbm <- input$sample_rate_gbm
        parameter$n_trees_gbm <- input$n_trees_gbm
        parameter$max_depth_gbm <- input$max_depth_gbm
        parameter$learn_rate_gbm <- input$learn_rate_gbm
        parameter$step_size_gbm <- input$step_size_gbm
        parameter$subsampling_rate_gbm <- input$subsampling_rate_gbm
      # Make neural network parameters correspond to cursors and radiobuttons choices when user click on "Run neural network regression" button (and disable other models)
        train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
        test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
        test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
        model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
        v_neural$type_model <- "ml_neural_network"
        v_grad$type_model <- NA
        v_naiveBayes$type_model <- NA
        v_random$type_model <- NA
        v_auto_ml$type_model <- NA
        parameter$hidden_neural_net <- input$hidden_neural_net
        parameter$epochs_neural_net <- input$epochs_neural_net
        parameter$activation_neural_net <- input$activation_neural_net
        parameter$loss_neural_net <- input$loss_neural_net
        parameter$rate_neural_net <- input$rate_neural_net
      # Make autoML parameter correspond to knobInput when user click on "Run Auto ML" button 
        train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
        test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
        test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
        model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
        v_grad$type_model <- NA
        v_neural$type_model <- NA
        v_naiveBayes$type_model <- NA
        v_random$type_model <- NA
        v_auto_ml$type_model <- "ml_auto"
        parameter$run_time_auto_ml <-  input$run_time_auto_ml
        parameter$auto_ml_autorized_models <- input$auto_ml_autorized_models
      # Define data train when time series option is not selected
      data_train_not_time_serie <- reactive({
        data %>% sample_frac(as.numeric(as.character(gsub("%","",input$percentage_selector)))*0.01)
      # Define a list of object related to model results (specific for H2O framework)
      table_forecast <- reactive({
        # Make sure a value is set to checkbox_time_series checkbox 
        if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
          data_train <- data.table()
          data_test <- data.table()
          data_results <- eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column,">'",test_1$date,"',][",input$time_serie_select_column,"<= '",test_2$date,"',]")))
        else if (input$checkbox_time_series == FALSE){
          data_train <- data_train_not_time_serie()
          data_test <- data %>% anti_join(data_train ,by = colnames(data))
          data_results <- data_test
        table_results <- data_results
        dl_auto_ml <- NA
        var_input_list <- c()
        for (i in 1:length(model$train_variables)){
          var_input_list <- c(var_input_list,model$train_variables[i])
        # Verify that at least one explanatory variable is selected
        if (length(var_input_list) != 0){
          if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
            data_h2o_train <- as.h2o(eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column,"<='",test_1$date,"',][",input$time_serie_select_column,">='",train_1$date,"',]"))))
            data_h2o_test <- as.h2o(eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column,">'",test_1$date,"',][",input$time_serie_select_column,"<= '",test_2$date,"',]"))))
          else if (input$checkbox_time_series == FALSE){
            data_h2o_train <- as.h2o(data_train)
            data_h2o_test <- as.h2o(data_test)
          # Calculation of naive Baye classifications and associated calculation time
          if (!is.na(v_naiveBayes$type_model) & v_naiveBayes$type_model == "ml_naiveBayes"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            fit <- h2o.naiveBayes(x = as.character(var_input_list),
                                  y = y,
                                  training_frame = data_h2o_train,
                                  laplace = parameter$laplace_param_naiveBayes,
                                  max_after_balance_size = parameter$max_after_balance_naiveBayes,
                                  min_sdev = parameter$min_sdev_naiveBayes,
                                  eps_sdev = parameter$epsilon_naiveBayes,
                                  seed = 123
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_naiveBayes <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Naive Bayes")
            table_naiveBayes <- h2o.predict(fit,data_h2o_test) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(predict) %>% rename(`Naive Bayes` = predict)
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_naiveBayes)%>% as.data.table()
          # Calculation of random forest predictions and associated calculation time
          if (!is.na(v_random$type_model) & v_random$type_model == "ml_random_forest"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            fit <- h2o.randomForest(x = as.character(var_input_list),
                                    y = y,
                                    training_frame = data_h2o_train,
                                    ntrees = parameter$num_tree_random_forest,
                                    sample_rate = parameter$subsampling_rate_random_forest,
                                    max_depth = parameter$max_depth_random_forest,
                                    nbins = parameter$n_bins_random_forest,
                                    seed = 123
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_random_forest <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Random forest")
            importance_random_forest <- h2o.varimp(fit) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(`variable`,scaled_importance) %>% mutate(model = "Random forest")
            table_random_forest<- h2o.predict(fit,data_h2o_test) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(predict) %>% rename(`Random forest` = predict)
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_random_forest)%>% as.data.table()
          # Calculation of neural network predictions and associated calculation time
          if (!is.na(v_neural$type_model) & v_neural$type_model == "ml_neural_network"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            fit <- h2o.deeplearning(x = as.character(var_input_list),
                                    y = y,
                                    training_frame = data_h2o_train,
                                    activation = parameter$activation_neural_net,
                                    loss = parameter$loss_neural_net,
                                    hidden = eval(parse(text = parameter$hidden_neural_net)) ,
                                    epochs = parameter$epochs_neural_net,
                                    rate = parameter$rate_neural_net,
                                    reproducible = T,
                                    seed = 123
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_neural_network <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Neural network")
            importance_neural_network <- h2o.varimp(fit) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(`variable`,scaled_importance) %>% mutate(model = "Neural network")
            table_neural_network <- h2o.predict(fit,data_h2o_test) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(predict) %>% rename(`Neural network` = predict)
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_neural_network)%>% as.data.table()
          # Calculation of gradient boosted trees predictions and associated calculation time
          if (!is.na(v_grad$type_model) & v_grad$type_model == "ml_gradient_boosted_trees"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            fit <- h2o.gbm(x = as.character(var_input_list),
                           y = y,
                           training_frame = data_h2o_train,
                           sample_rate = parameter$sample_rate_gbm,
                           ntrees = parameter$n_trees_gbm,
                           max_depth = parameter$max_depth_gbm,
                           learn_rate = parameter$learn_rate_gbm,
                           min_rows = 2,
                           seed = 123
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_gbm <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Gradient boosted trees")
            importance_gbm <- h2o.varimp(fit) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(`variable`,scaled_importance) %>% mutate(model = "Gradient boosted trees")
            table_gradient_boosting <- h2o.predict(fit,data_h2o_test) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(predict)  %>% rename(`Gradient boosted trees` = predict)
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_gradient_boosting)%>% as.data.table()
          # Calculation of autoML predictions (max calculation time has been set to 60 seconds)
          if (!is.na(v_auto_ml$type_model) & v_auto_ml$type_model == "ml_auto"){
            dl_auto_ml <- h2o.automl(x = as.character(var_input_list),
                                     include_algos = parameter$auto_ml_autorized_models,
                                     y = y,
                                     training_frame = data_h2o_train,
                                     max_runtime_secs = parameter$run_time_auto_ml,
                                     seed = 123
            time_auto_ml <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(parameter$run_time_auto_ml," seconds"), Model = "Auto ML")
            importance_auto_ml <- h2o.varimp(dl_auto_ml@leader) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(`variable`,scaled_importance) %>% mutate(model = "Auto ML")
            table_auto_ml<- h2o.predict(dl_auto_ml,data_h2o_test) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(predict) %>% rename(`Auto ML` = predict)
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_auto_ml)%>% as.data.table()
          # Assembly results of all models (some column might remain empty)
          if (!is.na(v_neural$type_model) & !is.na(v_grad$type_model) & !is.na(v_naiveBayes$type_model) & !is.na(v_random$type_model)){
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_naiveBayes,table_random_forest,table_neural_network,table_gradient_boosting)%>% as.data.table()
        table_training_time <- rbind(time_gbm,time_random_forest,time_naiveBayes,time_neural_network,time_auto_ml)
        table_importance <- rbind(importance_gbm,importance_random_forest,importance_neural_network,importance_auto_ml) %>% as.data.table()
        # Used a list to access to different tables from only on one reactive objet
        list(data_train = data_train, data_test = data_test, traning_time = table_training_time, table_importance = table_importance, results = table_results,auto_ml_model = dl_auto_ml)
      # Send WarningBox if Run auto ML" button is clicked and no model searching is authorized
        if (is.null(parameter$auto_ml_autorized_models)){
          sendSweetAlert(session = session, title = "Warning !",
                         text = "Please authorize at least one model family to perform auto ML",
                         type = "warning"
      # When "Run auto ML" button is clicked, send messageBox once searching time is reached
        if("Auto ML" %in% colnames(table_forecast()[['results']])){
          list <- c(HTML(paste0("<b>Selected model:</b> ",table_forecast()[['auto_ml_model']]@leader@algorithm)))
          for (i in 1:ncol(table_forecast()[['auto_ml_model']]@leader@model$model_summary)){
            list <- rbind(list,HTML(paste0("<b>",colnames(table_forecast()[['auto_ml_model']]@leader@model$model_summary[i]),":</b> ",
          # The message box indicates best model family and all associated hyper-parameter values
            session = session,
            title = "Auto ML algorithm succeed!",
            text = HTML(paste0(
            type = "success",
            html = TRUE
    # Define specific sever-side objects is Spark framework is selected
    else if(framework == "spark"){
      # Make all parameters correspond to cursors and radiobuttons choices when user click on "Run all models!" button
        train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
        test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
        test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
        model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
        v_logistic_regression$type_model <- "ml_logistic_regression"
        v_naiveBayes$type_model <- "ml_naiveBayes"
        v_random$type_model <- "ml_random_forest"
        v_decision_tree$type_model <- "ml_decision_tree"
        parameter$fit_intercept_logistic_regression <- input$fit_intercept_logistic_regression
        parameter$reg_param_logistic_regression <- input$reg_param_logistic_regression
        parameter$elastic_net_param_logistic_regression <- input$elastic_net_param_logistic_regression
        parameter$max_iter_logistic_regression <- input$max_iter_logistic_regression
        parameter$laplace_param_naiveBayes <- input$laplace_param_naiveBayes
        parameter$num_tree_random_forest <- input$num_tree_random_forest
        parameter$subsampling_rate_random_forest <- input$subsampling_rate_random_forest
        parameter$max_depth_random_forest <-  input$max_depth_random_forest
        parameter$max_depth_decision_tree <- input$max_depth_decision_tree
        parameter$max_bins_decision_tree <- input$max_bins_decision_tree
        parameter$min_instance_decision_tree <- input$min_instance_decision_tree
      # Make gradient boosting parameters correspond to cursors when user click on "Run gradient boosting model" button (and disable other models)
        train_1$date <- input$train_selector[1]
        test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
        test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
        model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
        v_logistic_regression$type_model <- "ml_logistic_regression"
        v_neural$type_model <- NA
        v_naiveBayes$type_model <- NA
        v_random$type_model <- NA
        v_decision_tree$type_model <- NA
        parameter$fit_intercept_logistic_regression <- input$fit_intercept_logistic_regression
        parameter$reg_param_logistic_regression <- input$reg_param_logistic_regression
        parameter$elastic_net_param_logistic_regression <- input$elastic_net_param_logistic_regression
        parameter$max_iter_logistic_regression <- input$max_iter_logistic_regression

      # Make decision tree parameters correspond to cursors when user click on "Run decision tree" button (and disable other models)
        test_1$date <- input$test_selector[1]
        test_2$date <- input$test_selector[2]
        model$train_variables <- input$input_variables
        parameter$max_depth_decision_tree <- input$max_depth_decision_tree
        parameter$max_bins_decision_tree <- input$max_bins_decision_tree
        parameter$min_instance_decision_tree <- input$min_instance_decision_tree
        v_decision_tree$type_model <- "ml_decision_tree"
        v_naiveBayes$type_model <- NA
        v_logistic_regression$type_model <- NA
        v_random$type_model <- NA
      # Define data train when time series option is not selected
      data_train_not_time_serie <- reactive({
        data %>% sample_frac(as.numeric(as.character(gsub("%","",input$percentage_selector)))*0.01)
      # Define a list of object related to model results (specific for Spark framework)
      table_forecast <- reactive({
        # Make sure a value is set to checkbox_time_series checkbox 
        if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
          data_train <- data.table()
          data_test <- data.table()
          data_results <- eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column,">'",test_1$date,"',][",input$time_serie_select_column,"<= '",test_2$date,"',]")))
        else if (input$checkbox_time_series == FALSE){
          data_train <- data_train_not_time_serie()
          data_test <- data %>% anti_join(data_train ,by = colnames(data))
          data_results <- data_test
        table_results <- data_results
        var_input_list <- ""
        for (i in 1:length(model$train_variables)){var_input_list <- paste0(var_input_list,"+",model$train_variables[i])}
        var_input_list <- ifelse(startsWith(var_input_list,"+"),substr(var_input_list,2,nchar(var_input_list)),var_input_list)
        # Verify that at least one explanatory variable is selected 
        if (var_input_list != "+"){  
          if (input$checkbox_time_series == TRUE){
            data_spark_train <- eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column,">='",train_1$date,"',][",input$time_serie_select_column,"<='",test_1$date,"',]")))
            data_spark_test <- eval(parse(text = paste0("data[",input$time_serie_select_column,">'",test_1$date,"',][",input$time_serie_select_column,"<= '",test_2$date,"',]")))
          else if (input$checkbox_time_series == FALSE){
            data_spark_train <- data_train
            data_spark_test <- data_test
          data_spark_train <- copy_to(sc, data_spark_train, "data_spark_train", overwrite = TRUE)
          data_spark_test <- copy_to(sc, data_spark_test, "data_spark_test", overwrite = TRUE)
          # Calculation of logistic classification and associated calculation time 
          if (!is.na(v_logistic_regression$type_model) & v_logistic_regression$type_model == "ml_logistic_regression"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            eval(parse(text = paste0("fit <- data_spark_train %>% ml_logistic_regression(", y ," ~ " ,var_input_list ,
                                     ",elastic_net_param =",parameter$elastic_net_param_logistic_regression,
                                     ",fit_intercept =",parameter$fit_intercept_logistic_regression,
                                     ",reg_param =",parameter$reg_param_logistic_regression,
                                     ",max_iter =",parameter$max_iter_logistic_regression,
                                     " )")))
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_logistic_regression <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Logistic regression") 
            table_ml_logistic_regression <- ml_predict(fit,data_spark_test)  %>% select(predicted_label) %>% rename(`Logistic regression` = predicted_label) %>% as.data.table()
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_ml_logistic_regression) %>% as.data.table()
          # Calculation of Naive Bayes classification and associated calculation time ml
          if (!is.na(v_naiveBayes$type_model) & v_naiveBayes$type_model == "ml_naiveBayes"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            eval(parse(text = paste0("fit <- data_spark_train %>% ml_naive_bayes(", y ," ~ " ,var_input_list ,
                                     ",smoothing =",parameter$laplace_param_naiveBaye,
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_naiveBayes <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Naive Bayes")
            table_ml_naiveBayes <- ml_predict(fit,data_spark_test) %>% select(predicted_label) %>% rename(`Naive Bayes` = predicted_label) %>% as.data.table()
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_ml_naiveBayes) %>% as.data.table()
          # Calculation of random forest classification and associated calculation time 
          if (!is.na(v_random$type_model) & v_random$type_model == "ml_random_forest"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            eval(parse(text = paste0("fit <- data_spark_train %>% ml_random_forest(", y ," ~ " ,var_input_list ,
                                     ",num_trees  =",parameter$num_tree_random_forest,
                                     ",subsampling_rate =",parameter$subsampling_rate_random_forest,
                                     ",max_depth  =",parameter$max_depth_random_forest,
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_random_forest <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Random forest")
            importance_random_forest <- ml_feature_importances(fit) %>% mutate(model = "Random forest")
            table_ml_random_forest <- ml_predict(fit,data_spark_test)  %>% select(predicted_label)%>% rename(`Random forest` = predicted_label) %>% as.data.table()
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_ml_random_forest) %>% as.data.table()
          # Calculation of decision trees classification and associated calculation time 
          if (!is.na(v_decision_tree$type_model) & v_decision_tree$type_model == "ml_decision_tree"){
            t1 <- Sys.time()
            eval(parse(text = paste0("fit <- data_spark_train %>% ml_decision_tree(", y ," ~ " ,var_input_list ,
                                     ",max_depth  =",parameter$max_depth_decision_tree,
                                     ",max_bins  =",parameter$max_bins_decision_tree,
                                     ",min_instances_per_node  =",parameter$min_instance_decision_tree,
            t2 <- Sys.time()
            time_decision_tree <- data.frame(`Training time` =  paste0(round(t2 - t1,1)," seconds"), Model = "Decision tree")
            importance_decision_tree <- ml_feature_importances(fit) %>% mutate(model = "Decision tree")
            table_ml_decision_tree <- ml_predict(fit,data_spark_test)  %>% select(predicted_label)%>% rename(`Decision tree` = predicted_label) %>% as.data.table()
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_ml_decision_tree) %>% as.data.table()
          # Assembly results of all models (some column might remain empty)
          if (!is.na(v_logistic_regression$type_model) & !is.na(v_naiveBayes$type_model) & !is.na(v_random$type_model) & !is.na(v_decision_tree$type_model))
            table_results <- cbind(data_results,table_ml_logistic_regression,table_ml_naiveBayes,table_ml_random_forest,table_ml_decision_tree) %>% 
        table_training_time <- rbind(time_logistic_regression,time_random_forest,time_naiveBayes,time_decision_tree)
        table_importance <- rbind(importance_random_forest,importance_decision_tree) %>% as.data.table()
        # Used a list to access to different tables from only on one reactive objet 
        list(data_train = data_train, data_test = data_test, traning_time = table_training_time, table_importance = table_importance, results = table_results)
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAUNCH APP  -----------------------------------
  # Assembly UI and SERVER sides inside shinyApp 
  app <- shiny::shinyApp(
    ui = argonDashPage(
      title = "shinyML_classification",
      author = "Jean",
      description = "Use of shinyML_classification function",
      navbar = argonNav,
      header = argonHeader,
      footer = argonFooter
    server = server
  # Allow to share the dashboard on local LAN
  if (share_app == TRUE){
    if(is.null(port)){stop("Please choose a port to share dashboard")}
    else if (nchar(port) != 4) {stop("Incorrect format of port")}
    else if (nchar(port) == 4){
      ip_adress <- gsub(".*? ([[:digit:]])", "\\1", system("ipconfig", intern=TRUE)[grep("IPv4", system("ipconfig", intern=TRUE))])[2]
      message("Forecast dashboard shared on LAN at ",ip_adress,":",port)
      runApp(app,host = "",port = port,quiet = TRUE,launch.browser = TRUE)
  else {runApp(app,quiet = TRUE,launch.browser = TRUE)}
JeanBertinR/dashR documentation built on Feb. 26, 2021, 7:23 p.m.